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Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
1 Attachment(s)
Just some work in progress. I tested out gunpowder weapons again today and wasn't happy with the results, so I'm sticking with a crossbow using version of the nuln engineering school.
From left to right - Free Infantryman, Nuln Marksman, Nobleborn, Flagellant. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attac...8&d=1248643678 |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Love the Free Company and the Flagellant. The Nobleborn seems like he could use a bit more on his mount to make him stand out from the rank & file horsemen types.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Well for Empire the rank and file cavalry are basically knights, so the lack of barding makes the Nobleborn distinct.
However you're right the horse is quite basic. It's an older KO one, so I could spruce it up a bit. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Hi everyone. I'd like to ask a favour of you all, if you enjoy my mods.
Please nag me to do Empire. If I don't get it done and fairly soon I am going to be pissed at myself but apparently I need a bit more motivation than that, because progress is molasses slow currently. So if you want Empire before 2015, please spare a moment to nag or enthuse either on IRC or in this thread. Demand a certain graphic or justification for design decisions or even to see code proving something. It'll work and therefore so will I. I think. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Oh, mighty Sombre, who's sorcerous knowledge is envied by demons themselves, your work will live forever among the most shiny stars, my wife pronounce your name when she ... gives birth to my childs. I'll invade the world, and rename all of the bogs 'Sombre's bog' so that the witch hunters don't find you. We live only so that we can testify to our ultimate judge that we have played your mods. You can't leave us in darkness, you have to get up and, once more, save us from the mortal fate of 'Boredom' (a most evil sorceror).
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Hmm. I'm thinking reiksguard, some of the knightly orders, and a steam tank ;).
Nag nag nag. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Empire! Empire! Empire! The mob has spoken!!
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Here are my superior demands for the wizard order mages! Because I want everything to accomodate to my knowledge of the WRFP lore!
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Give us our mod, I want my mod!:p |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
*mutter mutter*
*more mutter* Ehm ehm, WE, the United Fans of Warhammer-Dominions - no,wait. *mutter mutter* WE, the International Association for a Complete Warhammer Mod - just a second,please? *mutter mutter* WE, the Warhammer Enthusiastics for a Better Dominions - what's NOW?Hang on there. *angry mutter* WE, the Warhammer Enthusiastics for a Better Dominions, AND Bill - Bill: Thanks! Hereby demand a beta version of the Warhammer: Empire Mod, to be delivered ASAP. Failure to comply will result in a horrible death involving butter, cantaloupes and lobsters. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
1 Attachment(s)
Ok I am actually doing stuff. Slowly.
Here is an empire commander. He's supposed to be a state captain but he looks way too fancy for that now. I think he might be an 80ldr commander. He can't be that important as he's on foot. The 120ldr general will be mounted, as will the elector counts, who will be recruitable uniques. Probably. Or maybe just heroes. You also get a choice of two flags. I'm not super pumped about either of them, but I don't care much about flags, as evidenced by the unfinished itza one. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/attac...5&d=1254345146 |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I like the flag on the left, the white makes it stand out more. For someone who doesn't like making flags you do a fine job on them. :D
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I agree, the white flag seems to work better.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
The Angry Mob with Pitchforks and Torches declares the white flag to be the winner.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Coincidentally also the flag the commander is pointing at.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
1 Attachment(s)
Bright wizard. Hard to get them exactly right, but it'll do for now.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
If the Lord is even more awesome than that, it just might cause a brain overload. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I would like people's opinions on that actually. Should the lords be on foot or mounted? If mounted, they are easier to differentiate. Though it's not hard to have them look very upgraded on foot to be honest.
The patriarchs will all have special mounts and whatnot, like elementals, monsters, special forms etc. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
1 Attachment(s)
Warrior Priest. One on the right is the nearer finished. I should do a stage by stage one day, I can just never remember to do so.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Very nice sprites Sombre! Particularly the Warrior priest. LOVE the twin tail comet on his tunic.
