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-   -   Mod: Dominions 3000 v0.81 - lots of new indies, new map (using the brand new map commands) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39996)

rdonj September 6th, 2008 05:19 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.50 with SPACE-FORMS
[quote=otthegreat;636901]Also I believe rdonj has already mentioned this but there are still some provinces defended by dom 3 independants. One province, 48, has recruitable elephants and heavy infantry.Should I assume attack sprites for space kraken will be forthcoming? ;)QUOTE]

In regards to this, I believe that all provinces with predator independants have recruitment lists of heavy infantry, elephants, and slingers. To be extra precise I will provide unit numbers.

Elephants - 150
Heavy Infantry - 38
Slingers - 50
In every province I took over that I remember having the predators in them, those three exact monsters show up.

Will try out the orcs now.

rdonj September 6th, 2008 08:02 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
Aezeal, one of your #onebattlespell commands isn't working, I keep getting nagot gick fel.

rdonj September 6th, 2008 10:34 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
got another one, can't open ork brute 1.tga (I removed all the #onebattlespells so I could play)

Aezeal September 6th, 2008 10:52 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
Some provinces (the ones used as start province will not have regular defenders.. but they should really be empty, not have dom 3 defenders.

The last one battle spell I put in is the fanatism on the warmonger.. now you say it I recall I didn't play a test game after putting him in. I'll remove that since I recall someone else said there was a problem with holy onebattlespells.. I'll find something else.

The orc brute thingie is probably a small error on my part.. not that easy to test since they arrive very rarely. (domsummon 20) I can DL it here and I'll change it right away :D --> correction no I can't no zip on works computers..

I'll look into the recruiting list for indies on the predator provinces.

Aezeal September 7th, 2008 06:10 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
changed those things.. remember for the wrong indies you need to reDL the map file

rdonj September 7th, 2008 09:22 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
I can't play the new version yet, I'm playing a hotseat game vs someone.

I don't suppose you fixed the problem I'm having with province 1 on accident... in that hotseat game and another one I just started it was my starting province and I get no starting army, troops or commanders. Including my God. Bleh.

Aezeal September 8th, 2008 01:45 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
hmm no didn't change that .. no idea what causes that either

Aezeal September 10th, 2008 01:33 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
I'd like feedback on the orcs.. I didn't want them to float in cash so I gave a lot of commanders 2 incunrest but I think it's a bit much when I'm playing now :D next version will have lower incunrest and only for those that are "leaders" (not mages etc) And I lowered the gc (and thus upkeep for some commanders)

The most basic troops don't have upkeep though and only the specialized troops ahve upkeep

Aezeal September 12th, 2008 12:14 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
Anymore balance stuff I need to know about? I'm coming with a new version soon (including insects) and more balance stuff could be included.

rdonj?? maybe something from your game?

rdonj September 12th, 2008 10:12 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
I haven't been able to play the orks yet. I'll probably try them out when you release the next version.

Aezeal September 13th, 2008 12:28 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
I know but any issues with the already existing nations.. or suggestions for balancing?

rdonj September 13th, 2008 04:13 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
Oh. No, not really at the moment. Just when it was starting to get good my game stopped :P So I don't really have much to add.

Aezeal September 15th, 2008 10:10 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.55 NEW ORKS !!!
Ok 0.6 coming up with insects included

a few days ago I wanted to change something but I forgot what it was.. let me know if things need changing :D it might be what I missed.

Orc and Insect will be hard to balance with the rest but let me know how they are now.
Orcs should be better playable than last version. Insects already where balanced by Amos somewhat I beefed them up a bit with a lil higher armor and some AP attacks on different units.

Most insects are next to useless in space, I wonder how that will work out.

rdonj September 15th, 2008 12:28 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
Well... the first thing I noticed is that the insects aren't available as a playable nation. I was going to test the orks first anyway, but that is a little extra incentive.

Aezeal September 15th, 2008 02:51 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
lol ok forgot to mod that part in.. I'll update the files in a few sec

Amos September 15th, 2008 03:31 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
I think the "Commonwealth" mod might be a good fit for this mod. Starships are included.

Aezeal September 15th, 2008 04:47 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
hmm I'll look into it more nations that are ready for action are always nice :D

I'd like some feedback on the current nations though.. rdonj has done a great job on the first 3 nations but orcs and insects need at least some balancing and more views on balance are always good.

