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Alneyan December 6th, 2007 08:36 PM

Re: So near yet so very, very, very far
After much pondering and wondering, Man has decided to send the following answer to Skaven: 'We hate your guts'. Do I look like a dastard bastard of the 'dagger in your back' traitor type? (That, and I've taken heavy losses without actually fighting anybody. I shudder to think what would happen if I met a real army.)

Digress December 6th, 2007 11:36 PM

Man or louse ?

We Skaven find ourselves wrestling with alien concepts such as "pity" and "shame" when we look to our eastern neighbour.

We Skaven didn't think, for a moment, Man had the courage to fight its never ending slide into complete and utter irrelevance. For that is the fate of Man.

For now Man remains a vassal/slave of Ulm. The seers predict after the fall of Skavenblight you will cease to have any utility at all to your Ulmish masters except as possessing a couple of magic sites that Ulm covets and will look to make its own.

llamabeast December 7th, 2007 08:23 PM

Re: Man or louse ?
Erk, plaguerats. They are seriously nasty. I was really really lucky I only had PD there when you attacked with them.

Alneyan December 7th, 2007 08:37 PM

Re: Man or louse ?
For the love of Goddess, will someone *please* shut down the bloody rat speakers? Their ramblings are getting tiresome... though we may slaughter their men... their creatures by the drove, so do they. Such is the harsh fate of the poor human nations, where mages are few (I'm just above Ulm in that department, it seems) and troops are... well, where's my infantry?

Right. Let's hope Skaven doesn't have any other army to throw my way, 'cuz I'm only any real good at taking down PD.

Digress December 8th, 2007 12:38 AM

Re: Man or louse ?

llamabeast said:
Erk, plaguerats. They are seriously nasty. I was really really lucky I only had PD there when you attacked with them.

They were sneaking not attacking - that is the problem with low morale, low value stealth +0 units - PD finds them easily and then they die.

We note another case of Ulmish cowardice - run, diseased man things, run from the walls of Skavenblight.

Those who wish to harm Ulm - we continue to take donations. Death gems would be lovely as would earth.

Digress December 10th, 2007 02:57 AM

Rats to go down with ship
HMS Skavenblight is preparing to go under with all hands. Our ever-diminishing hordes (well more accurately raiding parties/roadkill) are finding themselves unable to hold off the hordes (literally) of flagellants marching, rather aimlessly I might add, in the general direction of our capital.

Man appears to have had a stiff drink and prepared to return to fray ... we applaud the effort we really do.

sum1lost December 10th, 2007 03:14 AM

Re: Rats to go down with ship
Arga Dis went under. Had we placed our mages forward a bit, and had decoys, we feel that Bandar Log's god would have gone down with a number of afflictions. However, with our entire army smashed+most mages dead, Tien Chi invading and one turn from our capital, 87 unrest in the capital thanks to spells by Tien Chi (presumably, since bandar log hasn't cast any so far), and pretty much no blood remaining, and our other fort seiged, the AI can handle things just as well...

Sombre December 10th, 2007 04:26 AM

Re: Rats to go down with ship
What would you say the determining factor in your demise was?

Digress December 10th, 2007 07:32 AM

Re: Rats to go down with ship
Well in my case I should really have gone blood, blood and more blood. It certainly would have helped to have got a blood economy up and running before Ulm Reborn's troops arrived - just to be able to pump out rats and more rats to soak more of the hits. My gem income has been pretty dire - maybe Man and Ulm will find the stuff I am missing [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Envy.gif[/img]

On the research front the mages of Skavenblight are pretty damn versatile. Spamming vengeance of the dead against Ulm's more accomplished mages was handy along with the ability to mind duel and fire off a range of death magicks when in combat. Communions and blood sabbaths would have been excellent to pull off more - with Lizard Shaman and Crystal Amazons I certainly had the raw material to back up my seers.

Death Frenzy is a very useful spell - but like Touch of Madness Skaven mages have a habit of firing it off a little bit much - though beserk Skaven priests are fair combatants. I know - don't give them death gems but sometimes you forget or have them scripted to do something else.

