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DonCorazon November 9th, 2007 04:09 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Grom grow weary of nation of (Girly) Man whining about traitors and betrayers. If Man not like his backstabbing neighbors, he should wipe the floor with their skulls. Such is the way of the Mighty Grom.

HJFudge November 9th, 2007 04:10 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Oh and on the 'in the shadows' communications comment:

I'll be upfront with you all right here, right now. I talk to anyone I can and try to keep as many lines of communication open as I can. I dont think I make any 'secrets' about this. I try to keep deals confidential because, really, no one else needs to know. Wether this is some sort of NAP or Alliance or trade of gems or what have you, it really is only important to me and who I make the deal with.

If I make a deal, I will try to stick with it.

However, if someone makes me a better offer, or if a situation changes, I reserve the right to change my mind.

The best way to keep the peace is to make it in both parties best interest for the peace to be kept. Dont expect me to let you gain an advantage unless I am gaining another advantage in return.

Man, in your case, there really isnt much of a way to deal. If I let you swallow Tien Chi, I'd have only one way to expand and that direction wouldnt be expandable for long. In addition, after I had eaten that nation I would then have to go to war with a stronger version of you.

It is in my best interest to take you out now.

Good luck, and whatever happens, I hope you have fun.

Firewalker November 9th, 2007 09:25 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
A certain Rishi of Bandar Log is interested in collecting together as many death gems as he can find. He will naturally wish to keep this matter a private one between himself and the parties involved -- there is no reason to involve the White Council, who in their blindness do not understand the need for such magic.

The offer is 10g, 2 astral, or 1 nature gem for each death gem.

parcelt November 9th, 2007 01:14 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
DonCorazon, that is exactly what I meant. Again, it should all be without pressure (the server forces the turn anyway after 24 hrs so that is the real deadline). But if possible it would be nice as it breaks the pattern of our different timezones and keeps the game moving. It only takes the llamaserver something like 2 minutes to process and send the turn back to you (when you're the last one).

On the communications in the shadows, those are perfectly acceptable IMHO and can actually greatly increase the fun of playing (be prepared to be called some bad things if you don't stick to the deals you make though).

As far as I know T'ien C'hi was still playing.... ?

Eomi November 9th, 2007 05:16 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I think T'ien C'hi (Zeldor?) has been submitting his turns, just because the deadline time keeps inching forward each day, but apparently he can only do his turns at a certain time. Perhaps he'll be able to catch up since today is Friday.

Zeldor November 10th, 2007 06:34 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I had busy week recently, so I barely managed to play all my turns.

I warn everyone about Man. I have proofs of them signing NAP with me and I can post screenshots of that. They simply attacked my undefended provinces during it, without a warning.

And now they dare to accuse other nations about breaking their word. They should look in the mirror first. I hope that coward nation will be destroyed soon, for the better good of that world.

cleveland November 10th, 2007 12:14 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]

Zeldor said:
I have proofs of them signing NAP with me and I can post screenshots of that.

I demand you post these screenshots.

HJFudge November 12th, 2007 02:07 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Our agreement having ended, the armies of Ctis have begun their crusade to free the bealeagured people under Man's Tyranical rule.

Reports from the field show that while our honorable troops have sustained some losses, that the day was ours in every engagement.

Being servants of a righteous and just God, we extend the option to Man to lay down arms and surrender their territories to our rule, sparing more bloodshed.

Eomi November 12th, 2007 04:20 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Arcoscephale, too, would like to see the above mentioned screenshots. Though we share no borders with man, the armies of T'ien C'hi have lately appeared off of our western coast, and we would, naturally, like to be sure of the trustworthiness of our new neighbor before entering into dealings with them.

Firewalker November 13th, 2007 10:30 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Let is be known to all that Bandar Log has sided with Ulm and gone to war with Shinuyama. If it would be known why, it should be plain enough to see:

They are just evil looking. :-P

spacht November 13th, 2007 11:49 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
That is the way I like it. Beset by foes from all directions with no chance of escape. But I can assure you that Shinuyama won't go down quietly and that you are right to fear us.

Onward to death and glory!

spacht November 14th, 2007 04:23 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
It seems that there are some misconceptions that need clarifying. We, the Bakemono of Shinuyama, have been called demons by some of you. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Yes, our nation was ruled by demons in an earlier age. But we have overthrown them and replaced their oppressive regime with an oppressive regime of our own.

Yet our god will not hesitate to call on the power of the banished demons in defense of our nation. Let this be a warning to you all.

DonCorazon November 14th, 2007 06:00 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Ulm warriors meet army of Shinuyama.
Fat trolls, ancient wizards, stinky goblins, and coward archers.
Kill many of Grom’s sons.
Shinuyama attack shores of Ulm with crazy fish men with water bowl heads.

Now Grom angry.

spacht November 14th, 2007 07:00 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Those fat trolls, ancient wizards, stinky goblins and coward archers were just desperately defending their homes against the invading barbarian hordes of Ulm.

