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RadioGibbon August 20th, 2008 04:23 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Hi all,

I'll be away this coming bank holiday weekend, so unless anyone objects I'll set Fridays turn to 72 hours or so.

If anyone does object then just sing out, and I'll just stale over the weekend.


coreyh2 August 20th, 2008 06:49 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Its fine with me.

Executor August 20th, 2008 06:58 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Let us all join in the effort to rid the world of these annoying fish like monsters that won't stand still and fight.
Looks like they're almost dominion killed so anybody who sees his remaining dominion is advised to put a priest or two near to preach so that they would die like cowards that they are.

JimMorrison August 20th, 2008 08:36 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Oh no, Lanka is in trouble. :p

I bear no ill will to those noble Atlantians who overlooked the peninsular empire of Sauromatia as a war target.

We will however, continue spreading the word of our lord and savior, Blurblugbludd the Merciful. It is our sincere hope that this improves everyone's quality of life.

On that note, Sauromatia needs your daughters! The young god is thirsty, and we will trade many shiny pretty magic gems and bars of gold for those excess daughters who you always regretted drowning!


Calahan August 21st, 2008 05:23 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
The deep dwellers have many neighbours, and we are happy to be getting along with them all as they go about their everyday business. With of course the obvious exception :smirk:

It is strange that we heard no cries from Lanka when they were persecuting and destroying the peaceful and friendly people from Helhiem. Maybe they only object to aggressors when it is they who are the chosen target of aggression? And I apologise for the fish-like characteristics of my fish-like warriors. But when have you ever seen a fish simply stay still waiting to be caught! It is just not in their nature :)

Many Atlantians are currently enjoying the wonderful messages of Blurblugblubb the Merciful, and they opine that the Sauromatian Lord is wise and mighty indeed. Although they regret that they have no daughters to offer as gifts of appreciation at this time. They are very sorry about this unacceptable position, and humbly seek forgiveness for not possessing the requested offerings :( Efforts will be doubled to meet future requests.

Calahan of Atlantis

ps. This is the first game I've ever had dominion problems in, and amazed how quickly it can go down! Thought (for some reason) that change was limited to +/- 1 candle per turn, but last turn just proved to me that that theory is a complete load of &*%$£!

pss. Some of my provinces have some well weird scale mixes from the various other nations. In fact I think I know every other nations scales apart from my own! Also thought that province scales would only change in the direction of the dominion in that province. But that theory is also faulty as it appears scales can change as dominion goes down in the direction of the dominion that is forcing the down-shift. Think I need to do a lot of forum/manual reading on dominion, since the things I thought I knew about it are way off the mark.

Executor August 21st, 2008 08:56 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Lanka is in no trouble, with ease we defeated the tyrant of Helheim and liberated the poor people that suffered under his evil ways.
First we were amused by the pitiful efforts of the fishes that tried to invade the great Empire and subdue the good people of Lanka, but now they are just annoying, they run around the Lanka coastline avoiding fights.

RadioGibbon August 27th, 2008 10:37 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Bad News,

Theres some building work going on, and I've just realised my alternate PC location won't be able to connect to the internet. I've had to switch to AI as this is the last time I'll be able to get on the net for about 10 days.

I'll e-mail the admin password to Executor (First name on the list of players who still involved), and he can pass it on to whoever you find to admin the game.

Sorry Guys.:(

Executor August 27th, 2008 10:58 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Sorry to hear that,
If anybodys else is interested in being the admin, that's fine,
if not, I'll do it.

JimMorrison August 27th, 2008 08:13 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Wow, we maybe could have sought a sub. :o

Marverni is a huge and powerful nation, to suddenly end up set to AI out of the blue.....

das123 August 28th, 2008 08:50 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Bad luck, RG. :(

Looks like you're in charge Executor. :)

Llamabeast's server will be down for 48 hours so I suppose we can just kick back and cool our heels for the weekend.

