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ComTrav March 6th, 2008 04:27 PM

Re: New Products
Might need to clarify what is meant by "next turn", as it seems the current turn hasn't resolved yet.

Ylvali March 6th, 2008 07:32 PM

Re: New Products
I mean: Do we patch right now or wait until after the host?

ComTrav March 7th, 2008 06:10 AM

Server hosted, server down?
? Did I foolishly patch (as required by another game) only to be dc'd from this server?

Also, Ulm is no longer interested in air gems.

kasnavada March 7th, 2008 06:33 AM

Re: Server hosted, server down?
I'd like a patch soon. So the death rate by dominion for Ermor will not be 10% of what it is supposed to be...

(Does it show that the recent surge in ermor armie size worries me ?)

Ylvali March 7th, 2008 06:37 AM

Re: Server hosted, server down?
I patched and did my turn and it seemed to work fine.

Ylvali March 7th, 2008 06:52 AM

Re: Server hosted, server down?
Cyy sat silently on the corals, staring into the sea. There had been peace for long now, but he felt a tension amongst the kings that had not been there before. The rumors about different wars amongst the land lubbers had become more and more frequent.

War. That word was rarely used in atlantis. Of course there was ravaging tribes of tritons and sea trolls that had to be dealt with, but Cyy could not remember any time in his 457 years they had a full scale war. Was this about to change?

He suddenly felt a huge wave of energy rushing through his head, HER feelings flowing through his body. Joy, rage and determination mixed into a flood of sudden movement.

Seconds later a huge shadow passed over Cyy. After two months of sleep SHE was moving away once more. Cyy silently prayed for the poor souls to come in her way.

Cyy sighed and stood up slowly. He had to get prepared for his own long journey...

ComTrav March 7th, 2008 07:05 AM

Re: Server hosted, server down?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the change to Ermor's dominion only impacts LA Ermor.

Holy_bricklayer March 7th, 2008 07:07 AM

Re: Server hosted, server down?
I could'nt connect this morning. So i patched, but i still can't :s

Is the server down or something ? Cause i still can see the internet page for the game so, it don't seem to be down :/

ComTrav March 7th, 2008 07:12 AM

Re: Server hosted, server down?
Well, I'll bet you it's down--I was able to sign in, and I did my turn basically, but was screwing around looking at graphs and stuff and was dc'd. (And I had patched).

kasnavada March 7th, 2008 07:14 AM

Re: Server hosted, server down?
Well, the patch thread says :
"* Ermor domkill upped to proper levels."

There is a thread about Ermor LA too. I guess either I'm wrong, or they are... or Ermor prior to LA doesn't have domkill. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

lch March 7th, 2008 08:50 AM

Re: New Products

Ylvali said:
I mean: Do we patch right now or wait until after the host?

You usually wait with patching for the server. You'll get a message that your game version is too low when you download the turn file from the server and it's using a more recent game version than you have. This works both ways: If you upload a turn with a newer game version than the server has, you kill the server. This seems to have happened here.

It's patched to 3.15 now.

Ylvali March 7th, 2008 09:29 AM

Re: New Products
Sorry then, that was probably me killing the server...

ComTrav March 9th, 2008 07:05 PM

Re: New Products
Currently I have an excess of water gems. I would be willing to trade these 1:1 for Air, Nature, and Earth gems.

And I reiterate our offer of trade of all const-4 Earth/Fire items, including Earth Boots, Fire Brand, Charcoal Shield, and other goodies. I am pleased to announce that in a few turns we will be able to start trading some Nature items, including Endless Wine Bags, Rings of Regeneration and Thistle Maces.

ComTrav March 10th, 2008 05:14 PM

Re: New Products
Will hopefully have this fixed in time, but I may need an extension. The external HD I had Dominions installed on crashed, and I haven't been able to reinstall it on my internal HD (the installer gives me 'installer verification failed' error message.) I've played the current turn, so hopefully i'll be able to get things working before the next turn.

Ylvali March 10th, 2008 07:11 PM

Re: New Products
Cyy sat on the shore, fishing with one of the strange stick like trinkets humans used for the purpose. He found it ineffective compared to atlantian techniques, but of course the humans were physically limited. The new province had proven friendly and the people of wesh embraced the new religion after some brief hesitation.

