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Rorschach July 9th, 2008 04:15 PM

Re: Peccary - EA game for new/newish players
Abysians advance!

The latest news from the west! Armies of burning troops capture territory from Pangea. At last the warriors of flame are on the move again!

the bastard son of Rhaux, mightiest on the face of this world, is envious of Gazebo. He barely has the patience to push his soldiers in front of him, but he will have his thirst for battle sated soon enough. The disappointment of winning the tournament without a fight weighs heavily on his shoulders.

Renojustin July 9th, 2008 04:43 PM

Re: Peccary - EA game for new/newish players
Cowards and bullies all. Your ploy is imminently transparent. Prepare for mockery and ridicule when your lands and womenfolk are ours, your armies dust.

das123 July 9th, 2008 06:52 PM

Re: Peccary - EA game for new/newish players
Regarding Battlefield Enchantments + Retreat...

I've since found a few MP games that list this as an exploit (usually to do with high level spells such as Mists of Deception) but for simplicity they basically have house rules that mages need to wait 5 or 6 turns before retreating after casting a BE spell. In another game it stated that you can't retreat at all if you cast a BE spell.

I'm more than happy to go along with this and have re-scripted my astral mage accordingly. Is this something we can agree to at this point in the game?

Renojustin July 9th, 2008 07:10 PM

Re: Peccary - EA game for new/newish players
Up to Llamabeast, it being his game. I am happy to abide by whatever standard he sets.

Renojustin July 10th, 2008 05:50 AM

Poetic Justice
The harpies fly to the clarion call of battle, and perish. The strong centaurs launch themselves with inhuman speed at the invader, and perish. The dirty, naked women of Pangaea rush toward the beautifully hideous godling known as Gazebo... and perish. The wild halfmen of the forests scream in rage, hooves flying over grass and scree, assaulting the shining, slaying thing in their path... and perish. Horrified, the Pangaean commanders abandon their troops and run. But Gazebo FLIES.

Two of the three elite assassins sent by Abysia are easily slain. The third is able to eliminate a minor independent commander, even as deadly magics are prepared for their Burning Ones, who balk at entering Sauromatian lands, and rightly so.

A small, highly motivated force of lizard legionnaires attempts to retake a hilly province due west of their last fort. They die to the lances and arrows of the defenders there.

Obviously, it was extremely unwise of the Limp Three to invade Sauromatia. They have only themselves to blame after numerous chances and warnings to repent. The proud land of the Witch Kings now stands completely prepared for combat, and is readying an assault on Abysian territory.

If the Abysians instead decide to send Gazebo 500 gold and 20 gems in tribute, we will allow them to attempt to fight our friends the magical and fae people of Tir na n'Og without undue interference, once Tir finishes mopping up the last of the Arco resistance.


llamabeast July 10th, 2008 07:50 AM

Re: Poetic Justice
I think it would be best to avoid scripting mages to case battlefield enchantments followed by retreating, being as it does seem like something of an exploit. I'm hoping this issue will be fixed soonish, as it's very easy to do by accident.

Incidentally I don't think Light of the Northern Star counts as a battlefield enchantment does it? I'm fairly sure it doesn't. BEs are the things which put pentagram symbols in the top corner of the screen - things like rain, darkness etc.. Casting LotNS and retreating is absolutely fine.

Renojustin July 10th, 2008 08:23 AM

Re: Poetic Justice
Light of the Northern Star is a BE that puts a pentagram with its effects on the top of the screen.

llamabeast July 10th, 2008 08:38 AM

Re: Poetic Justice
Ah okay, I stand corrected.

Renojustin July 10th, 2008 08:44 AM

Re: Poetic Justice
Woohoo I just won Dominions!!!!1!!1one!eleven

Rorschach July 10th, 2008 04:25 PM

Mighty Abysians cross the southern border and advance unchallenged into Sauromatia. We expect the flesheaters to have some surprises up their sleaves so we show up in force.

Renojustin July 10th, 2008 04:58 PM

What, are we just making stuff up now?

Are all three of you seriously going to make me destroy all three of your armies? If so, my heroic and wildly successful stand against your three nations is totally going on the main boards, because I've never heard of anything like it. Three.

At this point, it's already over really, so you're just throwing your forces away. How wasteful.

Hey Pangaea, when you go last, you can go twice. There's no need to be last to play your turn twice in a row, unless you only get a minute to download your turn of course. Hope that helps!

Piggles July 10th, 2008 07:06 PM

I can smell renojustin's fear all the way from here in Kailasa (mixed with the scent of not a small amount of monkey feces)... Whatever it is you guys are planning, stick to it. It's clearly working.

