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Reverend Zombie July 8th, 2008 09:40 AM

Re: War!
Arco could have used your help earlier, Vanheim. Even now, the undead hordes claim our capital...may you have better luck than we did.

Wokeye July 8th, 2008 11:32 AM

Re: War!
You needed only ask, we would have been up for a fight! It's all about diplomatic communication, this game...especially with graphs off!

No talk = no success.

IndyPendant July 8th, 2008 11:49 AM

Re: War!
The One True God does not relish combat for its own sake. We would have preferred a period of peace once we had scoured the world of the vermin of the false pretender of Arcoscephale. But so be it!

Though we did not start our war with Arcoscephale, we most assuredly did complete it. We shall do the same with Vanheim. Tremble in fear, false pretender! The dead march to war once more!

--Vitae the Glorious, Lord of the Dead.

(Just to make sure it's clear between us, did you intend to give the orders to attack on Turn 44, so that our war begins on Turn 45?)

Reverend Zombie July 8th, 2008 12:09 PM

Re: War!

Wokeye said:
You needed only ask, we would have been up for a fight! It's all about diplomatic communication, this game...especially with graphs off!

No talk = no success.

I am sure I sent in-game messages seeking help against Ermor from my neighbors--maybe you had sub covering for you at the time?

Wokeye July 8th, 2008 07:51 PM

Re: War!
We relish the test the blades of our proud warriors and might of our priestly powers on the evil undead hordes!

"did you intend to give the orders to attack on Turn 44, so that our war begins on Turn 45?" Yes, that would be consistent with our previous NAP-3, I thought.

Arco - we may have received your courier dispatches while otherwise engaged in taming some some over-friendly neighbours. The Vans did not realise you were in such dire straights, but would have been stretched to assist in any case.

Death to the Undead, I say! (errr... re-death!?) We invite other factions to form up also, and share in the spoils!! War is more fun with allies by your side to gloat with!

AreaOfEffect July 9th, 2008 12:10 PM

Re: War!
I regret to inform you that the feathered warriors are occupied at the moment. Or rather, occupying. The half-beast monstrosities are still a potential threat to my people.

If the savage races of the forest understand civilized speech, then I congratulate them on their many victories, their numerous accomplishments, and their stern determination. We consider you still a dangerous opponent and knowing full well how wars can turn around, will not take you lightly.

Wokeye July 10th, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: War!
Those are some real ugly troops you have there, Ermor heathens! We will take great pleasure in destroying them!

Although our Vans are heavily outnumbered, we will prevail!

klagrok July 11th, 2008 11:35 PM

Re: War!
Dont worry--we shall help our friends--the stench of Ermor is overpowering--we prefer the stench of the burning fires to that of unwashed decaying walking flesh..let us rid the world of death.

IndyPendant July 12th, 2008 06:32 AM

Re: War!
The Gate has opened! The dead march! None can stop us!

Puny mortals, with your mayfly lives. Foolish pretenders, with your pathetic words hurled at the armies of the One True God. You seek to stop us? It is to laugh! Join together, it is no matter. You shall simply fall together, your misguided minions' fresh-made corpses added to our armies.

--Vitae the Glorious, Lord of the Dead.

Wokeye July 14th, 2008 12:12 AM

Re: War!
The hordes of skeletal horsemen attack!

Unfortunately the order to fight was lost in the merry confusion caused by the large volumes of mead that flows from the taverns of the great city that is beseiged.

Maybe next month we may set our dogs on the piles of bones stalking the countryside.

Wokeye July 14th, 2008 08:15 AM

Re: War!
450 undead down, only another 2,000+ to go...

At least we have friends (Abysia) to slay them with now!

klagrok July 14th, 2008 10:56 AM

Re: War!
Havent checked my turn yet--once I do I can see how many of those stinky ones little my landscape....

AreaOfEffect July 15th, 2008 10:16 PM

Re: War!
I think we might need an extension on the game since half the people haven't sent in their turn yet. I've got my turn in, but it would be really crappy to have so many people stale, even if it wasn't me.

IndyPendant July 16th, 2008 01:50 AM

Re: War!
Err...wow. Three players staled out? What happened?

I hadn't given it any thought; lots of times, players left things till the last minute. I thought this was just one of those times. : /

Edit: Hmm...it was all the players Mictlan and I were at war against. I...hope they hadn't just given up...

Wokeye July 16th, 2008 07:09 AM

Re: War!
I swear I submitted last turn...not sure what has happened there.

