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llamabeast June 15th, 2007 05:21 AM

Re: MP question
Yep Ubercat, that's right. You normally expect an answer back two turns after you send your message.

No limits on diplomacy, but a general rule in dominions is that if you agree to a non-aggression pact with someone, you don't break it without the agreed warning period (people generally form, say, a 3-turn NAP which means three turns' notice must be given for the end of the NAP). In fact in general, if you agree to some well-defined thing ("I will send you a horror helm" etc), you should stick to it. It might be interesting to play a more Machiavellian game at times, but this is the convention that's grown up, and it's a nice one really.

Ubercat June 15th, 2007 06:00 AM

Re: MP question

llamabeast said:
Yep Ubercat, that's right. You normally expect an answer back two turns after you send your message.

No limits on diplomacy, but a general rule in dominions is that if you agree to a non-aggression pact with someone, you don't break it without the agreed warning period (people generally form, say, a 3-turn NAP which means three turns' notice must be given for the end of the NAP). In fact in general, if you agree to some well-defined thing ("I will send you a horror helm" etc), you should stick to it. It might be interesting to play a more Machiavellian game at times, but this is the convention that's grown up, and it's a nice one really.

Excellent. I played in Evernight (evernightgame.com) long before I bought Dom3, and the terminology is even similar. NAP3, etc. I wonder if that's parallel evolution? I haven't played enough Email or web based strategy games to know if the language is just universal. "SC" certainly seems unique to the Dominions series. I'm surprised it isn't just "tank."

Aristander June 15th, 2007 10:01 PM

Re: MP question
As the Jumbos could attest, well if any had been able to escape, there are worse things than archers in the dark jungles of the world.

Cor June 16th, 2007 02:46 PM

Re: MP question
Caelum has begun an unjust war of agression against it's peaceful Pythium neigbors.

Soon the nobels of Pythium will be wearing hats made of the feathers of slain Caelum warriors.

Ubercat June 16th, 2007 03:00 PM

Re: MP question

Cor said:
Caelum has begun an unjust war of agression against it's peaceful Pythium neigbors.

Soon the nobels of Pythium will be wearing hats made of the feathers of slain Caelum warriors.

Just how many Nobel winners does Pythium have? Illwinter is a Swedish company. Do you have some hidden ties with the Nobel committee through them? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Cor June 17th, 2007 12:08 PM

Re: MP question
Every citizen in Pythium has at least 1 Nobel Prize. And they all produce pez from their necks.

llamabeast June 19th, 2007 07:27 AM

Re: MP question
Hi guys,

I'd like to ask for a volunteer to be the 'game admin' for this game. It's not a big job at all - the admin is just the person to ask if you want to postpone a hosting because you're going away for a day, and so on. They can then do it via the website, using the admin password (which I'll give them).

I'm just asking in the interests of 'sustainable development' - so I can go on adding stuff to my server and starting new games without getting bogged down.

Zoshan June 19th, 2007 09:47 AM

Re: MP question
Why did I get a message from host that Pangaea could be cheating?

llamabeast June 19th, 2007 10:52 AM

Re: MP question
Er, don't know. Ubercat - check you've got the correct versions of the mods (download them again, perhaps).

Mod version mismatch is the most likely cause. But this message is almost always erroneous. Very few people in this community are inclined to cheat and there are a number of reasons that message might show (which I can't remember now, but there was a thread about it not that long ago).

Ubercat June 19th, 2007 02:38 PM

Re: MP question

llamabeast said:
Er, don't know. Ubercat - check you've got the correct versions of the mods (download them again, perhaps).

Mod version mismatch is the most likely cause. But this message is almost always erroneous. Very few people in this community are inclined to cheat and there are a number of reasons that message might show (which I can't remember now, but there was a thread about it not that long ago).

Seriously, WTF?? I wouldn't know how to cheat even if I was inclined to be so scummy. (I'm Pangaea btw) As for the mods, I downloaded the latest versions shortly before the game began. Have they changed since we started?

Too much gold? I'm almost broke. lmao

Aristander June 19th, 2007 08:41 PM

Re: MP question
I also received the pangaea message. As I recall the Worthy Heroes was updated on the server to 1.7A. I have not installed the 1.7a upgrade. Could that be the reason? I guess I will upgrade to 1.7A.

llamabeast June 20th, 2007 08:21 AM

Re: MP question
Ubercat - don't worry about it, it's probably just a quirk.

Aristander - I wouldn't have thought it would make any difference, but I suppose it would probably be a good idea anyway to upgrade to the new version.

StrictlyRockers June 21st, 2007 04:59 AM

Re: MP question
I got the message, too, but I didn't worry about it. I don't expect anyone would cheat here. That message does pop up, rarely.

I suspect it could possibly be related to someone doing extreme settings in their taxation rates (maybe). I'm guessing that maybe jumping to 200% in your home province could set this message off, or something along those lines.