As for determining factor - my inability to fight a two front war. Had I been able to concentrate against Ulm I reckon I could have made a real mess of his first foray (as I was able to repeatedly remove his armies leaders with Vengeance of the Dead and Mind Duels). So whilst Man has done little of note they kept my reserve pinned when it needed to be thrown into the fray.

llamabeast December 10th, 2007 03:00 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship
Yes, I must admit my flagellants have been a bit aimless - or rather, mainly they are waiting around for reinforcements - I got a bit scared of Skavenblight after my last army got annihilated. There was also an episode of bungling shortly before I attacked Skavenblight. My army had been split across two provinces (A and B), with all my commanders in A. So I moved the commanders to B to pick up the rest of the troops - only to realise I had brought no troops, so half of them were still in A. So then I traipsed back to A. And then I attacked and everyone died. Not so good.

Digress has actually been quite cunning in proclaiming his demise very early, which lead me to greatly underestimate him. Possibly the war might have gone much more swimmingly were it not for my feeling complacent after the initial invasion. As it is victories have probably been reasonably equal on both sides, with my advantage being that all the fighting is happening in Skaven territory, so their infrastructure and resources are falling apart while mine is thankfully unscathed.

Incidentally my initial army was eventually annihilated - but only having been split in two and then one half split in two again, comically without loss of troops as you were saying. And those surviving troops did remain a thorn in your side for a good amount of time. That must have been really annoying for you.

Congratulations go to Bandar for a truly spectacular comeback from two provinces back to being a powerful force. Also condolences to Arga Dis - well played sum1.

Tyrant December 10th, 2007 05:29 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship
Good fight sum1, that was a proper slugfest all the way through and you did much better than i expected in the final battle. /salute

Hate to tell you this, but had you marched straight to my capitol after your big victory about a yeear ago you would have had me, I had no more forces at that point.

It's too bad that your territory is as poverty stricken as my own and my victory is largely empty.

llamabeast December 10th, 2007 07:24 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship
I'm afraid I can't take my turn tonight (feeling quite ill so going to crawl into bed), so I've postponed hosting till tomorrow (postponed by 10 hours). Sorry about that.

llamabeast December 11th, 2007 10:13 AM

Re: Rats to go down with ship
Invading the lands of Skavenblight is beginning to feel like fighting a land war in Russia. Resources keep pouring in, yet no progress is being made. Barbarians attack newly occupied provinces, while my best commanders are continually killed off leaving stranded armies behind. This time my one captured fortress is under siege by independents. Aargh.

On the plus side I am feeling better this morning. Hurrah.

Sombre December 11th, 2007 11:23 AM

Re: Rats to go down with ship
As llama starts to feel better I come down with the flu. That's timezones for you.

Digress December 11th, 2007 08:36 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)
I have come down with something too - bleh.

While the Skaven welcome disease in all its guises Clans Moulder and Pestilens claim to have no role in either the creation or dissemination of the current outbreak.

Skavenblight appears to have run out of space (and pushed unrest up perhaps a little high http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif) in which to harvest the blood slaves required to spawn replacements for its army.

We continue to consign Ulm's greatest mages to the grave in feats of mindfrying brilliance (though my prophet got fried simultaneously this turn). Their armies continue forward in slow and somewhat disjointed steps grinding us further into the dust.

As for Man - well you best ask them about their continued campaign.

llamabeast December 12th, 2007 09:03 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)
I'm off on holiday to the Netherlands from tomorrow, just until Sunday night, to visit an old housemate of mine. Hopefully I'll be able to whack Dominions on their computer, but I'm not sure just how regularly I'll get to play so I think I had better stick the timer on 48 hours.

llamabeast December 14th, 2007 06:28 AM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)
Hi guys,

The observant among you will notice that something went screwy at hosting time. It's fixed now, but I'm afraid I have to ask you all to send your turns in _again_ - sorry!

llamabeast December 16th, 2007 08:58 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)
Okay, I'm back, and due to impeccable timing with screwups on the LlamaServer, I won't miss a single turn! Amazing!