He was now to stay here for a while, just enjoying himself and take a break from his duties with HER will. Cyy leaned back and grunted with pleasure at the thought.

Resting his head on the ground he became aware of rythmic vibrations. What was this? He disregarded it as some natural phenomena and daydreamed hazily.

The rythmic thuds became stronger and stronger. Could it be some very large animal running in his direction? Cyy stood up and peered into the distance. When he turned east he saw a cloud of dust not far away. He called for astral powers to focus his gaze and suddenly his heart felt cold.

The cloud was filled with soldiers donning shiny armours and wearing pikes. Grey atavi monkeys ran beside them with bows. And towering above them were some monstrous grey beings which were apparently controlled by humans riding on top.

But most shocking were the standard, these troops were from Arcocephale.

Cyy whistled, and the shamblers laying lazily in the shallow waters were roughly awakened. They were not many, but Cyy hoped that this could still be solved peacefully.

When the Arcocephalians came closer Cyy magically empowered his voice and shouted.


There was some hesitation amongst the Arcocephalian ranks and than a woman in green clothing responded.


Cyy Sighed heavily, so time for war had come at last. He nodded to the shambler chief who in turn dived into the water.

- DEN EATZ CORAL, *****! He yelled at the priestess, who looked startled at the sudden change of tone.

The Elephants rushed forward as Cyy had predicted, he called upon HER powers and started to bless his followers. The priestess did the same but she was clearly not so powerful.

The shamblers met the elephants, throwing their large bodies against them to stop their rush. Atlantian poured out of the water and engaged the pikeneers.

The battle was over almost before it began. Cyy was surprised and releived at the ease of which the Arcocephalian troops had been defeated.

Still he was unable to celebrate with his comrades. The peace was broken, once and for all. Now there was no turning back.

StormCrow434 March 10th, 2008 07:34 PM

Atlantean Infestation
Pheidas grimaced...he had learned of another Pretender who had taken land to the west. Atlanteans. He had sent a few troops to deal with it as scouts indicated it was a very small force of fishes.

What was NOT so small was the local Province Defense. They absorbed the charge of his forces, then destroyed them. At least that is what the survivor troops were reporting; no leaders returned from the debacle.

They may have to write off Sleepy Wolds...another in a string of losses. If it wasn't for the Alchemists there would be no money for troops, but the Gems for conversion were few indeed.

ComTrav March 11th, 2008 12:28 AM

Re: Atlantean Infestation
Got Dominions to work, so no need for a delay on my behalf.

Still have willing to trade water gems for Nature, Earth, Air, or Astral gems.

StormCrow434 March 11th, 2008 09:18 PM

Re: Atlantean Infestation
With luck like mine...won't last long at Dominions.

Set a trap for the Atlantean. After fighting him the first time I knew his prophet was S2. So I sent in an S4, made him communion master and had 4 slaves. By my count that gives me S6, plus I had extra Astral Gems that could, if used, make me an S7.

Mind Duel. I lost. And did not even take an enemy with me. Which means that a) my Mage did not use the extra Astral Gem and b) the die must have been '1' for me, '6' for him. The ol' 1 in 36 chance.

Sorry, that sux... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

vfb March 11th, 2008 09:24 PM

Re: Atlantean Infestation

Equipment, communions, extra pearls, etc, do not count towards Astral level for Magic Duel. The only thing that matters is the base Astral level of the two mages.

Still, S4 losing outright vs S2 is a tough loss, there's only a 1 in 6 chance of that happening.

ComTrav March 12th, 2008 12:12 AM

Sad News
After many turns of faithful service, Frodo Boggit, the Hoburg Hero, has met a sad and untimely end at the hands of Vanheim. Originally hired by Ulm to stop the lances of Heavy Cavalry, he served much longer than expected and had many distinguished battles, mostly against a few points of Van PD. Personally responsinble for the destruction of no less than two Vanheim temples, this diminutive figure blazed a path of blood across Primea. It is said that upon hearing news of his death, the priests of the God of Vanheim decreed it to be a turning point in the struggle against Ulm.

