![]() |
Re: Modding shortlist
Extended Random Events.
The current random events are limited to 4. Rather than change the code, I'd like to extend it, and I'd like to make it user moddable. The idea I envision is that these extended luck events are an additional luck event that would only occur after they become turn eligible, and only if provinces have been denied luck events due to the 4 cap. (Actually, I'd prefer to change the whole mechanism, but this might be easier or a good first step). I'd like random events to draw from a list (preferably text) like mercenaries do. Something like the following format: ScaleMask: ABCDEF Where each ABC... are numbers corresponding to scales. Terrain Mask: Bit Map corresponding to required terrains. CommanderSummon1: Commander Summoned. CommanderSummon2: Ditto. UnitSummon1: Unit number summoned. UnitNumbers: How many to summon. UnitSummon2: UnitSummon3: SpellCast: Spell number SpellParam1: SpellParam2: ChangeScale: Mask to change scales. So for example 100000 would increase Turmoil 1. CapitolEligible: Can this event occur on the capitol province. TurnStart: What turn the event can occur on. TurnEnd: What turn the event can no longer occur on. EventMsg: Text to be displayed on players screen TempleLabFort: 3 bit mask. 1 turns on, 0 turns off. AddSite: Site Number. |
Re: Modding shortlist
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...4&postcount=36 No, you can't use those modding commands. ;) And most stuff in Dom3 is hardcoded instead of being read from some table, so it's hard to make it accessible to modding. There still isn't much that you can do with spell modding, for example, because it's mostly hardcoded. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Give a unit the ability to let water breathers breath on land. Alternately it you could use a negative number with waterbreath Also, it would be nice if all tags could be used on magic items and sites. Enter to gain water breathing, for example But J/K and KO - I really think you have seen the enthusiasm of modders. If you opened up the primitives so others could extend with code.. .I think popularity would continue to cincrease as others cotiued to extend the game. So that would be my number 1 choice = ) |
Re: Modding shortlist
But I'd like to have a variable tag for effects on items and units. I know about pretty much all the effect IDs and what they do, and I'll document them so that modders can use them. That would instantly open up some really interesting opportunities for modding. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
I'd really like to see a general tag #domEffect <% chance that it happens per candle> <effect number from spell list> that would allow you to add, or take away, effects created by the dominion. So that you could create a dominion that not only diseases enemies, but maybe you could make a dominion that heals enemies, and allies. Or maybe one that slowly makes your commanders/troops more experienced, or that occasionally turns people into werewolves.
It would have the #clear functions of other tags which would allow you to take LA Ermor, clear the nation of the pop-kill, and then add in your own. You'd also be able to #domPopGrowth <% amount> <per this many candles, rounded up>, #domGoldIncome, #domResourcesIncome, #domGemIncome which would allow you to increase or decrease things under the dominion of the controller by a given percentage point. You just use negative for decrease and positive for increase. You could also specify the number of candles needed for a stronger effect. Maybe you have to reach Dom 10 to get %5 more gems from your sites. This would allow you to easily replicate C'Tis miasma with #domEffect and then some disease effect from the spell list + #domGoldIncome 1 1 which would give you 1% increase in income per 1 candle. Just a thought! Jazzepi |
Re: Modding shortlist
I have a simple one this time D:
I'd really like to be able to add an effect that goes off "on death" centered at the unit that dies. Code:
#ondeath (effect #) (size) (percent chance) |
Re: Modding shortlist
well, there probably is one. Pearls of vengeance blow up when you die.
Re: Modding shortlist
Again, I don't really know if you can use generic spell/item effect values... Do you? In that case, 135 is the one from amulet of vengeance and 204 is the death wail of R'lyeh's more powerful units.
Re: Modding shortlist
I'd like to have more headroom in adding mod objects. In particular the limited number of newspells (144 - 3.23 additions) allowed doesn't let me play all the mod nations I want + Mytheolgy/Antilarium + CPCS + Holy Wars, etc. In fact Mytheology/Antilarium + CPCS leaves >20 newspells for other mods. The number of images (<1000) in a mod is tight unless splitting them up works. The limit of newmonsters is also a limit to the number of mod nations that can be played together. New weapons are very popular with modders, but there is still room even with a lot of mods. More custom nametype tables would be nice.