I will set the timer back to 24 hours. I anticipate pauses will be needed soon, but I will wait until I'm asked (but you should feel free to ask whenever it would be convenient).

llamabeast December 18th, 2007 04:50 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)
Hmm, it seems I accidentally left the timer on 48 hours, so the game won't host until tomorrow night - unless we all get our turns in tonight. It's back on 24 hours now anyway, although I expect it can't be long till people will need christmas pauses (personally I'm all good till christmas eve though).

Alneyan December 19th, 2007 08:40 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)
<Bitter> Right. I've sent my Pretender to gun down a Skaven commander that was starting to really get on my nerves (and hopefully snatch one item or two from said commander). The mission was a success, and my Pretender routed the enemy army. Then I yelled 'Victory!' and my Pretender proceeded to cast Immolation on himself. Mind you, the other targets in the vicinity were utterly harmless, and my Pretender was 100% Fire Unresistant.

The end result is, of course, a Pretender back in the capital, no items, and one province still held by the suicide-inducing PD of doom. Of course, it wasn't exactly the biggest battle in the war, but I shudder to think of what else the spellcasting AI might shoot out. Is that sort of stroke of genius current, and I've just been lucky so far? </Bitter>

That aside, that war with Skaven is amazing funny in the 'sheer incompetence' department (mine, that is). I guess it'd help if I actually had some sort of strategy and tactics that didn't suck. At least I can do the AI thing and pump armies left and right, hoping Skaven will eventually run out of money... hey, if the AI is holding me down in another game that way, I guess it works. Next time, remind me to stay neutral if I can't fight three-against-one.

In unrelated news, I'd appreciate an extra 24 hours on December 24, as I'll spend most of the day trekking back to France.

llamabeast December 19th, 2007 09:12 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)
More land-war-in-Russia misery for the armies of Ulm in the last two months. Having finally decided to make for a Grand Push into Skavenblight, my army set forth two months ago to a province adjacent to the enemy capital. A priest already there was to build a lab to supply them when they arrived - some new supply items were being forged back in Ulm, so the new lab was necessary, and so I didn't bother taking any gems with me.

The wretched Skaven Mind-Hunted the lab-building priest. So, my army was left without any gems, and crucially couldn't cast the Really Super Spell that was to inflict annihilation on the Skaven. No worries, I would stay put and build the lab again - in the meantime, at least my new thug had arrived in Skaven territory and captured a province.

This turn my lovely (and quite expensive) thug was mind hunted, despite an MR of 16 or so, and to my further shock the Skaven sallied forth to attack my still-gemless army. The brave Ulmish penitents won the day amidst a staggering rain of ratling evocations, but not without terrible losses. Even if we are able to siege the ratling capital now (which is uncertain), it will take countless months to bring down the walls of the underground lair. And reinforcements are far, far away - after all, the army was thought to be invincible.

Congratulations are in order for the god of the Skaven - your rats are pests!

Digress December 20th, 2007 12:16 AM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)

Alneyan said:
<Bitter> Right. I've sent my Pretender to gun down a Skaven commander that was starting to really get on my nerves (and hopefully snatch one item or two from said commander). The mission was a success, and my Pretender routed the enemy army. Then I yelled 'Victory!' and my Pretender proceeded to cast Immolation on himself. Mind you, the other targets in the vicinity were utterly harmless, and my Pretender was 100% Fire Unresistant.

I did rather wonder what happened there http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif. I decided to interpret as your immortal pretender deciding it was time to incinerate his current massively afflicted corpse and return to your capital to get a new one http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

As for Ulm - well the rats are deserting the ship in droves as my lack of an economy of any sort starts to bite. As for my "ratling evocations" - well it is a case of if only I had some gems left to beef them up a touch. My artillery was obviously scripted incorrectly - most of the armour piercing/negating warpfire/warp lightening throwers all decided to go hand to hand (even before they all went beserk).

You really are able to pump out alot of those twice-blessed bloody penitents aren't you. They really do a fine job of dishing out the damage - winning the battle whilst various Skaven flavoured poisons slowly, too slowly http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif, winnow their ranks.

Skavenblight really cannot stress the need for the remaining powers in the north to actually do something to confront Ulms burgeoning power. They will soon be able to start papering over their gaps in the magic department and you will find yourself .... well like so much roadkill.