IndyPendant July 17th, 2008 11:24 AM

Re: War!
Wokeye, you have not submitted this turn yet either. Neither has klagrok. You might want to check that. If I hear from you before the turn's supposed to pop, I can delay it if necessary.

AreaOfEffect July 17th, 2008 05:40 PM

Re: War!

IndyPendant said:
Edit: Hmm...it was all the players Mictlan and I were at war against. I...hope they hadn't just given up...

Now that I think about it, they might be intimidated by the fact we have guides corresponding to the races we're playing.

Wokeye July 17th, 2008 07:31 PM

Re: War!
Thanks Indy - again I thought I sent it - something going on here...I'll need to delay until my night (12 hrs from now) to re-send the turn...

I do wanna kill undead, I do!

IndyPendant July 17th, 2008 08:03 PM

Re: War!
I thought so. And klagrok has completed his turn after all! --Okay, I have delayed hosting for another 12 hours while you look into your issue, Wokeye.

The llamaserver always sends a confirmation email that says "This message is just to let you know that I received a 2h file from you, and it seems to be fine." Did you receive that email? If so, you will probably need to contact llamabeast directly for help. If not, something else is likely wrong.

Just as one example, the llamaserver will not accept a turn submitted from a different email, even if the turn itself is completely correct...

IndyPendant July 18th, 2008 07:41 PM

Re: War!
Hmm, Vanheim staled again. Wokeye, I'm going to give you another 24 hours or so to get your turn in, since you mentioned having difficulties. If I don't see it up by then, I will have to set you to AI.

JimMorrison July 18th, 2008 08:13 PM

Re: War!
You know, I have been watching this game like a hawk, and still was surprised when I saw Abysia was set to AI.


AreaOfEffect July 18th, 2008 11:23 PM

Re: War!
Hmmm.. R'yleh attacks. Soon we will see who has prepared better for this inevitable engagement. Will the horrifying mind-suckers from the deep pluck our feathers and eat our brains. Will the noble race of Mictlan stab out all the eyes of R'yleh's many-eyed monstrosities and dispatch them to another plane of existence. Stay tuned.

Wokeye July 19th, 2008 06:58 AM

Re: War!
Turn in - man I've had some bad luck with submitting turns. Al least I gto rid of another big Ermor force.

Unfortunately the Vanheim capital was destroyed...

Abysia is AI?? Oh noes!

JimMorrison July 19th, 2008 07:04 PM

Re: War!
The dweller in the deeps, he who dreams in waves, has seen our victory. R'lyeh rises from the sea like a tide of death. We do feel remorse for the senseless slaughter, but the inevitability of the moment was foreseen even by the barbaric man-priests of Mictlan.

The world will never be the same again. Come dream with us.

Wokeye July 21st, 2008 07:16 PM

Re: War!
So many undead...so little time and income...I fear Vanheim is lost...but we'll fight to the bitter end!

IndyPendant July 21st, 2008 07:36 PM

Re: War!
Heh. Well, OOC I will admit you've done damage FAR out of proportion to your size. Why don't you lay down and die already?!? ; )

Seriously, well-played. Between you and Abysia's 600/700 defense castles, this...isn't the cakewalk I was expecting, AI or no AI. My armies wander Abysia's landscape, then lock down on a castle. For turn. After turn. After turn... I have to wear Vanheim down with Mind Hunts and soon-to-come assassinations (oops, did I say that out loud?) before I attack with another army.

I'm also warily watching Mictlan's war with R'lyeh. Pangaea had Mictlan down to, what? FOUR provinces? And now I'm watching him duke it out against R'lyeh, wondering who I will end up fighting against in the Final War...


JimMorrison July 21st, 2008 08:19 PM

Re: War!
(If your scouts missed the first decisive battle between R'lyeh and Mictlan, at Pan's former capital..... Well, you may not be doing so much wondering. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif Unsure what they have left, but following the reasoning that they may be more interested in doing as much damage as possible in lieu of winning - the only army I see now is marching towards my weaker flank, rather than my stronger. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif And just to point out, I do feel bad on a personal level, but I cannot let my own feelings get in the way of R'lyahn war decisions. I was fast running out of people to fight other than Ermor - something I'm still not so much looking forward to. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif)

Wokeye July 22nd, 2008 03:20 AM

Re: War!
First the mighty Van army will win back their capital, then they move on Ermor!! ...or die trying... >.<

AreaOfEffect July 23rd, 2008 10:59 PM

Re: War!
Dear JimMorrison,

That is officially the most messed-up battle I've ever witnessed. To think, I would have won had your Vastness not been paralyzed. Of all the spells to be successfully cast twice, it had to be paralyze. Yet every mindburn happened to bounce right off. Also, your luck with mind blast is amazing. One of these days I will manage a battle where both Air Shield and Antimagic both get exectuted.