Ubercat June 21st, 2007 09:35 AM

Re: MP question

StrictlyRockers said:
I got the message, too, but I didn't worry about it. I don't expect anyone would cheat here. That message does pop up, rarely.

I suspect it could possibly be related to someone doing extreme settings in their taxation rates (maybe). I'm guessing that maybe jumping to 200% in your home province could set this message off, or something along those lines.

Desperate as my straights currently are, I didn't set my tax to 200%. I was besieged (I think) one or two turns before the message went out, and a big queue of troops in my capital got suspended. When I broke the siege, the queue was released, but for some reason didn't appear to resume production. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif I cancelled all the production and then requeued the troops, which I suspected led to the message.

I made a small. 2 player game with myself playing both sides to test my theory, but haven't been able to exactly reproduce the situation yet.

StrictlyRockers June 23rd, 2007 08:11 PM

Re: MP question
Arcoscephale has declared war upon the Machaka spider nation. We must rid the world of this terrible infestation!

Aristander June 23rd, 2007 09:11 PM

Re: MP question
Archoscephale has launched a sneak attack while we were in the middle of negotiations.

In time he will reap the same punishment as I have delivered unto the Great Dragon Wyrm of the Eriu.

Our battles shall be glorious.

Cor June 25th, 2007 01:34 PM

Re: MP question
Caleum Is face hugging me! get it off! get it off! get it off !

I invite all nations to join me in laying a mighty smackdown on the face hugging Caleum.

StrictlyRockers June 25th, 2007 03:00 PM

Re: MP question
It seems that Eriu is in danger of staling for a second time in a few hours. There has been no message from him since he started staling, in game or on the rorums. I am pretty sure his pretender was killed by Machaka the turn before he began to stale on his turns.

So, should we start to look for a sub for Eriu if he stales again this turn?

Aristander June 25th, 2007 05:48 PM

Re: MP question
I agree with StrictlyRockers, Eriu is in an important position right now. I banished his pretender and smashed his main army but, he still has fortifications and territories.

Eriu is in a position to make a comeback if played correctly.

Eriu can have a large effect on the Arco-Machaka war. It would be a shame to let his nation go stale.

llamabeast June 25th, 2007 06:13 PM

Re: MP question
Okay, if he stales again I'll PM Yucky, and then if there's no response I'll look for a sub. I'll takes turns for him if necessary in the meantime.

Yucky June 25th, 2007 09:29 PM

Re: MP question
Hopefully I got my turn in quick enough to not stale a second time. Sorry guys, I'm in the middle of a move to Florida.

llamabeast June 26th, 2007 06:00 AM

Re: MP question
Great, thanks Yucky. Good luck with the move.

Cor June 26th, 2007 04:23 PM

Re: MP question
I am out, went AI last turn. Caleum bested me.

llamabeast June 27th, 2007 04:58 PM

Re: MP question
If any of you guys fancy another game, SmokyBat is now waiting for players. Planning to use the Cradle of Dominion map, which is a lovely map IMHO. 12-14 players hopefully.

lch June 28th, 2007 06:08 PM

Re: MP question

Ubercat said:
Desperate as my straights currently are, I didn't set my tax to 200%. I was besieged (I think) one or two turns before the message went out, and a big queue of troops in my capital got suspended. When I broke the siege, the queue was released, but for some reason didn't appear to resume production. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif I cancelled all the production and then requeued the troops, which I suspected led to the message.

Removing units from the recruitment queue has been reported to trigger this message in the past, yes.

Ubercat June 28th, 2007 07:14 PM

Re: MP question

lch said:

Ubercat said:
Desperate as my straights currently are, I didn't set my tax to 200%. I was besieged (I think) one or two turns before the message went out, and a big queue of troops in my capital got suspended. When I broke the siege, the queue was released, but for some reason didn't appear to resume production. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif I cancelled all the production and then requeued the troops, which I suspected led to the message.

Removing units from the recruitment queue has been reported to trigger this message in the past, yes.

Glad to hear that I'm barking up the right tree, though I've been too busy to continue my attempts to isolate the bug in a save game.

StrictlyRockers June 29th, 2007 03:45 PM

Re: MP question
Is the server updating currently?
"Game: Capybara
Turn number 30
Next turn due: 03:15 GMT on Saturday June 30th

Caelum 2h file received
Machaka 2h file received
Eriu 2h file received
C'tis 2h file received
Arcoscephale Waiting for 2h file
Ermor 2h file received
Pangaea 2h file received

Last updated at 17:05 GMT on Friday June 29th.
Current time: 18:44 GMT

My turn is submitted.


llamabeast June 30th, 2007 05:14 AM

Re: MP question
Strange. It looks like it recovered. To be honest I didn't know it could recover of its own accord, but there we go!

Aristander July 2nd, 2007 10:50 PM

Re: MP question
1 Attachment(s)
I am out. Beware the Jumbo Hordes of Arco!

StrictlyRockers July 6th, 2007 04:57 AM

Re: MP question
Machaka fought for a while, but the spiders have been exterminated from the world?