The Skaven have bought you time - and as our few remaining troops begin to desert in droves we curse you all ... and wish you well (and perhaps more success, I would say luck but that might be asking a little much) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

The game has been fun though I am beginning to get a little tired of playing the role of llamabeast's speedhump. How many games is it now where I have cost you a couple of shiny mages, thugs or SCs before being ground relentlessly into the ground by your leader-lite armies ? More than one .... one day I hope to move from speedhump to brickwall, or at least some more effective traffic calming measure http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Alneyan December 20th, 2007 02:16 AM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)

Digress said:
I did rather wonder what happened there http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif. I decided to interpret as your immortal pretender deciding it was time to incinerate his current massively afflicted corpse and return to your capital to get a new one http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

If only... but dying only adds some new afflictions (I've pretty much got a full house now). At least I'm in my capital and can 'port right back into the 'go down in a blaze of glory against PD' action... third time is the charm!

llamabeast December 22nd, 2007 09:22 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)
High priest Heinrich was again sitting behind his desk, sorting through reports from the front. It seemed that the war against the Skaven was going well, even if losses had been far higher than had at first been hoped.

Suddenly his assistant, Sigebert, burst into the room. This was most irregular - Sigebert always knocked and waiting for his master to call him in. But looking up, Heinrich saw that Sigebert was not his normal self - he looked flushed and disturbed - the man had clearly had a shock.

"What is it Sigebert?"
"Terrible news, my lord. It's... it's like the business in Skavenblight all over again."

Heinrich drew in his breath. This sounded serious.

"What? You don't mean to say the Bandar aren't human either?", he asked.
"No no, it's not the Bandar - it's the Abysians! They're not human, not even nearly human. They're monstrous, god-forsaken beings. Sir, they're born from the lava, spawn from the infernal fires. Sire, they're monsters!"

Heinrich considered the news gravely. But he knew there was little to ponder - stretched as it was, the Ulmish kingdom could not allow such a monstrosity to exist. War was inevitable.


The mighty kingdom of Ulm hereby declares war on Abysia. We will respect our three-month non-aggression pact. In the fiftieth month of the Ascension Wars, the Ulmish armies will be given orders to march into Abysian territory.

Alneyan December 23rd, 2007 04:58 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)
Bumpy bump, as it looks like the game might host again pretty soon.


Alneyan said:
In unrelated news, I'd appreciate an extra 24 hours on December 24, as I'll spend most of the day trekking back to France.

llamabeast December 23rd, 2007 06:15 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (slowly)
Okay, thanks for reminding me, I'll postpone after the coming hosting.

Actually I will probably postpone for a few days - myself I won't be able to play either christmas day or boxing day. Anyone else got any days they can't play?

Digress December 24th, 2007 06:38 AM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (more rapidly)
"On the other side of the international dateline" - I must remember to remind myself of that fact more often.

Almost staled through inattention http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif Christmas eve here, have mother-in-law and three year old son who "knows all about Santa Claus" in the house.

The mighty pretender of the Skaven has been reduced to a drooling moron (a result of mind hunting gone bad, bad, bad http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif). Good thing he has such a good chasis for a thug .... not.

The gates of Skavenblight have been breached and the diseased hordes of Ulm prepare to storm through. My remaining troops are pillaging and vandalising all they can before slinking back into our various ratholes ... there to remain for some time to come.

Thanks for the game - likely to set things to AI in the near future.

llamabeast December 24th, 2007 02:53 PM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (more rapidly)
Next hosting is set for 8pm GMT on the 27th.

Ha! I'm glad my crystal amazon caught your pretender. Although you only did two mind hunts before, both of them were astonishingly disruptive.

Thanks very much for playing Digress, you've been an excellent sport, and a pleasure to play with as always. I await your revenge in a future game with trepidation. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Alneyan December 26th, 2007 09:13 AM

Re: Rats to go down with ship (more rapidly)
Okay, I'm back in France, but my connection here is utter crap. I should be able to take my turns because it's a PBEM game, but no promises yet. In any event, I'd appreciate if the timer was kept on 48 hours until Jan 6; Quickhost and no timer shouldn't be necessary.

Digress December 27th, 2007 07:01 PM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
Ulm has misjudged our tenacity again (though probably for the last time).

