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vfb December 17th, 2008 04:47 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Smallish army! Sure, R'lyeh has just got a few Vastnesses and Greater Othernesses, but just a few of those can decimate any normal army. It's that combined with the inability to be counter-attacked in the water that makes R'lyeh a force to be reckoned with now, and a great threat in the future if he succeeds in ruling all provinces beneath the waves.

As I said before, the gem income from R'lyehs clams does not enter into the equation. Before R'lyeh aggressively attacked Oceania, Mictlan foolishly traded many water gems to the starspawn, all of which has been converted into clams by now. I'm sure. So the graphs present a false picture of the situation.

Mictlan's land holdings are just barely larger than those of Ermor or Pan. And both of those nations have armies which dwarf Mictlan's. Pan's is nearly double our size, and Ermor's legions are three times the size of Mictlan.

The game the Bakemono play is obvious. You seek to cause Mictlan to be destroyed in war, that your nation may survive the upcoming conflict, and profit by taking Mictlan's lands, which we have searched so diligently.

With all this said, Mictlan prefers peace. If R'lyeh and Shinuyama put an end to their invasion of Oceania, then Mictlan will not declare war on either of your nations.

Janlm December 17th, 2008 04:57 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
erhemm, I would like to add that it was actually oceania that declared war against rlyeh.. and mictlan followed up. The Ilithids are quite innocent in all this, we swear.

vfb December 17th, 2008 05:18 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Mictlan never declared war on R'lyeh. We have not declared war on Shinuyama either.

We notified R'lyeh that Mictlan was regretfully canceling our NAP with them, because we did not want to see R'lyeh have exclusive ownership of the seas. If R'lyeh and Oceania fought to a stalemate, with no net loss of territory for either nation, that would be completely acceptable to Mictlan. And in that case I would not deign to become involved. Here is the complete text of my message to R'lyeh:


Greetings R'lyeh,

While there is balance on land between Mictlan and Ermor at least, I fear that the waters will soon be ruled by one -- and that one is not Oceania.

In anticipation of your victory in the seas, I regret to inform you that I am giving the nation of R'lyeh notice that our NAP is being cancelled.

We have received turn 42, and you have yet to move. Were it to become necessary, according to our agreement, either party could initiate unfriendly action by giving orders upon receipt of turn 45.

Mictlan hopes you have a long and enjoyable battle with Oceania, because we'd prefer not to become involved at all actually.

-- Mictlan
Then Shinuyama launched a surprise attack on Oceania on land. Mictlan then cancelled our NAP with Shinuyama, to free us from our contractual obligations should Shinuyama decline our request to cease their invasion of Oceania.

If Oceania had been left on its own to battle the combined might of R'lyeh and Shinuyama, then it surely would have fallen.

And that is all that Mictlan seeks to preserve, is balance in the oceans, where no nation has exclusive rule beneath the waves. Just as there is balance now above the waves, with Shinuyama just slightly less balanced than the rest of the surviving land nations. Apologies to those three nations who aren't quite dead yet, but you'll be getting on the cart sooner or later.

If R'lyeh, Shinuyama, and Oceania can all agree to peace, then Mictlan will not declare war on either R'lyeh or Shinuyama, and of course we will be willing to negotiate new pacts with those nations if they desire.

cleveland December 19th, 2008 01:13 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Right, Oceania is back online.

Oceania did indeed initiate war with R'lyeh. About 40 turns too late.

We shall continue to fight the good fight against the Juggernaut from the Stars. But be advised that once the 3rd Mind Hunt Artillery Battery finishes off all of our commanders, those guns will need to be trained elsewhere.

Be advised that our only remaining account estimates that the enemy has expended approximately 500 (!) pearls against us in this war. Quite an expense against a helpless enemy. What do you think will happen when Arcane Nexus is opened?

Choose your side wisely. Or don't choose at all, and wait patiently for your turn to die.

