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DrPraetorious December 6th, 2007 12:25 AM

Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
I'm looking to trade items. I'd prefer trade in kind (i.e., other items) but will take gems if people are willing to negotiate a modest markup.

I've got ASDN at the moment and should have blood shortly, construction 2, could head for 4 but probably have other stuff to do. Particularly useful for anyone looking put luck or somesuch on a SC pretender.

Respond via the forum or send correspondence to:
Knife Bright Insight, True God of the World,
c/o The Prophet WWNBB,
Temple Square

quantum_mechani December 6th, 2007 01:05 AM

Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
EDIT: Nevermind, found the issue.

Kristoffer O December 7th, 2007 01:27 PM

Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
> c/o The Prophet WWNBB,

Sounds like the prophet 'wannabee' http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

llamabeast December 7th, 2007 01:52 PM

Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting

DrPraetorious December 7th, 2007 02:43 PM

Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
KO - in order for me get the prophet Wannabee, you'll need to up the magic on the skratti just-a-tad.

I suggest:
WB{WNBAEx2,50%}{WNBAEx2,50%}{WNBAEx2,50%}{WNBAE,10 %}

That'd still be exactly 5.1 picks on average, and thus perfectly game balanced... and I'd have a... 1/8 * 1/125 * 6 chance of getting WANNABEE.

No one has a supercombatant god that they want to buy equipment for? /me is sad.

Amhazair December 7th, 2007 03:31 PM

Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting

Someone is bound to buy your stuff eventually...

llamabeast December 8th, 2007 08:56 PM

Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
At shard's request (he is on holiday with intermittent net access), I've switched the hosting interval to 36 hours.

Kristoffer O December 9th, 2007 04:41 AM

Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting

DrPraetorious December 11th, 2007 11:48 PM

Mission Accomplished
Though Agartha were a fierce and agressive enemy, we were not quailed by their belligerence.

We are glad to report that we have succeeded in defending ourselves, and have all-but-completely neutralized the violent and agressive forces of Agartha, proving that, together, those who stand by principle need not be intimidated by threats of violence or force of arms.

We are a responsible people, and take the task of reconstruction in the former Agarthan territories very seriously. We will not tolerate any interferece with our peace-keeping mission in those lands.

Your friend,
The prophet of the True God,

llamabeast December 17th, 2007 06:04 AM

Re: Mission Accomplished
Okay, shard is back, so I'll restore the 24 hour hosting (although the current hosting time won't be affected). I expect we'll have to start having breaks for christmas soon - let me know if you need a pause or longer hosting times.

Jazzepi December 17th, 2007 12:07 PM

Re: Mission Accomplished
The people of Ermor have more non-death gems for trade.


The ones with *s we have significant quantities of. We are willing to trade any gem for death gems 1:1 Please contact us via PM.


DrPraetorious December 19th, 2007 07:33 PM

Pederasty, Incontinence, Sophistry
Let it be known that the True God, Knife Bright Insight, though he loves peace, does not teach his followers to tolerate iniquity.

We have identified in the illegitimate regime of the Sibyl three great crimes:
1) Pederasty. A vile practice from which the God commands us to liberate the long suffering people of Arcoscephale.
2) Incontinence. A result of the forementioned.
3) Sophistry. The false prophesies of the Sibyl are an offense to the True Wisdom which flows from the Well of Urd.

We encourage all right-thinking nations to join us in our righteous war of conquest.

Hadrian_II December 19th, 2007 07:44 PM

Re: Pederasty, Incontinence, Sophistry
Jomon congratulates Utgard to their attack on the Arcosphelian agressors. Just this turn armoured elephants have crossed our borders and will be slain by us later this year.

Shmonk December 20th, 2007 11:37 PM

Re: Pederasty, Incontinence, Sophistry
What is the hosting schedule going to be for the rest of the year? I will be going on vacation starting this weekend, coming back before New Year's, so I'm wondering if we need to find subs or if the game will be paused or slowed down over that time.

Sir_Dr_D December 20th, 2007 11:48 PM

Re: Pederasty, Incontinence, Sophistry
I think we should slow down over the holidays. I think the ctis have just staled the last two turns in a row.

llamabeast December 21st, 2007 07:16 AM

Re: Pederasty, Incontinence, Sophistry
Really? They should just have messaged me. I'm always happy to slow down rather than have people stale.

What a lot of games are doing is putting the game on quickhost-only until say the 2nd of Jan. This is a bit sad (no christmas turns), but probably the most sensible thing to do. Is everyone happy with that?

