![]() |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Well...the crowns DO spread your dominion as if they were a temple.
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Actually I sent a scout alllllll the way up there to say "Howdy" and there wasn't a soul....*tho there where a lot of 'soulless folks' roaming around.
So does ANYBODY wanna be my buddy (sob)? |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Hi, grudge, I know that you keep your word, So The generous giants of Neifel will be your buddy. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Thank you Kind sir!!
Nothing like having a Giant on your side to give your troops confidence and fight harder!!! My Priests have gone to the Oracle and sacrificed a dozen sheep in Lord Chills honor. The entrails speak of great deeds yet to be done by the Neifel/Arco alliance. Dark-Omen thanks your Grace |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Just have your emissary pack a lot of warm clothes. Its rather cold here... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Yeah I feel that restarting someone will always had a bad situation, so it should be avoided. Take mine, I went from a great location to a slightly horrible one...but Im not complaining i shall fight it out! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
That's the spirit!!!
By the way who's Hinnom, they seem to be having some problems? |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I am Hinnom, and the gods go against me. After we restarted, I was in a situation with one province between me and my nearest neighbor. We agreed on a compromise, which left me with only 3 provinces adjacent to my capital as I was adjacent to two sea provinces (Maybe just one...not sure). But our agreement also left me at a tactical disadvantage, as none of my capitol adjacent provinces were adjacent to each other, which meant I had one wasted turn just trying to conquer each adjacent province. Then with my dominion in the tank, an earthquake destroyed my temple. Luckily, I had built a new one, but spending the money on the temple, meant no new troops for two turns. None of the provinces I conquered were high gold producers. Next, with no where else to turn I attacked a high defense Indie province. Mucho Avalon Knights and Longbowmen. Literally....every one of my troops is dead. No money, few provinces, no armies, not very many or powerful mages, last in dominion, near the bottom on everything else.
And this is with Luck 1. HEEHEEHEE 8^) |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Yeah, jimkehn got totally screwed this game by no fault of his own. Probably he would've been best off fighting me, but that could've gone either way..
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Wow, we are moving along nicely now. Good job people... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Hey, you guys want to try a blitz sunday? I'm available in the morning 8-12 pst, or 6pm to midnight... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
A deal perhaps?
Hail Niefelheim, the giants of the north, we of Sauromatia would like to confer upon you and yours a treaty. Do not expand past 68, 73, and 74, and we of Sauromatia will not look northwards for our needs.
We would also accept a Non Aggression Pact with our only neighbors, with whatever stipulations, barring tribute. We also hope that by using this public forum as a way to send our message, that our intentions come across as honorable and not covertly hostile. -Arianthas, the prophet of the Titico, Queen of Order, Princess of Writing and Speech, Protector of Oaths, Queen of Many Names, Princess of Hierarchs, Symbol of Unchallenged Victory. |
Re: A deal perhaps?
Hail, Lord of Sauromatia, We agree to these terms, to clarify, I will hold these provinces and we will have a nap(3). Because you have offered 68 while holding it you have found a good ally. Good luck, good hunting... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: A deal perhaps?
Looks like we lost someone!
Re: A deal perhaps?
YES.....Hinnom's (me) dominion ist ausgeschotzen. I still owned 2 provinces, but I was literally finished, anyway.
Soo long, it's been good to know ya. |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I sent you a PM in case you see this and not check your Home box |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
For future references, please use the forum when sending me messages and the like, I don't really like the ingame message system. Not being able to see who you're writing to, and past messages sent/received is kinda blah.
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
NP, if I have reason to write you I will use this forum.
However, there may be times that you want to do a trade ect that you really don't need every one knowing about because it gives too much informationon your lever of development. Just My opinion... |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Wasn't referring to you really, but just a general notice to everyone.
The forums have PMs you know. |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Yeah Grudge, he means the private message system for the forum. And I believe he's referring to me, actually http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Grudge please check your PM's, the in-game message system is too slow for diplomacy.
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Yeah we have been keeping a pretty good pace so far. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I am impressed with all of you and I personally have done my best to get them in when I see them. Even when the girlfriend is around.
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
I am going to be out of town for about 24 hours this weekend (JUST enough to get a stale). I hope you don't mind giving me a 36 hour extension. I will, of course, return and send my turn ASAP when I am back.
If that's not okay, I'll take the stale. Thanks :_) |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Ok, I postponed it for 30 hours, I hope that's enough for you to get your turn in Anticipatient.
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Hmm, very interesting the horrors seem to kill each other?
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
can we go to 48?
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Due to recent events, I'm switching the game to 48 hours until further notice, shame had a good run...
When bwaha and anticiatien sort things out we switch back. |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Wasn't quite enough, unfortunately, but I'm in the lead in several categories, so I won't whine too much. I'm back and ready to roll on 24, whenever Bwaha is
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
It seems we're not waiting for Bwaha after all.
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Where be meister?