In regards to Mind Hunt, you are apparently new to the spell and are unaware of the dangers. It is why I myself haven't mind hunted your mages away. Give my regards to O'ngai, Yarni Zai, Yarni Zai II, Yig Goloth, L'ghux, N'ktun, Swatopluk, and Igg Yad.


P.S.: Why don't your people beleive in normal everyday names like Chalchiuhtlatonal and Mictlantecuhtli.

JimMorrison July 24th, 2008 12:47 AM

Re: War!
Well. O.O

New yes, unaware of "dangers", nooooo, not that, quite so much. Perhaps unaware of the potential that 100% of them would be found, even with a relative disparity in Astral levels (I sort of assumed that might play a part. o.O).

Oh MAN that battle with the Vastness was epic! I've never seen one of them pull that sort of thing off without dying - just pure insanity.

As for the luck with Mind Blast, it's not entirely luck, though hitting a key buffer to interrupt the script is very nice.

Oh and just so you know, Yarni Zai happens to be the deep one version of Billy-Bob. True story.


Now, where to come up with some more chaff to support all of those mages who didn't die. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

JimMorrison July 25th, 2008 03:09 PM

Re: War!
Well, humbled hardly begins to describe how I feel now. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Fortunately, I still have tricks up my sleeve. Oh yes, buried in there where only I know. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

I sure wish Wolven Winter had gone before Murdering..... 15 killed? 15?? Out of 500. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Awesome.

The only pleasure I got from that battle was watching your flaming slings (!) kill your own men by the dozens as I routed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

AreaOfEffect July 25th, 2008 04:55 PM

Re: War!
You have to account for the fact that my dominion speards heat. Even after wolven winter that province still has heat 1. As for the timing on the spells, wolven winter triggers when random events do, which is after most other ritual spells. You did however surprise me and I am somewhat pleased to see a change in strategy. Good luck.

P.S.: You understand that Light of the Norther Star boosts all astral mages on the field, both your's and mine, right? The spell pretty much helps me just as much as its helps you.

JimMorrison July 25th, 2008 09:11 PM

Re: War!
You know, I just triple-checked because you said that..... I was positive that it functioned differently than the Banner of the Northern Star. I guess that is an insane notion, as even though I've never used the Banner, for some reason I didn't think that it was the exact same effect. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Anyway, I have a new master plan - beyond "gotta try everything once" - oh yes, something even better than that. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif We'll just see if it's suicide or not. I'm still crying over the fact that Arrow Fend affects Nether Darts. 8*(

IndyPendant July 26th, 2008 06:39 PM

Re: War!
Well, it's *finally* over. Both my foes are now destroyed. (On the same turn. Very cool.) All I have to do is get rid of these newly-independent forces Vanheim left behind, and I can move on.

Wokeye, I would just like to shake your hand. I may have defeated you, but I shudder to think how it would have turned out if our nations had been anywhere in the same universe as evenly matched. (Or hell, just if Abysia had bothered to stay in the fight!) I'm not sure I can honestly claim to have 'won', considering all the damage you caused me. ; )

It's always more fun when a worthy opponent fights to the end!

I look forward to playing against you again sometime! --With somewhat mixed feelings, if you get my meaning... (Heh. ; )

(Oh! And Wokeye, you will still have to turn in this turn to the llamaserver before it will host for us. Just "End Turn" and send in this last file.)

Now! Back in character!


IndyPendant July 26th, 2008 06:46 PM

Re: War!
Two more false pretenders have fallen to the eternal servants of the One True God! The endless dead can be slowed, but never defeated! All shall fall beneath our unstoppable might!

--But not at this time.

My loyal minions have earned a very well-deserved respite. For now, we rest. Soon however. Soon, our Hunger will grow. The drums shall sound, and the dead shall march to battle once more.

And it shall be glorious, indeed.

--Vitae the Glorious, Lord of the Dead.

