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llamabeast July 10th, 2007 02:49 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Apologies to anyone who's 2h file got rejected in the last hour or so. I was tinkering, and made a mistake (deleted SmokyBat from its list of known games, somehow). Anyway, it's fixed now, and I'll resend your turns.

llamabeast July 10th, 2007 02:59 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Okay, Schaedelbaron's the only player I found a rejected 2h for - I've resubmitted his turn. If I missed anyone, please resend your turns.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 10th, 2007 03:48 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
I think I emailed out a turn. I won't be able to resubmit it until 11 or so, though. Though sometimes I've botched the sending of the turns, myself, by forgeting attachments or not clicking send.. Anyways, it looks like I've got more than enough time to send it in again.

Remmy July 10th, 2007 04:13 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
great... pretender killed on turn 9 and greatly upsetting my spell plans

Aristander July 10th, 2007 09:45 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
It comes, from beyond the plateau of Leng. It comes through time and space. Ones mind reels amidst the chaos and its most foul odor. From beyond Yuggoth and through alternate realities it comes. It arrives through the Void Gate. It arrives to serve.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 11th, 2007 12:54 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Well it appears my overture to Jotunheim has gone disregarded. My mistake for not attacking them outright. Well, now I know who I'll first be waging war against.

At least a quadruple bless. Attack +2, Defense +2, regenerates 2 hitpoints a turn, 2 extra reinvigoration. And thanks to divine + bless, 18 morale total. Bah.

Yucky July 12th, 2007 01:56 AM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Nice spin.

You attacked me, not the other way around.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 12th, 2007 07:39 AM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
True. It's all spin. And I did attack you first. But as I warned you, I consider that province essential to my border, and I do know who I'll first be waging war against. I didn't really give diplomacy a serious chance, I'll admit, nor give the games slow-*** communications a chance. But I did offer to pay blood price for the province, in money or whatever. So, to be fair, for the record, you're hardly the aggressor or whatever, but as I consider that single province a key component to my defensive line, so help me, I consider it a state of war until its under my control. It's within two spaces of my capital, and on my side of thin landbridge. As it is, you need hold only that province, while that one province forces me to defend more of my side.

And somehow, despite being completely innocent, your bless nation is bringing enough giants to overwhelm 25 pd points and forty soldiers. Such virgin innocence. You're now one step from my capital. See why I thought it was a strategic necessity to hold that province?

Yucky July 12th, 2007 11:05 AM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
I understand and totally agree with your aggressive stance on other nations being within two of your starting province.

In my opinion there shouldn't be only 3 provinces between any starting positions.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 12th, 2007 11:13 AM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
I won't go down without a fight- I have some backup plans.

That said, I won't mind losing. I've learned at least two valuable lessons. Since I haven't lost or given up yet, I'll stay silent. But if I do lose, I'll offer a brief, succinct AAR in this thread, describing things I could have done differently to give myself a much greater fighting chance.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 13th, 2007 11:44 AM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
The forces of Jotunheim have taken my capital... Unfortunately, my troops could not stand before the might of Jotunheim without breaking.
Unfortunately, their leaders yet live.

On the other hand, my troops still live, the cowards, and I've taken less casualties- unless you count stupid PD.
I've taken down two-thirds of their bless force, and my pretender has awoken. It's a bit risky, but I still have a chance.

"The entire nation rejoices. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the One who Contains Everything, Lord of Many Names, Bestower of Good Gifts, Lord of the Rock, Enemy of Darkness has awakened."

Lazy_Perfectionist July 18th, 2007 02:37 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Ulm... Do you need to discuss strategy/troop movements w/regards to taking down Jotunheim?

I don't have scouts in your territory, but I can resend my turn if necessary. I'm sending my troops into Anodyr, but don't look forward to an accidental skirmish between our forces. I'm also concerned about the sixty hostile forces in 116. Being undead, they can travel through the water. Do I need to clear a path through 116, 111, or do I not need to worry about their movement paths?

Remmy July 18th, 2007 03:48 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
An unfortunate circumstance has happened. I have to take a trip to my moms house and I'll be gone for probably a week. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif I'm playing Vanheim in this game, I guess you can just set me as AI.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 18th, 2007 04:11 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Sad to hear. If you want a substitute, you could make a post over here: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...o=&fpart=1

But that's up to you. Hope things get better.

Aristander July 18th, 2007 07:36 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Atlantis is now one with the Void.

