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-   -   Afterthought - (Winner: Baalz as R'yeh!) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=34300)

Velusion May 12th, 2007 12:39 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
This will be the second turn Vathmoth has staled. If I don't hear from him by tomorrow afternoon I'll put Mictlan on AI.

Szumo May 12th, 2007 05:34 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Sorry for putting you out of game so quickly WSzaboPeter, but i had to expand somewhere, so one of my neighbours had to go http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
See you in another game perhaps.

Eressil3 May 12th, 2007 07:56 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig

tromper said:
But I feel sort of badly for Manuk anyway, as declaring a 'Yes!' to an obviously confused player regarding normal-ish diplomacy efforts seems rather inconsiderate and reserved for 'win at all costs' sorts of players, of which there are many. It would have been very easy to ask for clarification instead of just deluding the guy, but hey, just my opinion.

It's a one sided view of things.

Why do you assume he was *obviously* confused ??!!
When I received the "NAP ?" question, I was really confused. That was the first time I saw such kind of "NAP". I was pretty sure that not putting details or breaking condition was a way to backstab me later... A NAP can't just be an indefinite NAP or it's not one.

That's true, I did not ask for further details but he did neither... You should consider that. What were his true motives ? Did you ask yourself this question ?
Now it's easy to call for treason !
I had bad intentions and I do think he had some too.

I will not defend myself anymore. I told what I had to tell and how I lived this little story.

No ! I forgot this one : I'm not either a 'win at all costs' sort of player... And I find this rather offending.

Now let's hunt some mermaid !

Szumo May 14th, 2007 01:35 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
How many turns has Mitclan missed now? Perhaps it's time to set it to AI?

Velusion May 14th, 2007 03:27 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig

Szumo said:
How many turns has Mitclan missed now? Perhaps it's time to set it to AI?

I'll do that today

Manuk May 14th, 2007 07:46 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Eresil, send more frogs. Baalz send more squid-faces.
I know you have many.

Jazzepi May 14th, 2007 09:24 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig

Manuk said:
Eresil, send more frogs. Baalz send more squid-faces.
I know you have many.


I think Manuk might be calling you guys out.


Because there's nothing like inciting your neighbors to violence when you're still trying to fend off a rush by Vanheim.

Jazzepi http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Eressil3 May 15th, 2007 06:33 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig

Manuk said:
Eresil, send more frogs. Baalz send more squid-faces.
I know you have many.

Yes that's true. I'm sorry but I don't think you'll get help since R'lyeh and Atlantis are not major threat anymore for this realm and air breather can see the growing power of Ermor, Tien Chi and Marignon.

Our reef dwellers didn't found even ONE mermaid in your first fortress [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img]
You should recruit at least one ! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Woman2.gif[/img]

Teraswaerto May 15th, 2007 07:36 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
You wound us, we only wish to live in peace, and protect everyone from the undead! We are threat to no-one, unless of course, you are an agent of darkness?

-Sethan, prophet of Morningbright

LoloMo May 15th, 2007 07:44 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
The undead wishes only to shuffle about in peace. Pray, do not include us in your sermons, lest we take your meaning seriously.

Teraswaerto May 15th, 2007 07:52 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Peaceful shuffling somewhere out of sight is tolerable, we also regard heretics and various monsters as things to protect the world against. The House of Fiery Justice accepts all guests, and our hospitality has a lasting effect on every visitor!

-Sethan, prophet of Morningbright

Sandman May 17th, 2007 05:16 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Looks like C'tis has stalled.

Velusion May 17th, 2007 05:23 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I'm not in this game anymore, so if anyone stalls twice in a row please let me know and I'll arrange for him to be put on AI or find a sub.

Teraswaerto May 18th, 2007 08:36 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Is the server down? Can't connect.

Velusion May 18th, 2007 09:36 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig

Teraswaerto said:
Is the server down? Can't connect.

I show the server as being up. Can anyone else not connect?

Teraswaerto May 18th, 2007 09:52 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Works now.

Eressil3 May 18th, 2007 10:01 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Was you stuck like me in the "Waiting for info" window ?

The "unlucky" game hosted by Gandalf was plagued by this bug. And I just experienced it two times today on the "afterthought" game.

Sandman May 18th, 2007 10:30 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I've had this problem as well. It causes pages on my browser (Firefox) to scroll jerkily, for some reason.

tromper May 18th, 2007 11:54 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I can't connect either. It crashes Dominions and locks up other windows like Firefox (in XP). Other servers/PBEMs etc. work normally.

Velusion May 18th, 2007 12:15 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I'll restart the game... see if that helps.

Velusion May 18th, 2007 04:06 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Sorry about the delay - I just now restarted the game, so people that couldn't get in should try now.

LoloMo May 20th, 2007 12:13 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
The Nation of Ermor would like to purchase 3 Dwarven Hammers and 4 Thistle Maces. Please PM your price. Thank you.

Sandman May 22nd, 2007 06:53 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
With the Eyes of God active, Bandar Log is willing to sell maps of the world to any interested party. We will accept payment in the form of 10 gems of water, earth, astral or nature. For fire, air or death gems, the price is 15. Certain items may also be acceptable as payment.

Jazzepi May 24th, 2007 12:43 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
The great nation of Argatha desires cauldrons of broth, and/or sacks of wine, we can pay in gems or gold, and have some nature gems of our own.

Contact us ASAP if you have these items for sale.


Sandman June 1st, 2007 04:48 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I've not been able to connect to this game for a day now.

