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-   -   Epic Heroes Mod II(Game Finished)(Lolomo Winner) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=36657)

Xietor November 10th, 2007 02:49 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
The map "looks" the same, but it is not the same. Code has been changed. When you put your cursor over a province that has a waste symbol, you will see that now it is actually a farm province. And map with symbols, like the stone henge, volcano, etc, are coded to have "many magic sites."

So any province with something unusual on it, most likely will have more than 1 magical site. Of course they may be paths you can search, but them are the breaks.

I emailed the map to Llamabeast already. If we are going to change maps and start on Sunday as planned it would have to happen by tomorrow. I have not looked for maps. Dr. P has taken charge of that task.

Zeldor November 10th, 2007 06:24 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I will send my pretender soon, I had really busy week.

DrPraetorious November 10th, 2007 07:07 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I believe that the Faerun map is too large - it also has fixed sites for the MA Nations (IIRC), which are not, from a strategic standpoint, balanced.

Finally it has oodles of fixed specials although I believe there is a version without them?

We can use Faerun if there is more than one vote in favor.

The rivers (and oasis symbols) have limited strategic significance - there are a number of sites which are only found in provinces with fresh water. The vast majority are water sites. So any province that has a river or oasis in it will be much more likely to have water sites.

That's the extent of it.

The other symbols on the map have been recoded to contain *many sites* - this includes the volcanos, crystals, balancing rocks, invisible giant and oasises.

And, finally, there are a number of start locations on the map (not fixed by nation #) which you might enjoy.

Xietor November 10th, 2007 02:24 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Game starts tomorrow.

It is likely too late to change maps at this point. Get in your pretenders.

Tichy November 10th, 2007 04:17 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Hello all,
Not sure how to find my pretender file to email it. There's no 'lords' folder in my Dom3 package, or the other folder it installs. I'm on OSX.


Gregstrom November 10th, 2007 04:49 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Try newlords within the savedgames folder, perhaps?

Zeldor November 10th, 2007 04:59 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)

/savegames/newlords ?


I had to finish some things with my pretender as that type is really new for me, I will have it hmm... in about 3 hours as I need to be somewhere now.

Tichy November 10th, 2007 05:37 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Got it, thanks.

Xietor November 10th, 2007 07:23 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Just make sure you have only 1 pretender for your race saved when you send it in.

Xietor November 11th, 2007 02:08 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Just got word from Evilhomer that he is having computer issues and they will not be fixed for 1-2 weeks.

I will spend 1 day looking for a sub for MA Ermor. If none are found we start tomorrow(Monday) with 17 players.

Good Luck all. And no, present players cannot switch to MA Ermor. That could cause others to switch and so forth and so on.

Evilhomer November 11th, 2007 02:23 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Sorry for the inconvenience, I was looking forward to having a darkness hero with my vestals http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif. Now someone else has the chance to play

Xietor November 11th, 2007 08:44 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
well i asked llamabeast and tuidy so far-both no can do.

Anyone know anyone who wants to play ma ermor or one of the other unclaimed races let me know quickly.

Sieger November 11th, 2007 11:18 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I agreed to take over MA Ermor.

Xietor November 12th, 2007 10:39 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I have asked Llamabeast to start the game. When he gets the time to set it up, we will be receiving out first turn.

Xietor November 12th, 2007 11:40 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I do not have admin. control over anything yet. But once I do I will be turning the host interval to 48 hours. Presently llamabeast gave every 3 days to do their 1st turn. But quick host is on. if you have no issues with map/mod we can try and beat that 72 hour deadline!

Zeldor November 13th, 2007 12:29 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
It will get really bloody on land from what I see. There are no natural barriers like mountain passages. As a water nation I would like to see some frequent reports on what is going on land http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

shard November 13th, 2007 07:41 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Ah this is sad... its taken so long to start I think i've forgotten my pretender password. Lets try a few more likely combinations. I think I was feeling way too clever by half that evening.


Xietor November 13th, 2007 08:43 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
that is the one thing i disliked about the map-no natural barriers. It is a solid map, but there really should have been no movement allowed through mountains. Dr. P is a quick expander, so I am sure the map reflects his desire for early expansion.

Turns are sent in to turns@llamaserver.net

Llamabeast has a long post on how to play games on his server in this forum if anyone is having trouble.

Xietor November 13th, 2007 08:46 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Ok, I got admin. powers and set the host to 48 hours. There is a long delay on the 1st turn only to make sure newer players figure things out.

After turn 1 hosting will be on 48 hours. Quickhost is on, so if everyone gets in their turn, the game will still move rapidly in the early phases.

Meglobob November 13th, 2007 08:49 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I like the map.

Good one Dr.P

Zeldor November 13th, 2007 08:58 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Land nations have 17 provinces per nation and water ones only 13, so it may be even more bloody in depths. And probably one small lake is uninhabited, which makes about 10 provinces per nation...

shard November 13th, 2007 09:19 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Oh dear...

Xietor November 13th, 2007 09:42 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
But the water is all in one spot. So whatever water nation conquers the other 2 will be in a very strong position.

DrPraetorious November 13th, 2007 11:05 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
That is generally the way it works, yes.

Also we're working under the assumption that the water nations cannot hold any land provinces whatsoever, which is generally untrue, although on a map this crowded it is a possibility.

