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IndyPendant July 1st, 2007 11:27 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Heh. Must...resist...temptation...to send...multiple messages...to Pythium...: )

parcelt July 3rd, 2007 05:38 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
I sent in my turn 3, but wanted to let you guys know that I wont be able to get any new turns done until thursday morning, because of the 4th of july. apologize for any delays.

llamabeast July 3rd, 2007 05:44 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
I'll postpone the timer for you parcelt, if you're in any danger of staling.

Which reminds me of something I meant to ask before - I'd really like it if someone could volunteer to 'admin' this game. What that means is just that you'd handle situations like this - when someone posted to ask for a delay on the forum, you'd postpone the turn (a 10 second job). And later on in the game if the consensus is to extend to 48 hour turns, you'd do that. It's a really tiny job, but because there's 8 games running on the server now and more soon to be on the way, if I keep trying to run all of them I will quickly go mad.

The admin can all be done by the 'admin options' link on the game page on the website - I'd give whoever volunteers the password. It would be very much appreciated.

Ubercat July 3rd, 2007 06:16 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
I'd be happy to take a crack at Adminning the game for you. I certainly check the forum enough that I'm not likely to miss anything.

If it frees you up to start more games then I'd be doubly happy to try!

Ever consider a middle era game on the big "glory of the gods" map with all 22 factions? THAT would be a long term game! (with plenty of room for growth) A good victory condition might be to take 1/3 of the provinces.


llamabeast July 3rd, 2007 06:23 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Brilliant, thanks Ubercat! I'll PM you the password. Take a look at the admin options - I think they're pretty self-explanatory really. As your first mission - could you make sure parcelt doesn't stale the next turn by postponing the hosting a bit (I haven't thought through how much'll be necessary).

Actually the "Armadillo" game is pretty much like what you suggest, except that it was only the smaller Glory of the Gods. I may try hosting a huge game some time, although I fear it might just be too big to finish! (even one third of the provinces is 140 or something, which is a lot)

I think I will be starting a new EA "newish" game in the not-too-distant future, and maybe another everyone-can-play game as well.

Warhammer July 3rd, 2007 10:50 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Uh, speaking of victory conditions, what do we need to do to win this game?

Chicanist July 7th, 2007 05:30 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
what were random events set to for this game? I think I've only seen one so far which seems unusually low to me...

llamabeast July 7th, 2007 05:32 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Warhammer - we didn't set any specific victory conditions, so you win when everyone else surrenders to you. It generally suddenly becomes fairly clear at the end of the game in my experience, that one player is unstoppable.

Chicanist - they're set to standard. Maybe you've just been unlucky/lucky.

sum1lost July 7th, 2007 01:10 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Anyone encountered any nations? Right now, I have a vague idea of where one person might be, because my dominion isn't expanding in that direction as rapidly as it is in others, but I haven't actually seen anyone.

Sleet July 7th, 2007 01:56 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
A few neighbors... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ubercat July 7th, 2007 02:32 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open

sum1won said:
Anyone encountered any nations? Right now, I have a vague idea of where one person might be, because my dominion isn't expanding in that direction as rapidly as it is in others, but I haven't actually seen anyone.

Lucky you. Some of us got jammed up close together.

sum1lost July 7th, 2007 04:22 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Eh. Apart from a handful of territories, I'm basically surrounded by wasteland. I might wind up holding a ridiculous amount of land soon, but almost all of it will be effectively useless in terms of money.

Salamander8 July 7th, 2007 08:13 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
It's been quiet by me too, at least so far anyway.

sum1lost July 8th, 2007 11:17 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Let it be known to the nations of the world that pythium is paving the emerald palace with pearls. Therefore, the nation of pythium is willing to purchase pearls for 10 gold each. Payment will be made within two turns of notification, either by receiving pearls or through a pm.

Warhammer July 9th, 2007 11:51 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
I see dead people...

Seriously, I have seen one nation so far, but expect to see another shortly.

llamabeast July 9th, 2007 01:54 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
What's all this "I see dead people" stuff? Is it from a film or something?

AreWeInsaneYet July 9th, 2007 02:10 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
it's from The Sixth Sense, a film released @ 1999

IndyPendant July 9th, 2007 04:05 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
I see Caelum, and there's someone south and north of me that I have not yet identified based on Dominion. So I'm surrounded in all directions (joy).

Warhammer July 10th, 2007 05:27 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
I am going to either need a sub for one turn this weekend or ask for a deadline extension this weekend. My wife and I are headed out of town, most likely, Friday and will return Sunday. I will be able to get my turn in Friday, but will be unable to get a turn in Saturday and will likely not be back Sunday until 4-5PM CDT.

Ubercat July 10th, 2007 08:34 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open

Warhammer said:
I am going to either need a sub for one turn this weekend or ask for a deadline extension this weekend. My wife and I are headed out of town, most likely, Friday and will return Sunday. I will be able to get my turn in Friday, but will be unable to get a turn in Saturday and will likely not be back Sunday until 4-5PM CDT.

If you can't find a sub then I'll delay the game. If you remember, it wouldn't hurt to remind me in two days, either in this thread or through a PM.


