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Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
New version 0.5 is up.
It has all kinds of fruity goodness. Queek, new pretender, warplightning, doomwheel, fixes, balancing,... You get the idea, now go get the mod :] |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Thanks so very much! This is my favorite mod nation (well, the first I've been able to go with beyond 20 turns or so)
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
I dont see the download spot for the newest version. am i blind??
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Blind? No.
Short sighted? Yes. It's attached to the top of the first post, next to the title and whatnot. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
I was going over the new stuff and thought Death Frenzy might be better as a Thaummaturgy spell instead. All of the similar mind-influencing spells are there such as Growing Fury, Bererkers, etc. Enchantment seems to be good for more physical army buffs.
I've been having issues with some of the new spells, too. Might it be because I started a game with the old mod version? Here are my bugs so far: [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]Doomwheel costs no gems [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]Mass Warp Lightning Thrower Production has a truncated name and doesn't appear on my unit's castable spells even though I have Con 6 and at least the 1F2E to cast it. These might not be related, who knows. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
1 Attachment(s)
I considered Death Frenzy for Thaum, but I think it makes as much sense in enchantment.
As for the doomwheel and the lightning thrower,.. Well try out the attached .dm instead. v0.55 |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
1 Attachment(s)
Just attaching a new preview image.
Next version should be ready soon. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
"Chieftan" should be "Chieftain".
I'm trying to hunt down a spelling error I saw in a test game, some word with jumbled letters in a description of some unit, I think female, for a nation, but I haven't found it yet. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Yeah, someone told me that before, but I was working from an old army list that spelled it "Chieftan" so I assumed that's the way the Games Workshop wanted it.
In the new edition it's "Chieftain" though, so consider it changed for 0.7 -shrug- |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Sombre, you're a rare specimen of frenzied modder lich (you NEVER sleep).Your mods are all very good, AND they are regularly updated.When will you stop ? When will I sleep ?
I would like to conclude with a hard critic on your work, but I can't find anything... Ah, I know, your sprites aren't in 3D. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Funny, it was working for me. Maybe I changed it since then though. I'll take a look later.
Be aware it's shortish range. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Yea it worked fine right after i made that post.. So no idea what i was doing.. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
A question.
Was it done on purpose or an oversight. Council Guards with only one map move. Its no more heavily armored than StormVermin and the descrip even says they have similar training as a SV.. As is i dont recruit em since they'll slow down any army and cost twice as much as a StormVermin |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
The reasoning is that they don't like travelling away from Skavenblight and they don't trust any non council skaven.
It seems they aren't a very popular unit, though in the current version they do have exceptional morale, considering they're Skaven. They may well be improved in a later update (There are several still to come as I have to do all the Skaven heroes, add a pox cauldron and give the screaming bell and doomwhell proper graphics). |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Ah Now about Rat Ogres Rat Ogres. According to there Descrip they are expensive to upkeep and i dont em very usefull esp if they cost alot. The 30hp isnt enough to keep em alive for long with only 7 protection and 10 DS and only 2 fitting in a square . They cant repell stuff. Only time they do any damage for me is when they get the first attack in on lightly armored chaff after that they usually go down pretty fast . Things like knights and such dont even notice they are there . Donno if you agree with meh on that. But maybe up their Berserk? Maybe switch out bite for an Armor Piercing Tail attack so if they manage to hit an armored unit they'll likely kill it and maybe up the As/Ds some? As is instead of wasting gold on units that get me Rat Ogres its just better to get more StormVermin |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
This stragedy can also be complimented by Death Mages casting Frighten/Fear. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Rat ogres are pretty good I feel - they totally mince up medium/light troops, they can handle high def troops such as cavalry (not knights) better than most skaven and they are quite unlikely to rout. They are best used as either hold and attack shock troops or as flankers.
If you go blood with skaven you can also summon them in quite some numbers - far more effective than going for the one from a master moulder each turn (those are just for shoring up armies, not really for mass production). Bear in mind that they are stealthy (like the rest of your armies) which is rare in such powerful units and they also have a fun graphic ;] |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
And yes the graphic is fun :p |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
I will second the comments of many of the above - this is a particularly fine mod. I don't play SP much at all (no time) - but I remember Warhammer with fondness and couldn't resist this one.