Calahan September 3rd, 2008 05:27 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Any chance of this game switching to a 48hr timer?

There's been a great pace to the game so far, and while I don't want to be the one to slow things down, I stale turned the last turn, and only just avoided doing the same again this turn. I'm still pretty new to MP games, but as far as I can tell the vast majority of games have switched to 48hrs by turn 30 at the lastest. And while it's impressive to still be doing 24hrs at turn 42, it may be taking it's tole on some of the players.

Not sure what everyone else thinks, but I'm going to continue to struggle to keep with this game if it stays on a 24hr schedule.

JimMorrison September 3rd, 2008 04:03 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 636006)
Any chance of this game switching to a 48hr timer?

There's been a great pace to the game so far, and while I don't want to be the one to slow things down, I stale turned the last turn, and only just avoided doing the same again this turn. I'm still pretty new to MP games, but as far as I can tell the vast majority of games have switched to 48hrs by turn 30 at the lastest. And while it's impressive to still be doing 24hrs at turn 42, it may be taking it's tole on some of the players.

Not sure what everyone else thinks, but I'm going to continue to struggle to keep with this game if it stays on a 24hr schedule.

Haha, I was just thinking about this, after the weekend break. We've made awesome time up to here, but it might be nice to afford a little breathing/thinking room now. I'm not so much struggling - yet - but as this is not my only game..... Well, I appreciate the extra time to think, as well as the comfort of knowing my opponents are not rushed or staling.


Executor September 5th, 2008 07:16 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
We declare war on the unholy kingdom of Sauromatia, they invaded the Sacred lands of Lanka and will be punished.
We invite any and all nation to rid the world of this treacherous nation.

JimMorrison September 5th, 2008 05:08 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Sieging a castle owned by Marverni is invading the Sacred (read: coveted) lands of Lanka then, is it?

I guess it's party time then. And I would also encourage all of those other people who are taking bites off of Marverni, to take advantage of Lanka's overextended position, and stake a more fruitful claim on those territories.

A shame that you would go to war over one province, and the handful of indie archers that you chose to throw at the situation. We even waited patiently until your sieging force failed and was driven off. Don't tell me you didn't see that army sitting there waiting, that I had dispatched the month Marverni's leader disappeared.

I think you wanted this war, so be it.

Executor September 5th, 2008 05:46 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
I may have lost a battle to the AL, but I didn't lose the province.
That land was still under the rule of Lanka as were the surrounding provinces.
Will you retreat or do you desire a war with us?

Executor September 5th, 2008 06:28 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Wow, people requested a 48 hours turn, and I was about to do the same thing when it occurred to me that I'm the admin now!
Sorry people, I'll switch to 48 now, I can't make turn like this either.

JimMorrison September 5th, 2008 07:41 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
A rider has been dispatched with our reply, Executor.

In other news, Sauromatia is looking to trade limited quantities of Fire, Air, Death, or Nature for Earth gems. We also may be willing to forge Dwarven Hammers or Blood Stones as part of our end of the trade - contact me if interested.

Executor September 9th, 2008 09:03 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Does anyone have any wonderful air gems he would like to sell or exchange?
Please PM me.

Calahan September 29th, 2008 02:38 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Anybody know what's happening with this game?

From the admin log it appears that the current silly deadline date (19th Nov) is mainly due to the llamaserver going a bit nuts on the 24th Sept, but when 'Executor' appeared briefly on the boards on the 27th Sept saying he had internet problems, he/she also added extra time. 'Executor' is the admin for the game btw.

Guess we'll just have to wait a few more days to see if 'Executor' re-appears. If not then llamabeast will need to be contacted to get/overide the admin password for the game to continue. Unless somebody out there knows something :)

JimMorrison September 29th, 2008 03:38 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
I know that I am itching to post a turn for this game. :shock:

I'll send a PM to Executor. >.>

RadioGibbon October 3rd, 2008 09:48 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Hi everyone.