We have defended the gates of Skavenblight successfully - and put various massed diseased Ulmish cripples to flight (literally). We continue to taunt you from the battlements whilst surveying the field of corpses that litter the surrounds - though in our damaged state it is quite a climb to get a good view of the carnage (a suprising number of gammy legs amongst our defenders, I have NO IDEA how that happened http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif).

We even find time to blow raspberries to Man http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif They appear to be masters of defeating PD (PD we can no longer afford) - but our barrel scrapings we are forced to field as armies continue to be too tough for the "warriors" of Man http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

Alneyan December 28th, 2007 08:00 AM

Re: Rats to go down with honour

Digress said:
We even find time to blow raspberries to Man http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif They appear to be masters of defeating PD (PD we can no longer afford) - but our barrel scrapings we are forced to field as armies continue to be too tough for the "warriors" of Man http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

Come on, I've killed several of your precious commanders, and lost only token longbowmen in the fight. In my book, that's a victory, plain and square. Admittedly, it's not a very impressive victory, but we've only sent the smallest possible force to kill you good. (Unfortunately, Ulm also went with the minimum force approach.)

I suggest giving up fighting Skaven and just shooting for a Dom-kill. Our inability to finish off those weaklings is getting embarrassing now.

llamabeast December 28th, 2007 08:25 AM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
I hate you ratlings. I hate you I hate you I hate you. Why will you just not die?!!

llamabeast December 28th, 2007 10:27 AM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
I postponed hosting for 24 hours for Abysia, just cos I thought it might not be entirely clear that we're back to 24 hour hosting.

Also, everyone remember that I'll happily grant extensions over the holiday period. I'll have to grant one to myself in fact over new year's eve, cos I'm going away for a couple of days.

Also please let me know when you want the game switched to 48 hours. We've done pretty well with how far we've got on 24 hour hosting, but it wouldn't be unreasonable to switch now (although I'm still quite happy with 24 hours myself for the moment).

llamabeast December 30th, 2007 11:06 AM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
Hmm, seems I underestimated Abysian PD. I just lost 100 penitents to two futile attacks. No matter, the ranks of the penitent are endlessly replenished.

Also there is a ridiculous army of Skaven mages wandering around that I just can't spare the resources to hunt down. My poor old PD don't stand a chance in the hail of fireballs. Grr, die ratlings!

I'm going away for two days now. I've worked out that if I make the next two turns 36 hours each, I should have plenty of time. So I'm doing that.

llamabeast December 30th, 2007 11:08 AM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
Also, I am intrigued by what's going on in Abysia. The Abysians appear to be making no efforts to stop me - I've met about 10 non-PD troops so far. Is it some kind of a trap?

Yucky December 30th, 2007 05:02 PM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
I'm visiting my parent's untill ~5th, any chance of waiting for me? If not, I understand.

Digress January 1st, 2008 01:10 AM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
I have no problem with a delay - you would be best send a PM to llamabeast and the remaining players to have hosting delayed.

llamabeast January 1st, 2008 06:04 PM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
Unfortunately Yucky posted his message after I left, so he staled - sorry about that. I've now postponed hosting till 12.45pm on the 6th Jan. Hope that's a good time. This turn I won't push forward with my attacks on Abysia, to make up for him staling.

llamabeast January 6th, 2008 10:15 AM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
Okay, we're back on 24 hours again now.

Alneyan January 7th, 2008 08:16 AM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
Is there any known problem with Llamaserver? I've sent my turn two or three times already, but no sugar. I'm trying one last time, but it looks like a stale for me.

Alneyan January 7th, 2008 08:50 AM

Re: Rats to go down with honour
Of course, two minutes after I complained... "This message is just to let you know that I received a 2h file from you, and it seems to be fine." Looks like Llamaserver just got an upgrade, or it's got that much closer to being the world's first strong AI.

llamabeast January 7th, 2008 09:54 AM

Re: Marmoset - MA game with mod nations - recruiti
Yeah, the server reads the forums as a matter of course. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Digress January 8th, 2008 07:50 PM

Skavenblight Falls
The gates of Skavenblight have been breached and our remaining army has been put to flight. Our drooling madrat of a leader has fallen under the flails of Ulm and our greatest hero is no more.

