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-   -   Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (up) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=36653)

shard November 30th, 2007 08:57 AM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Tip of the turn...

Poison aura armies can be very nasty. Especially to yourself http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Aapeli November 30th, 2007 05:33 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
It seems so http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif. Mercs were destroyed totally cause I didnt get the time to do proper army setups.
Reptior is even more mad http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif as he didnt get the sappers wich he would have used to concuer the caelian capital.

lch November 30th, 2007 06:06 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u

darkchampion3d said:
I am going to be out of touch for roughly 4-5 days starting on DEC 1. Am I supposed to find a substitute or something for that time?

Yes indeed. Do you have a friend who can take your turns? Otherwise I'd ask for somebody to sub. If there's something like this, please send me a PM or email, too, to get my attention. I got real busy this week and didn't have a look at the forums until now.

shard November 30th, 2007 11:16 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
I'm currently looking for a sub from 12/4 until 12/15. I'd like to get in a couple of turns before I leave though since its at a pretty interesting point in the game for me.

cleveland December 2nd, 2007 04:41 PM

Re: Game talk
Agartha is interested in purchasing the following:

Fire Helmet
Bag of Winds

PM me with prices.

shard December 3rd, 2007 11:41 PM

Re: Game talk
Hadrian_II has kindly agreed to sub for me for the next several turns. I've given him a summary of my situation and some instructions - I should be back in couple of weeks!

fabio80mi December 4th, 2007 03:56 AM

Re: Game talk
See u soon shard! and take care!!! =)

Aapeli December 5th, 2007 05:11 PM

Re: Game status page
At this point I would like to inform in public to Caelum that REPTIOR WILL SIEGE CAELUM FOREVER!!! With three provinces left, one of them is the capital and only half mine, it seems like that is the only chance I still have. The grand 700 defence points are slowly crumbling and it is only a matter of time when I finally get to storm in there. Just if Reptior survives the fiersome gods justice (and the rest of the caelian armies that might appear). But know that Im not afraid of the mammoths and they shall scatter in front of my dreaded hydras (hope im not talking too soon).
I still wish I had the merc sappers. I hope you bandars are using them wisely.

WonderLlama December 5th, 2007 05:29 PM

Re: Game status page
I don't know about wisely, but they have been spending all their time sieging. Arco knows how to build some frustratingly thick walls.

lch December 6th, 2007 09:57 AM

Stalling players
Atlantis has been stalling for two turns. If somebody wants to sub and/or take over (or if somebody knows somebody who would be interested), leave a note here. I only looked at the graphs and their position seems ok. Otherwise I'll set them to AI. I'd be fine with people wanting to switch nations in the game.

Aapeli December 6th, 2007 02:39 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Well I guess I could play with Atlantis. But only if no one else wants to. Im in too many games alrady.

cleveland December 6th, 2007 04:34 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Please do!

Aapeli December 8th, 2007 08:09 AM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Right then I shall be playing Atlantis. Seems like pythium is quite lost as I was talking hay when I said that Reptior could siege caelum forever. In the end he was beaten by two gangs of mercenaries (wich the other I tried to buy myself and paid quite a lot too) and lots of undead. Well atleast he did put up a fine battle. So I just need somehow the password and I may begin. I dont know how to get it but I count on Ich on that matter. Just pm it to me and all is well.

WonderLlama December 8th, 2007 11:53 AM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
I'd say the hydras put up most of the fight. But it was a fine battle. Especially considering you had no reinforcements for the better part of a year.

lch December 8th, 2007 01:56 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u

Aapeli said:
Right then I shall be playing Atlantis.

Okay, then I am mailing the password to you. Jomon is another abandoned post, but judging from graphs alone, Atlantis has a better position than Jomon. So I will set Jomon and your old nation to AI here.