Amos your feedback would be appreciated too :D

rdonj September 15th, 2008 04:53 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
Seem like bugs:
1) After the Ork Heroes enter space they turn into a fighter form and don't turn back on planets.
2) The starting army includes 10 Ork Heroes as troops?
3) Ork Heroes seem to serve no purpose in the initial form, except if you wanted them to not be producing units for some reason. They get stronger and can lead more troops so I don't understand why the first form is there.
4) The other two commanders are the same way, their initial form doesn't seem to do anything that their second form doesn't do better.
5) You also get veterans as troops sometimes, I thought they were commanders?

The Ork's magic seems really limited, only being able to get earth 1 on its national commanders and needing lots of nature combined with other paths to summon things.

I'm pretty sure they produce too fast, the price of the commanders isn't very limiting so it's fairly easy to get a huge number of troops every month really early in the game.

Aezeal September 15th, 2008 05:10 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
1/ will be changed

2/ rdonj I changed nr 2 already, with the update that does include insects

3/ the purpose is to be able to buy them for a price while after changing they have a higher upkeep price.. it also shows all heros begin as just strong warriors :D, WAD, not a bug if I ever need a scout I could make this one a scout though but I'm against it for now.

4/ same for these :D, WAD, not a bug

5/ you have a veteran boss (commander) and veteran troops (mostly summoned by commander but also rare domsummons by other ones.

on the other comments
--> there must be more than earth 1 in there I think, the orc crafter has earth 2 and there is a summon (bigger builder) that has E3 he's also needed for bigger ships

They aren't that expensive that is true but the unrest they create was crippling my econ when it was a previous level (negative income in like 10 turns.) Their higher upkeep cost should limit the cash you have somewhat.. if not then I can always change prices of the bosses. the better units also have upkeep (the basic ones don't)

Also you can only create one per castle.. so you'd need more castles first to mass produce them and you need to buy mages for research too. (who can't research if they build big ships.)

DL the mod again in 5 min and see if it's better plz :D

rdonj September 15th, 2008 06:38 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
Well, after realizing that my crafters only had 1 earth and I really couldn't do anything with that I just started mass producing commanders.... And with just the commanders I didn't really have any trouble building more forts, at the moment I'm in year 3 and can produce a commander from 4 forts every turn. Also because it really doesn't matter where you build your forts you can build them in places that don't generate much money and put all your commanders who are summoning into one or two low income provinces and it makes your unrest not hurt that much. I took a quick look at my unrest levels and I would guess I'm not losing more than 140 gold a turn off of unrest. Patrolling helps too.

I didn't realize about 5, that's cool then.

The main reason I don't like the ork heroes having to change shape to summon troops is because it's really hard remembering the names of all the ones I've already changed, so I had to start renaming them so I'd know who was who. It's just a bit of micromanagement frustration.

I also noted while fighting jomon that the Dai Oni attack sprite creates a giant black block on top of the Oni. And then I realized how insanely good Jomon's PD is, with evenish numbers of fire battle suits and defenders, wow. I'm way too strong to be killed in this game, but low ork morale, lack of ability to hit ice battle suits and rather large amounts of money spent on really nasty PD might make it impossible for me to actually win.

Aezeal September 15th, 2008 08:34 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
hehehe might need to tone Jomon PD down then.. on the other hand.. what you post sounds like those 2 nations are sort of balanced :D

Orcs are meant to use large numbers of somewhat chaff (orcs aren't really that chaffy.. but in space they should have some more problems right? They get fewer spacecraft at least and the ones they get arent that good.

4 castles at the end of year 3 doesn't sound that dramatic but that indeed means you get a lot of troopers in the end. Will be hard to finetune though, probably impossible.. I think giving the troop producing heros even larger costs will be the only way, or more unrest :D or both :D

Aezeal September 15th, 2008 08:38 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
I've done more unrest, more upkeep and higher build cost.. so next patch will make orcs quite a bit harder too play.

rdonj September 16th, 2008 10:43 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
Yeah, they're fairly weak in space. Then again, Jomon is pretty much the only nation not weak in space. I think if I had access to some of my summons I might be able to get through them, as it is though I don't have anything capable of tearing down those infernal ice battle suits with the orks. :fire:

Yeah, it doesn't really sound like that much, but it really adds up and I can make an army of 120 orcs every turn from one set of two castles. Largely it's an advantage in the early game, because you make troops so much faster than everyone else that they'd be very hard-pressed to stop a rush. Then again, rush nations will be rush nations.