R'lyeh pays its respects to Atlantis which apparently got off to a bad start. I had a good start and my strategy was to find and eliminate you asap. Do not let this quick exit get you down.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 19th, 2007 02:01 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Our respects to Jotunheim who is now under siege. You were a fierce opponent, but not prepared for the combined armies of Agartha, Ulm, and some rampaging Elephants.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 19th, 2007 02:02 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Our respects to Jotunheim who is now under siege. You were a fierce opponent, but not prepared for the combined armies of Agartha, Ulm, and some rampaging Elephants.

The Elephant commander died a foolish death. My dearest condolences go out to the Pachyderm pack, who have went off to the elephant graveyard.

Shuma July 19th, 2007 02:29 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
So Mr. Perfectionist, are you still alive and kicking? I can tell by the reversals of these posts. It wouldn't be the first time that someone has declared an early death but still managed to scrabble back into the game.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 19th, 2007 03:43 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Yes. It was thanks entirely to Ulm that I didn't have to fight off a second wave of giants, which likely would have ruined me. Ulm now controls much of Jotunheim's territory. The thing that granted me the ability to fight off first wave of giants wasn't my poor research choices, but the awakening and equipping of my cyclopian pretender, Hillary Rodham Clinton who was more than a match for the few giants around my capital. Since I was capable of hiring enough mercenaries, and tramplers bigger than giants, I was able to clear those territories of mine.

Atreides July 20th, 2007 02:10 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
I had one request to postpone this game for 24 hours, and as it happens, I am moving this weekend and will not have access to the internet until monday evening. I have postponed hosting for 72 hours, that is tuesday at 10:25 GMT I believe. If anyone has any objections to this, please let me know.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 20th, 2007 02:22 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
I'm fine with it. It's as good a time as any, I'm not worried about 'what happens next', got no dangling cliffhangers.

J Henry Waugh July 22nd, 2007 05:16 AM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
NP re: delay…

Was wondering, thought maybe I stopped getting the emails…

Atreides July 23rd, 2007 09:34 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Remember everybody, new turns are out tomorrow.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 26th, 2007 01:34 AM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Dang barbarians. Take out one of my provinces, will you?

Between the barbarians and the province consisting of Tribe warriors, militia, and knights, I'm recruiting a mercenary squad for entirely internal reasons.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 26th, 2007 02:25 PM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
Sorry about John Q Necromancer. I didn't expect 5 PD to take out about sixty soulless... But it helped that Doctor Death followed along behind instead of casting spells.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 27th, 2007 12:24 AM

Re: SmokyBat - Newbie game - ongoing - Gossip
I may stall this turn... My webmails acting all funny.
I'll have to find the time to setup a new, free webmail account for dominion games. Any recommendations?

Edit: Will be able to send in turn.

The Wolfkin mercenaries are a disappointment. Bunch of stinking goblins. If I wanted stealth, I would have picked a different nation.

Aristander July 27th, 2007 12:27 PM

Re: Need Sub for 1 turn.
I will be going away and will miss turn 24 due on Sunday July 29th.

I am playing R'lyeh and am doing quite well so far.

anyone interested?


Lazy_Perfectionist July 29th, 2007 02:19 AM

Re: Need Sub for 1 turn.
Aristander- http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...o=&fpart=2
May be of use.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 29th, 2007 11:11 PM

Re: Need Sub for 1 turn.
Nation of Agartha seeking monthly death gem income of 3.

Willing to trade 3 earth gems a turn for three death gems, or
exchange one Air/Fire/Water gem for one Death gem - multiple contracts.

Lazy_Perfectionist July 31st, 2007 01:10 PM

Trade Offer
Nation of Agartha seeking monthly death income of 3.
Willing to trade 5 earth gems a turn for three death gems.

Open to other deals, Private Message me.

Graywind August 1st, 2007 10:31 AM

Re: Trade Offer
It's a deal. I'll send you 3 death gems a turn beginning from the next one in exchange for 5 earth gems from you.

Best regards from Ulm.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 1st, 2007 03:19 PM

Re: Trade Offer
Next turn? Do you mean I'll receive them that turn, or that you'll place the send order. When I get home, and do turn 28, I'll send the five earth gems over.

Best regards from Agartha...
I haven't had a single level 0 death site, and 400 gold Oracles are somewhat expensive manual site searchers - especially with only level 1 sites uncovered.

Offer from Ulm accepted, still have more gems if other nations wish to trade.

llamabeast August 1st, 2007 05:49 PM

Re: Trade Offer
Wow, you guys have been phenomenally unlucky with stalers. Setting Vanheim, Man and Pangaea to AI.

Note that the timer may begin to creep forward as a result. So far it will have been the same time every day because someone's always staled.