You were forwarned...who will be the next to fall beneath the trampling feet of my elephants? Run you elves, run! Giant beasts are coming to trample you!!

Ubercat July 6th, 2007 10:57 PM

Re: Capybara - restarted
Ok. I've uploaded my Capybara turn twice now, today. I've recieved no confirmation Email and my turn isn't showing up as submitted on the server.

edit: Third time was the charm. My turn finally registered.

llamabeast July 7th, 2007 05:02 AM

Re: Capybara - restarted
Hmm, thanks for resending Ubercat. This seems to happen occasionally and I'm not sure what to do about it. The e-mail never arrives at my end, so it's not like I can really write any code for it. Still, it's very helpful to let me know - if it keeps on happening I will let my email provider know. It's the server in my brother's company in fact, so if I'm losing e-mail he might be losing business e-mail, which would be Bad.

llamabeast July 9th, 2007 02:06 PM

Re: Capybara - restarted
Hi guys,

I wonder again if I can ask if someone would mind admin-ing this game? Not that that involves much at all (I haven't touched it for weeks). But I'm going away for a week and a half on Wednesday, and if someone wants a turn postponed or something I won't be around to do it, so it would be good if there was someone else to sort these things out. Also I like to feel that I don't have to watch all the games too closely (although I tend to anyway http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif ), so that it does get out of control as I start more games.

I'll give whoever volunteers the admin password and then you can do things via the website - it's very easy I think.

StrictlyRockers July 10th, 2007 01:52 AM

Re: Capybara - restarted
I need to ask for a pause on the game. I will be away on vacation from the 12th through the 16th of July. I will not have access to a computer durring this period.

Thank you,

llamabeast July 10th, 2007 05:08 AM

Re: Capybara - restarted
Hmm. If only there were some kind of game admin to take your request...

(I will pause hosting when I leave tomorrow until the 16th if we don't get a volunteer by then, but it's not ideal I think)

Ubercat July 10th, 2007 11:36 AM

Re: Capybara - restarted

llamabeast said:
Hmm. If only there were some kind of game admin to take your request...

(I will pause hosting when I leave tomorrow until the 16th if we don't get a volunteer by then, but it's not ideal I think)

I can admin this one, llamabeast.


llamabeast July 10th, 2007 11:54 AM

Re: Capybara - restarted
Thanks Ubercat! You're a game-admining legend. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I'll PM you the password.

Ubercat July 10th, 2007 12:32 PM

Re: Capybara - restarted

StrictlyRockers said:
I need to ask for a pause on the game. I will be away on vacation from the 12th through the 16th of July. I will not have access to a computer durring this period.

Thank you,

I'll delay the hosting, probably tommorrow. If anything changes, send me a PM.

StrictlyRockers July 12th, 2007 04:27 AM

Re: Capybara - restarted
Thank you for volunteering to be the game moderator. Please pause this one for five days until i get back on tuesday.

Arcoscephale currently controls about 2/3 of the map and will assault three fortresses this turn. Pangaea and Eridu are both mostly dead with only a couple of provinces.

StrictlyRockers July 17th, 2007 08:22 AM

Re: Capybara - restarted
I am back from vacation.

I had a great time!!!

Izzyz July 18th, 2007 04:09 AM

Re: Capybara - restarted
I have emailed in my turn several times, but llama's email catcher doesn't seem to be snagging it.

StrictlyRockers July 18th, 2007 03:23 PM

Re: Capybara - restarted
New turn is out.

llamabeast July 20th, 2007 06:42 AM

Re: Capybara - restarted
I'm back! Oh dear Izzyz - did it work in the end?

Izzyz July 20th, 2007 06:56 PM

Re: Capybara - restarted
Nah. I staled despite multiple emails. But the next turn was accepted ok.

llamabeast July 20th, 2007 07:05 PM

Re: Capybara - restarted
Oh, that's really bad. Sorry.

Izzyz July 30th, 2007 06:24 PM

Re: Capybara - restarted
What do the rest of you think about moving to 48 hr. quickhost? I know I've got two turns in under the wire, and I can't really afford any more mistakes. I believe there are only four of us left.

Digress July 31st, 2007 07:27 AM

Moving to 48 hr Quickhost
I would be happy to do so. I think all of us have come close to staling or staled in the last little while.

I think it would be good to give ourselves a bit of breathing room in which to get our turns in.

Izzyz August 1st, 2007 04:19 PM

Re: Moving to 48 hr Quickhost
How about it, llama? Can we move to 48 hour QH?

llamabeast August 1st, 2007 05:45 PM

Re: Moving to 48 hr Quickhost
Yeah, sure - done it. I wasn't really following this thread since I had it in mind that someone was admining it for me - Ubercat in fact, reading back a bit. Thanks Ubercat - seems you've been doing a great job even once eliminated from the game.

Would one of the players still in the game like to take over admining now?

llamabeast August 1st, 2007 05:46 PM

Re: Moving to 48 hr Quickhost
PS The current hosting's been delayed by 24 hours too.

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