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Re: Global War, recruiting!
Ok, first problem. I tried to upload my pretender...and it didnt work.
First I got to the page, and it showed all the options for All nations mod, but then when i tried to scroll down it kept jumping me to the top of the list, so I couldnt get to MA abysia. I then restarted my client and tried again, and now it only shows EA nations. Help? |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
I think I will try EA Lanka this time, never played this nation, but should be fun by the looks of it.
I think cradle map is a bit too small, maybe a wraparound map would be better. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Personally, I would prefer Cradle (I'm not even sure there any wraparound map that big?).
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Ok, good guys, if we are to have a chance, we better design our strategies
around each other. Lets use e-mail to coordinate. Lets have the start date no earlier than Wednesday. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Orania is a wraparound map that has 279 provinces. it's not as pretty as cradle though. I'm cool with any map, so it's up to you guys.
Anyways I'd like to see how this game turns out, I actually think the good side might turn out to be a lot stronger than the evil, just my assumption though. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Re: Global War, recruiting!
I would agree, the numbers on both teams are a little too even and evil is pretty limited... but should still be fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif playing more for thematic fun than actual winning.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Re balance. Remember the Neutrals will help to balance things. Good does not need to attack them. And nor does Evil. But the Neutrals need to make sure neither good or evil triumphs. And they can talk to both sides. While they can't plan attacks with Evil they could say something like we think good is winning so we'll lay off you if you do likewise. Its not a real NAP as it can be broken by both without warning and specific borders etc can't be discussed. But neither good or evil should be able to take down all their opponents without the neutrals getting involved.
The part of the balance that may be off is late age R'yleh. This is widely acknowledged as one of the most powerful if not the most powerful nation. And no good power has any water ability. Nor can any good power go the undead route to get underwater. It also has no water competitors so it will get big and reasonably safe early. This will be a problem to all sides, evil as much as good. Either they have to take down one of their own early on or they are faced with an 'ally' that is damaging to be next to, is largely immune to attack and can just build up till it strikes at its secret enemy. It won't be a lot of fun if your the evil player whoes secret enemy is the LA R'yleh. All other evil players are at risk from good and neutral but not R'yleh. Would it be better if either someone else (of any faction) was also in the water? Or if they moved to the neutral team (and one of those became evil)? Then everyone is against them? This will be especially a problem if we played on Glory of Gods or Alexander which have a large linked water areas. I think Cradle may be a little small. Perhaps Orania which is a wrap around would be best? It only has a sea of 20 (all linked) areas and nearly all are by the coast so maybe it would be good if LA R'yleh stays as the only sea power? |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
I somewhat agree about LE R'yleh. I posted a while back about considering playing them, but it just seemed a little unfair, even as neutral. As part of one of the teams it's an even bigger problem.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
given the fact that good nations have no conflicts in interests AND allowed communicate each other - not to mention they are allied and locate close to each other, any single evil nation will be facing a joint army force from five different nations, and he will have to adopt several different battle strategies. IMO it's going to be an impossible task unless the evil nations somehow coordinate their actions. Hopefully the neutral players will be the buffer here, but the chances are, the neutral nations will be busy keeping themselves alive and try to get most out of both sides, if they are not eliminated early in the game that is. And this is not helped by the low indie strength (of 3), personally I think a slower early expansion might be better.
I wouldn't worry too much about R'yleh though. should be fine as long as he doesn't get 30 or so connected sea provinces. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
If you are worried about Good (and Evil, to a lesser extent) not being able to hit the water, perhaps we should do something to make sure at least one of the neutrals has a decent water forge path. Nothing like solving the problem by letting a Neutral charge a fee for water access, with a fee that could go up or down depending on how big a threat R'yleh is.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Good and evil both have decent access to getting underwater, the issue is more that they are close to unassailable there. Good could crack them after they have taken out the rest of the evils, but short of that... I think they are there for good. I really pity any evil race getting them as their secret enemy.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
I really think that the game should stay in the planning stages for now.