DonCorazon November 14th, 2007 07:17 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Trespassing on Ulmish burial grounds. Didn't they see the sign?

And before that, what is Shinuyama's excuse for the freaky seamen surrounding Ulm's coastline - they were just enjoying our tropical beaches?

spacht November 14th, 2007 09:01 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Ulmish burial grounds, that's what they are about to become.

DonCorazon November 14th, 2007 09:20 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Ha ha.
Troll fat makes good soap for Ulmish warriors to clean their codplates.

Er...I hope you don't know something I don't as I am still at work and haven't seen the most recent turn...

HJFudge November 14th, 2007 10:22 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Update from the Scaled Ones.

This month sees C'tis Troops making a valiant assault into one of Man's border forts. As they prepared themselves for battle, an army from Man, seeking to reinforce their wicked comrades, desperately strikes at the rear of the Holy Army's line. Though losing many brave souls, the attack is smashed and almost 100% of the enemy is killed. What few remain cowardly retreat back to their foul lands.

In the north, tensions mount as Man's presence grows large. New recruits are being sent daily to bolster the borderlands, and several spies attempting to cross over onto C'tis territory have been caught and...dealt with.

The Ctis urges peace between the warring factions of Ulm, Bandar Log and Shinuyama and hope they can learn to live in harmony, and that they trade their swords for plowshares.

Firewalker November 14th, 2007 10:47 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Well, our noble Bandars need no excuses: Pure, naked aggression is our motive. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

However, I must say our sucker punch was deflected handily. Never fear, however: The Lord Nararaja shall personally lead the armies of Bandar Log from this moment on. Trolls shall be roasted and fed to our tigers!

spacht November 15th, 2007 10:23 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
That was a fine battle. The sons of Grom have regained their honor.

DonCorazon November 15th, 2007 01:21 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Let it be known that the warriors of Shinuyama, while a bit on the foul smelling side, are fierce. Again, they have inflicted heavy casualties against Ulm despite inferior numbers. The world should know that Ulm’s leaders fought at the front line. The mighty Hildegard charged out into the field alone (better check that script) but somehow survived the day to rise to the front of the Hall of Fame. Grom himself, forgetting he was in enemy land and disoriented by the influence of ancient Shinuyaman demons, charged into battle. The priests now whisper that he appears to be walking funny and that he has asked for a smaller, lighter hammer (purportedly for precision forging work, but we fear otherwise).

Now a vast host stands at Ulm’s borders led by the Shin pretender himself. Will the Western gates of Ulm fall and the hordes of the East be free to pillage?

DonCorazon November 16th, 2007 05:30 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
(in response to Arco’s declaration of alliance with Shinuyama and war on Ulm)

King Eomi (Arcos),
The Mighty Grom welcomes the opportunity to provide your warriors an education on the art of war. Grom knows that the Arcos’ tradtion of reading books and watching others do battle is no substitute for the real thing. Our crossbowmen look forward to the target practice on your flying soldiers. In addition, the western fields of Ulm have experienced a dry summer. Arcos blood should do wonders for next Spring’s crops.

Aldaron, the Mouth of Grom http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Firewalker November 17th, 2007 12:24 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
The armies loyal to the White Council of Nararaja have been ordered to undertake an all out invasion of the lands of Arcoscephalae in support of our ally, Ulm. And as they sweep through, our wise brahmins will reveal the true Dharma to the faithless men who inhabit those lands.

Your liberation is at hand!


Eomi November 18th, 2007 03:46 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Howdy all,

I would like to propose extending the turn deadline. This being my first multiplayer game, I didn't realize how much more time consuming turns can be, even at 25ish turns in, than in single player because of the negotiating and such. That, combined with a busy personal schedule over the next couple of weeks inclines me towards a 48 hour deadline per turn. If that doesn't work for others, that's fine, but I've noticed that each day the time that our turns are processed is getting closer and closer to the deadline anyway. Any thoughts?

Zeldor November 18th, 2007 03:47 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I would like to stick with 24h with giving and option of extending it if someone asks for. So PM me if you think you won't be able to make the turn on time.

cleveland November 18th, 2007 03:58 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I second the motion.

Here in the US, the Thanksgiving holiday is this Thursday. I'm sure I'm not the only one traveling to visit family.

48 hours sounds good to me.

HJFudge November 18th, 2007 04:15 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
48 hours is fine, I too will be very busy over thanksgiving week

DonCorazon November 18th, 2007 05:53 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I'll be travelling for Thanksgiving, and not sure about internet access so more time will be good for me, at least over Thanksgiving (and Christmas I will be out of the country so not sure how that is going to work....)

spacht November 18th, 2007 07:09 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I have no objections to a 48h-deadline, much preferable to players missing or hurrying their turns.

Firewalker November 18th, 2007 10:36 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
48-hour turns would be okay for me.