Renojustin July 10th, 2008 07:08 PM

It's working almost as well as you've fought Lanka! Time to uncork the champagne.

Oh wait, nevermind, graphs are ON for this game.

Piggles July 10th, 2008 07:24 PM

Quickly changing the subject, I see. Why, was something making you uncomfortable? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Renojustin July 10th, 2008 07:26 PM

If you can't appreciate that one nation stood against three and won, then I just feel sorry for you. There was no subject change - read the graphs, they tell you everything.

At this point, Abysia is just commiting suicide. Actually, I'll make good exp off him so he'll be helping me. Not to mention the uber glory and even more bragging rights that will entail, of course.

You may bandy words with me again when you prove that you can fight one nation successfully, let alone three.

Rorschach July 10th, 2008 07:35 PM

This is fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Renojustin July 11th, 2008 08:58 AM

Pangaea suffers another devastating blow, as their incomes and treaties unravel.

In the north, the wild magic of Tir na n'Og and the fiery, windy, deathy demons dominate their respective victims.

It won't be long until the severely weakened central nations come under heavy attack from the north!

Rorschach July 12th, 2008 02:50 AM

Abysian troopers advance virtually unopposed into Sauromatian lands. Both Sauromatian fortresses are within reach and we consider sieging both to choke the flesheaters and make them eat each other instead of their neighours.

No sign of the dreaded Gazebo, but the Bastard Son expects her to show up real soon.

Rorschach July 12th, 2008 05:34 AM

Sauromatia managed to balance the front, so we keep up the pressure where we are strong.

Renojustin July 13th, 2008 07:17 AM

The Peccary
Peccaries are medium-sized animals, with a strong superficial resemblance to pigs. Like pigs, they have a snout ending in a cartilagenous disc, and eyes that are small relative to their head. Also like pigs, they use only the middle two digits for walking, although, unlike pigs, the other toes may be altogether absent. Their stomach is non-ruminating, although it has three chambers, and is more complex than that of pigs.[1]

Peccaries are omnivorous, and will eat small animals, although their preferred food consists of roots, grass, seeds, and fruit. One of the ways to tell apart pigs and peccaries is the shape of the canine tooth, or tusk. In European pigs the tusk is long and curves around on itself, whereas in peccaries, the tusk is short and straight. The jaws and tusks of peccaries are adapted for crushing hard seeds and slicing into plant roots[1], and they also use their tusks for defense. The dental formula for peccaries is:

By rubbing the tusks together they can make a chattering noise that warns potential predators to not get too close. Peccaries, indeed, are aggressive enough in temperament that, unlike Eurasia's pigs, they cannot be domesticated as they are likely to injure humans. Indeed in recent years in North-western Bolivia near Madidi National Park there have been reports of people being seriously injured and killed by large groups of peccaries. [2]

Peccaries are social animals, and often form herds. Over 100 individuals have been recorded for a single herd of white-lipped peccaries, but collared and Chacoan peccaries usually form smaller groups. Such social behavior seems to have been the situation in extinct peccaries as well.

Peccaries, with the exception of Pecari maximus, have scent glands below each eye and another on their back. They use the scent to mark herd territories, which range from 75 to 700 acres. They also mark other herd members with these scent glands by rubbing one against another. The pungent odor allows peccaries to recognize other members of the herd, despite their poor eyesight.

...I think llamabeast may be a zoologist!

Rorschach July 14th, 2008 04:33 AM

Re: The Peccary
People are continuously talking about NAP's and 3 turn pause before attacking. Are these terms universal etiquette? I haven't found a stickied thread on the subject so are there any "house rules" I don't know about?

Renojustin July 14th, 2008 04:53 AM

Re: The Peccary
The agreement is the agreement. Many people say things like, let's make a pact where the other party has to declare the pact null and void 3 turns before attacking. Some might say, our agreement will be that neither of us attacks the other for 9 turns.

It's just all in what you agreed to do. If someone breaks that agreement, it's usually in your own best interest to call them on it publically. There is nothing that says they can't do it, especially if it's thematic, like if your NAP partner casts a harmful global. However, it's considered less than honorable to backstab someone that you have an accord with in such a way, and letting people know that a nation disregarded a treaty will probably lead to them being more wary of that nation in that game, at the least.

Rorschach July 14th, 2008 05:16 AM

Re: The Peccary
Ok, then it works as it should:D

das123 July 17th, 2008 07:58 PM

Re: The Peccary
Well guys, looks like Ermor will also be out of the game in the next few turns. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the experience. I certainly learned a lot and I can see I have absolutely no 'feel' for the game once the indies are gone, but this game has given me good pointers into what I should look at in the future.