If anyone's interested, a 20HP SC is currently located in Province #100. Perhaps a barrage of Seeking Arrows is in order? Use your imagination. ;)

The great undersea hope.

Janlm December 20th, 2008 04:57 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
reading all this, I wonder why i haven't won the game allready..

Omnirizon December 20th, 2008 11:16 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
it's now my turn to be criss-crossing the nation. i'd like to postpone game a couple of days if no one minds.


vfb December 20th, 2008 06:26 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Sure, no problem!

vfb December 23rd, 2008 08:13 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
My turn now :)

Can we please delay the game a couple days so my wife does not kill me at Xmas?

cleveland December 23rd, 2008 08:19 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 661857)
My turn now :)

Can we please delay the game a couple days so my wife does not kill me at Xmas?

Agreed! Perhaps till Jan 2nd so my wife does not kill me on New Year's? :)

Omnirizon December 24th, 2008 04:18 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
delays done. i can delay it longer still if needed.

cleveland January 2nd, 2009 11:39 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
4 Attachment(s)
A glorious day in Oceanian history!

Attachment 7474

In the most pivotal battle of the Alien Wars, Oceania's ragtag band of waterbreating misfits delivered a crushing upset to the mind-bending juggernaut known as R'lyeh.

Having suffered defeat after defeat, and losing most of their heroes to mind-hunting sniper fire, Oceania's generals decided to make a possibly final stand in the Pharaexian Sea.

With a force that consisted mainly of knife-wielding tritons, the Oceanians poured fourth from the gates of the mighty Pharaexian Citadel to meet the approaching tenticled horde.

Attachment 7475

But this was not to be a usual engagement. To the surprise of the Starspawn, our ichtysatyrs would not be paralyzed; our triton knights would not be enslaved. No, this time Lugal - a Lizard Shaman with a hatred of aliens and a snorkel - was present on the field. Gripping the latest edition of "The Oceanian Journal of Enchantment," Lugal took advantage of the Banner of the Northern Star waived by R'lyeh's rear guard and fortified the minds of the Oceanian column with a thick layer of Antimagic.

With the mind-altering powers of the R'lyean artillery now neutered, the Oceanians charged headlong into the bristling tridents of the Meteroite Guard formations. Casualties were heavy, as expected, but the troops knew they need only hold out for 5 minutes of combat. Inspired by the words of a cadre of high-ranking religious officials, the line held.

It was at this moment that the Oceanians played their offensive trump card, and huge sharks suddenly began appearing all over the battlefield with a thirst for alien blood. The Starspawn, exhausted from their futile attempts to enslave the determined Triton Knights, had little left to throw against the ever increasing feeding frenzy.

Attachment 7476

The Meteorite Guards were quickly surrounded: tritons to the front, sharks to the rear. When their line broke, chaos ensued, and the resulting bloodbath brought only more of the undersea predators. In desperation, the Illithids were ordered into the fray, but were torn to pieces by the hungry beasts.

Attachment 7477

In the end, the real victory was not on the field, but in the minds of the BonsaiKittens. For Oceania has proven she yet has some fight left in her, and that the R'lyeh-Shinuyama alliance can be defeated. World leaders, whose wisdom forbade them from entering a fight on the losing side, now see that passivity is no longer necessary, and prepare their troops for battle against the samurai.


Omnirizon January 2nd, 2009 03:48 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
There's at least a defacto Mictlan-Oceania alliance. This current defeat only reinforces my assertions of early: R'yleh is not the threat that Oceania and Mictlan want the world to believe it is. R'yleh is a paper tiger at best, and a complete Oceania-fabrication at worst. I'd vouch for the latter.