Graywind August 1st, 2007 07:36 PM

Re: Trade Offer

Lazy_Perfectionist said:
Next turn? Do you mean I'll receive them that turn, or that you'll place the send order. When I get home, and do turn 28, I'll send the five earth gems over.

I mean this turn in fact, sorry for the obscurity. 3 death gems are already on the way.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 2nd, 2007 11:45 PM

Re: Trade Offer
Bah... Find a magic site in a province. Guess what happens? 40 random knights attack. What site was it? I'll never know... It's not like I've got any chaff.

Fortunately, I've just finished my northern expansion. I can bring my heavy hitters down south.

Shuma August 5th, 2007 12:01 PM

Re: Trade Offer
I need to request a stoppage of play until I can get a valid .trn file. The one I got today was of 0 length and is unusable. I requested a resend and got the same file.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 5th, 2007 07:19 PM

Re: Trade Offer
Recieved no death gems this turn from Ulm. No notification why, as well. I'll wait a few hours before sending my turn in.

Barbarians attack me AGAIN. At least two barbarian attacks, 2 Knight attacks... Geeze. Misfortune 2? Meh.

llamabeast August 5th, 2007 07:54 PM

Re: Trade Offer
Um, don't know what your problem would have been Shuma. I just tested by briefly setting the address for Shinuyama to my address, and I got a proper 200K file when I requested a resend. Freaky. Are you sure your e-mail account isn't full or anything?

I've just told it to resend to you again anyway. Hopefully it will work this time.

Shuma August 6th, 2007 01:27 AM

Re: Trade Offer
Checked and still no go.

I'm using 5% of my availble account space. I don't know what the problem could be.

llamabeast August 6th, 2007 06:04 AM

Re: Trade Offer
Hmm, nor me. Particularly since it sent it fine to me, but it's not as if gmail is a crazy mail server to be using.

Um, I'll e-mail it to you manually. And also I've postponed hosting by 24 hours. I'm somewhat perplexed.

Shuma August 6th, 2007 10:59 AM

Re: Trade Offer
Thanks, the manual email worked just fine. Turn sent in to the server normally, hopefully this was just a freak occurance.

Graywind August 6th, 2007 03:59 PM

Re: Trade Offer
About death gems - strange, maybe I had forgotten to send them, ok, I'll send double usual amount this turn.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 6th, 2007 08:48 PM

Re: Trade Offer
After I didn't recieve them, I didn't send them. If I get home before Bandar Log posts, I'll correct my turn, send five, and post in here. If I don't make it in time, I'll send double myself next turn, to make it even.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 6th, 2007 11:39 PM

Re: Trade Offer
Made it. Resent my turn with 5 earth gems on the way.

Aristander August 11th, 2007 08:48 AM

Re: Real Life Calls
I am going away with the family for a week. I will be back on the 20th.
Feel free to find a sub or whatever.
Thank You All

Lazy_Perfectionist August 11th, 2007 07:48 PM

Re: Real Life Calls
I wish to remind Pythium of the terms of our territorial pact.
Isen Hills (168) happens to be mine. In exchange, I did not invade 150, or 157, despite you leaving them unoccupied so long. I may have been occupied by a spat of barbarians, but I still once owned 168, and by the terms of our original treaty, it belongs to me. I respectfully request you withdraw from that province. If I do not receive any forms of diplomatic communique, I will consider it a hostile act, and act as Agartha is slow to do.

CelestialGoblyn August 11th, 2007 08:53 PM

Re: Real Life Calls
Pythium will withdraw.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 12th, 2007 06:54 AM

Re: Real Life Calls
Agartha is most grateful. Agartha is about to attack Pangaea and would like to cement positive diplomatic relations. Is there anything I might do along those lines? Any trades you are interested in?

CelestialGoblyn August 12th, 2007 12:18 PM

Re: Real Life Calls
Pythium cannot give any guarantees, nor enter any pacts with Agartha.
We would only be motivated to enter a non-agression pact if territorial concessions would be made.

Lazy_Perfectionist August 12th, 2007 01:09 PM

Re: Real Life Calls
I wasn't talking about non-aggression pacts, per se. I wasn't interested in treaties, since the one we have covers our border sufficiently as a simple division of territorial lines, but rather was wondering if there was some trade or action that would be mutually beneficial, and thus encourage peace as a simple matter of action.

Ulm, for instance, is getting a beneficial exchange rate of gems. There's a benefit to maintaining peace with me, for him, above and beyond the benefits of simply not being at war.

I'm looking for a way to increase the Value of peace. Not as a means to purchase a treaty, but to actually include a factor that makes it in your own best interest to maintain positive relations.

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