Szumo December 21st, 2007 07:50 AM

Re: Pederasty, Incontinence, Sophistry
Pangea will soon no longer be alive, Ermor conquered my capital this turn and i'm down to 1 province. It would seem I seriously underestimated his early game potential. See you all in another game perhaps http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Sir_Dr_D December 21st, 2007 11:35 AM

Re: Pederasty, Incontinence, Sophistry

llamabeast said:
Really? They should just have messaged me. I'm always happy to slow down rather than have people stale.

What a lot of games are doing is putting the game on quickhost-only until say the 2nd of Jan. This is a bit sad (no christmas turns), but probably the most sensible thing to do. Is everyone happy with that?

I think we ashould do things that way. As much as I would like to continue this game during the holidays, it unbalances things with too many stales.

Jazzepi December 21st, 2007 11:39 AM

Re: Pederasty, Incontinence, Sophistry

Szumo said:
Pangea will soon no longer be alive, Ermor conquered my capital this turn and i'm down to 1 province. It would seem I seriously underestimated his early game potential. See you all in another game perhaps http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ermor has ground the Pangean aggressors into the ground! Their capital is now being converted into a single glorious pyre to our great God! Let no man believe that unchecked aggression will allow victory.


Johan K December 21st, 2007 01:13 PM

Re: Pederasty, Incontinence, Sophistry
I'll go away for a week, so I also vote for no timer a while.

DrPraetorious December 21st, 2007 05:20 PM

Pederasty, Incontinence, Sophistry for t3h w1n!
I seem to be the only one that changes message subjects when I reply http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

By controlling the discourse, I will soon control the world!

After a break for christmas which I also support.

Jazzepi December 21st, 2007 05:50 PM

DrPraetorious is a jerk!
I'm fine with a break. Happy holidays!


llamabeast December 21st, 2007 05:59 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Okay, the turn was just about to host but three people would have staled, so I'll put it on quickhost only until after New Year's. However, if Abysia, C'tis and Mictlan would like to take their turns, that would be great.

Kristoffer O December 24th, 2007 06:15 AM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Hi, my broadband connection went down again.

Right now I'm visiting my folks for a couple of days, and I have installed dom3 here last summer, so I should be able to play again now.

I need turns to be sent to (jesus.osterman at hotmail) though.

llamabeast December 24th, 2007 08:41 AM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Okay, I've just changed your address and resent your turn, so hopefully you should have received it.

I've paused the timer over Christmas though, and we're still waiting for C'tis so it won't quickhost. Maybe I'll PM him.

Hadrian_II January 1st, 2008 08:29 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
I (jomon) am switching to AI

A nation of heavy armoured samuray has nothing to fight hordes of armoured elephants. Remember me, not to take an imprisoned pretender with jomon when i need his deathmagic to summon thugs (i am not really sure how i thougt a strategy depending on thungs can work when i cant summon thugs before turn 36).

it might be too early to go to AI, as i still have some meat for the grinder, but as my tactic is broken by design and my chances to win against arco <1% i decided to cut and run

DrPraetorious January 1st, 2008 08:58 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Well, I *am* sieging Arco's capital right now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

So I think your lamentations might be a *touch* premature - and if you'd like revenge, all you have to do is hold his forces for a bit longer while I conquer his homelands.

llamabeast January 1st, 2008 09:56 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Oops, the next turn wants to host on January 13th. That's silly, so I've brought it forward to January 3rd - still a 48 hour turn. After that we'll be back on 24 hours, unless anyone wants an extension.

Baalz January 1st, 2008 09:59 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Well, if it's any consolation samurai < elephants < giants. :/

Hadrian_II January 1st, 2008 10:00 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!

DrPraetorious said:
Well, I *am* sieging Arco's capital right now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

So I think your lamentations might be a *touch* premature - and if you'd like revenge, all you have to do is hold his forces for a bit longer while I conquer his homelands.

ok, then the elephants might turn around. so i will carry on for a few more turns.

Baalz January 1st, 2008 10:03 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!

DrPraetorious said:
Well, I *am* sieging Arco's capital right now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

So I think your lamentations might be a *touch* premature - and if you'd like revenge, all you have to do is hold his forces for a bit longer while I conquer his homelands.

I wouldn't be so confident considering you haven't killed a thing but PD yet. I just was not particularly keen on recalling my expensive elephants to fight on much less advantageous terms. Never fear, I don't intend to roll over without a fight.

