![]() |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Really, really, weird. I have no connection icon, I am using the in-game interface where one field prompts for the IP, confirms, then opens a second field asking for port number, and confirms. On my third try, after reading your advice, I clicked 'OK' once, not twice, clicked on the screen, and got through! WTF???
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I have no idea why this works. I just have a psychotic need to constantly click when I have a mouse in my hand, and I discovered it on accident.
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
not sure what the deal is with this one. It happens to me occasionally too, and not on other games, but usually after 1 bad try I get in. I can't really tell what the problem is: dom3 is the essence of a black box.
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I AI'd Jomon cuz they were about to have a second stale turn.
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Jazzepi notified me on the strange server behaviour.
I have a vague recollection of a similar event, but I can't remember what was causing it or if it was solved. Have you tried restarting the server? Gandalf might know something. He tends to remember (and generate) strange behaviours. |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
... Arcosephale, Jomon, R'lyeh, Caelum. Very tight fit, unfortunately. The only one who's communicated with me is Jomon and Caelum. As it is, I'm currently under threat in three directions. By Fenrir's smelly behind, Ymir shall not give up! If Ragnarok it be, I will take down hundreds with me.
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
now it works for me just fine http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Same, did Zach reset the server?
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Ermor attacked the noble nation of Ctis, this will be revenged !!! I pay gems for anyone joining the war with ermor. They are somewhat weakened after the last battle, so use your chance !
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Ry'leh would be happy to help give an initial donation of gold to any nation who, bordering Emor, declares war on them and brings death to their endless legions. If you feel that your nation is a contender for such a donation, show us screen shots of Emor's territory and your border.
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
... and again sending others to die for him.....
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
<3 Ry'leh has a vested interest in seeing those who can enter the sea obliterated.
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I invite to all others nations to join our cruzade against ctis, they have nearly lost half his army and soon will lose most of them, they have an extense territorie and supose most of it will be undefended.
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Marignon will pay handsomely for a Thistle Mace.
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Ermor is lying. He suffered heavy losses and i got some suprises for him http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Anyone near ermor could be hist next target, ermor never makes friends
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
well before talking about my terribles losses (a battle were I only lose 1 troop per enemy troop is a huge victory for me!) I suggest you check the graphs...and about friends... well I will only said I have never betray a pact or alliance...really I am a very frienly Emperor..
...Hmm you are expending a lot of time with the allien ambasador... reality lines becomes difuse .. the first symtom...I suggest to not plan you exile in the dreamlands... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Anyone know who is playing Utgard?
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
holy cow, how does Caelum have so many provinces so fast!!
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Just to check, since things have been so quiet on my southern front. Are we still in a state of war with you, Jomon, and no possibility of peacetalks?
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Grrr...I want to hear from jomon, too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Decided. We're still at war. WAR!
Seal Hunters parties raiding R'lyeh, who's neglected a lot of defense. I won't take him out with that, but it should prevent him from getting a huge advantage from his underwater position. My pretender's moving against Jomon now. We'll see whether I moved to soon. I've practiced in mp games quite a few times, and learned quite a bit, but I'm always finding a new way to kill him off. Utgard's down there too? You can PM me if you want to coordinate anything to the extent of a war pact, avoiding each others forces, or declaring war upon each other. ... Lots of cold resist... I'd rather fight Jomon than Utgard. |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
The mad dreamers of Ry'leh will happily intercept your small raiding parties soon enough. We will introduce them to our rift gate, and see if their tiny brains can comprehend noneuclidean geometry.
Soon enough your capital will make a delightful sea-side prize. Please make sure to dust the carpets for us. Ry'leh |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I hope to give your Illithids brain-freeze, by the way...