I think the Orks will be more fair costing more, I will see when I play them. I'll play the insectoids today, I've played amos' mod before so I'm not sure how much different it will be.

rdonj September 16th, 2008 11:23 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
By the way, province 28 is a forest and is a planet province.

rdonj September 16th, 2008 02:06 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
I can't really say for sure about the balance of the insects. They destroy things in melee but get destroyed at range by just about anything that can shoot. Which basically means they're reasonably good on anyone except possibly ulm. I think they're pretty much okay. They have a bit of an issue with their commanders though, none of their commanders have any leadership in space, so if you lose a fight, you pretty much have to wait until your bugs get chased back to a planet to collect them. Also, the standard females have a very strange series of transformations when they enter space. First, they become scarabs. Then when they reach land again they transform into swarm mothers, and get locked into the swarm mother forms for the rest of their lives.

Aezeal September 16th, 2008 06:16 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
no leadership in space?? Nono you are mistaken.. the female is supposed to lead them in space.. and she has loads of leadership

and that last part.. ehm well my fault probably (I just found out I used a certain unit number a few times with different orc units too so some orc leaders have strange transformations too.)

I looked into it there was indeed something wrong with the scarabs and it might explain why this happened (the female actually had the correct commands though but the scarab wrong (female) plainshape command.. due to that some things might get like this.. hope it's better now, I'll repost again :D hope you don't mind doing a DL again :D

Now you should get females in space which remain superior leaders. Orcs should be better too.

The orcs are quite nerved so I wonder how they will do.. I think I must do something about the icesuits too I hear to much about them.. they are meant to be melee but maybe 2 attacks is a bit much or maybe just price them higher.. I'll start with changing price.. can be done more gradually than just removing 50% of the offence :D

Since Jomon is strong in space I think they should be weaker on land.. to start with the ice suit is 5 gp more and the PD is weakened (less of everything)

Ow orc have gotten some hero's but not ones that produce much troops.. (I was envisioning getting 3 heroes that summon troops the first 3 turns.. and then I removed most troop producing lines :D)

Aezeal September 16th, 2008 07:02 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
- Orc bugs solved
- Orc heroes implemented
- new sprite for the orc rager (though orcs still need more sprites)

Amos September 16th, 2008 07:30 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.

Amos your feedback would be appreciated too
Sorry Aezeal, I would like to help but my girlfriend has severely limited my Dom playing. Thats why my mod is taking so long... I have to do it in secret :smirk:. Between work and my aforementioned girlfriend there isnt much time left for the gaming. Now shes dragging me into a fitness club trice a week :rolleyes:.

Aezeal September 16th, 2008 08:29 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
no use in modding if you don't play

to quote the lost boys in the movie Hook (I think)


rdonj September 16th, 2008 09:20 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
I had an idea for making jomon weaker on land. Because they look like gundams I couldn't help thinking of Gundam Seed and how the gundams were so fast and agile in space, but on earth they got slowed down a lot due to being in atmosphere, and also because they couldn't fly around all the time. Abstracting that, if you gave them a forest shape and lowered their normal defense a few ticks it would have a pretty similar effect.

The females definitely had lots of leadership but the scarabs and swarm mother space forms didn't have leadership, which is what messed it up. With that fixed they should be much easier to play. I'm not sure whether enough of their bugs are space-worthy enough to beat a determined player though, with only the hivers and infrequently spawning males able to fight in space. Will definitely have to arrange a game at some point.

Aezeal September 16th, 2008 09:28 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
infrequent spawning males??? I made the queens able to summon males too.. means you'll need more queens maybe but overall you should be able to create a lot of males.. and they are only makemonster2 atm.. I could increase that if I wanted (to 5 max)

this is in your version already, it's not a new thing.. I had this problem thought out myself and wanted options to get a good load of males in space :D

PS which hiver is able to go in space.. I though only the female and the male where able to go there...

rdonj September 16th, 2008 09:49 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
The Hivers called "Hiver" are the ones that can go into space. I guess they weren't intended to be in space then. Once I figured out that they could I didn't make any more normal queens, so I only had the primordia regina and one normal queen, plus a bunch of the hive queens.