Zeldor November 19th, 2007 05:24 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I have extended hosting to 48h. Effective immediately.

Eomi November 19th, 2007 09:52 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Thanks Zeldor, and everyone. I still plan on trying to get my turns done as quickly as possible, but there will be a week or two that are going to be pretty rough. Of course, by then the blasted armies of Ulm may have wiped me off the map...

DonCorazon November 20th, 2007 03:48 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Shinuyama continues to open up a six pack of whoopass on the Mighty Grom everytime we clash.

spacht November 21st, 2007 07:17 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Yes, it seems I am winning the battles but losing the war. Ulm is definitely a candidate for winning this game. But I'm not complaining. I am learning a lot and having great fun.

And my little goblins will fight to the last drop of their green blood!

DonCorazon November 21st, 2007 07:40 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Not sure about that but I am learning a lot as well. Spacht, do you remember when I had a decked out hero charge alone into battle against hundreds of your guys only to watch him get beaten to a pulp? Many things to learn but great fun!
Wish I could re-design the "Mighty Limping Weakened" Grom. Frankly, I am scared of Shin's Lord of War.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving nations of Urapara!

cleveland November 24th, 2007 05:26 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game

Going to a wedding, already late. Please extend the deadline!


Zeldor November 25th, 2007 01:38 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
It is extended by 24h already because llamaserver went down and didn't accept e-mails. But write me if you need more time than that.

cleveland November 25th, 2007 03:03 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Phew. Got it in.

DonCorazon November 25th, 2007 05:06 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Looks like all turns made it in to llamaserver except Tien Chin.

Zeldor November 25th, 2007 11:05 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
It seems that it didn't accept turns when I was going out for work, I will send it now.

Zeldor November 26th, 2007 05:59 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Abysia tries to rewrite definitions of words that existed for thousands of years. I wouldn't call it funny.

DonCorazon November 30th, 2007 03:25 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Arghhhh!!! Shinuyama is an uncrackable nut!
The Sweep will never fall....

spacht November 30th, 2007 11:01 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
What a shame, our gods again didn't meet on the battlefield. The great Malaranthus yearns to spill divine blood. The coward god of Bandar Log did not provide good sport for he fled the battle before our god could put his sword to him. But Grom will hopefully stand and fight, even though the curse of the ancestors has befallen him.

Praise Malaranthus!

P.S.: Congratulations to Lemnos of Arcoscephale, worthy champion of the arena.

DonCorazon November 30th, 2007 12:44 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
If only Arcos warriors were as good as the Mighty Lemnos. Elephant burger has become the meal of choice in southern Ulm. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Grom has never run from a battle - only into them (and as a result is weary, cursed and crippled). But one day he hopes to break through Shinuyama's impenetrable nest of forts so perfectly placed in mountain passes and swamps. If Ulm fails, good luck to the other nations of Urapara. Better start forging Endless Bags of Wine now because the road to Shin is lean at best.

Eomi November 30th, 2007 04:49 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
As far as I can tell, Lemnos was the only entrant into the Arena. Am I missing something? My messages don't list any arena battles.

Yes, Arcoscephale is quite close to utter collapse, but at the least we hope to be a thorn in the sides of Bandar Log and Ulm until we finally do fall.

DonCorazon December 1st, 2007 02:52 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Eomi, Ulm was too busy receiving an asswhooping to send any warriors to the arena. 255 Ulmish casualties vs 55 for Shin. And Grom was on the field...now cursed, in addition to his other "issues"

Spacht, I could use some tips when this is over...

DonCorazon December 2nd, 2007 10:42 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
This is Og, reporting live at the Shin/Ulm front where Hildegard, Scourge of the Land with 47 kills, was at long last slain herself, in a hail of Shinuyaman arrows.


Firewalker December 5th, 2007 01:51 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Well, Ulm may find itself challenged to find more live bodies to throw into the grinder, but Bandar Log seems to have developed performance anxiety, as for two straight months all of the commanders in the kingdom failed to act. Rather, they stood by, apparently frozen with self-doubt, and did nothing. Rumors are afloat that they simply "couldn't take it anymore" or "had better things to do besides get killed for that four-armed freak":-- whatever that means!

Narayana has ordered a series of self-esteem building seminars to get his generals and rishis up to snuff again. The conquest of the known universe will soon recommence.


Zeldor December 5th, 2007 07:01 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Yeah, I have noticed that Bandar has staled for 2 turns. I wish he informed me about that...

DonCorazon December 6th, 2007 03:30 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Og here reporting another ridiculous slaughter in Dyrfall...
197 dead Ulms vs. 39 Shins. Grom, crippled, cursed and weakened took a blow to the head and now appears to be mute. Unfortunately, he is no longer able to cast the spells his smiths have toiled so long to discover. He was last seen hobbling off to the north to make a last stand at the River of Lost Love, where Shinuyaman armies approach from 2 directions.

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