Aapeli December 8th, 2007 02:22 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Right then. The overlord Aapeli has taken over Atlantis and abandoned the serpent cult. Take a note that I know nothing about the naps and other deals you players have made with Antalntis and advise you to inform me if there should be some. Those treaties are no longer and if wanted they should be fromed once more.

cleveland December 8th, 2007 03:25 PM

Re: Game talk
I will never again play a MP game with the following players:


Abandoning a game without finding a replacement is really inconsiderate. Not only does it waste everyone's time, it ruins the game's diplomatic landscape since the AI is so damn stupid.

Of these 3, konming earns the bad-sportsmanship trophy. Disappearing because you're losing is on par with "I'm taking my ball and going home." I will never play against that crybaby again.

lch December 8th, 2007 06:05 PM

Re: Game talk
Ok, both should be played by the AI from next turn on.

cleveland, take it easy, it happens quite often and could happen for a wide range of reasons. Some people have a history, though, granted. But there are good examples, too - LoloMo gets a gold medal for always taking his turns in time.

shard December 8th, 2007 07:08 PM

Re: Game talk
hey guys hows it going? popping by to check...

Has Pythium's hydras finally fallen? In hindsight perhaps we should have used the blessing fix for them. How is Man doing?

lch December 8th, 2007 07:10 PM

Re: Game talk
Yeah, I was thinking about using some fixes, but I strictly said "no mods" in the beginning to not complicate the game for beginners, so I stuck to it. Pythium is almost gone completely. Jomon seems too nice a position to be set to AI right now, but it's better than having them stale any longer.

cleveland December 8th, 2007 08:26 PM

Re: Game talk

lch said:
cleveland, take it easy, it happens quite often and could happen for a wide range of reasons.

Please allow me to clarify.

I understand if you can't play anymore, just post a notice so that a sub can be found. No big deal.

But disappearing without telling anyone (while still actively posting on the forums) is both inconsiderate and disrespectful. Disappearing because you're losing is vindictive and pathetic; I for one won't waste any more of my time on such players.

WonderLlama December 9th, 2007 02:06 AM

Re: Game talk
To be fair, darkchampion3d did tell us he was going to be out of town. The post is in this thread. Yes, he should have tried to find a replacement, but he did at least tell us. And he left because he is out of town and can't get the game to work on his laptop, not because he's sore about the game.

MrSparkle December 9th, 2007 07:05 AM

Re: Game talk
Yikes! Aapeli is Atlantis! I guess I'm really dead with the current war against Man, Pythium and now maybe Atlantis. No hard feelings about killing Reptior, and uh-um oh boy, please say the fish kingdom takes bribes http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

lch December 9th, 2007 11:12 AM

Re: Game talk
Somehow something went wrong and Pythium has not been set to AI. Have you deleted Pythium's game files, Aapeli? Might have been that you overwrote my orders by connecting again.

cleveland December 9th, 2007 11:46 AM

Re: Game talk

WonderLlama said:
To be fair, darkchampion3d did tell us he was going to be out of town. The post is in this thread. Yes, he should have tried to find a replacement, but he did at least tell us. And he left because he is out of town and can't get the game to work on his laptop, not because he's sore about the game.

You are absolutely right, I owe him a sincere apology.

Aapeli December 9th, 2007 01:47 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
Umm could be Ich. I will delete the files and you can try again. I reselcted the nations some time dont remember when.

No hard feelings mr sparkle. Of course we take bribes but not money (Atlantis has got a big load of money if your interested in selling anything). No peace offers have came so I guess its war for everyone!

A bit confused for changing nation but I think I can get back to the game again.

cleveland December 9th, 2007 03:40 PM

Re: Game talk
Attention all bootstrappers!

Agartha is proud to offer the following oft-sought-after magic boosting items (price in gems, type negotiable):

-Flame Helmet (30)
-Skull of Fire (30)

-Earth Boots (12)

-Crystal Coin (25)
-Starshine Skullcap (25)

-Skull Staff (12)
-Skullface (35)

-Thistle Mace (15)

And of course...
-Ring of Sorcery (60)
-Ring of Wizardry (100)

PM me if interested. Be advised that several items have a 1-2 turn lead time, and that I might need a portion of the gems upfront to start the forging process.

