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Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Marverni seems to be doing fine. They had quite a lot of empty land around them.
No idea what happened to Mictlan. Our only contact was when two armies accidentally collided. I killed 12 jaguars and a sun priest and lost some cavalry. I offered a NAP after that but never got any reply. |
Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - Looking for 2 more
Yes, that's typical. But when I looked this turn, he was AI... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Oh noes Mictlan is AI?!? Looks like we're two down already.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
It looks so. But I don't see what made him such. He had pretty good situation some turns before... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
I assume this game is still on a 24hr timer? Would anyone mind if we switched it to 48hrs, with autohost of course. I unfortunately stalled a turn ago as I was out at the pub. Priorities, eh?
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Sauromatia declares war on Abyssia in order to aid the wise people of Marverni http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
All hail Sauromatia!
Considering 48h shedule - I'm not against it. Though currently I can manage fine. Maybe after the next weekend would be better? |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
48h starting this friday would suit me fine. That would save me the trouble of finding a temp over the weekend.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
48 would likely work out best at this point.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
We should probably turn caelum AI at the same time. He has stalled several turns.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
The might nation of Abysia, which has never engaged in hostile action against other nations (Marverni having attacked us even as we negotiated in good faith) suggests to the rest of the world that if they seek to avoid a dominant, victorious Sauromatia they attack now.... if we fall, then all is over.
Sauromatia has engaged in hostile and aggressive action from the very beginning, destroying Kailasa. Act now, or all is lost. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
To Abyssia:
You should also add that you didn't even respond to attempts at negotiations by your other neighbors... And while we understand your concern that war with an equal opponent may prove your undoing unlike your war with weaker Marverni nation, our nation doesn't see it as a threat to us. Anyway, our existing agreement with Sauromatia would forbid our intervention at your side. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
To Helheim,
We are unsure as to what unawnswered attempts at negotiation you reference. We again note that the "weaker Marverni nation" provoked war with Abysia even as we attempted to negotiate with them. If you cannot see the threat of two of the mightiest nations seizing Abysia's territory, there is little we can do to convince you of the reason of attacking Sauromatia now. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
On a non-diplomacy note, I will shift the turn time to 48 hours, as some have requested.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
To Abyssia:
We can also see the threat you would be after you conquered one of aforesaid "mightiest nations", namely Marverni. So currently we prefer to remain neutral. Considering Marverni attacking under the truce flag - that's a serious offence and it can make others think twice about listening to them. However, why then didn't you proclaim it at the moment of said offence? It would carry much more weight then... Considering other negotiations - Yomi attempted to reach you several times. He could miss once, but I am not inclined to believe that he would do so twice - especially considering that he could be quite a juicy target at the moment... |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Well I think I should spend a bit more time on the forums as my good name is being dragged in the mud. My recollection is that Marverni, possibly the weakest EA nation, stated they were not interested in a NAP with you and then 2 turns later attacked. Not sure where the negotiating came into it?
And the reason I attacked was your attempt to negotiate a 12 turn NAP while all the time planning to block me in and prevent me expanding, which while a cunning and sneaky move I would not suggest is an act of good faith. Fortunately for me someone had used a similar tactic on me in a previous game so I was ready for it. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Caelum is effectivly out of the game, our arrows and mammuts unable to stem the tide of llankan doubleblessed demons. Sauromatia has been kind enough to shelter our sacred virgins and precious air gems while our kings die.
__ My pretender (the one who got cursed via random event on turn two) got blinded and limped in his first battle btw. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
To the nation that sent me (R'Lyeh) an in-game message a few turns back, I flew through that turn before responding or even recalling who sent the message and have not received a PM on the boards like I hoped so I am posting here to let you know that I am not ignoring it. Please send me a PM here at the boards. PMs are better for me as I keep them till the game is over. In-game messages evaporate too fast.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Zenphos, let me respond completely out of character, to avoid confusion. It was my impression (completely honestly) that we were in the process of negotiating a NAP when you attacked - I assumed we were just dickering over details... as you may have noted from my in-game communications, I was a bit surprised when you attacked. Thus, when I state that "negotiations were ongoing" this was the impression that I, as Abysia, was under. Part of this is no doubt due to relying on in-game communication, where there is always a turn lag.