As far as the lord goes, I know mounting them would def make them stand out separate from reg bright mages, I just don't think it they would look good to me on a mount. That's my own personal aesthetic sense though. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Amazing sprites as usual, sombre. Well, as I said on IRC I vote for mounted wizard lords. I think you can pull them off well.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I'm going to crank out a wizard a day if I can. I think grey is the next logical one. They're air and death magic combined with stealth.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
1 Attachment(s)
Grey wizard. Not massively happy with it, but I'm getting one done a day at least :]
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
You're prolly too demanding on yourself. I think it looks cool. :D
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I think it looks very cool. I was imagining a gandalf hat (my grey wizard model what I painted has a gandalf hat), but actually the hood looks very fitting.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
The grey wizard lord will have a gandalf hat. He can be a bit less physically stealthy what with all his magical power. He'll also have a nice raven.
Any preference on which I do tomorrow? |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
But anyways, back to the topic. The thing I'd like to see next is either amethyst wizard or Grey Wizard lord. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
The choice already was Amethyst. Or else.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Amethyst would be a great one. Death magic! hm...But how to give them death magic without having them spamming undead spells? Since Amethyst Wizards more-or-less worship Morr who is against the use of undead.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Unfortunately Death magic grants the ability to command undead. Otherwise one could prevent the use of reanimation spells by removing this ability from the wizards.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Well I think if you give them #noleader they can't command undead no matter what.
I'm not that worried about it though - if people want to RP a bit they won't use the undead spells if they can help it. Amethysts will have their own national spells to be using anyway - rather than skellyspam they'll probably be able to spam shadelike things for instance. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Hey Sombre have a look at this
http://greywolf.critter.net/ahq/spells/amethyst.htm From the looks of it Amethyst actually have more in common with astral magic instead of death. For their weapons I think they should have like. staff(obvious) and more importantly; enslave(for Altered Allegiance). Also found this picture you could take into consideration while making the sprites. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/wa...izard_npcs.jpg from left to right: amethyst, grey, jade, and celestial wizard Since I'm not sure how far along you've gotten with them I'd like to add my general thoughts to the wizards Amethyst Wizards: Astral and some Death(most necromancers are actually corrupted amethyst wizards, we could use that) Grey Wizards: Air magic. They're illusionists to the core. Maybe a little astral. Light Wizards: Light Wizards are actually more along lines of Priests in Dom. They deal in banishing demons and destroying undead. I think they should have low amounts of water, astral, and fire. Celestial Wizards: As one would expect. Heavy Astral users. Along with air and fire. When they attack someone. They make SURE they're dead after the first spell. Comets. Lighting bolts. that sort of thing. Bright Wizards: Fairly obvious. Mainly Fire. But maybe a minor in earth for magma and the like. Amber Wizards: They're less like wizards and more like tribal shamans. So some nature skill, but can also hold themselves in battle. They use spears instead of staves for such a reason. Jade Wizards: These ones are the Druids. Big boost of Nature magic. Gold Wizards: Earth magic users. Known to be alchemists. If you want some ideas for spells without having to flip through the book you can use this link here: http://greywolf.critter.net/ahq/professions/wizards.htm |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Hmm. Those resources seem to be from Advanced Heroquest and contradict some of the background from WHFB, which is my primary source.
I have the paths of the schools pretty much mapped out. Amethyst wizards are death users with some wind, maybe some astral too. They are all armed with anti undead scythes. They aren't getting an enslave attack. Sorry for the delays on the amethyst, I've been really busy and one of my friends is going through some serious woe these last few days, so I've been looking after her. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Whats the latest news Sombre?
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I got busy with so much other stuff! That's the news ;]
But I'll do an amethyst tomorrow. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
This mod should probably be considered the 'mod that will never be' much like KO's impressive map ;]
Believe it or not I still intend to finish it though. I just need my new laptop to arrive and replace this horrible one. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Maybe you should split the mod into several parts, each for one faction of the empire (north with Ulric's followers, center with Sigmar's ...)