Package deals available! Most level 6 items also available!

shard December 12th, 2007 07:29 PM

Re: Game talk
Taking back control of Man, many thanks to Hadrian for subbing.

Hmm... the map looks... interesting. I take it Atlantis has a new ruler, while Jomon has gone AI? So 2 major southern nations AI I take it? This is getting really messed up http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

WonderLlama December 12th, 2007 08:14 PM

Re: Game talk
Yup, you said it. I don't think any of us down here in the south are very happy about it, either. I guess that's just the way it goes.

Or is it? This is only my second game, but it seems like a lot of people are going AI without being near elimination. Is that common?

Hadrian_II December 12th, 2007 08:42 PM

Re: Game talk
Most people dont fight until they are death, but some turn themselves to AI when they think that they have lost (what might be lame) and others fight until they dont have any real armies left.

Aapeli December 13th, 2007 01:11 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
I wasnt just statisfied to turning myself to AI, I just abandoned my former god and took a new one. Its weird tough. Atlantis was doing good (and is still doing good for some time). Wonder why the previuos owner left.

For those who dont know yet, Atlantis is no on war against the nation that I think rules the north side, Man. Dont know wich Nations are on the north side too but Man has the most provinces, Dominion, income and unfortunately the biggest army too. So despite the fact that I was in my previous nation a very good ally with Man, I have done something as stupid as this.
Lolomo has already bought the courtesy of our nation. You others need not to do that but I invite you to join me in this dangerous attemp to bring down the far too mighty nation of Man.
But despite of all this its nice to see you back shard.

shard December 13th, 2007 01:45 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
While I can't fault Aapeli for waging war against me now I was just wondering what is the normal etiquette for this.

As he mentioned, we were good allies beforehand, and now he takes over a nation that is invading mine. This annoys me somewhat, since I can't exactly make him forget what I have told him about my tactics or what he knows of my troop depositions and strategies. You just can't RP that well :p

Ahem, as for the dangerous nation of Man...
We think the nation of Patala is even more terrifying! Why... Their two major neigbours went 'poof' with nary a sword being drawn, while the glorious nation of Man has gotten to where it is by blood, sweat and steel. Yet honest blood and steel is no match for the terrifying magicks and summons that would soon be unleashed by the empires that have not been touched by pvp turmoil.

WonderLlama December 13th, 2007 02:12 PM

Re: Rhoscrowther - Late Age game for MP Newbies (u
That came out of nowhere!

Yes, Arco and Jomon are falling. Arco was peaceful, and Jomon was an ally. Now I find myself fighting off unexpected attacks from them. There has been a lot of very rough fighting. It's not like fighting a normal AI. The troops were all bought by players, with lots of mages, and intelligent research. Plus, I haven't even been taking advantage of it. I have 4 of Arco's lands. That's all. Friendly relations depend on balance. I've taken effort to make sure my neighbors have reasonable numbers of provinces. Man hasn't, so it's not really surprising that there is more war in the north.

My advice to you is to give away a large chunk of your territory to your smaller neighbors, Caelum and Atlantis. Perhaps then you would be right that I am the biggest threat. Until then, they really have little choice but to defend themselves against the giant with a history of engulfing the little guys. Try to look at it from the perspective of others.

Aapeli December 13th, 2007 06:10 PM

Re: Game talk
I do not know the position of your troops shard. If you told me tactics I dont remember them. Yet I know more about the territory than I perhaps should (I remember where the azure academy was). But if there is any way I can balance the fairness of the game I will do it.

Aapeli December 17th, 2007 04:40 PM

Re: Game talk
Are we going to have a brake during holidays. On monday we are off to the countryside to spend a hilarious christmas with no computers around that have dom in them.
So I can send my last turn on tuesday 23th. We should be back on sunday 30th so that us ok for me to get back on the game. So if you could stop the timers for christmas it would be cool but if not I shall find a sub.

