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Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
As my troops are all air mages (almost anyway) I think we are going with the old 'we're smoke when there's fire"....that IS how it goes right?
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
If anyone has any Fire or Water Gems that they want to deal to Vanheim.....let me know either through a PM here or in game.
I have mostly Earth & Air gems to trade and would be willing to deal with just about anyone I am not currently fighting. Let me know. |
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
Hey guys sorry belatedly for being slow with my turns (and staling on one!). I got unexpectedly slammed at work and thought I had a few more hours to submit than I did. I've also gotten slammed by those evil demon monkeys in the game, but that's a different story. I'm not sure how many turns I have left alive but I won't go down without a fight*!
* by "fight" I mean a short siege followed by the complete anhiliation of my army while inflicting extremely minimal casualties on the enemy. Quick, hit Lanka before he double in size! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
TrajanX If I had any idea clue where either of you were at, that would be a good first step towards assisting you.
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
Niefel & TC got a nice plan and started to invade Lanka since turn eight. But they lost themselves during the war under hostile dominions. Anyone concerned about the graphs should be able to tell the truth.
No matter demon money or holy angel, any kind of nation with such an "active" neighbor would take some action just like Lanka did - defend ourself and get the invader to pay. Early wars slow down the development of the entire nation. Taking an independent province is obviously easier than getting one from other players. Lanka is following behind in the national competition, because of the trouble Niefel&TC brought to us. If we could sweep out Niefel, Lanka will double its size - to achieve a normal size it should has without their invading. |
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
Interesting revisionist history. As I recall, Lanka expanded into our territory, and Abyssia was spamming assassins all over Tien Chi well before turn 8.
Both Abysia and Lanka continued aggressions against Tien Chi, and Niefelheim was forced to come to their aid, after both demonic nations had already teamed up against Tien Chi. Tien Chi and Niefelheim offered Lanka/Abyssia peace because we suspected early war would hurt all involved nations, but the warlike demonic nations were against peace on any terms and violently decided to submarine the odds of all four nations by continuing a blood battle. I suspect my time on this realm is not long, I think the demonic forces will win, and defeat both my ally and I soon. My nation is not meant for rushing. I just hope they find out that their warlike ways and reluctance to have peace do not prove to be to their profit. |
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
Interesting. We in Vanheim are still blissfully ignorant of war. But we are getting a little lonely.
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
Oh, I could upload the screen shots how TC&Niefel army conquered provinces of Lanka in earlier game. After being defeated just around my capital, they offered peace, followed by a threat. War without declaration, then peace after being defeated? Make peace, so that TC&Niefel could go after Lanka again 10 or 15 turns later?
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
TC&Niefel will be ground to dust...
...then we'll go home and work on our rather attractive shabby chic home renovations. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
FYI, Lanka is currently seiging both Tien Chi and Niefelheim capitals. I'd recommend you move to attack him soon or it will be too late.
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
Truth is, Lanka won the rock-scissors-paper game for dibs on sieging the TC capital - otherwise it would have been me.
Best not to attack him, as my burny ones still need something to...well...burn. I'd better send them home before things get out of hand. |
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
Oh that stale hurt a lot.
Incredibly Generous OpenLetter to Lanka and Abysia
Tien Chi and Niefelheim would like to issue the following open letter to Lanka and Abysia, to prevent any further wrongful defamation of our nations.
We see that Abysia and Lanka are in dire straights. If we were to be gone entirely, these two nations would both be in the middle or bottom in every category, especially ones that matter in lategame, such as research, not a good situation at all. The strategies of Lanka and Abysia seem like they could allow these nations to defeat ours quite simply, and then leave them in great position to lose the game. The (probably much too) generous nations of Tien Chi and Niefelheim would like to propose one last peace treaty, one way for us to giev Lanka and Abysia a chance at winning. Here is our proposal... You withdraw from our nations, leaving us our capitals and all provinces adjacent to our capitals. Then we will be your ally. For where two of you alone can not have a chance to win, four teams together stand a chance. Our gratitude will shower you with gold pieces and gems, and our nations will be able to protect you from other attackers. Please let us know if you see the wisdom and generousity of our plan quickly, or, if you fail to see the truth, may you remember this stupidity and stubbornness when your empires fall and may the citizens of your lands curse your names for your short-sightedness. If you choose not to have allies, and choose not to help your allies be strong enough to help protect you, then you deserve what you get. |
Re: Incredibly Generous OpenLetter to Lanka and Abysia
The team of Abysia and Lanka would like to thank Tien Chi and Niefelheim for offering their open, kind opinion on our wellbeing.