When asked to comment on the death of this Hoburg, a symbol of terror and fear for all Vans everywhere, Erkeborn, Prophet of the God of Ulm, remarked that he would no longer have to remember to shell out gold every couple months, and expressed regret that the Hoburg Hero could not have waited until next month, the last on his current contract, to die.

kasnavada March 13th, 2008 10:03 AM

Re: Sad News
"Due to an order that came a few month turn too soon (Rhea thought that maybe the Lord was berseck at the time...), a significant part of Pangaea lands were taken and pillaged. However, soon Machaeon rallied the forces of the southern border, while Rhea rallied the forces of the North. A hero, seeing the desperate struggle in those lands, offered his services. And that started the fight to take back what is ours.

And, after a long struggle against mobile but cowardly ennemies, nothing but rebels remained on the Pangaea home. But Rhea wasn't at peace. There had been no large confrontation yet : the Pangaean armies where spotted, the Ermorian forces left, leaving a trail of destruction behind them. Well, given the might of Pangaean armies, it was the right decision.

But only for a short while. The counter-attack was coming, and this time, the bloodthirsty armies of Pangaea will not stop until nothing remains of their ennemies..."

Just for trivia : I didn't know that unrest could go up to 500 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif. I won't get money from that province any time soon...

ComTrav March 15th, 2008 03:10 AM

Wars of Primea
Almost all of this is inferred from the graphs, I'm sure this is incomplete. (I don't know who Shinuyama is at war with, but I can't believe they got 22 provinces against indies alone).

Marignon-Eriu: Primea's first big war, and the last of the Tuatha go down, but not before cursing Marignon's pretender with muteness. Mercenaries made a big difference in holding the front line. (Oh, yeah, Mercs, I can't believe I forgot to re-up Magnus's crossbows. Does anyone else want to see a mage merc? I don't think we've had one yet...)

Atlantis-Agartha-Arco (The "Triple-A" War! If only Abysia were in this game...): Starts out mainly between Arco and Agartha, and starts going badly when Arco pulls out flaming arrows (! Agartha? Flaming arrows? I suppose a lot of the national summons are in Enchantment...) Then Atlantis gets into the fight; I suppose if I were them, I'd attack the only other player with national amphibuous units, too. They seem evenly matched in terms of income; it's Agartha's bigger army against Atlantis's research and castle edge. (Golem Crafters have W1, so with some construction, this could even get underwater.)

Ulm-Vanheim: Obviously, I know quite a bit about this war =). Initialy Ulmish territorial gains stalled when reaching the heart of Vanheim's empire (three castles? All next to each other?). Recent clashes have bloodied both sides, and even the slightest breeze becomes a Blade Wind. Black Halberds against blessed Vans is inevitable.

(Blatant bit of Ulmish propaganda: You're all glad someone BESIDES YOU is at war with Vanheim, I'll bet. Everyone's afraid of dual-blessed Vans, but the Ulmsman are doing something about it. And it started BEFORE the patch, too.)

Ermor-Pangea-Bandar Log: Starts with Pan's invasion of Ermor, and Ermor counter attacks and captures a lot of Pan territory while denying battle. (I would have loved to seen massed undead vs. massed manaed battles) Bandar Log seizes all of Ermor's remaining territory this turn (!); an impressive accomplishment, and I can't help but wonder, with Bander's excellent research, if there wasn't a magic trick to it. (Teleport? Call of the Wild? Or maybe just a coordinated attack on multiple fronts?) Ermor still has a big army, though (presumably holed up in his fortress).

Caelum-Marignon: Caelum made initial territorial gains into Marignon and caused losses on both sides. Marignon is tied for most castles (with Atlantis) and can replace losses quickly, but Caelum has much better strategic mobility. Front seems to have stabilized, although it looks like Marignon gained a province from someone other than Caelum this turn so someone else could be getting into it. (Or maybe Marignon just mopped up an indy, who knows?.)

So that's my (incomplete) analaysis of the major conflicts going on in Primea atm. If anyone would care to add, go ahead and shoot.

kasnavada March 15th, 2008 04:39 AM

Re: Wars of Primea
Your analysis of the Ermor war is quite wrong, since I didn't start it.

