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Bananadine December 29th, 2008 01:20 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
EXECUTIVE DECISION: I delayed hosting twelve hours. Too much holiday travel etc. I took one turn during a long long car ride today, but could not bear to take two under such conditions. Feel free to respond to this action by sending Rings of Sorcery (or other magic items) to Hinnom, care of the playful winds of Hinnom.

Bananadine December 30th, 2008 12:02 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Huh, I guess some others were in need of a delay as well.

Alneyan December 30th, 2008 09:18 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Meanwhile Kailasa keeps on dancing... we're doing pointe work, though, and our legs are really starting to tire. If anybody would like to join our ballet and help crack the nutty Sauromatians (remember, they flay people... alive!)...

BesucherXia December 30th, 2008 12:09 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
The people of Pangaea are always willing to help their weak neighbors. But they are still struggling against other man-eaters. And the situation is dire: over 700 lives including their best leaders have been sacrifised within last 3 months just in exchange of 3 giants...

Heck. At least their courage should have kept those monsters from further invading.

Bananadine December 30th, 2008 12:19 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Yes, and only about 100,000 female peasants remain in the Pangaean reserves. Can tax-free Hinnom afford the 500 warriors it will take to destroy them all? Well, perhaps in time.

Bananadine December 30th, 2008 12:37 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Also, one of the giants in our latest fight has become feebleminded. Let's not forget that.

Incidentally, I am surprised and pleased to learn that the fire bola is actually pretty good, in some circumstances. With it, a mere Avvite priestess severely injured several centaurs, even destroying a few of them, before she herself was struck down by their brothers' pagan hooves.

yandav January 5th, 2009 05:31 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Hello to all. I've got big problems with my internet connection and I won't be able to play the next turn at least. I've already stale the last turn so I think that it would be a good idea to search a sub for me or to set myself to AI. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, I was having a lot of fun playing this game.
@ Bananadine: do you need my password?

BesucherXia January 5th, 2009 12:35 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
I think set a nation into AI will always spoil the fun, except he is dying and cannot do things much better than AI.

I have no idea if Ermor is currently fighting any neighbors, maybe just leave him staling a couple more turns while we try finding a replacement? Our new monkeyking has done quite well in subbing, I am looking forward to another lucky event like this.

Bananadine January 5th, 2009 12:38 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)

Originally Posted by yandav (Post 664092)
Hello to all. I've got big problems with my internet connection and I won't be able to play the next turn at least. I've already stale the last turn so I think that it would be a good idea to search a sub for me or to set myself to AI. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, I was having a lot of fun playing this game.
@ Bananadine: do you need my password?

I don't know what you mean by password. If you are leaving, then all I need is the e-mail address of some new player, somebody who could either play your turns or turn you into an AI.

It's been several hours since you announced your problem and you still haven't taken your turn, so I guess I'd better start looking for a substitute now. Do you know when you might be able to return? If you send me a message when you become able to play again, I could try to get you back into the game, unless your nation has been destroyed or set to AI by then.

Anyway, if you know a good substitute, please send me that person's e-mail address. But I'll start looking for one now.

Bananadine January 5th, 2009 12:44 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)

Originally Posted by BesucherXia (Post 664139)
I think set a nation into AI will always spoil the fun, except he is dying and cannot do things much better than AI.

I have no idea if Ermor is currently fighting any neighbors, maybe just leave him staling a couple more turns while we try finding a replacement? Our new monkeyking has done quite well in subbing, I am looking forward to another lucky event like this.

Yeah AI sucks. Whether or not Ermor is fighting now, it probably will be attacked soon if I give it to the AI. I'll try to find a substitute.

It's too bad that Lanka guy gave up. I think he could have done okay.

yandav January 6th, 2009 08:47 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)

Originally Posted by Bananadine (Post 664141)

Originally Posted by BesucherXia (Post 664139)
I think set a nation into AI will always spoil the fun, except he is dying and cannot do things much better than AI.

I have no idea if Ermor is currently fighting any neighbors, maybe just leave him staling a couple more turns while we try finding a replacement? Our new monkeyking has done quite well in subbing, I am looking forward to another lucky event like this.

Yeah AI sucks. Whether or not Ermor is fighting now, it probably will be attacked soon if I give it to the AI. I'll try to find a substitute.

It's too bad that Lanka guy gave up. I think he could have done okay.

I was at war against mictlan and, before my 2 stale turns, I think I wasn't in a bad position. Sorry for the extra work Bananadine and thanks again.

Alneyan January 8th, 2009 09:48 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Okay, I'm on holidays right now and while I remembered to take my Dom CD, I forgot to take my CD-key with me. Oops. So, I can't play for Kailasa until I'm back on Wednesday. Sorry about that :(

It's not worth finding a sub for my nation as I'm so weak, and it's not worth waiting for me if I'm the only one missing. If Ermor isn't around either, though, it might make sense. Note that I'm effectively dead if I stale for too long, so setting me to AI would probably be best in that case.