We are indeed stubborn - though we like to call it 'persistent'. Unfortunately the burning ones and demon apes have developed a love for the architecture of both your capitals and wish to spend time there burning and ...monkeying around with(?)...stuff. Were it not for the close positioning of Neifel/Lanka/TC capitals we might not have felt the need to expose our devilish troops to the opportunity for conquest. However as they say - you must sometimes make war to have peace. Or something. War at anytime in this game is taxing. Our combined armies are a match for any other team wanting to try to take unprovoked advantage of our warring states, so fear not for us. We anticipate our allies will stand by us, as we would stand by them. |
Re: Incredibly Generous OpenLetter to Lanka and Abysia
You guys talk too much.
Re: Incredibly Generous OpenLetter to Lanka and Abysia
This is pretty interesting stuff. But on to more important matters, like the national economy of Vanheim.
If anyone has any death gems, I need about 5-10. I would be happy to trade another type of gem for it. PM me if interested. |
Re: Incredibly Generous OpenLetter to Lanka and Abysia
Why my nation is always invaded by neighbors? Niefel, TC and now Caelum! Caelum/Kailasa, we have a NAP, right? Why does Caelum attack Lanka without notice?
Fortunately, TC has gone. Lanka has enough troops to beat any invader. |
Re: Incredibly Generous OpenLetter to Lanka and Abysia
Vanheim and Arco are appalled at the lack of compassion shown by the demons of Lanka/Abysia and have decided to intervene in the conflict.
Probably won't be enough to save Nief, but today we struck our first blow against the fire demons. We invite all free people to join our crusade to rid the lands of the demons and return to a more civilized world. |
We are startled by the sudden aggression of Vanheim despite the NAP formerly agreed to, and trade in gems.
The conflict between TC/Neif vs Lanka/Abysia was a matter of conquer or be conquered in our opinion, due to unfortunate positioning. We struck decisively when we had the advantage, and not without much internal debate. At the end of the day it is the aim of the game to knock out other teams, so that's what we aimed to do. While my burning ones love to 'turn up the heat', their wives were looking forward to some holidays from war in the magma baths. No such luck, apparently. To those other teams with whom we have diplomatic relations: know that Lanka and Abysia will not break these agreements in the aim of furthering 'civility'. |
Re: Vanheim
I am not aware of any NAP that we had. The only NAP that Acro/Vanheim have is with Caelum/Kailisa and requires a formal 3 turn notification to cancel.
Arco ~ were you aware of any NAP with Abysia or Lanka? Besides we can't all be friends forever http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Vanheim
Wokeye, do you mean Cealum instead of Vanheim?
Re: Vanheim
As stated, Vanheim has attacked Abysia this turn.
EDIT: I have had my correspondence minister review notes on our diplomatic discussions and would like to withdraw my previous statement regarding a NAP with Vanheim. It was discusses, but never formally agreed to. Nevertheless, we do not appreciate the visiting vanheim raiders. Their mirror imaging confuses our citizens. |
Re: Vanheim
Well, Vanheim is like a tricky fox. When we are fighting TC/Niefel they stay away like a peace lover. Now we have almost done then they come and want some free cakes? No neighbour can be more dangerous than them...except Cealum...
To Cealum: Attacking us before terminate the NAP is just beyond belief. Any explanation? To Vanheim: We pay and we gain. Anyone wants to disturb our harvest will be punished. And, congratulation, you have NAP with Cealum. Hopefully they can tell Vanheim from Lanka...We are both in red and they never care about NAPs... |
Re: Vanheim
Interesting stuff....hope my NAP with Caelum is worth the paper its printed on. Of course I find it easier to enforce NAPs when you are not bordering the nation that you have them with.