However, I won't be the one to disclose intel on it, I will let Ermor give the truth, since I also lack intel on it.

Well, they say that the first victim of war is truth.

ComTrav March 15th, 2008 05:15 AM

Re: Wars of Primea
Intel is always a difficult business. I mean, we should've found Vanheim's weapons of mass destruction by now =).

But I stand corrected, as in most cases my guess on "who started the war" is pure conjecture; the graphs only give a rough estimate when someone is attacking someone else, when major battles have happened, etc. (Besides the Marignon-Tuatha war, no one seems to have successfully captured a castle, which would be pretty obvious).

kasnavada March 15th, 2008 06:23 AM

Re: Wars of Primea

ComTrav said:
I mean, we should've found Vanheim's weapons of mass destruction by now =).

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif I love that one.

Shigure March 15th, 2008 01:19 PM

Re: Wars of Primea

ComTrav said:
Almost all of this is inferred from the graphs, I'm sure this is incomplete. (I don't know who Shinuyama is at war with, but I can't believe they got 22 provinces against indies alone).

Judging by the spike last turn, I'd say it was at Ermor's expense. Prior to that, it was probably all indy; Shinuyama had a nice, defensible corner start, managed to buy the early mercenary groups, and were thus able to expand remarkably quickly.


Marignon-Eriu: Primea's first big war, and the last of the Tuatha go down, but not before cursing Marignon's pretender with muteness. Mercenaries made a big difference in holding the front line. (Oh, yeah, Mercs, I can't believe I forgot to re-up Magnus's crossbows. Does anyone else want to see a mage merc? I don't think we've had one yet...)

The amazons I picked up last turn are led by an N1H1 jade priestess. Not that there's much you can do with N1, but she is in fact a mage. Also some pikeneers earlier that were led by an F1H3.


Atlantis-Agartha-Arco (The "Triple-A" War! If only Abysia were in this game...): Starts out mainly between Arco and Agartha, and starts going badly when Arco pulls out flaming arrows (! Agartha? Flaming arrows? I suppose a lot of the national summons are in Enchantment...) Then Atlantis gets into the fight; I suppose if I were them, I'd attack the only other player with national amphibuous units, too. They seem evenly matched in terms of income; it's Agartha's bigger army against Atlantis's research and castle edge. (Golem Crafters have W1, so with some construction, this could even get underwater.)

Isn't Atlantis fighting Arcoscephale? Or is it a three-way brawl?


Ulm-Vanheim: Obviously, I know quite a bit about this war =). Initialy Ulmish territorial gains stalled when reaching the heart of Vanheim's empire (three castles? All next to each other?). Recent clashes have bloodied both sides, and even the slightest breeze becomes a Blade Wind. Black Halberds against blessed Vans is inevitable.

(Blatant bit of Ulmish propaganda: You're all glad someone BESIDES YOU is at war with Vanheim, I'll bet. Everyone's afraid of dual-blessed Vans, but the Ulmsman are doing something about it. And it started BEFORE the patch, too.)

Well, I don't know about being glad about it, but I did take advantage of the situation to, ah, normalise my borders with them.


Ermor-Pangea-Bandar Log: Starts with Pan's invasion of Ermor, and Ermor counter attacks and captures a lot of Pan territory while denying battle. (I would have loved to seen massed undead vs. massed manaed battles) Bandar Log seizes all of Ermor's remaining territory this turn (!); an impressive accomplishment, and I can't help but wonder, with Bander's excellent research, if there wasn't a magic trick to it. (Teleport? Call of the Wild? Or maybe just a coordinated attack on multiple fronts?) Ermor still has a big army, though (presumably holed up in his fortress).

Caelum-Marignon: Caelum made initial territorial gains into Marignon and caused losses on both sides. Marignon is tied for most castles (with Atlantis) and can replace losses quickly, but Caelum has much better strategic mobility. Front seems to have stabilized,

The front was stable a couple turns ago, but now the only reason the province count is stable is because we've been trading provinces.

This has been a rough war. I was hurriedly snatching up indy provinces east of Eriu to make up for lost time when Caelum launched a handful of seeking arrows that killed my prophet, my mercenary hero, and stranded my indy-hunting army on the Caelian border.