DrPraetorious January 2nd, 2008 01:00 AM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
I wouldn't have it any other way!

Knife Bright Insight is a most generous God - and his greatest gift is a GLORIOUS DEATH!

Kristoffer O January 3rd, 2008 06:26 AM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
All is in accordance with my plan

Soon all are united

All is One!

Amhazair January 3rd, 2008 07:46 AM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!

llamabeast said:
Oops, the next turn wants to host on January 13th. That's silly, so I've brought it forward to January 3rd - still a 48 hour turn. After that we'll be back on 24 hours, unless anyone wants an extension.

Can you keep the hosting on 48h one turn longer? I won't be home to play my turn on friday.

llamabeast January 3rd, 2008 12:36 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Yep, that'll be fine.

llamabeast January 3rd, 2008 04:46 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Just to let everyone know - Cerlin will be taking over LA C'tis from HJFudge, who seems to have disappeared.

Cerlin January 3rd, 2008 11:27 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
yes thanks! I have had a look at the turn and I should be submitting mine on time.

Amhazair January 8th, 2008 04:11 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Kristoffer, are you staling? I didn't notice much movement on your part for these last turns, (though it might have made military sense to hole up in your castles) and now I see you're the only one who hasn't played his turn 20 mins before time. Do we need to postpone/slow hosting or something?

llamabeast January 8th, 2008 06:28 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
I think Kristoffer is staling actually.

SqueekyDragon January 8th, 2008 07:53 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
I liked it better when the modestly sized armies of Abysia were sieging my capital. No offense intended to the new occupation forces, but can I have them back?

Hadrian_II January 8th, 2008 08:07 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Jomon has lately had good news and bad news.

The good ones:
The invading forces of Arcoscephale have been beaten

The bad ones:
They have been beaten by the invading forces of marignon http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

DrPraetorious January 8th, 2008 09:32 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
God damn it, Baalz, WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!?!?

My hat goes off to Baalz, and his ally, my own arrogance, for joining forces to make my conquest of his territory painful and expensive.

I'd say that it was a learning experience except that I've done this repeatedly in the past and seem incapable of learning from this particular mistake. Ah well.

Amhazair January 9th, 2008 01:30 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!

SqueekyDragon said:
I liked it better when the modestly sized armies of Abysia were sieging my capital. No offense intended to the new occupation forces, but can I have them back?

My apologies to you. The Hunger Without Thought devoured them all. He might use the remains as a fertilizer of the province once the castle is conquered though. Good enough for you?

Edit: Yikes, that's a lot of skellespam you've got in there... I knew you had it, but had hoped for a bit less. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Baalz January 9th, 2008 03:23 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!

DrPraetorious said:
God damn it, Baalz, WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!?!?

My hat goes off to Baalz, and his ally, my own arrogance, for joining forces to make my conquest of his territory painful and expensive.

I'd say that it was a learning experience except that I've done this repeatedly in the past and seem incapable of learning from this particular mistake. Ah well.

Well, if it's any consolation your brutal attack has broken my back so it should be relatively easy from here. Gah, if only I'd had one or two more turns you'd have gotten a face full of 12+ person communion falling fires & gifts from heaven while those swarms of dragonflies held you down and soaked up the shadow blasts. So close. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I doubt being more conservative would have ended better for you...

Jazzepi January 9th, 2008 03:40 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!

llamabeast said:
I think Kristoffer is staling actually.

Could he be set to AI? I hate to ask, but he's staled four times in a row now, and is working on his fifth :0


llamabeast January 10th, 2008 11:34 AM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Yeah, it's very uncharacteristic. It's actually a bit difficult for me to do - last time I set someone to AI I staled my own turn because of a CD key clash. I will borrow my brother's CD key and sort it out when I get a chance, but it doesn't make much difference anyway as he only has one province left. I suspect it was something of a miserable game for Abysia.

I'm postponing the current turn by 24 hours, as Amhazair has come down with food poisoning.

shard January 11th, 2008 02:07 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
All I can say is....


llamabeast January 11th, 2008 02:08 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
With respect to what?

shard January 11th, 2008 02:10 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Abysia stalling...
Is there actually any way to tell?

I've also been going through too many Terry Pratchett books but thats another story.

DrPraetorious January 13th, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: DrPraetorious is a jerk!
Dammit, I staled http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Well, Cancun is nice and my wireless works in el hotel.

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