I actually agree that with 5 people, the teams have become too balanced. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Could we switch one of the good to neutral? I would accept that! Right now there is a little too much balance, I think more neutrals will make it interesting. And I hope they realize how important their roll is.
Also I like Oriana as a map. IT is big enough with lots of ways to expand on all sides. LA ryleth may be an issue...what do others think? I'd even rather have LA Ermor, at least i can banish them! |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
LE Ermor is much more balanced, no question. Now that their pop dies at a reasonable rate, I think there are quite a few nations that could have a shot going toe to toe with them.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
I agree, let's play on Orania. A nice large wraparound map is what we need.
Given that the map is that large, though, we can easily add 1 or 2 players (if we can find them). Let's add 1 Evil, making the final tally 9 Evil, 5 Good, and 2 Neutral. It's probably true that LE Ryleh is unbalanced. And for the secret enemy thing, it's probably best to keep everyone on land. Let's say no water races are allowed (except for Neutrals). I'm sorry Drya Unda. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
If R'lyeh isn't allowed then I'll take Machaka.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Re: Global War, recruiting!
At least Ylvali fits really well to evil faction http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Are you looking for another evil nation? if so I would really like to join the game.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Okay, you are in otthegreat.
Is 9 Evil, 5 Good, 2 Neutral good? We could do 1 more Evil or Neutral perhaps. I think this would be good, though. If Good jumps on an Evil, killing them in the first few turns or whatever, then the Neutrals will think twice before allying with Good in the beginning. And what about the actual composition of the teams? Is everyone happy with balance? (Should we make our pretenders and start?) |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
If you want another player, any side, I'm in.
I was out for the weekend and feel sooo sorry that this thread went so fast in just one weekend. Already full :-/ |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
I think we could use one more neutral, we could let Kheldron be that neutral. I would be ok with it. The neutrals would still be outnumbered buy a lot but they would be a good way to balance both sides aggression.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
I'll take LA Ulm, or if people really want an Evil player to be LA Ermor I could take them instead. I also think that one more neutral would be good.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Myself I think the third neutral could be a water nation, but not RŽlyeh. It would be cool to have a neutral oceania or atlantis lurking around.
Otherwise we could have an AI water nation, just to add some unpredictable coastal attacks to the game. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Oh yeah, I think I'd rather be LA Arco instead of MA.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
I could play MA R'lyeh instead of MA Ermor in the neutral faction, if people think a neutral water nation would be a good idea...
And I need to mention: in roughly two weeks I will be going on a business trip for about a week, and my spare time will be very limited indeed. I can still do my turns, but there's no way I could maintain a 24-hour turn schedule. I would need for the game to go onto a 48-hour timer for that week. If that's a huge issue, I can pull out (although I really don't want to! ; ) |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Well, if you confirm I can play in this game, I'd either play MA Rlyeh or MA Pangea if Rlyeh bothers you all too much ^^
Re: Global War, recruiting!
oops we wished for the same thing at the same time Indy
Anyway, I'm still unconfirmed so no priority issue...;-) |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Kheldron - I don't know yet, I will let you know soon. I'd like to hear Tuidjy and QM's opinion on the # of players and balance issues first.
IndyPendant - no problem man, if you have real life things to do, we understand! But, I would want you to be able to do a 24-h schedule for the times when you aren't on a trip or unusually busy (at least for the first 20-30 turns or so). |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
What is the role of the moderator? Depending on what you need, I may be able to help.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Foodstamp has graciously agreed to be our moderator! Yay!
He will be sending you your Secret Enemy assignments by PM or e-mail (pm him your e-mail if you prefer to receive it that way). If the vets playing agree to team balance, then we are almost ready to start! However this server issue is sort of strange, I wonder what to do about it to allow people to upload their gods.. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
I am feeling a little sick and braindead.. Anyone have any suggestions for an evil race? I might have to bow out unless the brain starts up again.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
LA Ermor is especially thematic, but also i think EA Formoria may be a not too brain tasking race. Lots of giants, do well with or without a bless. Decent PD, glamor, death magic, nice random heroes too.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
I will wait until Rather has chosen his nation before I randomly generate the rivals for the evil races. Be sure to look over the rules of the game, paying special attention to what your faction is allowed to do.