Marignon's answer to most problems ends up being "shoot them" or "set them on fire" or best of all "set your bolts on fire and then shoot them", and Caelum's air/water mages and flying troops pretty much shut both answers down.


although it looks like Marignon gained a province from someone other than Caelum this turn so someone else could be getting into it. (Or maybe Marignon just mopped up an indy, who knows?.)

The Atlantians, in their inestimable wisdom, had decided to send their octopus god to my shores to build a laboratory for me. Why they wished to do this is beyond my meager land-bound mind, but there it is. (By the way, the next time Jolkuna would like to visit, be sure to make an appointment ahead of time; it would appear that you trapezed out just before my company of Soul Slay-spamming grand masters could arrive to welcome you.)

Ylvali March 15th, 2008 03:20 PM

Re: Wars of Primea

The Atlantians, in their inestimable wisdom, had decided to send their octopus god to my shores to build a laboratory for me. Why they wished to do this is beyond my meager land-bound mind, but there it is. (By the way, the next time Jolkuna would like to visit, be sure to make an appointment ahead of time; it would appear that you trapezed out just before my company of Soul Slay-spamming grand masters could arrive to welcome you.)

I built the lab just to trapeze Jolkuna down to Arco as she was badly needed there, and it was worth it as she tipped the tide at Arcos capital! I forgot to raze it but what the hell...

I wonder what a cloud trapezing ancient kraken looks like, it must be quite a sight http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Abores, student at Arcocephale university, sighed heavily as he turned the telesope. Another night of staring at the stars, no wonder those astrologers were a bit crazy. It took a while before he realized something was strange about the sky, a large star like black shape was growing fast and covered up the stars. He watched. "It has tentacles" he thought. Then he started running. The kraken crashed upon the university roof just asr Abores threw himself out of range. When he looked up the gigantic monster was looking dizzily down on him. His last thought: "damn, I shouldnŽt have ordered sushi..."

ComTrav March 15th, 2008 06:28 PM

Re: Wars of Primea
Hmm...at first I attributed Ermor's big fall entirely to Bandar Log, but looking at the graphs it does seem Shinuyama also probably had a hand in it. (The two of them put together attacked, what, 8 provinces simultaneously? Yikes.) And this turn Ermor's remaining army is gone, and it looks like Shinuyama suffered some losses, so they probably were the ones to finish him off. (Ermor doesn't seem to have lost their castle just yet though).

On the subject of castles, it looks like Agartha recently captured a castle from Atlantis, marking the first time a castle has changed hands since the Marignon-Tuatha war at the start of the game.

StormCrow434 March 16th, 2008 10:38 AM

Farewell from Arco.
And that's it. Although Arco's walls are not breached, the Army, Pretender and Prophet are all gone. I'll let Atlantis and Agartha fight over the carcass.

Now for griping... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I cast Magic Duel four times, three times at +2, once at +1. Results were 3 Arco Mages lost, one Atlantean Thug. Unlucky I may be, but that just ain't right... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif

Thanks for hosting, Ich! Much fun while it lasted.

Ylvali March 16th, 2008 01:15 PM

Re: Farewell from Arco.
Thanks for the good time Stormcrow. Hope to see you in other games!

I thought about those unlikely mind duels. And I realised all my thughs had lucky coins. Luck protects 50% against magical attacks too but I have no idea if it effects mind duels. If it does that could be the explanation.

Holy_bricklayer March 17th, 2008 08:01 AM

Hmm...Don\'t understand
Maybe you guys can help me understand what happened this turn.

There was an army that going to attack my main province ( whith lab and fort, my capital ), so i order some of my mages to cast some invocation rituals ( reanimation ), which, if i read correctly the manuel are resolved before the battle. I also recruit some troups, which also should have been here before the battle.
Finaly i order a few mage to get back to the capital, to have some spell i need to cast in battle ( in the manual, it's also writhe that if you move from a friendly land to another one, you should move before the attackers ).