Our ability to tie up even the meagrest portion of Ulm's armies is now gone .... beware the Kingdom of Man, blah, blah, blah.

Whilst it may seem rude to point this out I feel I should. I assume those of you remaining in the game have noticed the globals Ulm has up at the moment - globals that have been up for a while now .... you do realise something should be (have been) done about them.

Well we reap what we sow ... my inability to find an ally willing to stand against Ulm was telling. Thanks for the game - have subbed for someone playing Ulm Reborn so this experience of being beaten up thoroughly has been educational.

llamabeast January 8th, 2008 08:19 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls


Skavenblight has fallen, and even now our armies stand ready to march into Arga. The armies of Abysia are in disarray. Soon the mighty Kingdom of Ulm will control 5 of the great capital cities of the world.

In our arrogance and foolishness, we feel the time has come to make a great pronouncement: Ulm hereby declares on THE WORLD! Muwahaha!

Obviously I will respect all NAPs currently in operation. So that means I won't actually attack anyone new for quite a while. That means peace for T'ien Ch'i for 4 months, and for Man and Bandar for 6.

Apologies go especially to Man, who has been a marvellous, communicative and steadfast ally. Actually everyone left has been my ally to some extent, and I have appreciated working with them. However, there can be only one God. Stop me if you can!

Digress January 8th, 2008 08:41 PM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Squeak, squeak, squeak. (Skaven for we told you so http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif).

I hope all of you have your anti-Ulm arsenal in perfect working order - good luck in stopping the juggernaut. My fleabites have proved no more than an annoyance.

PS: Does anyone know how high unrest can go ? - despite my best efforts I can't get it over 500 (pillaging ones own provinces to pay the wages bill is not very effective)

Alneyan January 9th, 2008 04:49 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
I would now like the game to switch to a 48 hours schedule.

I'd like all allied nations to get in touch as soon as possible with me, just so we know what sort of strengths we all have. I don't think we stand much of a chance; I know I've never been a match for Ulm (they know that too), but I don't know about the rest of you.

On another note, I've pretty much *asked* Llamabeast to go all Evil Empire on us; he did not want to go for an allied victory, and I wasn't sold on the idea of gunning him down (more like scratching his back, but hey). Not that it'd have changed my strategy much... I've been upgraded from 'harmless' to 'mostly harmless', and I'm hoping to reach the rank of 'feeble' in the next few turns.

Skaven, rest assured you did help me tremendously by giving me all the sites I needed very, very badly. I'd love to get the textbook on how to use them to win a war now, though. Heck, scratch that: given the impressive fight you've put up, you should become our commander-in-chief or something.

Unrest only goes up to 500 *or* population X 10, whichever is lower, by the way.

llamabeast January 9th, 2008 06:38 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Okay, turn timer set to 48 hours.

I declared war on turn 57, so I will give orders to attack Man and Bandar on turn 63, and T'ien Ch'i on turn 61. I will not be offended though if you give orders to attack me before then (in which case I will retaliate of course) - there's no point keeping NAPs when there is an Evil Empire about! Of course from Ulm's point of view, we are the one noble beacon of hope left in the world. Man, T'ien Ch'i and Bandar may all be human at least, but we have heard nasty stories of witches and state-sponsored mages. And the darkest rumours even speak that the Bandar may not be human after all...

Sombre January 9th, 2008 06:39 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
I just want to say I am so glad you guys are enjoying my mod nations. I put quite a lot of work into them and I will continue to update them when needed - the payoff is basically when people play with them and enjoy them.

llamabeast January 9th, 2008 06:43 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Yep, we certainly have been enjoying them Sombre. I really like having them in the game. Skaven have been great fun (largely due to Digress's refusal to die). I'll definitely start another mod nations game in the near future I think.

Digress January 10th, 2008 03:10 AM

Re: Skavenblight Falls
Playing the Skaven was a blast. I am just sad that I was unable to mass enough of their "toys" to turn back the hordes of Ulm. Ohhh but for more globadiers, more warpfire throwers and more warpfire throwers .... more provinces, gems and troops ... better scripting, better leadership ... then, oh yes then the skaven would still be in the game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif

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