Also be sure to read over what spell combinations or actions are considered in game abuse. Anything listed in the "Abuse" poll is considered abuse. This includes using MoD with any battlefield enchantment and fleeing the field, using the siege bug to move multiple spaces. Straight from the host to clarify: Quote:
If you have any questions concerning the rules after the game starts, feel free to to PM me if the question would compromise your position in the game due to CUknown having the information. If there are any questions about what will be considered an exploit in this game and what is not, now is the time to ask them. Heres to a clean RP themed game. Let's get it on! |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Foodstamp/CUknown: What kinds of things will we be able to post in the forums? |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Do I need download this complete balance mod at all? can someone give me a link plz http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif? I have the Mega Age 1.0, will this do?
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Yes, I can maintain a 24-hour schedule for the first 20-30 turns, outside my business trip, no worries there.
I think I shall officially switch my race to MA R'lyeh (neutral), so long as I'm the only water nation. (Heh.) May I strongly suggest either using Llamaserver (so he can review past files if needed to settle potential rules-abuse disputes), or backing up each and ever turn that this game plays, just in case? Edit: I also suggest that when we do finally start, we do so in a new thread, with all the rules copied over. This thread is already on Page 10! ; ) |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Oh I just wanted to say I look forward to this experiment with you all! it could be really fun!
And I wanted to say thanks to Foodstamp for volunteering to mod for us. I hope we can be entertaining! |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Thanks for the link. and yes thanks for CU and Foodstamp for organizing this.
Btw is there some sort of ban on Nexus included in these mods? If the allied players decided to all contribute their gems and cast one big nexus we evildoers shall be pretty screwed. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
All the thanks goes to CU, I am just generating evil rivals and spot checking turns http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
You have to also download the Single Age mod, too:
Conceptual Balance Mod 1.21 Single Age Mod And have the mods active when you are designing your Pretender. There is no ban on the Nexus. If people are convinced that this is necessary, I wouldn't be against banning it. But I don't think that it is necessary.. Research is set to difficult, and I think that if Evil is still in the running late game, they will be in a good position due to Tartarians and so forth. otthegreat - Evil races can pretty much post whatever they want on the forums, as long as it doesn't break the rule that Evil players can't communicate to each other. Saying "My evil forces will crush you, Pythium! Argg!" is okay. Saying "I just lost a battle to Pythium, I am going to need help soon or I'm doomed" is less okay. Saying "LA Ermor, attack province #56 of Pythiums, I will cut off his retreat by attacking #58" is obviously not okay, even if you are trying to deceive. No discussing the specifics of your battles or of the provinces you are attacking. And - no private communication between Evil at all! IndyPendant - Okay, I will save the turns so we can look at them later. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Hmm, I'd like to second the Nexus ban, very very strongly. Fal has a good point; that's an absolutely game-winning spell. All the Good Team has to do is have one player with a pretender designed to cast it, who researches like mad up that school while the others protect him. He could have the spell up by Turn 20 or so, even with difficult research.
He then redistributes the gems, for example to MA Ermor for crafting, and it's game over. The Tartarians on the Evil/Neutral Teams will need to be summoned, Gift of Reasoned, and equipped...all taking gems. All of which the Good Team rakes in. Gems *are* the game, in the end-game. And the rest of the players will be severely hindered even in their ability to dispel it, since the Evil players can only even talk to the Neutrals. It's a *BAD IDEA* not to ban Arcane Nexus. Seriously, game-breakingly bad. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
From what I;ve seen only really experienced players may play as neutral. |
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Re: Global War, recruiting!
All righty I will try LA Ermor as well they are the stereotypical "evil" empire imho. Surprised they weren't taken.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
Should we get rid of Nexus? Indi's argument is a strong one. This could be one of the problems of having a whole team that works together...I'd support the ban.
Re: Global War, recruiting!
IŽm for a ban of nexus in this game too.
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