So how many pearls does all this cost? |
Re: Modding shortlist
I have a spell in CPCS "Curse of the Four Horsemen" that I just now realized takes 5 spells slots. I immediately started to think "Can I afford it?" do I need to change it? But it's working thematically and nicely now. I don't want to castrate my baby! :( I can work with the other limitations, but this kinda brought me down. I'll probably have to tone down the amount (and quality.. nextspells are my foe now!) of spells I was intending to add to Holy War. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Jazzepi |
Re: Modding shortlist
If you're having trouble with running low on spell slots make a mod for each era specifically and overwrite some of the national spells in that era if possible. Then again I guess you wouldn't get that many extra slots from that.
Re: Modding shortlist
Surely you should overwrite national spells from other eras?
Re: Modding shortlist
As Sombre said, it isn't too much. Here's the list of national spells by nation:
0 - [160, 811]
Re: Modding shortlist
I'm a big fat [US]American and I want more :) Seriously, my wish is still for more number room for mods all over. Most of what I have been playing with puts all the original nations in the game plus as many mod nations as will fit (more more more).
Thanks for codediving lch. Nice formating too, I just pasted it right into DMG. I can implement this as a workaround but I am unenthusiastic. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Nation number increases are unlikely, as doing that will start breaking things that cannot be easily fixed. No idea about the spell and item limits and whether those can be increased.
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
A button on the screen Goto would be *very* useful.
After you press it, you enter the province #. And then it centers the map on that province. Goto 24 Goto 45 Goto 96 If you really wanted to make it neat, you could also use names Goto isle of Lch Goto Balbarian Swamps And if you wanted to make it super amazing, it would also work if you entered a commander name (cycling through all commanders / provinces with the same name. Goto Halmyra. Very useful on large maps where you have no idea where the province is |
Re: Modding shortlist
Hmm, I think this already exists, but I can't remember what the key is...
Okay yep got it. Try pressing the # key. |
Re: Modding shortlist
That's not a modding thing anyway, that's just a UI wish.
Re: Modding shortlist
SOrry if this is the wrong thread...
- A bug report: if you "#copyspr" the Jade Mask (which is restricted to one nation), any item you copy it to also becomes restricted (even if it has no such restrictions in the mod) And few requests, or votes for existing mod requests in future patches - - the ability to create sprites for #newitems - #onebattlespell for #newitems or #newweapons - #ritualspell for #newitems |
Re: Modding shortlist
So I've tried to implement overwriting national spells without success perhaps due to not knowing enough about modding. Anyway I tried #selectspell 109 followed by #clear followed by the content of the new spell to #end. I get a name2spell crash every time. Any tips?
Also it doesn't seem possible to force a spell number on creating newspells. #newspell, unlike every other new mod object command, does not take a numerical unit id argument. Just #selectspell 999 followed by the spell to #end doesn't show up in research. This is OK as I can just count off 136 #newspells before overwriting national ones if I can ever get that to work. Why? Am I missing something? Currently one cannot play Mytheology/Antilarium + CPCS + Holy War even after removing the Antilarium GoR spells which seems like a reasonable desire... well, I really want to anyway. Apologies for hijacking the thread somewhat. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
I still want to get moddable summoning magic sites. All of them in vanilla are very weak. And getting some tough summoning sites would be great for mapmaker.
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
I don't how many spells does Antilarium/ Mytheology add, but all of these mods (CPCS + HW: D + Antilarium + Mytheology) mentioned herein will probably go over the limit. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
Which spell gave you that message? If the game crashes because something tries to use the spell that doesn't exist any more, you might get by by changing whatever it is that causes the message. Unless you used Holy Pyre it can't be an item IIRC, ritual summon spells can't be #onebattlespells and probably won't be referenced by units, and if it's the nation itself that's calling the spell, it might go away by #selectnation, #clear.
