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ID that should not be August 26th, 2008 05:30 AM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
I am fine with the starting location, but the server seems to have problems with the 2h file I submitted for the 4th turn and I can't find out why. I would be happy if the current game gets restarted:)

PashaDawg August 26th, 2008 07:19 AM

Re: MadWar - Game On!

Originally Posted by konming (Post 634090)
That one was for late period and I think for 18 nations. Since we have only 12, I am working on one that is good for 12 players.


Just in case you did not know, I updated the map last month (July) to add a few more no-start provinces and to add optional preset starting positions that are randomly assigned. It's not specific to any era. 16 land, 3 water. (Also, if you downloaded the map a long time ago, then you might want to download again to make sure all the province terrains are properly assigned. I am pretty sure the Llamaserver has the latest version.)

Given that you have 12 players, my starting positions might give a few players unfair advantages. So, it's good that Konming is customizing the starting positions.


Thanks for using the map! :)


ano August 26th, 2008 07:26 AM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
Natpy(R'lyeh) is out of the city now and I was subbing for him a bit. Now he asked me to tell that he probably won't play again if the game is restarted in the nearest days.

anticipatient August 27th, 2008 02:54 AM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
ID that could not be, I think it has a problem with the turn file because the game got restarted. :)

llamabeast August 27th, 2008 05:54 AM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
Hrm. This game was all messed up due to some bug that reared its head while I was away. I just fixed it, but also accidentally started it - sorry about that. If you want you can restart it again.

ano August 27th, 2008 05:57 AM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
Anyway R'lyeh won't play so probably it is better to stop it once again if anyone has interest in it.

Zeldor August 27th, 2008 08:34 AM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
I am going away tomorrow morning, so I NEED to know pretty much NOW if I need temp sub for first 3 turns or if game will start on let's say Monday.

konming August 27th, 2008 11:19 AM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
Well, R'lyeh is not playing again, should we seek a replacement? And we used the old map again? Only this time I switch position with Jazzepi. :(

Kheldron August 27th, 2008 12:00 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
I'll assume we will restart this one?
Shall we wait on Rlyeh ? Does he plan to play on return or not?

Anyway, I don't think we'll find a sub for him in the next few hours so we might as well wait for Zeldor to come back and see then.
Most games last months so a few days to ensure we play on a better ground are nothing to me...

Baalz August 27th, 2008 12:20 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
I'll sub if you want, though I won't be able to submit a pretender until tonight.

Zeldor August 27th, 2008 12:34 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
As game is restarted all pretender should be in. Otherwise game would not start. Just starting locations got changed.

Baalz August 27th, 2008 12:45 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
Ah, cool. Well just let me know if you want a sub or not.

konming August 27th, 2008 12:51 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
I guess we need a sub. There are two problems with current situations:

1) We restart to get a balanced starting position, but the game restarted without uploading a new map. We NEED to restart again, no one send in their turns.

2) From the above reeading I guess R'lyeh wants out. If confirmed by ano, we will welcome Baalz in as R'lyeh or Oceania. :)

Zeldor August 27th, 2008 12:56 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
If we start now I'd need a sub for 3-4 days [I get back on Sunday evening], so if that situation occurs and you could help it would be great :)

MadFrancis August 27th, 2008 06:47 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
Okay. Game has been restarted. Unfortunately it has invalidated my admin password so I cannot try and upload the new map. I have sent a PM to LlamaBeast and am waiting on his response.

As far as I am concerned Baalz may play either R'lyeh or Oceania as a substitute for Ano. We also either need to wait until Sunday to start for Zeldor or find a sub for a few days. After that I believe we are good to go.

Did I miss anything?

Digress August 27th, 2008 07:29 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!

Originally Posted by konming (Post 634597)
1) We restart to get a balanced starting position, but the game restarted without uploading a new map. We NEED to restart again, no one send in their turns.

Do we need an updated map - have any map links been altered ? Provinces added ?

konming August 27th, 2008 07:45 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
See my post herehttp://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...6&postcount=94

MadFrancis August 27th, 2008 08:07 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!

Originally Posted by Digress (Post 634714)

Originally Posted by konming (Post 634597)
1) We restart to get a balanced starting position, but the game restarted without uploading a new map. We NEED to restart again, no one send in their turns.