What i don't understand here, is that in the battle, only my PD was here and the seraph who were here before ( not the other one i told to come in to support ), no recruit unit nor invocation. Why that ? So unfair, snif :'(

( by the way, nice counter for the mammoth bloody Marignon :p maybe the best battle i've seen since i started dominion, very nice http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif )

llamabeast March 17th, 2008 08:18 AM

Re: Hmm...Don\'t understand
Troops in a castle don't fight unless they're on "Patrol" order. If they're coming from outside, they have to be on "Move and Patrol". Otherwise they're assumed to be hunkering down inside the castle.

Holy_bricklayer March 17th, 2008 08:28 AM

Re: Hmm...Don\'t understand
Doh !

That's, ho ! Ok so...Snif.

Thanks for the tips...Snif, i won't forget that :s

Shigure March 17th, 2008 10:50 AM

Re: Hmm...Don\'t understand

Holy_bricklayer said:
( by the way, nice counter for the mammoth bloody Marignon :p maybe the best battle i've seen since i started dominion, very nice http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif )

I can't do anything about the Rains or the Mists or the Storms, or the Thunder Strikes or the Falling Frosts, but by God, I can counter the mammoths! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif I seriously misjudged the army placement, though; if my troops had been farther back, I would have taken half the losses. Not much point in paralysing/soul slaying the mammoths after they stomp all over the front line!

Hoplosternum March 17th, 2008 08:39 PM

Re: Hmm...Don\'t understand
Yes it was quite a battle http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

You let the Dragon get away though....

Hoplosternum March 18th, 2008 06:12 PM

Re: Hmm...Don\'t understand
Bye everyone! Ulm's armies have crushed my mages and army at my capital. It was his mages that did the damage in the end killing off my Vans in no time at all.

Congratulations to ComTrav - although I don't think I put up a very good fight here. My armies and magic were always second best.

I have tried to go AI. Please let me know if it hasn't worked and I'll try again http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Thanks for the game!

Ylvali March 19th, 2008 03:30 AM

Fall of the phoenix.
RaŽntegoth stood silently on the battlefield. The sky was clear and a great silence had descended between the armies.

Army? They were 41 altogether. 8 proud kings, the mighty kraken Jolkuna, a queen, 21 shamblers and 10 men of clay formed in the last minutes. How could they hope to win?

On the other side stood the cavemen, laughing arrogantly at the sight of the little force who dared to oppose them. The Agarthian army consisted of 300 men, led by their glorious Phoenix god and Ulnun, the ancient oracle. Several golem crafters supported them and Blassyr, the mighty ancient one prophet, would lead the charge.

Beside RaŽntegoth Cyaega raised his staff and thrusted it heavily to the ground. Rain started to fall from the sky and an overwhelming roar was raised from the cavemen. At the same time Bael, the phoenix cracked his beak and every bow of the Agarthans numerous archers was set ablaze. The battle had begun.

Magma bolts and blade winds rained over RaŽntegoth as he danced forward, evading the hailstorm of magic and flaming arrows. A hundred meters to the left he saw Jolkuna crawl forward with amazing speed. Beside him ran Gujuk, Mashdagu and Balboo forth with desperate battlecries.

And then he was surrounded by enemies. Agarthans with heavy armour and swords at all sides. He ducked and parried like a whirlwind until a red curtain of blind rage swept him away.

He fought like in a bad dream. Flesh and blood and voices crying in pain and fear. The tireness grew but the cavemen kept swarming upon him. Vaguely aware of Balboo falling down behind him, he knew he would collapse any second. "I will die too." he thought, and he welcomed it.

He raised his frost brand for the last time to strike one more foe before giving in to the eternal peace, but there was noone there. Looking hazily around, he was standing alone on the battlefield. Alone? No, Jolkuna still crept forward like a huge nightmare of ancient times. The dead lay everywhere, hundreds of bodies.

Bael the Phoenix still stood proud and fearless. Alone, waiting for the kraken. But his eyes were dull and absent from the effort of calling forth fire in the heavy rain.

RaŽntegoth watched as Jolkuna ,almost gently, stretched out a tentacle and picked the bird up to her monstrous beak. Bael gave a faint squeak as his neck snapped...

...and it was over.

(and for the record, those kings are pretty tough http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif)

Hiker March 19th, 2008 03:38 AM

Re: Hmm...Don\'t understand
Oh snap the bird was out of his domain!