Baalz June 1st, 2007 09:47 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I've had no problem connecting, and indeed can connect fine right now.

Sandman June 1st, 2007 10:28 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Hmm. I can't even get the status page.

LoloMo June 1st, 2007 10:46 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I checked just now, I don't see any problem.

Sandman June 2nd, 2007 06:59 AM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I can connect again. The status page said I missed a turn, but I don't seem to have.

Sandman June 3rd, 2007 04:56 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Bandar Log would like to offer gems for sale. For 10 gems of water, earth, astral or nature, we will give you 13 fire or death.

Kojusoki June 5th, 2007 02:34 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Arco nation offers many many gems for those who declare war to Bandas Log.

Sandman June 7th, 2007 05:40 PM

Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
From the graphs, it looks like Pythium is putting up a heck of a fight against Marignon and R'lyeh.

Tyrant June 7th, 2007 09:49 PM

Pythian farwell
We of the Pythian Republic of North Australia did indeed dine well on calimari last month and we completed our collection of bright orange tabrics with blood-red polkdots this month, but the jig is up. Though we still have a force under arms we cannot stop the twisted sorcery of the aqautic aliens from invading our dreams and slaying our leaders in their sleep, our god is slain, and our resources are exhausted.

We thank those who sent us aid, your generosity enabled our last victories and (small) treasure caravans are on the way to your capitols as we speak.

Thanks for hosting V,good luck to the enemies of my enemies,and see ya'll next game!

Sandman June 9th, 2007 11:26 AM

Re: Pythian farwell
15 minutes left for Marignon to take his turn...

Baalz June 9th, 2007 11:36 AM

Re: Pythian farwell
GG Tyrant, you certainly made me pay for your kingdom! Didn't expect an attack when you did, well executed.

Teraswaerto June 9th, 2007 04:20 PM

Re: Pythian farwell

Sandman said:
15 minutes left for Marignon to take his turn...

I made it, but it was pretty close.

Eressil3 June 13th, 2007 10:05 AM

R\'lyeh\'s blinkers !
I would be happy if R'lyeh could stop to teleport useless troops in my PD...
If you really want a war with Atlantis, please at least make a real assault which involve more troops or more valuable ones ! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Baalz June 13th, 2007 12:31 PM

Re: R\'lyeh\'s blinkers !
Well, he was lost in space and time from entering the void gate and decided to return in your territory for some reason. Your accusation has offended us however, consider this notice our NAP is not being renewed. Now that Pythium has been devoured it may be time for us to claim our destiny as absolute rulers beneath the waves.

Szumo June 20th, 2007 01:10 PM

Re: R\'lyeh\'s blinkers !
Beware the treachery of Bandar Log, who decided to launch a sneak attack on the Celestial Empire despite the NAP with 3 months notice treaty which they signed earlier.

Sandman June 20th, 2007 03:41 PM

Re: R\'lyeh\'s blinkers !
Let it be known that Tien Chi's idea of 'non-aggression' is sending an Imperial Consort with a bane venom charm into the capital of Bandar Log, diseasing many of our mages.

Eressil3 June 25th, 2007 09:05 AM

I leave all the games I\'m in...
I received a call this morning for a new job. Therefore I'll leave my country for the USA.

I need a lot of time to prepare this new life and won't be able to do my turns. I'll be back in the dom3 community when I'll got my new house and internet connection. But it won't be before august.

The situation of atlantis is not the best one but this is a good one and deserve a replacement.
I want to thank Velusion for hosting this game.

Sandman June 26th, 2007 11:36 AM

Re: I leave all the games I\'m in...
Aren't we going to wait to get a sub for Atlantis?

Baalz June 26th, 2007 12:28 PM

Re: I leave all the games I\'m in...
Ooops, I just remembered Velusion got eliminated in this game so probably isn't following the thread. I'll make a post looking for a replacement.

Velusion June 26th, 2007 02:21 PM

Re: I leave all the games I\'m in...
Just saw this via Baalz's replacement thread. I can give out Eressil3's password to a replacement if you find one. If not let me know and I'll put him on AI.

Baalz June 27th, 2007 12:46 AM

Re: I leave all the games I\'m in...
For some reason there have been a lot of requests in the last couple days for replacements, and it doesn't look like they're getting filled. I guess lets give it until the next hosting then turn Atlantis AI (unless anybody objects).

Methel June 28th, 2007 11:54 AM

Re: I leave all the games I\'m in...
Id be happy to sub for atlantis, Im sure hes in a better position than i am http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Szumo June 28th, 2007 02:52 PM

Re: I leave all the games I\'m in...
Damn, getting attacked by Bandar Log, Marignon and R'lyeh and the same time is starting to make the game challenging, putting it mildly...

Baalz June 28th, 2007 03:07 PM

Re: I leave all the games I\'m in...
Yeah, I'm guessing sending bane venom charm equipped consorts to cause unrest in ALL your neighbors might not have been the best long term plan....;)

Baalz June 28th, 2007 03:28 PM

Re: I leave all the games I\'m in...
Hmmm, Frank staled last turn, and given the state of Pangea I'm guessing there's a good chance he won't be back. Unless anybody objects (I don't think he reads the message boards), if he stales one more time I'll ask Velusion to switch Pangea AI (unless they're eliminated this turn!).

LoloMo June 28th, 2007 07:16 PM

Re: I leave all the games I\'m in...
He seems to be doing his Perpetuality turns on time. So I'm guessing he's given up his Afterthought game.

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