I still have the admin password for this game if one of you wants to take over from Executor and get the game going again.

(I just checked if it still works, and it does).


GrudgeBringer October 3rd, 2008 01:34 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Go ahead and admin it lets get it going agian

RadioGibbon October 6th, 2008 08:49 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Well I've just forced this game to host, but I'd appreciate it if someone still in the game could take over the admining duties and the players decide on the best course of action about Lanka.

Executor October 6th, 2008 09:26 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Lanka is back and ready to win this game, sorry about the daly people, I'll continue the admin work... if I still remember the password.

Executor October 10th, 2008 07:56 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
To the nation that beat me to creating the twin spear, I will offer a good compensation if you would sell it to me, please let me know.

Calahan October 15th, 2008 04:09 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Can I please request a 48hour extension of the current turn. I am leaving for Greece due to work in a few hours, and I have no idea if I'll have internet//Wifi access where I'm going to. Everything might be fine, and I'll have access to the net just fine :) But would like an extension just in case I don't have any access until the weekend.

Executor October 15th, 2008 05:18 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!

JimMorrison October 22nd, 2008 08:29 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Well, I'm a little bit pissed. Had to help my brother move today. Was supposed to leave at 1pm, and assumed I'd be back around 9pm.....

He ended up not having everything packed, we didn't even leave town until about 5pm or so, and I didn't get back home until..... well, a little after 5am. 45 minutes after the game hosted.

I'm obviously not asking for a rollback (I am crazy not stupid. ;)), just venting a bit, because of all of my games, this is the one I am the most interested in.


Executor October 22nd, 2008 09:05 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
I wanted to delay the game another 24 hours for Calahan but I got home late today, had an unexpected school basketball tournament and when I got home the game had just hosted so that's just bad luck.
I delayed the game another 48 hours, I think Calahan said he'd be back this weekend the latest so hopefully he'll get his turn in.

Executor October 24th, 2008 08:55 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Now I know I delayed the game 48 hours this time, and I KNOW I saw it on Llamaserver that it was delayed but it still hosted today???
How do you all feel about rolling back this turn for Calahan?

JimMorrison October 24th, 2008 09:59 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
If you do a rollback, you must do the "instant" rollback. That is, when you coordinate with Calahan so that you perform the rollback, he submits his turn, and you force host before anyone sends in a revised turn.

For example, I hit my opponent with a couple of surprises this turn, and it wouldn't be fair to lose that. Also, something I tried did not go as planned, and if I changed out some gear on a couple of SCs, I could avert a defeat. So - not fair at all if either I or C'tis revised our turn, and the other didn't. And also, not even quite right if we both revise.

Calahan is late to return though, it may just be best to suspend hosting and find a sub, and hope he makes it back soon.

Executor October 24th, 2008 02:24 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
I really hope Calahan will get back this weekend, it's a waste to let someone state out a game, especially someone with a winnig chance. I had a run of 8 stales in tigerstripes and it totally wrecked my game.
We are on a 96 hour interval now, I'll change it back when Calahan get's back, I see he's about to stale in beer also, he's the admin there. He probably didn't expect to be gone this long.

rtyffg October 24th, 2008 08:24 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
I'm expecting to be out of internet from 8 till 16 november, will seek for a sub.

Executor October 28th, 2008 05:34 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
This game just keep getting harder to menage, Calahan still M.I.A. and now it seems Jim too.
I've PM'd Jim, maybe he just forgot to send in the turn,
so I've delayed the game, again, for 24 hours, again.

If anyone is interested in taking over the admin work you need just say.

Executor October 28th, 2008 05:35 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Actually I think I'll try and find a temp sub for Calahan, so I'll delay the game a bit more.

Executor October 28th, 2008 06:06 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
$#&%^#@ I HATE DIAL UP!
It looks like I managed to postpone the game a minute after it hosted.

I think someone else should take on admin work, someone who has NORMAL access to internet.