IndyPendant July 10th, 2007 08:59 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open

sum1won said:
Let it be known to the nations of the world that pythium is paving the emerald palace with pearls. Therefore, the nation of pythium is willing to purchase pearls for 10 gold each. Payment will be made within two turns of notification, either by receiving pearls or through a pm.

Hmm...you know, it occurs to me to question the value of this offer, since 2 Astral Pearls are worth 15gp for any nation, through alchemy. Tien-Chi generates Pearls from home, but I'll need greater incentive than +2.5gp per Pearl to trade them off...; )

AreWeInsaneYet July 11th, 2007 12:23 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
I'll buy them at the price of 25/per, but only if I had the money...in the future =/

sum1lost July 11th, 2007 12:48 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open

IndyPendant said:

sum1won said:
Let it be known to the nations of the world that pythium is paving the emerald palace with pearls. Therefore, the nation of pythium is willing to purchase pearls for 10 gold each. Payment will be made within two turns of notification, either by receiving pearls or through a pm.

Hmm...you know, it occurs to me to question the value of this offer, since 2 Astral Pearls are worth 15gp for any nation, through alchemy. Tien-Chi generates Pearls from home, but I'll need greater incentive than +2.5gp per Pearl to trade them off...; )

Did I mention that the price is negotiable?

The price is negotiable.

PM me to negotiate.

AreWeInsaneYet July 12th, 2007 10:43 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
To Jotunheim:

I want to "remind" you that it's me who offered a NAP at the first place as soon as we met each other; and it's you that agreed to my NAP. Now you are saying that you have "sent me messenger and waited monthes", and you've start a war without the notification we both agreed with.

You can check it by download your turn file again. I say it would be turn 8 or 9.

Now Explain yourself, or you'll be marked as the worst betrayer in the world.

Salamander8 July 12th, 2007 02:19 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
I see Jotunheim and Arcoscephale on my borders now. To both of you and anyone else that wishes to enter into a diplomatic rapport with Agartha, please feel free to contact me via PM here, ingame message, or even E-Mail (Salamander8[at]Gmail[dot]com).

sum1lost July 12th, 2007 03:07 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Wow. Somebody near me has death2/misfotune, with no order.

Sleet July 12th, 2007 03:59 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
So before you we clear things I am the "unworthy untrustworthy pretender". Ahh ok. Guess I am being marked as that already.

Will send you a PM. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

AreWeInsaneYet July 12th, 2007 11:01 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
jotun giants sent arco a message stating his apologies, saying this is an accident due to a misunderstanding.
as a reasonable nation, arco accept this apologies, and are willing to continue the non aggressive pact with jotun. however, giants, don't let that happen again, ever.

sum1lost July 13th, 2007 01:33 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Offer bumped to 15 golds per pearl sent to pythium. The price won't rise any higher for a while, though- the price is simply prohibitive at this stage of the game.

parcelt July 14th, 2007 12:47 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Hi everybody - and especially to the admin. I have a bit of a problem in that I am travelling in Europe for a few days. I thought I'd be fine by taking my Dom3 copy and the 3.08 patch, and do my turns from on the road.... of course i forgot to bring the manual or write down my CD-key... (why didn't they put it on the disk itself instead of the manual?)

Anyways, as a result i won't be able to get in another turn until next tuesday morning (eastern time). So to the admin, I guess the best solution is to just have me (C'tis) pass on turns 15 and 16, and I'll try an pick up the pieces again at turn 17. Apologies to everybody.

Ubercat July 14th, 2007 02:07 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open

parcelt said:
Hi everybody - and especially to the admin. I have a bit of a problem in that I am travelling in Europe for a few days. I thought I'd be fine by taking my Dom3 copy and the 3.08 patch, and do my turns from on the road.... of course i forgot to bring the manual or write down my CD-key... (why didn't they put it on the disk itself instead of the manual?)

Anyways, as a result i won't be able to get in another turn until next tuesday morning (eastern time). So to the admin, I guess the best solution is to just have me (C'tis) pass on turns 15 and 16, and I'll try an pick up the pieces again at turn 17. Apologies to everybody.

I'll delay the game unless there's a big hue and cry against it.


Chicanist July 14th, 2007 04:51 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
i'm ok w/delaying it

Valerius July 14th, 2007 09:49 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
I'm also ok with delaying it.

Salamander8 July 15th, 2007 12:52 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Fine by me as well.

Sleet July 15th, 2007 12:56 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
No problems for me. Have fun. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Burnsaber July 15th, 2007 11:10 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Delay away, we have the rest of our lives to finish this game.

Ubercat July 15th, 2007 11:37 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
The game has been delayed.

Warhammer July 16th, 2007 07:02 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Hmmmm... Who are all these people revelling in the south? They seem to be led by this dang Goat-man playing some pipes.

Ubercat July 16th, 2007 10:03 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open

Warhammer said:
Hmmmm... Who are all these people revelling in the south? They seem to be led by this dang Goat-man playing some pipes.