I hope it's that easy. You have interesting projects, and it'd be a pity if you couldn't complete them. |
Re: Modding shortlist
Hope this thread's still monitored...
Anyway, Ich reported in this thread http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44045 ...that the "parser" can handle 2500 char descriptions for nations and units. However, the actual in-game limit for mod #descr values appears to be 999 chars (some in-game nations, e.g. LA Caelum exceed this, presumably because they are not read in like mods.) It would be nice to allow the full available length for descriptive text. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I think that the two most critical (for me) aspects that are missing are:
1) Fort modding. Like: #newfort "number" #name, #pic, #admin, #gcost, #def, #supply, #buildtime, #battleground (this would state which vanilla fort battleground will the modded fort use), #uw #end It'd be nice if I could make Dwarves have especially good castles or Bretonnia to get regular castles cheaper (just for example!) 2) UW/coast/land recruitrosters, like this: #uwrecruit #addrecunit,#addreccom #end #landrecruit #addrecunit,#addreccom #end #coastalrecruit #addrecunit,#addreccom #end -The things I could do with those commands! I could expand UWGIM with all sorts of nice stuff. How about some black plated shambler infantry for Ulm in UW forts? Besides, the current ways to edit these rosters are pretty non-excistent. I managed to somewhat edit them for UWGIM, but it was work-intesive and I was heavily limited in what I could do. The "hackish" ways I had to usee also made the mod quite MP-unfriendly and complicated. |
Re: Modding shortlist
BTW, the shortlist is in need of update. The following wished-for features have been granted over the various patches by the kindly devs:
MONSTER MODDING * #landshape [monster nbr] * #watershape [monster nbr] * #forestshape [monster nbr] * #plainshape [monster nbr] * #heat [value] * #cold [value] * #stormimmune * #unique * #beckon [value] * #affliction [bitmask] [chance] --> implemented as #startaff [percent] * #stonebeing * #bloodvengeance [strength] * #leper WEAPON MODDING * #range (suggestion for negatives to indicate strength based is implemented) * #mrnegates * #mrnegateseasily * #dt_small * #dt_large * #dt_construct --> not implemented, but can be simulated with #secondaryeffect and #dt_constructonly * #dt_magic * #dt_demononly * #dt_constructonly * #mind * #dt_raise NATION MODDING * #undeadnation --> implemented as #autoundead, #zombiereanim, #horsereanim, #manikinreanim, #tombwyrmreanim, and #wightreanim * #addpretender [monster nbr] --> implemented as #restrictedgod [nation nbr] in monster modding * #killingdominion [multiplier] --> implemented as #domkill [value] * #templecost [value] * #labcost MAGIC SITE MODDING * #mon [monster nbr] * #com [monster nbr] * #increase_[scale] [+/-1] --> implemented as #incscale [scale] / #decscale [scale] |
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
I'd like to see #wasteshape for wastelands, #desertshape for deserts, #swampshape for swamps, #caveshape for caves, and #mountainshape for mountains. A #cityshape might be interesting, too, for when a unit is inside a Fortress.