Good luck http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Renojustin July 18th, 2008 12:13 AM

Re: The Peccary
You were actually a tough opponent, very tenacious. Good job, Das. I look forward to playing against or with you again someday.

Rorschach July 18th, 2008 04:32 AM

Re: The Peccary
I am sorry to hear of the demise of Ermor. I really enjoyed your company das123 and hope to meet you again:)

das123 July 18th, 2008 10:42 AM

Re: The Peccary
-=*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*=-


Armies of shrieking flesh eaters stream across the great river for month after month, gobbling up the once lush land. All the while the fearsome Gorgon terrorises the countryside. People leave the great city to try and escape to the far provinces - including Eldora, the Ermorian Pretender. She takes a small retinue and heads to the safety of the northern deserts and the new stone keep that has been built on a barren hillside. Back inside the city is the last guard which consists of a horde of gladiators, magicians and priests.

The first Sauromatian attack on the city is bloody with both sides losing many warriors. It is the first battle that Ermor has been able to withstand the deadly arrows of the Sauromaians. And, by tooth and claw, the battle descends into a battle of the undead as slain soldiers are brought back to life by dark arts from both sides. The holy pontiffs of Ermor are strong and in the end they prove the deciding factor as they clear the Sauromatian undead from the battlefield. The Sauromatians are driven from the walls and the city is saved. But this is only for 30 days. The Ermorians are without reinforcement while a second Sauromatian army is close by pillaging a nearby province. The second Sauromatian assault proved decisive and the eternal city of Ermor falls to the flesh eaters.

At the same time, the fort in the desert is visited and put under siege by the demons of Lanka.

Ermor lies in ruins. Spies and scouts still venture into the wilds to hear news of the Ermorian allies and of their attacks on Sauromatia. But no word comes back.

-=*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*=-

Rorschach July 18th, 2008 03:43 PM

Re: The Peccary
Oh, the humanity!


Rorschach July 19th, 2008 09:14 AM

Re: The Peccary
The Fir Bolg warriors of Tir na n'OG expected no resistance at the northern front. They attacked with high spirits, knowing that anything the Abysians could assemble in defence would merely be a handful of troops.

They were right about the numbers. But they didn't do the math.

17 Abysian Burning Ones came in from the south to hold the pass, accompanied by an Anointed One. It was all it took to break the entire Fir Bolg army of 400 warriors. The Burning Ones erupted in flames as they charged the enemy lines. Fir Bolg warriors threw javelins as they advanced and the battle ensued. Quickly the Abysians were surrounded by the far more numerous enemies. But the difference in numbers meant nothing. The 17 Burning Ones slew 187 Fir Bolg and lost 2 of their own before the enemy turned tail and ran. A testament to the sheer quality of Abysian elite troops.

Let it be a warning to the enemies of Abysia. You will pay a price in lives of 100:1 for attacking the burning lands.

Rorschach July 20th, 2008 06:22 PM

Re: The Peccary
Ok, I stand corrected:p

Renojustin July 21st, 2008 02:37 AM

Re: The Peccary
Omg what happened? I did happen to catch an awesome battle of heroes a few turns ago...

Rorschach July 21st, 2008 02:47 AM

Re: The Peccary
No clash of heroes. But Tir na n'oG took the math seriously this time, I can say that much.

Rorschach July 21st, 2008 03:33 AM

Re: The Peccary
Hmm, I seem to have no counter to the Keltish invaders http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

July 21st, 2008 04:45 AM

Re: The Peccary
This war began with a disaster.
All the tribe of Fir Bolg was cowered with a SHAME wich must be washed off with blood.
The time will show whether it will be blood of abyssians or ours.

Rorschach July 22nd, 2008 04:17 AM

Re: The Peccary
The enemy Pretender attacked our capitol and lured out the defenders in front of the fortress. She then started casting Earth Quakes in a clever attempt to kill as many enemies as possible.

She did kill some old warlocks that were near death from old age. But she must have been disappointed in finding almost no soldiers defending.

3 of her deadly air mages were also sniffed out by the patrolling defenders and killed off.

Seems the air has gone out of the Tir na'noG attackers. Time to bring up the counteroffensive!

July 22nd, 2008 05:17 AM

Re: The Peccary
She supposed to retreat after the second earthquake.
But your imps gave no time for it.
Our Gods will watch the battle from above. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Rorschach said:
Seems the air has gone out of the Tir na'noG attackers.

Are you sure? )

Rorschach July 22nd, 2008 06:10 AM

Re: The Peccary


Hmm, did you attack anyway? I killed 3 of your artillery mages and your Pretender last turn?