Just a little of the way through a game and have an observation regarding the giant rats - their MR seems high at 10 and it seems strange they lack wasteland survival to go along with mountain survival - if something is going to survive in the wastes you would have to put some money on a rat. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Good point about the giant rat MR, I'll knock that down to 4 or 5, since they're animals.
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
> if something is going to survive in the wastes you would have to put some money on a rat.
Not sure about that. Rats live in cities and sewers. Close to humanity. Human waste perhaps, but not wasteland. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Where an normal soldier would not find the supplies required to carry on soldiering perhaps a giant mutant rat might have a bit more luck.
At the very least they are likely to be whole lot less fussy than a human on what constitutes adequate food and shelter. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Here's a multipurpose post:
1) A shameless bumb of an awesome mod that seems to have gotten lost in the clutter here - too many people with mods, maps and questions, I guess, not that that's a bad thing. 2) A desperate request for an update! We don't have a horned rat pretender yet! 3) A chance to add my puny and insignificant voice to the chorus of praise. I really like this mod. I'm not a huge skaven fan, but you'ved done a great job coming up with a mod that's really, really fun to play. The selection of commanders is great, most of the units have a purpose, and the national spells are awesome. I love the friendly-fire, although I haven't actually had huge moale problems, I certainly see how they could be a major issue. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Pro Tip: Mod List stickied!
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
I'll update Skaven soonish.
Still have quite a few things to do for them. 6 more heroes. A few more pretender choices. Summonable Verminlord commander. Summonable Plague Pontifex + Cauldron. Few more spells. Doomwheel and screaming bell graphics. Balancing. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Great, sounds like fun. Good to know you haven't given up on the rat peoples.
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Hi !
I don't know why, but the mod crashed my game when I tried to host the first turn. I have diseable all mods, the game in 1.08, but it's the mac OS version... is it a known bug ? |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
No, I haven't heard of that happening before. Can you give more details of the crash?
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Hum, it's well now, I don't know why.
If I can re crash, I'll send the savegame. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
I am using Mac OS X also and the mod crashes Dominions as soon as I try to pick a nation from the middle ages in the Create a Game menus.
Has anyone gotten this mod working with OS X? |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
I know nothing about Macs, but I was under the impression mods worked on them provided they work under windows.
Make sure you're only running this mod (no others enabled) and that you installed it correctly, with the .dm in the mods subfolder of dom3 and all other files in mods/skaven. Let me know if you get it working. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
cant wait for the next update i cant wait to see the Summonable Plague Pontifex + Cauldron......
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
I love the nation mod so far. Its feel is very much the way the army books for warhammer fantasy portray the Skaven. Swarms and swarms of rats that can run if things get a bit tough :-)
I cant wait for the Horned Rat pretender, the new heroes and the additional national summons. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
It should work fine on your mac i have a mac and it works fine
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
1 Attachment(s)
I've been working on this mod today. I will release an update tonight or tomorrow which will hopefully give the Skaven all 6 of their heroes.
Warlord Queek - Already in the mod. Deathmaster Sniktch - Already in. Throt the Unclean - Three armed thug and BE caster who can summon up rat ogres and rats. Chief Warlock Ikit Claw - Ubercaster warlock with F3 E3 D2 S2 N2 and a 25% forge bonus. He's the prize hero, obviously. Plague Lord Skrolk - Strong terror causing thug and D3 B2 H3 caster. Grey Seer Thanquol - Comes with augmented three armed Rat Ogre bodyguard. S4 D3 H3 caster with strong fortune teller ability. As for the Horned Rat pretender,.... I'm thinking 2 forms. Harbinger of Disease and Horned Rat. Horned Rat is an immobile symbol dealie, harbinger of disease is stealthy and causes,.. you know,.. disease. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Nonot finisheded yet ?
Whipip him haarder, 'nd giive him MORE warpstone! |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
1 Attachment(s)
I got distracted by actually playing Skaven in Dom3 and I haven't done as much as I was expecting to. I did do some balancing though.