Wokeye July 27th, 2008 12:21 AM

Re: War!
The mighty Vans have fallen to the endless undead hordes. Had our allies Abysia not suddenly taken a holiday we may have been more able to stem the tide - but that is for others now...

My early and long fight with Abysia, plus the attack by Mictlan at the same time, meant I was never really a contender. All good. GG Klagrok.

GG All, enjoyed it - although I have confirmed my preference for graphs on. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

GL Indy - enjoy the beer and babes of the Vanheim capital!

JimMorrison July 27th, 2008 05:14 AM

Re: War!
All I can say, is Reinvigorate is far too powerful. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

At this rate, there won't be enough of Mictlan OR R'lyeh left to even pretend to put up a good fight against the incredible massiveness that Ermor is. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

AreaOfEffect July 27th, 2008 05:40 PM

Re: War!
Says you. His army at this point is mostly 5hp longdead horsemen. Their are ways to deal with that. It's not Ermors size I'm worried about, it's the time they now have to research and forge items for super combatants.

As for reinvigoration, I wouldn't say it's too powerful, but I would say it kicks a lot of booty. Obtaining high levels of it generally requires either nature or earth magic. In fact, I can't think of reinvigoration that doesn't come from either of those sources. This is generally good as neither of those magic skills have as much spell casting versatility and power as death and astral. With that said....


Man that is rough on the vocal chords. I've got to go get some water. Later and good luck.

JimMorrison July 27th, 2008 07:29 PM

Re: War!
Ahhh, I meant the BE - Relief. I had Grip of Winter going, AND was spamming Curse of the Desert on your guys, and most of them ended the fight with pretty much no Fatigue.

I can see it being balanced against a fatigue causing BE like Grip of Winter, but you'd think that would sort of 'balance', and they'd gain fatigue normally - and then Curse of the Desert on top of it would still ruin infantry. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

As it is, Relief basically means you'll never have Fatigue problems, ever, no matter what happens..... Seems a little off. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

No big deal! We have another trick, and this one you shall be powerless to resist! Heeheeeeehoohohoho-HAAAA~!


Also, aren't I alarmingly close to your capital? Or is that someone else's capital? I should have gotten a lab in that first land castle and gotten some scouts out..... I feel so naked. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

AreaOfEffect July 27th, 2008 07:54 PM

Re: War!
I don't think you take fatigue unless you're actually in melee trying to thwak someone. Also, grip of winter only hits a percentage of the field (notice the bluish plums dotting the field. I beleive that percentage goes up in colder provinces. Again, heat 2 has been your downfall. Sorry guy.

As fo the fortress, yes that is my capitol. You can tell because it's named Mictlan. That is also about as close you will ever get to it.

IndyPendant July 27th, 2008 09:05 PM

Re: War!
*grabs popcorn*

You know, even if I were inclined to attack right now, I'd probably hold off out of sheer entertainment. You two are great! ; )

I also have thoroughly enjoyed how fast this game has gone. This is the fastest MP game I've ever played, and that's been great as well!

*goes back to playing with dolls*

JimMorrison July 27th, 2008 09:55 PM

Re: War!
Well that battle was in Gol Phalas, which is neutral temp scales. I understand it says it's "most effective" in cold provinces, but that wording implies the inverse as well, as in "weaker in hot provinces", not, "totally ineffectual in temperate provinces". http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif In fact, it also states "the entire battlefield", rather than specifying "some portions of the battlefield". I think this spell description needs a MAJOR overhaul. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Regarding your capital, I made that post before the next turn brought me next to it - our quickhosting is amazing - though I spend ridiculous amounts of time scripting new spell combos that will fail as terribly as the last spells that had no effect on you. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Oh, and also having a great time here, and learning a lot - if you host again Indy, I'll be sure to join up! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

IndyPendant July 28th, 2008 01:39 PM

The Final War
The false pretender of R'lyeh's watery domain has informed me that Mictlan so fears the unstoppable might of the everlasting dead, that he begs for release so he can struggle futilely against his inevitable fate. R'lyeh has been reconsidering his agreement to become the One True God's eternal vassal, and wishes to pit his laughable forces, combined with Mictlan's pathetic strength, against the unstoppable might of the endless dead.

So be it!

We are an honourable One True God. We release the false pretender of R'lyeh from his oath of servitude. Our NAPs with R'lyeh and Mictlan are hereby ended! It is currently Turn 59. On Turn 62, we will give our orders to our minions to invade and conquer. On Turn 63, the Final War for Dominion begins. And Us have mercy on your souls.