Bananadine January 8th, 2009 11:36 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Okay. Ermor still concerns me, but nobody is answering my substitute requests. Does anybody here know somebody who might be a good substitute? I don't really want to delay the turn... maybe I'll delay it a little and then set Ermor to AI.

Bananadine January 8th, 2009 07:22 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Hmm, would it be bad to set Kailasa to AI and then make Alneyan the new Ermor? That would be a bit cheaty, for somebody to play two different nations, and it would require another stale from Ermor, but I think it would still be better than AI....

BesucherXia January 8th, 2009 08:29 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Well, at least I am for that idea.

I think Alneyan has worked hard and fighted bravely to keep Kaliasa surviving. He derserves another chance to win.

I (Pangaea) am neighboring both Kaliasa and Ermor. To be honst I will benefit from it if Ermor is not easily defeated. But besides that, Pangaea has no special negotiation with either of them yet, thus feels it fair.

How about Sauromatia/Mictlans' mind?

Bananadine January 8th, 2009 10:39 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Okay well not knowing what was best I made a judgment call in favor of the thing that would seem to make the game maximally interesting. Kailasa should be AI-controlled now; Alneyan has been offered the Caesar's seat or whatever of Ermor (subject to veto by other players). Ermor will stale this turn, and if Alneyan doesn't take the job I'll make them AI too.

Reverend Zombie January 8th, 2009 10:50 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
That's fine with me.

yandav January 9th, 2009 06:55 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)

Originally Posted by Bananadine (Post 664140)

Originally Posted by yandav (Post 664092)
Hello to all. I've got big problems with my internet connection and I won't be able to play the next turn at least. I've already stale the last turn so I think that it would be a good idea to search a sub for me or to set myself to AI. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, I was having a lot of fun playing this game.
@ Bananadine: do you need my password?

I don't know what you mean by password. If you are leaving, then all I need is the e-mail address of some new player, somebody who could either play your turns or turn you into an AI.

I put a password on my pretender because I forgot that it wasn't necessary with the llamaserver. The password is "connery".

Bananadine January 12th, 2009 09:59 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Why was the turn delayed? Because I spilled water into my laptop.

Gregstrom January 13th, 2009 07:15 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
I hope none of the magic smoke escaped.

Bananadine January 15th, 2009 01:20 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Alneyan has declined my offer. :(

Bananadine January 19th, 2009 12:43 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Reverend Zombie has requested a delay.

Bananadine January 26th, 2009 12:27 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Thanks to the playful priestesses of Pangaea, Barbas has begun a new lifelong hobby: meeting Horrors! He was approached by a friendly-looking one just this month, and immediately welcomed it with his sword, warping whatever prong it uses to walk and thus giving it a bad limp. It bravely continued to attack, and now Barbas has a little pile of ethereal claws and things that he has been showing off to all the other Rephaim. Hooray for Pangaea!

charshep February 9th, 2009 08:16 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Sorry for the stale turn guys.

Bananadine February 19th, 2009 01:07 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Poor Agartha. Normally the Rephaim would scoff at leaders unwilling to fight to the bitter end, but even they would have quailed, briefly, after such a decisive change in fortunes....

Gregstrom February 19th, 2009 03:34 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
By the way, that Melqart of yours seemed to be a little off the beaten track - did he get lost?

Bananadine February 19th, 2009 11:40 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
You are mistaken, plenty of beating has occurred there.

Gregstrom February 19th, 2009 04:04 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
I noticed that, and wouldn't like to speculate who came off better in the exchange.

Bananadine February 20th, 2009 03:23 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Probably Atlantis

Bananadine March 6th, 2009 11:05 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Praise Scox!

He was storming a fort with two of his brothers (one crippled), and only managed to bless himself and the cripple before the enemy augurs paralyzed them both for about 25 rounds. The other Rephaite charged forward and fought bravely, but was killed. Then the enemy light infantry advanced, and destroyed the cripple. But Scox, in his regenerating obesity, stood strong--and stood, and stood, and stood, somehow resisting all further attempts to extend his paralysis--and finally let loose with a triumphant flame eruption that destroyed the whole crowd of tiny humans around him! Immediately thereafter the enemy mages fled, and Scox composed a short battle-hymn about his exploits as he chased them from the fort.

It goes like this: Scox! Scox! Scoooox!

Gregstrom March 18th, 2009 07:14 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Perhaps I should have tested Dance of the Morrigans before using it in battle.

Bananadine March 18th, 2009 07:32 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Was there a problem?