I returned your email wokeye. |
Re: Vanheim
Map borders don't mean much with all those portals http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Vanheim
That's true...my back is never safe. Not too many armies moving in the portals, unless they are sneaking past my scouts, which is possible.
Re: Vanheim
I'm sorry about that, I was quite certain that I cancelled the NAP in turn 17 to Lanka, I will ofc not attack any further for the next 2 rounds then..
I apologise for the attack |
Re: Vanheim
Any reason why the server still shows its waiting for TC's turn?
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
eh, holidays?
Re: Agouti (Noob Team Game) Looking For Players
Now it has removed TC from the list of players, so everything should be ok.
Re: Vanheim
I'm really upset by playing with this kind of person. Cancelled NAP but didn't send me one word! Now magical attacks when he promised "not attack any further for the next 2 rounds". To Zylithan: Got you message from Wokeye. Honestly I feel sorry for the early kill. But we were pushed by situations. Thanks for your message, making me feel better now. It's a very nice team game, with nice map and partner, though some player are tough. Thank you again for creating the map and hosting us. Good luck for your next game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Vanheim
To all... I had a fun game, and said no hard feelings... The point of the game is to beat everyone else, so no sense being angry I lost. I hope the game continues to be interesting, and hope people like the map. Let me know if you find any errors or whatnot.
Have fun! |
Re: Vanheim
Z ~ One improvement to the map would be to add some farmland. I have scouted/taken over 30+ provinces and not seen a single one. This is bad for nations like mine that can only build a decent fort on farmland.
Re: Vanheim
Reinselc - good call, thanks for the feedback. I don't think I put any in, but I'm not sure.
Re: Vanheim
Another suggestion would be to consider a powerful magic site within each node - eg a death site in the death node.
Unless they are there already and I have just not found them... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Vanheim
Wokeye - the graphical map comes with 4 .mpa files... one of them has exactly what you say.
Re: Vanheim
Oh, cool - missed the one with node sites.
Arco attacks Abysia
The Abysian Holy Burning Ones have presented the head of the Arcosephale Red Dragon Pretender to the Mighty Num Num, after destroying their attacking force. Let this be a lesson to those who assault Abysian soil (that means you, Vanheim...).
We hope the remaining force of 120 Arco troops enjoy their stay in the death node. We hear it has a very 'infectious' atmosphere. |
Re: Arco attacks Abysia
You never know with Vanheim....we appear and disappear rather randomly sometimes.
Re: Arco attacks Abysia
I guess I have done with Caelum? Next one could be Niefel or...Kailasa you want to have a try? Welcome! Till now no invader could survive on Lanka's land!
Re: Arco attacks Abysia
My Lanka that is quite the large army you have on the ruins of Tien Chi's homeland.
The war to end all wars (maybe not)
With Mictlan and Agartha's intervention, it seems there is now a giant war going on. Please correct me if I am making an error, but it seems like the teams have shaken out as:
Good: Vanheim, Arco, Kailisa, Caelum & Nief (if you are still alive) vs. Evil: Abysia, Mictlan, Lanka & Agartha This is my first multiplayer game, and man its so much better than SP. |
Re: The war to end all wars (maybe not)
Agreed - MP is a very different game, and much better than SP.
I disagree on the labels though - we are clearly the goodies http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: The war to end all wars (maybe not)
Eye of the Beholder and all that, I guess.
Re: The war to end all wars (maybe not)
Last force of Niefel has gone. Next one is...Kailasa.
Re: The war to end all wars (maybe not)
wow. so there are basically a 4v4 game now? interesting.
Re: The war to end all wars (maybe not)
Indeed, World War 1 is underway.
Playing in teams, and having access to many areas via the gates seems to drag more players into conflicts. I think it's cool - and deadly. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: The war to end all wars (maybe not)
Yea Z, if we lose the war then Caelum/Kailisa/Arco and I will know that should have intervened sooner. Sorry.
Re: The war to end all wars (maybe not)
Abysia has nearly purgued the Vanhiem aggressors from our lands - how goes the march in the south?
Re: The war to end all wars (maybe not)
Mictlan has temporarily halted the Acro/Vanheim forces, but we are getting ready to launch our final offensive.
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