You're going to attack me anyways, so I might as well sow as much low-expense havoc as I can to prevent you from being a million times stronger than me when you attack. The Mournful of Ice and Bone laugh at the madmen of R'lyeh... They declare their intent to take out amphibious nations, hold the only water province adjacent to my capital, and then don't defend anything. They're not mad, they're special ed. Noneuclidean my froggy behind. |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Sorry, we were too busy conquering the rest of the ocean to defend a single province http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I actually treat that as a compliment. Sorry I didnt see this sooner. Especially if its already settled. I dont think we ever did pinpoint the bug. The closest we got was that apparently you can slip in sometimes, and sometimes not. It seems to have something to do with the game being distracted by a bad connection (the freeze screen) and letting the next one thru. If you do the steps provided, then you can often fill both bills. Create a freeze, then slip thru quickly on a second try while its still distracted. It seems to hit mid-sized games for some reason more than others. The 2-4 player blitzes dont seem to have it. The monster game doesnt seem to have it (knock on virtual wood). But around 10 players it showed up on my server. The mid-sized games both had it but only for awhile then cleared up after about a week. I "fixed" it by leaving a connection to the game continually from my desktop machine. For some reason, that seemed to let everyone in OK. Gandalf Parker |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
To Marigon: Ouch, I saw that fight. Slingers taking out your commanders is a tough break.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
!@#$%*! right. I erred in not having extra commanders anyway. Oh, well. If at first you don't succeed...Say, perhaps you were gathering intel about my playstyle for our upcoming festivities. Maybe I'll act stupid to lull you into a false sense of security. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Hah, you look to be strong enough to take the 2 of us!
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I cant seem to connet to the server
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'm AI'ing Tien Chi, cuz they're going to stale 2nd time in a row this turn.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
"I strode into the decadent hall of the foul Marigons. False practitions of fire and blood magic. My Abyssian Plate boots echoed loudly in the great hall. I was escorted by 20 men at arms to a chamber filled with old men in robes. My hands held tightly onto the red rubie my master had given me. His words came into my mind. "keep this stone safe. Use it when your life is in peril. To use it you must crush it and cry out the name of our Lord."
One of the old men spoke. "Abyssian, why have you come here seeking an audience with us? Speak" I spoke that which my master had commanded of me. My voice echoed in the small chamber. "Know this, I am Cremnian, herald to the great prophet Vapula. Our Lord and master, Asmodeus, considers the men of Marigon weak practitioners of Fire and Blood magic. Asmodeus declares that the men of Marigon will die. The women will be used as slaves and your childeren will be sacrificed to the Abyss. Your lands will burn, your false prophets and gods shall be play-things for the Horrors of the Abyss. PREPARE FOR THE END" The chamber was still. The old men started to rise from their chair crying out in rage. From a dark alcove that I did not notice before there came a hiss "Kill him" The men at arms rushed forward, broad swords drawn for the kill. Some of the old men were chanting some words of power. A flash screamed in my chest and I realize a crossbow bolt had pierced my plate armor. Then I remembered the gem. I crushed it with my remaing strength and cried out "ASMODEUS"--- Darkness, then a blinding light of the void. Right before I passed out I saw the familiar form of my master bending over me... --A page from the journal of Cremnian, herald of Vapula the eyeless who is prophet to the Great Asmodeus, rightful ruler of the world-- |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
R'lyeh shows their treacherous nature yet again, they show the true nature behind their offer of peace when they send their spawn to mark my god for the horrors of the astral voids. The only thing keeping me from retaliating against this filth is the lack of water breathing. These dire circumstances have forced me to skin one of their mindless Shamblers and forge a minor magical artifact. Out of Character I'm willing to take out loans in 200/400 gold chunks to assist in a temple push back out to sea, to give me much needed mr dominion bonuses. I'm willing to trade water forged items or gems for magic resistance boosters or reinvigoration items. I'm also willing to pay a lease fee for the rental of the same. R'lyeh did make an offer of peace if I stopped raiding while they attacked Arcosephale. I didn't respond but did cease raiding while I ramped up and achieved construction two for a fighting chance. My pretenders' probably been horror marked eight times. In this game, I consider R'lyeh untrustworthy, especially since they already expressed a desire for the extinction of any races that can go beneath. |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
We made an ovature of peace, and noticed that you had received our message but not responded. Unfortunately for you silence is as good as an answer of no.
Let your God's many, many horror marks be a lesson to that. The people of Ry'leh do not take kindly to being ignored. Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Personally, I do not take sincerely any offer of peace that comes after declarations of genocidal intentions.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
The old man, clad all in black, gazes steadily at the younger man before him, swathed in red and gold.