And it would allow for the civil war scenario I dream of ... :D |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
My new laptop has arrived. Now begins the painful process of transferance.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Been wizzy doodling.
Amethyst and Celestial. Like night and day! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/pictu...&pictureid=277 |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
I love the way the amethyst mage's robe wraps around his legs. It's a simple touch, but very cool. And I imagine somewhat difficult to produce.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
That's some good-looking sprites! The amethyst mage looks indeed very cool with that swirling robe.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Thanks guys.
I've decided the wizard lords will all be mounted. This gives me a bit more canvas to paint the symbols of their orders on. The amber mage will be mounted on a bear, the bright mage will get a warhorse. It also makes them immediately distinct from the lesser order mages. For bright mages does a 12 prec F2 with 30% ED who autocasts phoenix power sound reasonable? Not having to cast phoenix power saves you a round and equally importantly saves a bunch of fatigue. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Actually I've thought about all the wizard level paths:
Bright (Lore of Fire): F2 30% ED (autocast PP) Light (Lore of Light): S2 F1 (sacred) Gold (Lore of Metal): E2 F1 30% W Jade (Lore of Life): N1 W1 A1 E1 30% NW (sacred, healer) Amethyst (Lore of Death): D2 100% SA (no undead leading) Amber (Lore of Beasts): N2 30% E (strength of gaea autocast) Grey (Lore of Shadow): A2D1 (stealthy, spy) Celestial (Lore of the Heavens): A1 S1 60% A 60% D (fortune teller, researcher) |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Sounds pretty good so far. Although at first glance D on a celestial mage seems a bit odd.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Yeah that's a typo. It's supposed to be an S. Silly edit timer.
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Yeah, that makes them look much better.
I took a look back 3 years ago (yikes!) at the first post, and I was wondering a bit about how you have the summon paths set up. You've got jade, light, bright, AND celestial mages all apparently summonable through evocation. So your best researchers, your primary evocation batteries, your healers (and most diverse mages), and your primary astral mages all available in the same tree. Evocation alone will get you access to all your national paths, and all but death to level 2 on just the basic mages. It would probably be a good idea to spread some of these guys around a little more to keep evocation from being too obvious of a path to head up early. Also, I was thinking about steam tanks. From your description of them, I almost feel like they'll be too good as a recruitable unit. How do you feel about making them a commander instead? Or failing that, a summon. |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
Empire roster should allow for a OK early game, even without decent evoc. You've got every tactical combination you could dream of, plus some nasty special units. And if recruitable mages are weak, shouldn't it balance with ubber units ? You'd still be pretty vulnerable to air/astral mages (who can pawn any recruitable unit you could dream of). Not so sure about astral, isn't it countered by lifeless and other similar tags ?
All in all, it should give them a pretty different gameplay, which is always nice. EDIT : I just remembered steam tanks were created by a long dead genius, and are slowly breaking down one by one, as time and battles pass along. So a summon similar to the elemental royalty one would be most fitting. Can't remember how many are stiil operational though. (and lended my army book, or lost it somehow, which is a shame, it had lots of fluff in it) EDIT EDIT : I've seen an article in white dwarf, which allowed for customisation of steam tanks, to give them a more 'unique' feel, as each one of them is a unique masterpiece. So an immensely talented modder could even make each one of them slightly different. (is this one subtle enougth ?) |
Re: Warhammer MA: Empire
The spreading of the schools throughout paths is tricky. 8 mages spread throughout 5 paths (discounting construction and blood). This is what I figure at the moment:
Alteration - Gold Evocation - Bright, Light Enchantment - Grey Thaumaturgy - Amethyst Conjuration - Amber, Jade ?????????? - Celestial Just don't know where to put Celestial. Re: Steam Tanks - Definitely going to be construction summon, not a recruitable. The war wagon will be recruitable but will not be suitable for rushes/expansion due to the resource cost. I'm not going to make steam tanks unique because I think they're pretty boring doodads with the cannon removed. Tempted to remove them entirely. |
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