Bananadine March 18th, 2009 07:40 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Charbos the Pan died a very very frightened Pan indeed!

BesucherXia March 18th, 2009 07:49 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)

Originally Posted by Bananadine (Post 680973)
Was there a problem?

Its fine. Its just too fine.

Gregstrom March 19th, 2009 03:10 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
I was a little surprised, yes. Still, I mustn't grumble :)

Ta to Pangaea for the freebies.

BesucherXia March 19th, 2009 07:26 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Bravo for Morrigans. Now I have to think another strategy over.

Btw. the 72h quickhost is now making me quite pain. I have to use 4 hours in one day to place my army effectively, or round 2h/day*3days if I cannot afford such a long time in a day - its very likely since the game is supposed to be "for somewhat busy people".

Can you please extend the quickhost to 96h?

Bananadine March 19th, 2009 07:57 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Haha! I was beginning to have that problem myself. I didn't want to be the first to say anything because I'd already stated that my plan was to leave it at about 3 days forever. In the future I will plan to be more flexible.

But 96 is unacceptable! I will increase it to 99.

Bananadine March 19th, 2009 07:59 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Whoa, apparently llamabeast reset it to 48 hours. No wonder the next deadline seemed so soon!

(It was never actually 72--I started it at 77.)

Bananadine March 22nd, 2009 08:33 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)

But I remembered it with 30 minutes to spare. I just postponed hosting for 2 hours and will take it immediately. Sorry folks!

Bananadine March 22nd, 2009 11:27 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Taurosatyricos must now step aside, for there is a new greatest warrior.

Unrelated: It turns out that paralyzed were-jaguars look very much like werewolves! How confusing.

Bananadine April 3rd, 2009 06:09 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Hmm, Morrigans are pretty good.

BesucherXia April 3rd, 2009 06:40 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
A bloody battle. Hmmm... now I have some idea why they call Fom a powerhouse.

To be honost, I was not caring about Hinnoms attack, just because I believed the outcome of that battle might even settle the whole game.

Bananadine April 3rd, 2009 06:45 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Don't you go and quit now!

BesucherXia April 3rd, 2009 07:12 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Whow, then you may bribe me to keep fighting him.

Bananadine April 3rd, 2009 07:36 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Are you only saying that you think Pangaea can't survive unless Hinnom helps in the fight with Fomoria? If so, then I accept your message, and it will certainly influence my next move. (Until now, I thought you were winning!)

But if you are saying that you will quit playing unless I do something differently in the game, then I don't think I can help you, because the game I am playing is about gods, and gods don't quit! (I would still prefer that you stay, but of course you can do as you wish. :) )

Gregstrom April 4th, 2009 02:13 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
The battle seemed exceedingly painful for both sides - I know I'm hurting from it. I really don't see how it could alter the outcome of the game, though. Pan still has 4 of 5 globals and a land area that dwarfs me, pretty much all the blood uniques from the look of it, and hordes more battlemages. The only troops lost were Maenad chaff, which is hardly a big deal.

On the more cheerful side, I hadn't even rated myself third in overall power so I'm quite pleased to think I'm regarded as dangerous.

I wasn't expecting all that air magic to show up, by the way. Nice one.

BesucherXia April 4th, 2009 07:27 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
That's not becuase of the outcome itself, but some mistakes that make me disappointed. I have planned for that battle long, but still failed to foresee something. Blood Communion is so hard to handle.

Pangaea has wasted about 70 gems and 120 blood slaves in that single battle, including 2 unique items and 1 Heliophagu which are hard to compensate. Also I believe that province is critical to the big picture.

Anyway, I never said I would quit. More battles awaits.

Bananadine April 4th, 2009 08:05 AM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Okay I feel better then! Now let's all kill one another. Except for those kindly aboleths, who are set upon creating a peaceful undersea commune where all are brothers and love drifts upon the currents.

charshep April 4th, 2009 02:07 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)

Originally Posted by Bananadine (Post 683884)
Okay I feel better then! Now let's all kill one another. Except for those kindly aboleths, who are set upon creating a peaceful undersea commune where all are brothers and love drifts upon the currents.


Don't mind us. We are simple, peace loving folk.

Bananadine April 7th, 2009 01:48 PM

Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (in progress)
Nagot gick fel!

Presumably you all got the same message from LlamaServer as I did. As I understand it, we can now do one of two things:

1) Roll back the turn, destroy any .2h files related to it, and redo it.
2) Accept the stale and play the new turn.

Either way, I'll probably do most of the same things as I did the first time. The strategic situation has changed, but probably not enough to deeply change my plans. So I could go either way. Does anybody else have a strong opinion? Have there been any disasters that you would have avoided if not for this?

It's hardly any extra trouble for me to roll the turn back. Thoughts?

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