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namad July 23rd, 2008 07:07 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
sounds reasonable... the rule of "all exploits are banned" is a bit vague since what counts as an exploit is probably debatable... but i'd reckon all exploits which ever get listed in this thread are banned sounds reasonable?

brainstorm a few more right now ?
i don't really know any myself http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Aezeal July 23rd, 2008 07:16 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
Im not the boss here

GrudgeBringer July 24th, 2008 12:44 AM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
LOL, If I ever use an exploit I promise you it will be because I stumbled on it and don't have any idea what I'm doing anyway...

I would probably wipe my own army out.

This is a NOOB game, I'm pretty sure at our level we shouldn't even know about the exploits, and if we do we read it somewhare where it was said that it was an exploit.

anticipatient July 24th, 2008 04:02 AM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
I dont think we really need to worry bout exploits. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Aezeal July 25th, 2008 08:05 AM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
no I worry more about my nation http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

WingedDog July 25th, 2008 01:12 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
Guys, could you explain please: there are 5 crown icons scattered around the map, what do they mean?

WingedDog July 25th, 2008 05:16 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
I've already send a PM to administrator of this game Whisker_Buiscuit that I'm going offline until sunday 11:00 - 13:00 GMT. I've already made my move this turn (7th) and likely I won't make it to the deadline of turn 8. So it is his desicion whether to wait for me or not, though I would prefer to make my move myself as it seems to be very critical to me... I'm very sorry anyway... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

namad July 25th, 2008 06:30 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
i think those crowns are suposed to be VP locations except that VP's have been turned off so they are now meaningless? or maybe i'm wrong...

Aezeal July 26th, 2008 09:41 AM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
Ehm Caelum, my advice (newbie game right) is to expand faster early in the game. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

anticipatient July 27th, 2008 09:16 AM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
Heh heh heh.. I am officially screwed http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

CyborgMoses July 28th, 2008 01:15 PM

Jotunland (PBEM)
Well, at least it's an amusing screwed!

namad July 28th, 2008 07:38 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
why are you screwd? why is it amusing? gossip pls!

anticipatient July 28th, 2008 09:32 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
oh, just used the wrong troops, started a war, and lost my pretender (weak SC chassis but fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. No regrets!

anticipatient July 28th, 2008 09:32 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
Oh, and I MAY survive the war. I might not be out of it yet, I just have an extremely slim chance of victory. Rapidly approaching zero, really.

WingedDog July 29th, 2008 02:51 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
Did our noble administrator Whsiker_Biscuit abandon us? Agartha didn't move for the last few turns...

namad July 29th, 2008 03:12 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
i have water gems to trade

i need astral gems or nature gems mostly PM me if you wish to trade gems

namad July 29th, 2008 03:13 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
looking at the score graphs and haven't submitted my turns near the deadline a few times in a row i have to ask...

has argatha been stale'ing? twice in a row? and isn't argatha the admin?... it seems unlikely they'd have no change in army size or provinces two turns in a row ... AND also submit their turn RIGHT before the deadline

WingedDog July 29th, 2008 04:16 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)

Yep, exactly my point. The administrator should watch over the game till the end, even if he gives up (and, according graphs, I think he did). My suggestion: if he doesn't show up next turn we should PM Llamabeast about assigning one of us as the administrator. The new administrator will set Agartha to AI afterwards.

Aezeal July 29th, 2008 05:45 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
we need an administrator since I'm now asking for a delay of 24 hours (eveningshift, need to stay the night in the hospital)

PS agartha staled 4 turns, you can see it in llamaserver data

I'll message Llamabeast now

namad July 29th, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
nevermind seems army size has gone up again... maybe they aren't stale'ing... sorry...

quantum_mechani July 29th, 2008 04:00 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
Could be an event.

WingedDog July 29th, 2008 05:31 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)

llamaserver.net -> Jotunland -> Admin options -> Show staling data
You can see he staled last 5 turns, so we need another administrator.

Aezeal July 29th, 2008 06:33 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
I'm new admin already (have been for 12 hours)..

I'm on this (mostly on giving myself a delay and unlimited cash though)

namad July 30th, 2008 12:33 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
so for his past turn he was set to AI and thats why he began recruiting more troops?... man FIVE STALES and we didn't notice... whoever is next to them is lucky http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

namad July 30th, 2008 12:51 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
I have a large number of water gems to trade, i need astral gems! please contact me!

namad July 30th, 2008 12:55 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
whoa just checked the score graphs! who is absorbing kalissa so rapidly? how come no one has posted about it?

CyborgMoses July 30th, 2008 06:27 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
Well, nobody seems to have increased their scores in proportion to Kailasa's decreases, so the perpetrator is either multiple nations tearing Kailasa to shreds or a whole lot of barbarian hordes.

Aezeal July 30th, 2008 04:47 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
hmmm I need someone who borders Fomoria and wants to help me combat them. Fomoria is invading me. They are a dangerous race and I think it's other neighbours would be helped if they help me eliminate him.

namad July 30th, 2008 07:31 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
if argatha is AI how come they are still the last one to submit their turn?

namad July 30th, 2008 09:34 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
seriously everyone but argatha has submitted their turn? and argatha is ai? does this mean the ai is set to only submit there turn right at the deadline? wouldn't it make more sense for AI to submit their turns early so we didn't have to wait 12hours extra for them?

it seems like the admin has yet to set them ai? or find replacement? and they are going to stale a 7th time? or is this now fixed?