Wouldn't you like to knoooowwwwww... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

parcelt July 17th, 2007 11:07 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
Hi everybody - thanks for delaying the game, its very much appreciated. I am back now and just put in my turns. I myself can hardly wait until the next turn comes back, so again its much appreciated. I also saved my CD key in a draft mail in my gmail account, so from now on I will be able to access it anywhere. This is one rookie mistake I won't make again (if only I could say the same for all those other mistakes I am making in the game:)

AreWeInsaneYet July 17th, 2007 11:37 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
to the lord of c'tis,
strictly speaking you've already breached the non aggressive pact between us you signed right away. You demanded the control over #49, which I took before we met, and then attacked #49 when it's clear that we need to withdraw our southern expanding force via it even if we decided to hand it to you. and the attack on #49 is timed on the turn after you sent your messenger, you don't even give us a chance to send you our response.
This is definitely not a good way to get things done. As I said above, we've conquered #49 before we met, and I failed to see any reason for your "#49 rightfully belongs to c'tis" claiming, the Arco is here to ask you to remove your forces from #49. You may took #39 the turn after, as I agree to that, but your presence in #49 is clearly a violation of the NAP between us, considering you ATTACKED a province UNDER MY CONTROL without my agreement.

Sleet July 17th, 2007 12:29 PM

Chinchilla - Delay game?
I will be out of town with no email/internet access Friday-Sunday (July20-July22).
If alright with all to delay during that time? If not, have fun. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

AreWeInsaneYet July 17th, 2007 12:33 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
no problem for me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

parcelt July 17th, 2007 02:46 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
To Arco: we have not agreed on any NAP yet. While I greeted you with friendly words upon encountering you on the map, no explicit NAP terms were proposed. Also, in your reply to our first friendly message, you discussed no NAP but instead you insisted on keeping an essential province close to our capital.

With respect to our attack on province 49, I only learned of the geograhic situation you are referring to (the mountain ridge to the east that would indeed require you to withdraw your troops via province 49) from a scout this this very turn. I was assuming you would continue your advance into the indy provinces to the east and would have the possibility to circle back north from there. We do apologize for this unfortunate and bloody encounter, but I assure you it was not intentional.

Anyways, now that it is clear to all that C'tis honor is still intact as no NAP was broken, I suggest we further discuss the future relations between our nations among ourselves.

Ubercat July 17th, 2007 06:57 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?

Sleet said:
I will be out of town with no email/internet access Friday-Sunday (July20-July22).
If alright with all to delay during that time? If not, have fun. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I'll likely remember to delay the game when the time comes but it won't hurt to send me a reminder PM before you go away.


Sleet July 17th, 2007 08:23 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
Thanks Ubercat. - will do! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Burnsaber July 18th, 2007 08:39 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
[nothing to see here, move along.]

AreWeInsaneYet July 19th, 2007 03:01 AM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
This is just so bad, our lizard friend. We killed indies on those provinces, and you insist your ownership over them without even giving us a compensation that I offered to you saying if you could let me have MY province. We tried to be friendly at our best: Offer you ANOTHER province we conquered plus 6 years tax from MY province for, well, MY province, and now you are claiming that you shall have THIS our province and THAT our province while I will get nothing from you except your "reasonable" word and your continuous attack on our provinces.
No pact? As you wish. Let it be, lizards. I had some good fried lizards as my lunch in the other game last turn, and I must admit that the taste is rather exotic. I won't mind for another try.

.............and I guess it would be a good time to teach you that Dominions is after all a diplomatic game. One day messengers of Arco and others will be busy running across the land of ex-ctis to deliver valuable goodwill and negotiations, but too bad, you won't be alive to see that day.
Although I might recall these good days we had together, when I and probably my friend pisses on your tomb. Oh my, your foul bones deserve that.

sum1lost July 19th, 2007 12:14 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
To the nation of C'tis: In light of your recent military and political scandals, the nation of pythium finds it necessary to demand these concessions in order to secure the safety of its borders:

Concession the first:

That you hereby cede these lands unto the administration of pythium to act as a buffer to pythium's heart:

Kisrik Highlands(5)
Dry Bottom (21)
Akhatala Wastes (39)

Concession the Second:
Furthermore, as a further demonstration of goodwill, you will donate either 25 astral gems or 500 gold into pythium coffers to cover pythium expenses of preparing its buffer zones against possible aggresion.

Failure to comply will result in you facing a two front war against two different nations, which together are capable of removing you from the map entirely with the slightest amount of effort, as we seek to ensure that our borders are populated by those we trust to be good neighbors.

parcelt July 19th, 2007 02:10 PM

Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
Well well, I was just wondering what was taking you so long, Pythium.

Let's first make something very clear: if you wish to backstab and blackmail the honorable nation of C'tis, and align yourself with the scum of Arco, then that is one thing. But do not do it under the pretense of ensuring safety for yourself. C'tis has not been involved in any political or military schandal; these exist only in the minds of Arco. And your borders are perfectly safe I would say, with a nice castle and 200+ troops only 2 provinces away from my capital.

So, now we have established the true situation, of which you decided to take advantage and blackmail us. Fair enough. We will contact you privately with a counter-offer. Also, we ask that you specify exactly how you will guarantee the safety of our borders once we have reached an agreement.

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