Do we need an updated map - have any map links been altered ? Provinces added ?

I have the updated map. Just waiting to be allowed to upload it.

Zeldor August 27th, 2008 08:10 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
I am pretty sure we won't need the new .map file, just server needs it.

konming August 27th, 2008 10:09 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
It would be good for you guys to download and test it. So we can better balance the starting positions.

ID that should not be August 28th, 2008 12:59 AM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
OK now I am all confused...Do we have a second restart? is the second game still going on? No need for re-submitting pretender files and downloading new maps?:confused::confused:

konming August 28th, 2008 02:03 AM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
There is something wrong with the restart script in Llamaserver. Llama is conducting test on it so no one should worry. When he finds the bug and fixes the script, then everything will be fine. Replacement player will then send in pretender and game will restart.

As for map file, remember we did restart to get balanced starting point. We are still playing on the same alexander map, just (hopeful) well balanced starting locations. You can see all the starting locations in a previous post of mine. And your comments is greatly welcome.

Kheldron August 28th, 2008 03:57 AM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
I've started a game to test your map Konming and starting positions seem quite balanced to me.
The only one who may have a tiny advantage would be the player starting on 122. He may quite easily secure the mountain range surrounding him IMO as there are very few breakthrough but that's a problem of this map not your starting positions I think.

llamabeast August 28th, 2008 03:17 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
Okay, all is well again, MadWar is fixed and the map is uploaded (remember to change the map before you start the game!). Sorry about the hiccups.

Baalz August 28th, 2008 05:42 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
So is it possible for me to upload my own pretender? I'm guessing by default llamaserver is going to reject me as I'm coming from a different email addy....

Rytek August 28th, 2008 07:56 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
I am wondering if you get ganged up upon in alot of the games you join because of your high profile on these boards?

I still remember a quote you said last year which makes me chuckle every time i think of it:

"Why is it I(Baalz playing sauromatia) choke on everything I try to eat(me in my first game playing Argatha) while ULM (Miach) dines in luxury."

MadFrancis August 28th, 2008 08:15 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
Alright. Everything seems to be working well. The server is going to be down for a few days starting the 30th apparently. I am thinking of just waiting for it to come back up before starting it. Unless everyone wants to get a jump on the first couple of turns before then.

MadFrancis August 28th, 2008 08:17 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 634966)
So is it possible for me to upload my own pretender? I'm guessing by default llamaserver is going to reject me as I'm coming from a different email addy....

Go ahead and email your pretender in. I have deleted the previous R'lyeh pretender.

Baalz August 29th, 2008 04:40 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!

Originally Posted by Rytek (Post 634987)
I am wondering if you get ganged up upon in alot of the games you join because of your high profile on these boards?

I still remember a quote you said last year which makes me chuckle every time i think of it:

"Why is it I(Baalz playing sauromatia) choke on everything I try to eat(me in my first game playing Argatha) while ULM (Miach) dines in luxury."

Unfortunately yes, though I also get the flip side and have a +10 to my bluff and intimidate rolls in negotiations. ;) The worst was in Epic Heroes II (which I based my Eriu guide on) my initial attack went so well I moved right on to attacking neighbor 2 ridiculously fast....at which point no less than 6 people ganged up on me (counting the 2 I attacked)! This was in year two and I wasn't even 50% larger than second place. Heh, good times....

Zeldor August 31st, 2008 03:47 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
Ok, so what are we waiting for now?

MadFrancis August 31st, 2008 07:02 PM

Re: MadWar - Game Almost On!
Game has been started. Good luck all (unless you took misfortune, then it serves you right ;))

Kheldron September 1st, 2008 12:55 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Well I took misfortune and it clearly rocked the boat as I've got a far worse starting location than earlier :-/

It's not one of those I saw in the map of Konming though. Didn't we use it?

Zeldor September 1st, 2008 01:18 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Hmm... are you sure? I didn't check if mine was proper [but it looks much much better than previous one].

MadFrancis September 1st, 2008 05:53 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!

Originally Posted by Kheldron (Post 635637)
It's not one of those I saw in the map of Konming though. Didn't we use it?