Ylvali March 19th, 2008 04:14 AM

Re: Hmm...Don\'t understand

Hiker said:
Oh snap the bird was out of his domain!

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gifHehe..(rubs tentacles)

lch March 19th, 2008 09:03 AM

Re: Hmm...Don\'t understand
Bye to those that are out of the game already - hope you had fun and learned something. To the others, keep it up with these amazing game reports. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

fungalreason March 19th, 2008 03:04 PM

Re: Fall of the phoenix.

(and for the record, those kings are pretty tough http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif)

Yeah that was quite a surprise. I managed to kill a few of them though. It was heart-breaking to see one get away with only one hp left! I'll be a little better prepared next time our forces meet http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

kasnavada March 19th, 2008 04:37 PM

Re: Fall of the phoenix.
I have two announcements to make.

First, Pangaea is breaking the NAP with Shinuyama due to the aggressive stance used with our ally.

Second : we had an aggrement with Ulm : you agreed to letting 2 provinces 83 and 89 to me, after the fall of Vanheim. I await your answer on that soon.

Hiker March 19th, 2008 07:25 PM

WRATH OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a post to warn everyone DO NOT MAKE DEALS WITH KASNAVADA he breaks NAPS and agreements without giving proper warning. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif

In a few turns you will regret breaking our NAP http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

kasnavada March 19th, 2008 07:47 PM

Yeah, yeah, sure.

I recall someone stabbing Ermor in the back, and preventing me a part in Ermor's demise by taking the only access to their territory, despite participating in the battle.

Also, I am not exactly breaking a treaty with you. I don't remember setting a time limit. I have not yet entered your territory, declared war, and I will intrude errr... set the people oppressed by your strange customs free next turn.

Furthermore, given our respective positions, you are the most obvious war target. I had to choose between 2 treaty, and I didn't choose yours. This war is not exactly a surprise.

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif However, I wish you good luck in this war.

Hiker March 19th, 2008 07:54 PM

I gave Ermor 3 turn notice before I invaded his lands! If you respected your NAP's like most people do in this game than I would not be angry. I am going to cast a Wrath of God that will not be able to be dispelled (I dare you to try), So go ahead and invade...

I dont need luck, well besides my scales. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Below is a copy of our agreement that you broke!

Re: rider from shinuyama

From: kasnavada

I agree to the 3 turn NAP then.



Greetings, we have no desire to move into your lands. We leave #65 and #63 to your armies if you agree to a 3 turn NAP. We await your response.


Ylvali March 20th, 2008 12:02 AM

Re: Fall of the phoenix.

fungalreason said:
Yeah that was quite a surprise. I managed to kill a few of them though. It was heart-breaking to see one get away with only one hp left! I'll be a little better prepared next time our forces meet http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Oh dont worry, there are plenty more where those came from. You will have lots of opportunities to practice.

kasnavada March 20th, 2008 03:35 AM

Re: Fall of the phoenix.

I gave Ermor 3 turn notice before I invaded his lands! If you respected your NAP's like most people do in this game than I would not be angry. I am going to cast a Wrath of God that will not be able to be dispelled (I dare you to try), So go ahead and invade...

Oops, forgot that mail. Well. I must have been berserk at the time, or busy making maenads !

You still attacked Ermor when it had most of its armies elsewhere and basically finished any hope it had to win its current war. Which means that any other war I may do will have you breaking your NAP and opening a second front on my back. Speak about "respect" whan your actions show some. Breaking a NAP while caring for the time limit on a nation is not respectful either when the nation attacked cannot defend itself properly whether or not the time is respected (due to having most of his armies in bandar log or my territory).

Anyway, the only fact that you deliberatly cut my access to Ermor a few turns ago is an aggressive action you did that is enough to break that treaty anyway.


(Finally, remember that I take your anger and all messages here as only roleplay.)

Hiker March 20th, 2008 04:28 AM

Re: Fall of the phoenix.
Its ok, bring on your women and overgrown pets.

kasnavada March 20th, 2008 07:20 AM

Pause for Easter ?
As the title says. I will be there, but I recall hearing about some people that will not be available, so...

lch March 20th, 2008 08:17 AM

Re: Pause for Easter ?
I'll turn off the timers till Sunday in my games, ok.

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