Xietor November 13th, 2007 11:57 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
all game settings are default, except renaming is on, and hof is 15.

shard November 13th, 2007 12:22 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I thought indies were supposed to be at 6? Or is it still 5?

Xietor November 13th, 2007 05:42 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
4 players only have yet to do their 1st turn.

If anyone is having issues getting the game loaded post on the thread for technical help.

Agema November 14th, 2007 04:45 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I've got a slight problem, I installed EH 1.5 but it says I actually need 1.8, where is 1.8?

If it's the worthy heroes thing, I have the folder (with 9 tga files) in the mod section - do they need to be removed from the folder or put elsewhere?

llamabeast November 14th, 2007 04:46 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Indies are at 5.

parcelt November 14th, 2007 05:00 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Agema, there's a link to 1.8 in the first post.

Xietor November 14th, 2007 05:02 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
All 3 mods are linked on the 1st post of this thread.

1.8 is Worthy Heroes Mod version 1.5 is the Epic heroes Mod version.

If the error message says 1.8, you need to download worthy heroes mod.

You may have to drag the dm file out of the yellow folder for the worthy heroes mod-cannot remember. But you should have a dm file visible and a yellow file that has the 9 tga files in it visible.

Agema November 14th, 2007 06:24 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Ta, I think when I unzipped it I must have not clicked the .dm file for extraction, so didn't have it and thought it was just the .tga files.

Xietor November 14th, 2007 06:31 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
the long delay given to do the 1st turn is for this purpose. It can be tough to get everything just right. once you get that 1st turn done the rest is easy.

Good Luck Beowulf!

Hadrian_II November 14th, 2007 06:58 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Doh, the game just decided to throw my order scales out of the window. I hate the scalebug, hope it regenerates fast.

Zeldor November 14th, 2007 07:38 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Nothing beats a nasty random event at first turn at capitol...

Xietor November 14th, 2007 07:46 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
My advice to all who encounter MA Arcos.

"Do not tug on Superman's Cape, do not spit in the wind, do not tug on the mask of the Ole Lone Ranger, and do not mess around with him."

Xietor November 14th, 2007 07:56 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I got the scale bug as well. my 2 negative scales are there, but no order or growth. wtf is up with that?

And I almost died a dominion death on turn 1. A whooping 1 dominion in my capital.

Must be nice to be Marignon, Ctis or Tien Chi. All of their Heroes spread their dominion greatly.

Zeldor November 14th, 2007 08:01 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)

I am sure you really wouldn't exchange it for what happened to me. It will take some time to get back to what I had on turn 1 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Xietor November 14th, 2007 08:35 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
well, if i lose my candle of dominion, it really will not matter.

Tichy November 15th, 2007 12:10 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I'd just like to thank R'lyeh for jumping out of the gate in character. Ftagntastic.

shard November 15th, 2007 12:17 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I had the scales bug one of my other games... I decided to pretend it was the plague.
Though whats happening with all the 'luck' scales everyone is supposed to be getting? :p

Actually, I've had one annoying problem though - I can't seem to play the turn on one of my computers in the office, it keeps asking for the kitchen sink mod which I have already installed. Works fine at home though.

Sir_Dr_D November 15th, 2007 12:53 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I had a problem with the kitchen sink mod at first as well. It was looking for a name with a space 'kitchen sink' while in the file that I had it was an underscore, 'kitchen_sink'.

Xietor November 15th, 2007 06:05 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I do not think i zipped Kitchen Sink mod since it was so small. So maybe if people are treating it as a zipped file
that causes an issue? dunno.

Aapeli November 16th, 2007 10:14 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I wont be able to play my turn in time. I will do it saturday or sunday if you could give me some time. My apologies for our computer screen broke and I cant recieve any e-mails (Im at my bros computer at the moment).

Xietor November 16th, 2007 11:39 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I am not going to be able to extend the early turns beyond the 48 hours they presently are at(: If possible, can you get a sub to do a turn or 2 for you until your computer is fixed
or add the game to your brother's computer?

I am not trying to be difficult, but usually in mp games the host is on 24 hours for the first several turns, and we are already on a pretty undemanding host schedule with 48 hours to do a 5 minute turn.

When the holidays arrive, I will delay the game if anyone needs it. But as stated in a previous post, i do not want to delay hosting otherwise for the 1st 10-12 turns so we can get the game progressing.

I will see if llamabeast can do your turn for you since it would take a max of 5 minutes.

Aapeli November 16th, 2007 01:20 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
That would be great. As far as I know I think I can continue at the week end. A stale turn wouldnt hurt that much since its the second turn but if llamabeast wants it would be very nice from him to make the turn (but its ok if he doesnt want to or hasnt got time).

Zeldor November 16th, 2007 02:55 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I really wish we had 24 hour turns now...

Xietor November 16th, 2007 02:58 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
i advertised a slower pace of 48, so i can't change that now. quick host is on though, and a faster pace is easy to get if everyone does their turns.

Hadrian_II November 16th, 2007 03:02 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
If there are 20 people, someone will always stall.

Xietor November 16th, 2007 06:34 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)

I found someone to do your turn, but you had a password, so i could not change the email address. There is no reason, btw, to have a pw on games hosted by the llamaserver.

If your have a pw you are on your own finding a sub(as you are actually in any event). But I tried, and was thwarted by the pw). Evilhomer was going to do your turn for you btw. email him your pw if you need him to do turn 3 for you.

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