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
Why has Niefelheim attacked, broke the NAP and betrayed our trust?
We have no other option then to launch a full scale attack unless we receive a reasonable explanation. |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA private game
So sorry, It was my damn lap top mouse system. We have departed the territory already. How about a small payment to replace your pd? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
I have sent a meassage to everyone in the game but I feel that I by the time they read it it will be too late.
I have a mutual defense immediate defense pact with one nation and a 3 turn Nap with another. Of course those 2 got into a war and I was called upon. I have asked a few people and the general concensus is to ask the attacking party to cease and desist. And if not then my nap will be honored by this act. I am a NOOB and have no idea what to do so I will honor the mutual defense agreement and if I receive no public statement of peace between the two parties I will have to attack next turn. I always try and be honorable and hope this doesn't carry over to other games. I have no illusions of winning this war but feel I need to make a stand and live with it as no action at all is a cowards way out. Fomoria, PLEASE cease your war and we can still be friends, I hope you get this message and respond immediately as this is your official notice that if I don't hear from you or you decide not to cease your war then i have no choice. Three Toed Pete, Prophet to the people |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
I would like to point out that in the beginning of this game we said NAP were to be honored, but I would like to point out that GrudgeBringer did not keep his NAP terms with me. I know his position but a 3 turn pact means he waits three turns. The first turn from when he communicated his intent to me he followed it with his large god army. If this is a 3 turn nap I missed something.
I would like all of you to watch out for this and if this is how he views a three turn peace agreement then all of you have an easy time with him too. I am currently at war with Pangea and now Arco but I will do my best to best them. If anyone feels joining this conflict and not staying at peace all game is the right thing, I would appreciate the help. Cerlin of Formoria |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
It sounds to me a violation of our agreement regarding naps. If I had a mutual defense pact activated I would give a three turn warning. So I hearby give a 3 turn warning to the pan. This is a war warning. I will withdraw this if the pan stand down for the remaining turns(2). I propose that oath breakers be punished by the other players. :D
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
If I have transgressed on a NAP or any other agreement it was not intentional.
I think all that have played with me have known that I keep my word. I admit that I am a noob and was in a position that i didn't know what to do and was advised to go to the IRC channel and asked opinions before I acted... I am not saying They or I am right but the concenses (sp?) was that If I explain it to the NAP before the turn and get a reply then I can make a decision. I DID attack on the next turn...HOWEVER, I sent you a privite message explaining my position and until this turn Appox 3 turns after... and you losing a battle did you respond and not to me but too the forum. IF you would have answered and said you would pull back or perhaps give them a warming or make SOME kind of agreement with me I believe I have demonstrated I am always more than fair. Perhaps I am wrong in this situation and from your view I would take that stance...but I don't understand WHY you waited until now when I said in my privite message to you that I would wait to send my turn in until you answered...you didn't answer. I still think you will win this war but I have givin my word and the die is cast now. I still don't understand why you waited until you lost your fortress before you said anything... Its a little late for this game, but in the future I will not be making agreements that call for immediate action as I now see how they are a no win situation. My apologies to you Cerlin as you have my utmost respect and I hope that you can see my point of view as I can yours so that there is no carry over in the future. GrudgeBringer ARCO |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Well, Its seems I was mistaken about who my friends were. I hearby announce a bounty on Mictlan high priests, Fifty bucks a head. Starting in three turns of course.:D
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
I have thought on my offer and will change it so, The first nation that takes and holds the mict capitol for three turns will receive $1000 and five skull mentors. The reason for this change is that these terms are varifiable where the first was not.:D
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
What makes you think that someone can hold my capital for even one turn?
Just one more turn to go...:envy: |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Please note that I'm not the agressor in this war...
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Hey you wanted a war, stop complaining!
I agree to hold off the attack if you pay tribute, 100 of each gems, 250 blood slaves, 2500 gold, 10 skull mentors. A fair price wouldn't you say? |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
hey could also just forfeit the game right away..
I hope my games get as heated as this one.. gogogo |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Thousands for defence, not a penny for tribute...Come get some:D
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
I came and I got... actually you got a lot more than me, surrender yet?
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
That was horrifying. Well done. I hope you enjoy the werewolf. I just found out that I lost my best friend of more than 20 years. I request a 72 hour hold... I just need some time to mourn...
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
No problem the game is delayed.
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Oh God Bwaha I'm sorry :( Take as much time as you need, my friend . . .
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Man, my sympathies...
Don't hurry, take all the time you need. Lets delay the game for 72 hours guys... |
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
My thanks to all of you. I will get my turn in tonite. By the way Ted was the guy who got me interested in this game. The most gentile and generous man I have ever known.
Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Well I'm just about gone. The most excelent Gateway 50% conjuration is in the north. come and take it from mictlan. As far as I'm concerned all you other guys can and should keep mictlan from getting all my provinces. And beware the steady steam of horrors...:D
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