I would also hesitate to characterize my eastward expansion as an attempt to "block you in and prevent you from expanding." If you meant that I was attempting to secure as much territory for myself as possible, you are of course correct. That is, after all, the entire point of the game. I was simply attempting to cordon off as great a range of provinces as could be attained. If you're implying some sort of bad faith beyond that on my part, i'm not exactly sure how to respond. I hope that clears that up. I enjoy playing Dominions in a friendly manner, and in-character posturing aside I am enjoying this game. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
I attacked Abyssia because you are the most experienced player and got the best start. You seemed to be doing a little to well and I wanted to help Marverni with whom I have good relations. If you had manage to win against Marverni before anyone did anything Abyssia would have become a really scary nation http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
I agree, Kadelake... I will, of course, attempt to diplomatically do what I can to defend myself, and I generally like to do so "in-character" to create a clear divisin between myself, as a player, and as a nation in a particular game.
So of course Abysia is going to cry about being attacked by two other nations - whether that has an impact on the effectiveness of my arguments is, of course, for the other players to determine. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
That's good indeed. I can add (out of character) that you could honestly forget about Yomi's message(s), but this scared him no end and being his ally I felt I had to give any support I could.
Also, my sincere condolences about you being attacked by Tien Chi as well - it seems your arguments had an opposite effect... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Am I under attack from Tien Chi? I'm not aware of that.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
The Celestial Masters seek to prepare the world for the coming of their god, the great mysterious one. Whoever it is, and whenever it chooses to arrive. We hope it arrives soon and does not turn out to be a talking water rat.
The southern continent has such nice warm beaches compared to the frigid north and we seek a beachside holiday house to drive air-magic driven jet skis and hold water demon wrestling competitions. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Ah, another opponent, eh? Delightful. So many brave souls all of a sudden =)
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Glorious T'ien Ch'i has been marshalling a warhost for several turns to come of the aid of Marveni- we do not act suddenly in matters of righteous war.
We cannot speak for other nations, however, especially the death-driven witch kings. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Johnarryn I think it only fair I do the same. I am sorry for taking your in-character comments the wrong way. I myself like a bit of casual in character bantering in the game as well. You were absolutely correct in your definition of what I meant. The problem is that your attempt to grab as much territory as you could meant I had no choice but to attack you or sauromatia if I wished to keep expanding. And as I had already planned to expand to the west that meant attacking you.
I did not mean to imply any bad faith on your part, but if I had agreed to your NAP of 12 turns I would have been stuck. Not wanting to expand east or north and incapable of expanding west due to the NAP. Which meant you would have had 12 turns to fortify and prepare yourself and grab all the provinces closer to your capital. Was this an intentional ploy using a NAP to cordon off a huge number of indy provinces you could then conquer at your leisure? Only you know that, but I assumed it was and so rejected your NAP and prepared for war. Sorry if there was any confusion and I also am enjoying this game, despite not being able to work out how to stop a horde of rampaging burning ones http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. Those men of marverni are just way too flammable. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Oh, Caelum's still going then. Good-oh.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
That was my worst turn ever in a MP-game... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
That doesn't sound good. Does this mean Abysia is free to rampage through my northlands again?
I have only just finished digging him out. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Not quite that bad. I just lost several units in stupid ways. My pretender was among them
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Hmm. You didn't lose your pretender to me... interesting.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Probably you would care to bump The Hall of Doh! thread with your experience? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
I have delayed hosting for a bit in the hopes that Ossa will get his turn in.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
He has. Can we host now?
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Due to some personal matters, i'm delaying the next due date (after the present turn) until Monday. While I may be able to send in turns prior to then, i'm not sure. Hopefully this isn't too distressing to anyone.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Not for me, as I have a headache now. Which is probably due to inconsistent weather which isn't going to stay... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
A great battle has occurred in the forests of the south land between the glorious warhost of Tien Chi and a great army of Abyssian flaming troops. Volleys of fire fell from the sky, but were eventually quelled by falling rain and many spring warriors. Our people rejoyce with the great victory - soon the great city will be ours.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Congratulations! We can report that the evil of Mictlan is almost extinguished. Their Pretender runs quickly (actually, even flies), but soon it won't be enough.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
What's up with Yomi taking over provinces from T'ien Ch'i?
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
A plot aimed at confusing naive Sauromatian scouts, of course! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Just as I suspected http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Your unprovoked attack on our capital will not go unanswered Sauromatia. Even as we speak the Mind Lords prepare, the waves belong to R'Lyeh not an upstart land nation.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
The blood-god of Mictlan has died (again)! Let all rejoice.
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
I must have mis-clicked and accidentally attacked the capital of R'lyeh. Terribly sorry http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif
But I think it cost me more then it cost you. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
LOL that could be a disastrous 'mis-click', there Sauromatia http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
The PD fell as everyone is inside the fort, so the whole affair did hit me as odd, but you never know in these MP games. |
Re: EA Game Strolling 2
Accidentially attacking R'lyeh?!! These Witch Kings surely have guts! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif Though they didn't demostrate much of the higher facilities in this episode... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
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