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Micah July 31st, 2007 06:20 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Llama - Coobe (Lanka) also dropped out after the first turn if you could boot him too.

So much for my awesome start...

llamabeast July 31st, 2007 06:24 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I only realised today that he had dropped out because of what seemed to be a technical issue. I'll see if he's interested in trying to fix it - I PMed him earlier.

PS Sorry about your start! Hope it is repeatable.

llamabeast July 31st, 2007 06:25 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
And we are now accepting new players. Please sign up if you'd like to play. This looks to be a fun game, 16 players (hopefully), EA on the smaller of the Glory of the Gods maps. See the first post for which nations have been taken.

krpeters July 31st, 2007 08:52 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Well, that's what I get for not paying attention to the forum... I would have been happy to continue (I had a great corner start!) Ah well, let's try it again!

Do I need to reload my pretender, or is C'tis good to go?

llamabeast July 31st, 2007 08:56 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
All the pretenders from the previous start are good to go, assuming you don't want to change them.

GameExtremist July 31st, 2007 09:38 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Arcoscephale played by me is out, as mentioned in another thread looking for subs in my other game.

Good luck everyone http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ubercat July 31st, 2007 09:43 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I'd like to get in as Mictlan if it's available, since this is an EA game. I'm not prepared to play any other EA positions though. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif


llamabeast August 1st, 2007 07:34 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Hi Ubercat,

You're welcome to play Mictlan. But, I would be careful not to join too many games. It can get stressful down the line when they all start getting time consuming. For me personally, 3 has always been an upper limit, and even 3 I found to be a bit much. Still, if you have oodles of free time, I will be glad to put you down.

Sensori August 1st, 2007 05:58 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Meh, I'm bowing out of this game. Remove me from the player list, please.

llamabeast August 1st, 2007 06:03 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Wow, seems our player lineup has been quite severely cut down. Quite a false start for the old dolphin.

I suggest shifting to Cradle of Dominion, then restarting the game pretty soon, with 10 players (11 with Ubercat). Would people be happy with that? It'd be a bit less crowded than originally planned, but I've been playing a 10 player game on Cradle and it has been pretty good.

parcelt August 1st, 2007 06:33 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Are you still accepting new players for this game?

llamabeast August 1st, 2007 06:35 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Yep, we are indeed. Check the first post for which nations have already been taken, the rest are available.

parcelt August 1st, 2007 06:45 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Great, I am in as Niefelheim if that's ok.

llamabeast August 1st, 2007 07:39 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Indeed it is, please send in a pretender.

Ubercat, I see you already have, so I guess you're playing. Cool, glad to have you.

llamabeast August 1st, 2007 07:40 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
If we get a few more players we'll return to Glory of the Gods.

Papastoss August 1st, 2007 09:16 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I'll play pangaea

llamabeast August 1st, 2007 09:18 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Great! Please send in a pretender - instructions in first post.

Ubercat August 1st, 2007 10:06 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting

llamabeast said:
If we get a few more players we'll return to Glory of the Gods.

Glory of the Gods has two versions, correct? An enormous one, plus a smaller one meant for multiplayer, IIRC. I say we use GotG anyway.

A few more players would be great, but I'd like to use that (MP) map even if we only have 11-12 people. At least we'd have some room to develop our positions. Armadillo with 22 players was (is?) a cluster you know what. I was dead before I could do anything.


Digress August 2nd, 2007 02:16 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
As I am soon to be finally exterminated by our wonderful host in another game I would like to have a go at Oceania. Will upload pretender soonish.

llamabeast August 2nd, 2007 06:25 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Cool, so we are back up to 15 players. We'll definitely use GotG (MP). I'll start the game up some time today (don't worry Digress, I'll wait for your pretender).

llamabeast August 2nd, 2007 03:08 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
And we're off again! 48 hours for the first turn in case of problems (hopefully we can get it done far sooner than that), then onto 24 hour quickhost.

krpeters August 2nd, 2007 11:09 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Hooray! We're playing again!

Wah! My starting position isn't as good this time!

Ah well, my lizard hordes will eat you all anyway, never fear! Bwahahahaha!!!

Ferrosol August 3rd, 2007 07:05 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I am happy my starting positon is better Muahaahaahaa

llamabeast August 3rd, 2007 07:28 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Who's playing Caelum? Can't seem to find the relevant post.