The summon allies button summons males? I couldn't quite tell, I had too much happening at once. I guess that helps, though I am still not sure how well you'd do trying to fight over space with so few units. I guess you have the other things to provide some distraction, but it sounds iffy. And if you're making them, you're not researching, or blood hunting, or sacrificing, or making more females... that might be a bit much to give up for 2 males.

Aezeal September 17th, 2008 07:28 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
hmm true, I might implement the thingie mentioned in the insectoid thread, so the generate slaves automatically 3/turn or something and then let them kill pop. Till that day.. just make more queens.. TO make it up to you I'll have them make 4 males though.
The hiver space shape was there but the command to change to it wasn't thx for noticing. I might give the hive queens something which works in space too.

PS how do you compare the Soldier (Nest) to protector (Hive) as ranged attack units I guess the hive should still be stronger but previously the soldier didnt have that attack so might be I made the attack on the soldier too strong so the protector isn't that usefull anymore

rdonj September 17th, 2008 01:55 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
Personally I never used them as ranged units, because they're so incredibly effective at melee. But you don't terribly have to worry about them being too strong, 8 ap barely qualifies as a ranged attack in dom3k whereas the protectors have aoe poison... basically 3 or 4 an aoe damage, to just about anything. Actually I would suggest lowering the amount of those summoned, you don't need them in huge quantities to be effective, and they're quite strong at range.

I am not sure what corrosion does. Is that a break armor effect? If that's the case, then I could see it being useful as a ranged attack, but I would suggest lowering the ammo to 2 or maybe 3. That way you could use it without completely giving up their melee potential. Did you intend for the drones to not have AP attacks? They both have Insectoid Claw attacks but the drone's version doesn't pierce armor. That was a big reason for me to use the soldiers in melee instead of ranged. You also may or may not want to increase the ammo on the protector's ranged attack, as it has 5 shots.

Aezeal September 17th, 2008 02:09 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
The no AP attack on basic drones was intented ( I created the AP claw specifically for the other troops), they are just chaff IMHO.. if the race is balanced without the soldiers being good ranged troops then I'm not changing it.. the race doesn't need to have much ranged attack.

I have no direct clue what corrosion does to be honest.. I hope it breaks down armor though :D

PS if you put the Soldiers in the front line shooting they will end up in melee soon enough.

Amos September 17th, 2008 05:29 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
You may want to try my "Travelers" and "New Crobuzon" mods. Travelers have mecha like armor, while New Crobuzon uses steam armor and guns.

Aezeal September 20th, 2008 03:19 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
Hmm Well I guess travelers will still be different from my Jomon so I'll have a look at them later. I'll also look at New Crobuzon but that sounds more like 19th century than sci-fi :D.

I'm busy with Commonwealth now though so the rest will have to wait. Spend hours modding your old sprites into spaceforms (Once I knew what I wanted it went fast but that took me a while) Now I'm doing the code and I'll need to mod a lot (modding spaceforms is a pretty boring job, creating the units all together is nicer, but I'm not gonna just use your pics, must remain mostly your mod --> the idea and the stats are great anyway so nothing to gain anyway.)

Commonwealth will be ready soon I hope.

Amos September 20th, 2008 06:36 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
Good luck :)

Aezeal September 20th, 2008 07:23 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
hehe I'm sort of ready atm..

Commonwealth will be uploaded soon
it's the same as Amos version (clearly)
except for the following
- spaceform, with wings for most units but a shuttle for the 2 human sized mages.
- no simians
- one weakish (?) but AN ranged infantry unit
- also air magic for all mages (most randoms are now ASW) (to make clear for myself why there are lightning attacks)
- less astral magic (3) on the ship but 1 air added
- changed some weapons on the ships (made most stronger)
- lowered cost for nearly all spells
- increased costs for all commanders
- dyingdom, starting with a stronger terraformer (the Galactic Ice Citadel)
- added a new turret (lightning turret)
- wormhole now is S3 A1 (still castable by the ships and no other units (well maybe with VERY VERY lucky randoms, I'd have to check but I even doubt that)
- Frigate is recruitable
- there is a farsummon spell to create a few frigates, destroyers and a leading ship in a distant planet

Aezeal September 20th, 2008 07:59 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.60 5 races total now.. Insects and Orcs as latest additions.
ow and I gave them illwinter.. if you in some way get a Blood 5 mage and research it.. well then you may cast it :D

JaghataiKhan September 21st, 2008 01:56 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
A Sci-Fi dominions mod! HURRAH!