There Can Only Be One.

--Vitae the Glorious, Lord of the Dead.

AreaOfEffect July 28th, 2008 03:01 PM

Re: The Final War
The might of Mictlan will preveil. We regret that our respective armies did not recieve word in time of the truce our leaders had come too. Hopefully this will not upset our chance at victory.

The dead must be put to rest (again) and the gate to the underworld must be sealed. This is something we will try even if it cannot be done, for lack of trying would be the greatest sin our fine race could commit.

JimMorrison July 28th, 2008 07:29 PM

Re: The Final War
Twas only another 20 mages and R'lyeh's Prophet, not a big deal at all!


AreaOfEffect July 29th, 2008 01:47 AM

Re: The Final War
Jim has be quite upset about the submission of my turn as it forced him to make moves he did not intend at the time of submission. Considering this has become a friendly game of three I vote that the game be reset to turn 58. In my understanding this can be done.

IndyPendant July 29th, 2008 03:13 AM

Re: The Final War
Hey now, that's...a bit much. If I did that, I would be deliberately and willingly taking a punch to the jaw before the fight even begins! The only player who would suffer for the rollback would be me, and both my foes would benefit.

How about another option: I only declared war now because I thought (perhaps mistakenly) that's what you wanted. I would be willing to delay the Final War a few more turns, allowing the two of you more time to recover and reorganize from your war, if you think that would help.

We could all build peacefully, giving you two more time to coordinate your plans for taking me out. We could give our orders to attack on Turn 65 for example, invading on Turn 66. Or somewhere in between Turns 62 and 65. That option seems (closer to) fair to me, since what we gain from the delay will largely depend on how effectively we use the extra turns. The gamble for both our sides would be: who will earn the greater benefit?

I am open to other options as well, if you have ideas; I do want to play this out to the end in a way that's fun for all! But I am looking for something that isn't so blatantly to my opponents' advantage. I think that's only reasonable... ; )


JimMorrison July 29th, 2008 03:56 AM

Re: The Final War
I'm okay with however it plays out at this point.

AOE was just requesting the rollback, as I had specifically asked him him my PM to wait for my response before posting a turn, as I had already submitted mine, including aggressive actions that I wasn't going to take back until hearing back from you, Indy.

When he read your post here, he got a bit overexcited and submitted, and his new tricks had a wonderfully synergistic effect with my new scripts, resulting in me murdering many of my own communion members. 8 \

I still do have a lot to work with, but it's not exactly a "benefit" if there is a rollback, more of just a lack of a severe detriment. And I think that AOE would attest that I have more heart than anything, and likely having that additional communion for the final days would do little other than make me feel like I really did all that I could against an experienced and honorable foe. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

But again, it was technically our fault and none of your own, so I respect your decision. If there's no rollback, I would definitely appreciate at least a couple of extra turns to reorganize, as we're in the process of disentangling our borders. Of course, with you having the Forge and the Well, it's debatable how much benefit AOE and I gain from extra time. I'm already anticipating a 300 gem Utterdark or some such tomfoolery. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

IndyPendant July 29th, 2008 04:55 AM

Re: The Final War
Utterdark? Pish, I'm not thinking that small. ; )

And you're right, part of the reason why I made that offer is that I do think I will gain a greater benefit. I freely admit it! --However, I am not certain that is true--it would allow you two more time to shake down, reorganize, and coordinate for example--and I am (reasonably) certain that if we started the war on Turn 62, I would win.

You've done well with R'lyeh--better than I did in my first MP game with them. And quite frankly, AreaOfEffect has impressed the HELL out of me. I would love to play against either of you again in another game, but after that jaw-dropping comeback against Pangaea, I would be nervous fighting him without, oh, three-to-one odds or so. ; )

I'm not going to do my turn tonight; it's past my bed time as it is. I'll give AoE a chance to respond, see if anything comes up, and submit my turn after work tomorrow.

Most importantly, let's try to have fun!


AreaOfEffect July 29th, 2008 12:35 PM

Re: The Final War
I'm fine with the war starting as soon as turn 62 comes around. In my particular situation it happens to be just enough time. I only requested the rollback because I felt truly sorry about what happened to all those mages. Granted, they had it coming to them (damn nether dart spam).

I'm fine with your stance and the extra time isn't needed on my part. If Jim needs more time beyond turn 62 then I yield to him, otherwise lets get it on.

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