Sensori August 3rd, 2007 07:30 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Me, apparently. You forgot to remove me from the looks of it. :-p I guess I'll play then.

llamabeast August 3rd, 2007 07:32 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Oops. Sorry. Are you happy to play?

Sensori August 3rd, 2007 07:33 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I'm probably going to die from a few games soon(er or later) so sure, why not, I'll play. Just wasn't aiming to play this too right now. ;p

llamabeast August 3rd, 2007 08:28 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Er, okay, cool. Glad to have you! Sorry for the bungle.

krpeters August 3rd, 2007 10:28 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I find it amusing that in 3 of the 4 games I am playing, I am waiting for Vanheim to move.

llamabeast August 4th, 2007 01:11 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Ubercat has kindly volunteered to admin this game. So, if you have any requests for postponements etc, he will sort that out. Thanks Ubercat!

Micah August 8th, 2007 05:06 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Looks like Lanka and Arco are out of it...While we could set them to AI I think it might be more useful to just have someone get on them with the master password and crank up their province's PD with all of their nation's gold each turn...I think with a 6 month delay the AI is going to be easier pickings for a player than really buffed out PD anyhow, so at least this way the province won't be a free capture and will take a bit of an army to take over. What do people think?

Valerius August 8th, 2007 05:32 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I just spotted Arco's capitol and was going to e-mail llamabeast asking him to set them to AI since it seems cheap to just take over a staled nation. I'm fine with Micah's suggestion as well.

Ferrosol August 8th, 2007 06:14 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
hmm seems i managed to stale for some odd reason

Baalz August 8th, 2007 08:08 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting

Valerius said:
I just spotted Arco's capitol and was going to e-mail llamabeast asking him to set them to AI since it seems cheap to just take over a staled nation. I'm fine with Micah's suggestion as well.

Indeed, "oh crap I'm next to Lanka! Hey, wait a minute....". I wonder why we've had such issues with people abandoning this game before even taking the first turn.

llamabeast August 8th, 2007 09:08 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Erm... ahem. *cough*

So, I looked at the first post to see who the naughty stalers were... and they're not there. It seems somehow I left the pretenders there from the false start (could have sworn I'd cleared them all out). So actually noone is staling. Many apologies for the incompetence.

So, I'm not quite sure what to do about them. Whoever captures the capitals with minimal effort will have a big advantage. Should we say they're out of bounds or something? I'm open to suggestions.

Baalz August 8th, 2007 09:17 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
How about we agree not to storm the castles? Default PD is generally tough enough to justify the gold income, particularly if there is guaranteed to be no magic sites. Once anybody else takes that province from the initial player it can be fair game (no unopposed effort then).

Sensori August 8th, 2007 09:37 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I think another restart is in order. ;p

Ubercat August 8th, 2007 11:33 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I'd go for a restart. I got boxed into a little corner by my friendly neighbors.

parcelt August 8th, 2007 11:55 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I'd agree with a restart.

Jazzepi August 8th, 2007 01:32 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I'd be fine with a restart. I'm right next to one of the people getting set to AI z.z


Yucky August 8th, 2007 01:49 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Restart or keep playing with whatever house rules is all acceptable to me.

Rytek August 8th, 2007 02:40 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
restart is fine with me. Or keep going. whichever

Valerius August 8th, 2007 03:48 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Restart is fine with me as well.

Ferrosol August 8th, 2007 04:01 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
*sigh* guess we are restarting again then

carlosib August 8th, 2007 05:17 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I go with restart too

llamabeast August 8th, 2007 05:19 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Ugh, so embarrassing. Okay, we'll restart. I'll just wait to hear if Sensori wants to play again (being as he was in by accident this last time), then I'll restart it.

Sorry for the cock-up guys.

Baalz August 8th, 2007 05:37 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
NP Llama, thanks for your efforts hosting! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Sensori August 8th, 2007 05:52 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Hey LLama, is it OK if I change nations? I wanna try Lanka instead of this constant mammothry. ;p

parcelt August 8th, 2007 05:53 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I second that (Baalz's comment)!

Also, I got the feeling that some people didn't really mind a restart, probably made some starting errors (myself including http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif) .....

llamabeast August 8th, 2007 06:30 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Okay then, I'll reopen the game for pretenders for about 24 hours, then we'll be off again. If you've already sent in a pretender you don't need to resubmit it, but you can send a revised version if you want.

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