WingedDog July 31st, 2008 12:04 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)

Excuse me, but I don't see your activity as the administrator. Agartha is still not set to AI, you wanted to make a delay for yourself, but you staled. And now I'm nervous becouse I need to talk to admin about possible delay for myself on turn number 14 and I don't want to end up stale'ing again...

GrudgeBringer July 31st, 2008 08:08 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
we seem to have a game that is somewhat helter skelter right now.

Nobody's fault as most of us are new and this is a good learning experiance for all of us to watch more closely.

However, while I am one to fight to the last dog (or Giant as it seems)I also am not real thrilled that we have a admin that has staled 5 turns (making it easy for one player), and another player with some exp but staled anyway. I would suggest that we bag this game and start it agian with the same basic core of people and maybe a couple of reliable folks that have the time and desire to play. (Bwaha is one that like to play lots of games)

Sometimes life gets in the way...

That being said ..Kalisa go ahead and attck my force if you win we will ally, if you lose You are hurt bad.

One battle for it all!!!

IF we don't get this together quickly I will just be going thru the motions as it seems the game is unbalanced now.

Any other thoughts that will change my mind?

WingedDog July 31st, 2008 10:19 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)

Well, I do not see any reason to finish the game. All we need is another administrator. Agartha is dead anyway, so person who kills it doesn't get much bonuses, just the same as killing independents.
As for stale'ing - I think there are the same situations in just every game. Everybody has some reasons from time to time to be offline, just look at the "sub wanted" topics in this forum. Me and Aezeal did stale for one turn each becouse we had obstacles not allowing us to make our moves in 24 hours. It is an administrator's duty to listen to player's requests and to react, so a normal administrator would likely move a deadline as we asked and we wouldn't skip our turns.

So, as I said, all we need is a new administrator.

CyborgMoses July 31st, 2008 11:03 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
Let it be known that the honorless dogs of Arcoscephale have broken their peace treaty with the nation of Fomoria. A mere two months after agreeing to our offer of alliance, they struck at our lands in a surprise betrayal. Should any wish to punish this infamy, they will have the friendship of the giants of Fomoria.

Aezeal July 31st, 2008 02:21 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
no need to restart, I don't know why it didn't delay the last turn.. I saw a message it was all good. Wasn't to much of a problem for me really. I don't know if I can AI agratha that easily though but I'll try.

namad July 31st, 2008 06:19 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
we could get someone to sub for argatha if you don't want to AI them... could probably find someone willing to take it on as a challenge

namad August 1st, 2008 01:54 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM)
looks like argatha has been succesfully set to ai

anticipatient August 1st, 2008 05:21 AM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
I am going to be out of town for about 24 hours this weekend (JUST enough to get a stale). I hope you don't mind giving me a 36 hour extension. I will, of course, return and send my turn ASAP when I am back.

If that's not okay, I'll take the stale. Thanks :_)

anticipatient August 1st, 2008 06:13 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
Actually, yeah, don't delay this game for me anyway, esp since nobody knows where the host is http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif I'm doomed anyway. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Aezeal August 1st, 2008 07:35 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
Can everyone just please make normal posts about what delays they do or do not want? WTF am I supposed to do witht the 2 messages above and/or a line in a whole post a delay is needed in turn 14.

PM me when delay and how long!!

I'll not make the game host from saturday on sunday ok?

Aezeal August 1st, 2008 07:49 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
I'm asthonised to see how bad my whole army and ALL mages I had (except my pretender) did against fomoria..

8 mages spamming skellies, archers and some spearmen and undead fodded... all died killing only a fraction of his army.

Aezeal August 1st, 2008 07:51 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
I guess the game will host now.. so how long till I can let the game host again? 24 hours I will start with

Aezeal August 1st, 2008 08:04 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
Hosting postponed for Jotunland by 24 hours. The game will now host at 22:55 GMT on Sunday August 3rd.
Please note that this information will not be updated on the game status page for a few minutes.

CyborgMoses August 1st, 2008 10:03 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
Well, your pretender certainly made up for it, Aezeal; 30-ish protection, fear, and awe are a mean combination... it doesn't look like either of us can beat the other's defense. I should totally get points for making it to your stronghold, though.

Aezeal August 2nd, 2008 10:10 AM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
ow he will have more fear next turn btw, 2 turns ago I got a shield from an event and he picked it up while in town

getting points for making it to my stronghold: no
You had a lot of giants already though It seemed like much more than I've been able to spend so far.

CyborgMoses August 2nd, 2008 12:56 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
There is a fear-causing shield?

Aezeal August 2nd, 2008 04:04 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
apperantly, its D/F

CyborgMoses August 3rd, 2008 09:45 PM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
Haha, what the heck, Aezeal? You propose that we make peace, then when I send you a draft of the treaty, you attack me? How does this make sense?

Aezeal August 4th, 2008 01:36 AM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
ehm I just kicked you out of my capitol and I send that turn in right away saturday morning and your message came later and I was in my parents house this weekend. Peace could be an option now.

Aezeal August 4th, 2008 01:37 AM

Re: EA Newbie game (PBEM) - Sign Up
by which I mean I'll see my turn tonight and then reply, I propose you wait till then before you do anything rash.

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