Mictlan is the real threat here and Shinuyama and R'yleh will be fighting a losing war if the rest of the world doesn't join in against them. Don't let their "we only want balance" pandering fool you. Mictlan has been maneuvering to maintain their power while creating distractions from it for a year now. They were very eager to demonize R'yleh and had been planning to invade for a long time. The only reason they've pulled that punch is because they realized Shinuyama was aiming for a chink in their armor by not playing along. Had Shinuyama chosen go with the group and invade R'yleh instead then we'd be hearing a very different story from Mictlan.

vfb January 2nd, 2009 08:21 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
What a pack of lies the Bakemono tell. How exactly had Mictlan been planning on invading R'lyeh? With my 5 Jade Serpents? I'm sure that invasion would have gone swimmingly.

Mictlan had threatened R'lyeh to stop their attack on Oceania, in the hope that the oceans would not be united under the Starspawn's rule, because hey, scary void monsters. No need to rehash all that. We could only threaten R'lyeh on land. When that threat failed, Mictlan tried to bribe R'lyeh into a peace deal. That failed too.

The Bakemono sorcerers are weaving a twisted tale to make excuses for their acquisition of the former lands of Oceania, that's all. And they would like Mictlan's lands next, and what better way to do that then to promote a gankfest on Mictlan?

Mictlan only has a few more provinces than Shinuyama now. There is no need for the petty jealousy of the Bakemono. The Bakemono have their own Enchanters, and combined with the extensive paths of their Sorcerers, they could do their own site-searching, and improve their gem income.

Mictlan has tried all diplomatic options to dissuade R'lyeh from the Oceanic war, and failed miserably.

But valiant Oceania fights two enemies: R'lyeh in the water, and Shinuyama on land. Mictlan is impressed with the valiant efforts Oceania is making, and on turn 49 Mictlan will have the opportunity to assist Oceania, by distracting Shinuyama from their aggressive takeover of the Oceanic lands.

cleveland January 4th, 2009 09:33 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Bah. My brother just asked to borrow my laptop. I'll definitely get it back & my turn in tonight, but could the timer be bumped back a small bit?


vfb January 4th, 2009 07:22 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Mictlan would like to discuss NAP timing with Shinuyama. We have heard tales of far-off lands wracked by dispute over when attacks are allowed at the end of a NAP. It's our opinion that this month is only turn 48, which means that it is not yet okay for either army to give orders to invade, should either Mictlan or Shin desire to do so.

Does Shinuyama agree that's correct?

-- Mictlan

Omnirizon January 5th, 2009 02:26 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
that's what i was expecting too. shinuyama agrees.

Hadrian_II January 5th, 2009 04:56 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Now that the details are cleared, ermor whishes Mictlan and Shinuyama a nice and long and very bloody war.

vfb January 5th, 2009 09:39 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Mictlan thanks the Bakemono for being such an honorable nation and not engaging in any nefariousness or sneakiness during the NAP expiry period. We do believe your stories about Mictlan's power are exaggerated. We formally retract any accusations of Sinuyama telling lies. Rather, we believe they are overly pessimistic, and they underestimate their own might.

We also thank Ermor for injecting a little dark humour into the discussion.

Omnirizon January 6th, 2009 12:20 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
when you say stories of Mictlan's power are exaggerated, you must mean that you've only got about 100 vine ogres, eagle warriors, and jag warriors in each and every one of our border provinces, and only about 600 in each province bordering to the two or three where I've actually got a few troops on the ready.

vfb January 6th, 2009 07:33 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
It is not your fault. Your scouts are probably paid on commission, so they are inflating the numbers. Unless you mean that combined I've got a total of 100 units, mostly Eagles, a few Jags thrown in, and a very small sprinkling of Vine Ogres.

In order that you may see exactly how pathetic my armies are, Mictlan will perform some parades and maneuvers on or near or in your border territories. Since we are performing these display maneuvers uninvited, you should probably consider this a declaration of war.

It looks to us like you're planning on executing similar parades and maneuvers too.