As far as i know we did. I never actually uploaded it myself, Llama did. However, I am fairly certain he used the attachment that konming provided all of us in his post.

llamabeast September 1st, 2008 05:54 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Yup yup, I did.

konming September 3rd, 2008 11:34 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Kind of strange my modified map was used but the starting locations was not used. Maybe special starting location was not used? Anyway, if someone's map position is extremely bad, he or she can have my position. ;)

anticipatient September 4th, 2008 04:48 AM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Sh-t. I broke 4/5 of my LCD computer screen. :o/ Smashed. White, black and pink. No good. I can't run dom3 on any other computer at the moment, so the 10 or 11 games I'm in need subs :( I'm really sorry. Hopefully it'll be temporary (anyone know if it's possible to replace monitors on laptops?)

Okay, I go to post on the next game =(

archaeolept September 5th, 2008 11:42 AM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
I pmed madfrancis - i'll sub for anti in this game until he gets a replacement monitor

anticipatient September 5th, 2008 05:18 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Ok, so I've figured out a way to limp by until I get a replacement monitor working, and I can continue playing. Sorry about the fuss :)

Zeldor September 10th, 2008 12:23 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Someone stop Hinnom!

konming September 10th, 2008 12:44 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Yeah, right, coming from Lanka, who is taking 6 provinces per turn. Or is it 7? Now think all the things Lanka can do with Mandaha and co.

anticipatient September 11th, 2008 01:12 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
I'd like to share with everyone that playing as Fomoria, I royally f*ed up one turn and have staled twice . . . Konming, playing as Hinnom, is my neighbor.

He will have two capitals soon. If you are near him, declare war on him. He is, in his words, "in mad war, a bloodthirsty nation."

Besides, I'm annoyed that I've been making such crappy starts every time I'm his neighbor, and I want to see him get his *** kicked. But seriously, he's going to dominate this game faster than you can say Hinnom if some serious multilateral action doesn't happen soon.

Baalz September 11th, 2008 01:45 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
HINNOM EATS EVERYTHING- I said it because I mean it. I'd take Anti's suggestion seriously, there's not a one of us (or probably even two) who could stand up to him and he's not gonna get any easier to fight as his research and blood economy scale up...

Zeldor September 11th, 2008 03:16 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Cowardous nation of Arcoscephale will pay for attack on noble nation of Lanka. And price is total annihilation.

konming September 11th, 2008 05:03 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 637778)
Cowardous nation of Arcoscephale will pay for attack on noble nation of Lanka. And price is total annihilation.

You do not need to make an excuse for your land grab. Arco has staled 3 times already and is on the verge of extinct, likely thanks to Lanka's aggression. You will soon be No.1 in province and control 2 capitals, so be aware of the multilateral actions on you. :)

Zeldor September 11th, 2008 06:15 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!

Staled? He attacked me with huge army first. He didn't even give me a chance to attack him first!

And Lanka powers are nothing compared to what Hinnom can field. And he can do it with good scales, without a need for any bless.

konming September 11th, 2008 06:51 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
In megagame, Hinnom was eliminated early by Lanka. That should tell you something. And Arco did stale for 3 turns, you can check the log.

Zeldor September 11th, 2008 07:19 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Actually in Kingmaker Hinnom was eliminated by Lanka + Kailasa + LA Midgard. 3 nations, not 1. And Hinnom player did some mistakes.

Kheldron September 14th, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
I'll be out of town tomorrow and won't be able to connect until tuesday evening GMT+1. I just sent my turn but would like a delay until then for the next one if possible.

konming September 15th, 2008 11:13 AM

Re: MadWar - Game On!
Is Llamaserver's email account full? Since it replies to all my emails with this:


I received an e-mail from you, but unfortunately encountered a problem:

Your e-mail had no pretender file attached.

You need to attach your pretender file, which will have a name along the lines of "mid_machaka_0.2h" (obviously depending on the age and nation). This file should be in your Dominions directory, in "savedgames\newlords". If you can't find it, make sure you created your god by using "Game Tools" and then "Create a Pretender God" from the main Dominions menu.

Details of your e-mail:
Subject: Mail Delivery Failure
Sent at: XXXXXXX
Attachments: None

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