Possibly also a #seigeshape/#wallshape, that would only occur in battle, when the unit is either storming, or defending, a seiged castle, respectively. I'd also like to see a Stronger in Caves ability. Speaking of caves, it would be nice if there were such things as magma caves and ice caves, as occur in nature, and if they had some kind of special identity/ability as such. Also, a Stronger Enspelled/Weaker Enspelled ability, that would cause a unit to become stronger or weaker while under the influence of an enhancement spell, such as Air Shield etc. I'd like the ability to make forgings unique--so that we can make new artifacts, in other words. Not sure if it's been added to this list yet. Something else that I'm not sure has been listed is adding the ability to swallow victims. I think the monster fish does that... Other units may also. I also would very much like the ability to mod/add to the gems. How about a special touch/bite attack that turns defeated enemies into mannikins, zombies, vine-creatures, various forms of undead, etc? Or one that has a slight chance to cause a non-commander enemy unit to transform into an assassin-type unit, later on. Like a bite attack that did the same as a lycanthrope amulet, except it has a chance of turning your unit into a rabid enemy werewolf, who then would attack his commander. I'd also like something that would be the opposite of Awe, an ability (or weakness, whatever you want to call it), that promotes enemies to continue attacking that creature, to the exclusion of other enemies. You could call it "Revile" or something. It would make for an interesting battlefield mechanic. Finally, I'd like to see an ability that actually makes a unit stronger, after having been struck by a certain type of magical "damage". Such as a fire elemental getting more HP after being hit by an enemy fireball, or a storm demon getting more HP after being struck by lightning. Something like Lifedrain, but defensive/passive, rather than offensive, and magical damage-based. And more unit numbers, please! |
Re: Modding shortlist
What i would like is:
1)instead of " the use of ' ; is quicker if you have to write a lot of things 2)instead of #, / for the same reason |
Re: Modding shortlist
Re: Modding shortlist
yes, just write that way than use find and subsistute '-->" but if it was default it would be easier
Re: Modding shortlist
I have another request:
#enable With this comand, you can decide if something is enabled or not e.g. #selectmonster 1111 #enable 0 #end now monster 1111 is not enabled, and it can't be recruited/summoned. why i would like this comand? 1) you just downloaded a mod, but for some reason you don't want that particular unit. now you have to delete the code, with this comand you just have to write #enable 0. 2)vanilla's unit, spell and items could be disactivated, maybe to prevent AI to recruit militia- enable has two values: 1 and 0; 1 means enabled, 0 means not enbled; default value is 1 |
Re: Modding shortlist
I usually change # to another character to disable something without removing the code.
Re: Modding shortlist
That's a way, but can you disable something already in the game? and don't you get errors?
Also it would be nice to be able to disable nations(so random would be like semirandom) and schools(games without conjuration) Disabled spells would not appear on laboratory, so some spells could be disabled to "raise" spell cap. Imho it is agood idea |
Re: Modding shortlist
Yes you can make changes in mid game.
And as for disabling nations I would prefer they fix the commands they already have for that. Not that I think any major changes are going to occur in Dom3 now, but I would be more interested in your idea if you added a timer factor to it. How about... #enable 0 (off) #enable -10 (enable up to turn 10) #enable 20- (enable at turn 20 and thereafter) #enable 5-10 (enable at turn 5 thru turn 10) and a default of ON so that an enable command is not necessary for each thing done in a mod file. That would be a nice addition to the (broken) Scenario features |
Re: Modding shortlist
Ehi, that sounds good
Re: Modding shortlist
Allright, I have a couple of requests:
1. I see no "Spell Modding" section in the short list of requests. I can think of a number of things I would like to see, in particular spells with variable effects (e.g. sometimes summons one monster, sometimes a different monster), or ritual spells which do multiple things at once (e.g. something like Call of the Winds that summons both a commander and units). 2. The spell modding section of the modding manual has a table of spell effects (tables 17 and 18). Supposedly, there are more spell effects, and some fan-documentation has more complete lists. Could there be a way to find some of these/get a more complete list? |
Re: Modding shortlist
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=33588 Make sure to read the whole thread, as there are lots of explanatory and additional info tidbits further along. P.S. - if some kind mod could add this to the modding tools sticky, this question gets asked not infrequently. |
Re: Modding shortlist
I need to do a new version (for spell modding), but I have a real job and it's more fun to play :(.
Requests: - Reserve some list of negative numbers to give nation-specific uniques. This would need the command: (context - nation modding) #setunique <list #> <unit #> Then, whatever nation you are modding, would have that unit # available for a custom summon uniques spell (i.e. Tlalocs, the Bounteous Immortals, etc. etc.) |
Re: Modding shortlist
Is there any way to mod, or are there any mods out there that can modify the number of pretender design points you get for awake, dormant and imprisoned pretenders?
I kinda want to mess around in SP with a triple bless with good scales SC pretender. Is that possible at all? |
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