JimMorrison October 28th, 2008 08:21 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Really didn't mean to stale..... 7-8 years of anticipation of Fallout 3 completely devoured the last 24 hours of my life in glorious fruition. :o

Executor November 4th, 2008 12:55 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Could we all have a vote for Atlantis ( Calahan ) since he's been away for more than 20 days now, and should have come back a looooong time ago.

1) Should we find a permanent sub,
2) Should I again try to find a temp sub,
3) Should we let him stale out and hope we gets back?

Choice with most votes wins.

rtyffg November 7th, 2008 05:30 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
I will be away in 8-16 november. It seems, Veto agreed to sub Pangaea in that time.

Executor November 13th, 2008 09:33 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
I'll try and find someone to change Atlantis to AI since no one wants to take over ( I've even tryed the Russian forum, actually didn't know there was one before this ).

Would anyone want to change the hosting interval to 48 or 72, or should we keep 96 .

Lanka is looking for death gems, we offer any other kind exepct astral gems.

And will somebody please be done with Marverni, it's only one fort with no army how hard could it be?

rtyffg November 18th, 2008 12:39 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
About Marverni. Their last fort is under siege by Bogus group, and their god is god is sieging his former capital from Atlantis. That fort was agreed to pass to Atlantis before these stales started. Through Pangaeans could take that fort, it will not kill Marverni, as their god will still be alive.
It seems finishing off Marverni depends on Atlantis decision too. And in meanwhile, that bogus buggers sit where they are and seem to not show anywhere else.

Executor November 18th, 2008 01:31 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
I'm pretty sure Atlantis won't be coming back since it's been more than a month, and since I can't find a sub I'll try and find someone to put him to AI.
Feel free to take out Marverni, anyone.

GrudgeBringer November 19th, 2008 03:50 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Executor...If you need me to sit in and put Atlantis on AI I am willing to do that...just let me know:)

GrudgeBringer November 19th, 2008 03:51 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
ohhh, forgot I am still in that game although I am about done....sorry

RadioGibbon November 19th, 2008 07:01 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!

Originally Posted by rtyffg (Post 653857)
About Marverni. Their last fort is under siege by Bogus group, and their god is god is sieging his former capital from Atlantis.

My god was a stationary Fountain of Blood with 6 Blood magic and nothing else... How can it be besieging my former capital?

Fake Edit: Maybe theirs a blood teleport spell?

rtyffg November 20th, 2008 07:47 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Atlantis have sieged and take Marverny capital (killing fountain of blood in process). Some turns later, Marvernian god appeared in home province (now taken by Atlantis) and routed local PD. Since then he was sitting there, sieging his own capital. At least this is what my scout told me.
Maybe remaining priests called him back?

About Atlantis - maybe crazy, but could he just made stalling, while his territories\underwater territories declared untouchable? Since all remaining active nations seem to be land-based.

JimMorrison November 20th, 2008 01:45 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
He's been gone over a month..... one of his other games, he was Ashdod, was twice the size of anyone else and rolling strong, and has been handed off to someone else now, after what looked like some painful losses on his couple of stales.

It sucks that he is as large as he is, and is AWOL. I think it sucks even more that his job was sending him to a "somewhat unstable" region of the world for a week, and he's been gone over a month.

Executor November 20th, 2008 02:38 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Psycho has agreed to change Atlantis to AI, as you may have noticed the turn has been sent.
We'll keep it on a 96 hours quickhost, unless if anyone wants to change this?

JimMorrison November 24th, 2008 11:37 PM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
Sauromatia has 11 Skull Mentors for trade or sale, any reasonable offer will be entertained. ;)

Executor February 18th, 2009 09:29 AM

Re: Pretenders Playtime: Pretenders playing in this thread!
I will delay the game a little now, just to be sure since Pangaea stailed last turn and I didn't see it until it was too late.
I'll delay the game 6 hours and if he doesn't submit his turn I'll postpone the game more and maybe look for a sub, I hope not.

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