"So, it has come to this at the last?" "Yes." "And now?" "I leave immediately to take to the field with the army." "And the enemy?" "They are foul, twisted mockeries of humanity. The taint within them will be their undoing. The power of the Divine will unmake them!" "You have always been devout." "As you taught me to be." "Indeed I did. Did I never teach you to doubt your haste, or to question?" "Never on matters of faith, or right and wrong." "So you will destroy them?" "What else is there to do?" The silence hangs between them, and lengthens. "And yet, I pity them," says the old man at last. "I do not! They are evil incarnate, bathed in the flames of hell, who march upon our borders even now, bearing the blood of demons in their veins! I go to deliver them from their loathsome existence and render unto them Divine justice!" "My blessing upon you, then." Another silence, which ends as the younger man inclines his head, backs to the door and leaves. The black, iron-bound door is heavy, but makes no sound as it swings shut. "And that is why I pity them." |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I believe that Man has staled the last few turns. Can we set him to AI?
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Yea! I finally have a dominion foothold in the sea. If I keep it up, I'll weaken their dominion and freespawn. They fortunately won't have any easy time setting up dominion walls thanks to the lack of chokepoints.
I have some military strategies to try against him that I'd never dare risk against other nations, but perhaps will be just what the calamari calls for. In Veturi, I got rather familiar with Atlantis, though I didn't face any astral nations, let alone Rlyeh. They were surprisingly effective against Ctis - though I'll probably have to think in the opposite direction against R'lyeh. In Jaguar, I faced R'lyeh, (albeit MA), and became familiar with many of their troops and playstyle- though had an entirely different set of tools as Agartha. So, I haven't been in this exact situation, but I'm not coming in completely cold, either. Pun not intended. |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Don't worry, the mad dreamers of Ry'leh have beguin a temple construction program. Money well spent! Get in line for your lobotomies now instead of later.
And do let us know which foul horror besets your God. I believe we marked him over 30 times. Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
1 Attachment(s)
And that's a horror? Yawn. What a bore. Dead in one swing. I've heard there are more impressive ones later on, but come on... are you trying to make me die laughing?
I'm quaking in my boots. 30 hitpoints? Guess how much strength I have? Here's a hint- while you may have seen my titan pretender in another thread, he's got +10 dominion bonus to strength while in my own capital. I could wipe out that horror with a frigging qtip or Nerf(tm) or wiffle bat, let alone the great sword I come equipped with... I'll be sure to catalog my kills for your enjoyment. Kill #1, dead in one turn |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I was reminded lately, so I just wanted to say to our hoster, Zachariah, thank you.
In other news, I'm quite glad to hear you've started a temple construction program, Jazzepi. Your Illithids are surprisingly cheap, but every temple you build is quite a bit less mind-blasting for me. Now if my raiders just manage to take a few temples out, instead of dying after the first province. |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Thankfully we build our temples behind fortress walls. Though, please, bring your God into our Dominion ten capital and we'll see how many horrors he can kill with a q-tip then.
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Hi, because of vacations, PashaDawg is subbing for me until the end of the month. Have fun ...
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Second or third dead horror, same as before.
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
1 Attachment(s)
Fourth dead horror, same as before.
Yikes... I have managed some nice kill rates with smaller forces... but that might be a bit much. |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Your capital will make an excellent addition to our collection http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Can Man please be set to AI? He has no fortresses, no income, a tiny army, and just staled the last turn.
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Oh, and let it be known! The forges of the mad dreamers are open to those that need items crafted. We charge a premium, don't expect any rock bottom prices from us, but we can make any non-artifact item.
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I am subbing for Bluebird while he is away. I can't seem to connect to the game right now. Is the server down? Thanks. Pasha |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
Read further back into the thread. The server's up, there's a few work arounds.
1. Try clicking repeatedly when the "connecting" screen comes up. 2. Try opening up a first failed connection, and connecting with a second game while the first failed one hangs. Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (started)
I've had little luck connecting, either, despite trying both those tricks. I think this is a little different.
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