Release by the weekend anyway. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
I will pray to the Horned Rat that this comes out before the end of the weekend :-)
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Unfortunately there's no chance of that happening.
I've decided to take a break from modding new content to concentrate on playtesting and balance for a while. When the new patch comes out, several mods might need updates anyway. So don't hold your breath waiting for content updates to this or to Empire. It'll be a while. Sorry. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
This WILL be updated tomorrow. It WILL include at least:
6 Heroes - Warlord Queek, Plague Lord Skrolk, Grey Seer Thanquol, Boneripper the Rat Ogre Bodyguard, Deathmaster Snikch, Chief Warlord Ikit Claw. Major changes to Plague Censers (they rock now, especially with N9 bless) and globadiers. Minor changes to many other units, including Warplightning Throwers that aren't parried by shields. Many other tweaks and balance changes etc It MIGHT include 7th hero, Master Moulder Throt the Unclean. New Pretender - Bell of the Horned Rat. New summon - Verminlord, Daemon of the Horned Rat. Some of the graphics might not be 100% finished and chances are I still won't have gotten round to finishing the doomwheel or screaming bell graphics, but nevermind the placeholders look ok. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Awsome....this mod is so fun to play. With all of the additional heroes I cant wait for the update.
I hope the verminlord summon is included. It was such a powerful and useful addition in the tabletop game that kept the furry ones from running so easily :-) Again hats off to a great mod that totally captures the feel of the Skaven!! |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Ugh,... I /really/ wanted to get these buggers released today. But I do have a good excuse - I unexpectedly had to go to the hospital today and have to go in for an upper endoscopy tomorrow.
4 of the 6 heroes are 100% finished, the remaining two need a bit more work. WILL be out very soon, believe me :] It's great fun getting thanquol and sending out boneripper chewing people up - you can use him as a bodyguard too, but I've found he's more useful as a recurring charger. He has a form of limited immortality - as long as thanquol is alive he can always summon him back up using summon allies. |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
Wouldn't it be more thematic for boneripper to be unique non-commander (assuming that can be modded), so he would indeed be only used as (Thanquol's) bodyguard?
Unique so there can be only one, would propably need recuperation to avoid collecting afflictions (though i think recuperation for all Rat Ogres might be thematic too). What kind of paths will Vermin Lord have? (assuming it will be non-unique high level summon, right?) |
Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.
He is unique and is a non-commander. That's basically what I was just talking about. If you try to summon allies more than one, the one you have vanishes and reappears where thanquol is. You don't /have/ to use him with thanquol, he can go off with another commander, or be GOR'd or something, but I like to use them together.
Vermin Lords will probably be death, astral, earth. They will obviously have pretty amazing stats, being one of the most powerful things in warhammer. I haven't really started work on them yet. |
Skaven updated to 0.7
1 Attachment(s)
The update is here. I didn't finish the boneripper graphic, so he looks a bit crummy, but you get the idea. Go download it in the first post of the thread, as usual.
I will upload a pic here to link to in the first post, providing a preview of all the graphics. Note the new heroes. |
Re: Skaven updated to 0.7
Awesome, Sombre! Perhaps soon we will have enough nations for a 2-on-2 Warhammer mod game. Perhaps Sylvania and Teutanian would be good opponents for the rats and ogres.
Re: Skaven updated to 0.7
Excellent update Sombre! I was lucky to get Thanqual early in a large SP game (400+ provinces) and he is proving to be as deadly and hard to kill for the opponents as I would expect him to be. Having Boneripper close by doesnt hurt either :-) I also got Plague Lord Skrolk but havent done much with him atm. Wanted to get more construction research done first so he has a few items to beef him up.
I found what I assume is a bug. When I get special characters their actual names arent what they should be. For example, Thanqual in my game is actually called Raddit. I decided to play the Skaven with a N9 bless and its working good except for the occasional Gray Seer who gets angry and runs in to hit folks with his staff and quickly dies in the ensuing melee :-) |
Re: Skaven updated to 0.7
Excellent update !
But I'm still novice with Skaven. What sort of Dominion / Bless do you suggest ? |
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