Ulmish troops are cute, btw... This mod has potential for epic-fantastic win.

Before leaving the friend's laptop I must add that I destroyed an entire army since the monsters were living in space barges but the territory was planetside.

Aezeal September 21st, 2008 06:15 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hmmm most have been a forest province.. thought I had removed those from planets.. which province nr?

JaghataiKhan September 22nd, 2008 09:52 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Westernmost planet that looks like Uranus)and probably IS Uranus, top province. Also the southernmost Moon Wastes are strangely seperated in the middle, unreachable by land.

JaghataiKhan September 22nd, 2008 11:00 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Couldn't edit, so...

A Spider Queen turns into a Predator Queen when loaded and unloaded in a barge :)

Aezeal September 22nd, 2008 06:12 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
which is a pretty neat trick.. but not the way it should be I'll edit that later (need sleep now)
The moon being divided in 2 is intentional (see the province names next to the barrier) to create 2 4 province start locations on a planet.

JaghataiKhan September 23rd, 2008 02:19 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
How do I made Orkish strategy? What is the meaning of changing shape? It only seems to do positive things. Anyway, my tinkers are summoning ships, and heros started to attract brutes. Not too bad, You really made a good mod. Also, any mention of Commonwealth, its existence kills the game.

Aezeal September 23rd, 2008 02:34 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
The meaning of changing shape is to show lowly warriors become the champions of their race.. it also lets you buy cheapish troops but let the shape which summons units be much more expensive in upkeep.

I'm happy you like the mod, keep playing and keep giving feedback, I've changed the predator/spider thingie (the regular predator also becomes a spider :D)

What is wrong with commonwealth?

JaghataiKhan September 23rd, 2008 03:20 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
It says "Ice spear.tgp corrupt" or something and crashes the game. And no, reinstalling the mod for a fresh file for the weapon didn't work.

Also, please fix the moon territories, a few of them have elephants(though a space elephant sounds fun), one of them is always empty, and nerf the monstrous Jomon mechs that tear any target that can't jump on them like Ulmish vampire knights apart with their massive LAZORS. Make them untiring,few but still formidable, or make smaller, "Elemental Suit" from Mech-Warrior series, and please add more soldiers. Jomon is too bland.

As for R'lyeh, ever thought of making the Brains mobile? They already live in floating cities and we make them sit on orbit in huge Fluid tanks. Why not put engines and move them? Also, I doubt rlyeh would use the smaller blue aliens for slavery. Why not use always the biggest troll? You could take out the alien and put a genetically made mutant with random stats and skills, maybe a fruit of crossbreeding. Hey! Crossbreeding should be ready for Rlyeh and cost only stellar energy! These guys are scientists!

Insectoids' breeding requires slaves. You should put a "Hive" magic site that eagerly provides generous amount of slaves for breeding purposes. If Ulm has earth gems, why not blood for insectoids? Buff these guys up, they breed too slow and controlling them is too difficult. How do I conquered space?

rdonj September 23rd, 2008 03:47 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
I got as far as opening the recruitment screen and got "cannot open ./mods/./Commonwealth/LightSpear1.tga".

Which of the mechs were you having trouble with? Was it just a specific kind or was it all of them? I'm not sure they should be untiring, because theoretically there's a human in there piloting it. If nothing else, adrenaline is going to take its toll on you eventually.... More soldiers would be good though, Jomon doesn't have a whole lot of variety as it is.

The only insectoid unit that can operate normally in space is the male, so you need to get up a good number of normal queens early on. Also, try using drones as your front line in space too, they're fairly hard to hurt as coccoons and it will keep more of your males alive. And remember that queens can summon males with the summon allies command.

Aezeal September 23rd, 2008 04:04 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Jomon has 3 mechs, a militia and 2 demons which are very good for blesses.. not much troops in total but they cover everything you can need I think.

I think he might mean lightning warriors.. they might be a bit good.. maybe I'll tone down their gun a bit.

Ah I see what was wrong, the light spear was still getting it's image from the original mod (which I also have so no problem for me) the rest is good I think.

I'll reupload the mod

Some provinces are empty, that is correct because those are possible start sites.. else they will become troops if someone starts there.. so I've got to leave them empty

I need some province numbers though
- which province has elephants
- which province has troops in barges on a planet

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