WonderLlama December 17th, 2007 05:03 PM

Re: Game talk
I also support taking a break. Although I probably will have access and could take a turn, I have no objection to putting the game on hold.

lch December 17th, 2007 05:55 PM

Re: Game talk

Aapeli said:
Are we going to have a brake during holidays.

I'll turn off the game timer in a few days. Then you can play your turns when/if you find the time for it, otherwise the game would be on hold. I'll reactivate the game timer around the 2nd of January at the latest.

cleveland December 31st, 2007 01:46 PM

Re: Game talk
I'm getting married today and going on my honeymoon. I've advertised for a sub on the forums without success.

My apologies, I hope you can find someone to fill my place.

shard January 1st, 2008 06:23 AM

Re: Game talk
A Happy New Year to you and Congratulations!

lch January 1st, 2008 09:09 PM

Game timers
The game timer will be restarted in less than 24 hours, as announced before.

Stelteck January 2nd, 2008 04:41 PM

Re: Game timers
Greetings greetings.

The old lord of agartha is no more. A new lord araise !!!


shard January 5th, 2008 01:51 AM

Re: Game timers
Sorry for the late notice but I'm currently up in the mountains in the middle of a vacation over the week without any ability to connect to the server on my laptop. Or rather, without any intention of paying for the exorbitant wifi charges... I'm not sure how it looks with the missed turn but I would recommend someone in the game to take over on a permanent basis as I will be away quite often thanks to the ski season; My recommendation being Caelum.

WonderLlama January 10th, 2008 01:24 PM

Re: Game timers
I'm starting to worry about Rhoscrowther. It looks like Man is going AI. They are, of course, the largest nation. We've just had so many nations go AI, and powerful nations too. I'm just having a hard time keeping my interest up when all the conflicts are with the AI, and the balance is thrown off (even if it is in my favor). You don't need to worry about me going AI too. But I was wondering if others feel the same way. I'm weighing in my mind whether it would be good to just call the game. What do the rest of you think?

Aapeli January 10th, 2008 01:35 PM

Re: Game talk
I can continue the game if you others wish. Still I feel the same with wonderLlama that the game has lost its edge. I shouldn have swithced nations like I did and I never felt this nation like it was mine. Anyway im not going to just walk away as that would indeed ruin this game completely.

I did have fun in the beginning tough and this was my first mp http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif. Im sure it was very educative to all of us.

lch January 10th, 2008 02:19 PM

Re: Game talk
I am sorry, I have not been aware that Man was stalling since three turns. Lots of people are looking for subs right now, so I don't know if we can find somebody to take over Man here.

shard January 11th, 2008 06:02 AM

Re: Game talk
I am back with some time over the weekend, I can continue taking a few turns to oversee Man's demise before I go off again.

fabio80mi January 11th, 2008 02:00 PM

Re: Game talk
Unfortunatly the game is really getting uninteristing and in my opinion it has already been misshaped for the too many player quitting it, maybe simply starting a new one is wiser and more interesting?

shard January 11th, 2008 02:19 PM

Re: Game talk
Is there a clear winner? When I left I'd say Patala, with Agartha quitting but I'll have to admit I have no idea as to Ulm's capabilities. For myself there was a lot of enjoyment to be had with all the battles but in the end the micro got very exhausting - a lesson to be learnt there I think :p

WonderLlama January 11th, 2008 04:15 PM

Re: Game talk
Is Agartha quitting? That's Stelteck, and he hasn't said so here, at least.

Aapeli January 11th, 2008 04:39 PM

Re: Game talk
So have we agreed now to quit and start a new one? Im in favor for that. I havent looked at the graphs so you others can declare a winner. I reckon its from provinces or dominion. Or then of course you could have a point for every graph you lead.

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