Well, if you didn't have anything special planned I suspect I should win this battle by a good margin. But you never know.

Rorschach July 23rd, 2008 09:11 AM

Re: The Peccary
Sauromatia attacks!

The battles outside the Abysian Capitol were just about to escalate towards a climax when the Abysian defenders prepared for a massive counterattack. Then news from the far south came in: Gazebo had been sighted coming in from the east. The dreaded Gorgon had laid waste to proud Ermor and terrorized Pangea, and now it was heading for Silbermark, southernmost bastion of Abysia. The border had been quiet for a time now, but it seems the Sauromatian thirst for conquest had not been sated by their great victories in the east.

A mere hundred slave militia was forced to face Gazebo at Silbermark. They huddled together in the middle of the field and prepared to die a terrible death by petrification. Sauromatias main army followed quickly after Gazebo and the militia were slaughtered. Some managed to escape north where they would face Abysian taskmasters and their whips.

So Silbermark fortress is under siege by a huge army. Magic is prepared and defenses quickly erected, but soon it will fall and then the Abysian southlands lie open to the invaders.

We seek an end to the northern war. Our great armies of proud and strong Abysians will have to finish the job quickly.

Renojustin July 23rd, 2008 10:19 PM

Re: The Peccary
The magics of Sauromatia are too dire and potent. We have come prepared. You have not discovered the mysteries of your own fire magic, you have not found the places of high magic within your demesne. You have nothing with which to fight us, and your greatest warriors are now as chaff in the wind. This is your endgame.

The only way that Abysia might prolong your existence is by taking their forces and hurling them northwards against a nation that your armies might exact a toll from. From Sauromatia, you will recieve only DEATH!

The Seven have come, and with them also comes Phil, who shall be pretty badass in his own right. The three Furies lead the way into Abysia, and nothing shall stop them. So sayeth the Book of Gazebo.

Rorschach July 28th, 2008 04:12 AM

Re: The Peccary
I had two stale turns now, and luckily (again) a decisive battle had not been fought. A third turn had to be played by a friend via telephone http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I think I'm not fit for this kind of 24-hour turn style. Too much interference real-life. Particularly weekends, something that surprises me, as I expected to be more consistent during those few days a week.

But I will of course make Sauromatia bleed before I consider dropping out

llamabeast July 28th, 2008 04:31 AM

Re: The Peccary
Oh my goodness, you're still on 24 hours on turn 52! I expect you'd be better off on 48 hours. What do people think?

Most games change over long before this. Sorry, I have been dopey with this game.

Talking of which, it's a bit silly that I'm still admin. I didn't ask properly for a replacement. Is anyone willing to take over for me? Thanks!

Rorschach July 28th, 2008 08:44 AM

Re: The Peccary
I would hope Renojustin could admin.

I would like a 48 hour limit, although I don't think the game will slow down much for that reason.

Great pace everyone http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Renojustin July 28th, 2008 09:23 AM

Re: The Peccary
I would be happy to admin but I don't know the first thing about it yet... but still I'm really enjoying the game because it's really more like a blitz even now. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

We have been able to go with a 24 hour time limit for so long because the game was fairly small to begin with, only 8 players. So it's not really that bad even for me.

If Rorschach wants 48 hours, that's definitely fine. Don't want anyone to feel rushed or overwhelmed or anything.

Rorschach July 29th, 2008 03:43 AM

Re: The Peccary
On the other hand this game is already reduced to 5 players going on 4 going on 3 so keeping the 24-hour limit will ensure keeping the current pace. And maybe add such a strain on Sauromatia's leadership they'll blunder and make obvious tactical mistakes.'

Seriously, keep the 24-hour limit.

Renojustin July 29th, 2008 04:18 AM

Re: The Peccary
I've made a great many mistakes already, hardly seems fair to single me out! lol

llamabeast July 29th, 2008 06:45 PM

Re: The Peccary
Okay brilliant, I will send Reno the admin password. Thanks Reno!

Renojustin July 30th, 2008 12:45 AM

Re: The Peccary
Ok people, now that I'm admin, there's going to be some CHANGES around here, if you know what I mean.


But really Tir, you've been last two turns in a row, pick it up buddy! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

July 30th, 2008 02:52 AM

Re: The Peccary
The idea seemed to be interesting but the mistake was disastrous.
Tir na n'Og bewails its best mages...

Renojustin July 30th, 2008 06:36 AM

Re: The Peccary
Tir, no reason for you to be last three times in a row... remember that if you are the last to submit your turn, you can be the first in the next turn because the game hosts!

July 30th, 2008 07:16 AM

Re: The Peccary
Sorry for delaying

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