We are selling cheap popcorn to all spectators, so Ermor and you other guys who like to watch a little bloodshed, don't forget to send some scouts to watch the festivities!

vfb January 8th, 2009 11:29 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
The war between Mictlan and Shinuyama has begun.

Mictlan lost a few engagements in the south, but the fight in the north went to our advantage this month. Who knows what next month will hold.

Pan has cancelled their NAP with Mictlan, as is their right. Mictlan encourages other nations of the land to make plans to invade Pan, for when their troops are busy fighting in our jungles, the forests of Pan will be easy pickings.

-- Mictlan

cleveland January 10th, 2009 11:41 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Holy crap, I was not expecting the turn to be due so soon. My own stupid fault.

Sorry about staling everyone. Now to see what horrible results await me... :(

Omnirizon January 10th, 2009 02:35 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Shinuyama's main armies are gone...

got it pretty bad in the north. Mictlan has _so_ many eagle warriors that there is basically no where to put our one and only advantage, our Sorcerors. placed in the very back and surrounded by troops as best as possible had no effect (or maybe even counter productive, due to some quirk of how the game decided to arrange my commanders/troops in the very rear, where it basically put the commanders as the final back row).

have fun with the fog warriored/mass lucked/double blessed/SC and thug supported armies of 500+ eagle/jag warriors backed by masses of communioned mages unleashing armageddon. we tried to warn the world and we are just now getting messages from people that they were wrong and had indeed underestimated just how powerful Mictlan was.

vfb January 10th, 2009 06:02 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Mictlan admits that the battles went well for me this month, except for one extremely bad idea that didn't pan out.

But if you think I've got a big army, you should get a load of what Pan is stacking up on my border!

Omnirizon January 11th, 2009 04:07 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
if anyone needs a staff of storms, send a message and shinuyama will make you one. if you could send the gems to make it with too that would be appreciated, since I don't have the air income to be making a bunch on my own. I don't think we can recover after our loss, but we learned the value of having one of those.

unfortunately the lesson was learned in the loss, but it isn't one I will ever forget.

and trust me people. a staff of storms is bare necessity in fighting against the powerhouse of mictlan. those eagle warriors combined with the long range mass communion backed battlemagic will neutralize any mages you might have.

cleveland January 12th, 2009 10:51 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Oceania would like a Staff of Storms. :)

Phew. OK, I'm finally back home after a crazy holiday/job interview extravaganza (anyone here from Minneapolis? Jesus that place is cold!), so I should finally be able to submit my turns in a reasonable timeframe from now on. Sorry for all the delays and thanks for your patience.

And if I can just say, I LOVE the Lure command! :D

Janlm January 14th, 2009 10:55 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
We do, ofcourse. What is the problem?

vfb January 14th, 2009 11:08 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Doh! I was going to move this to a PM, but you have already replied in the thread.

As I said, I thought we had a NAP.

Casting "Burden of Time" has immediate damaging effects on the nation of Mictlan. We consider it a gross violation of our agreement. We have heard tales of the void gate driving its users insane. Perhaps in their madness it was cast by mistake?

-- Mictlan

Janlm January 15th, 2009 04:26 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Ah, well, that is part of the explanation at least. The great Yikilth, the grey one, the god of rivers and king of untimely deaths has stirred in his slumber and in his dreams he told us to go through the void gate and bring back a certain artefact. We send our strongest astral mage, he came back mad ofcourse, but also brought with him the artefact which we placed in the great Yikilth's chambers. We fear that the old age that plague your people is but a minor side effect of this. An accident of sorts, and something we certainly do not considder a breach of any sort of pact we have agreed upon with anyone.

vfb January 15th, 2009 05:33 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Oh no, it's a breach! A big gross nasty breach, one hundred feet wide.

But don't worry, Mictlan is going to take care of the problem immediately. We will have a few words with your strongest astral mage, rough him up a bit, shake him down, all that fun kind of stuff.

And our jungle lawyers have even advised us that we are not responsible for any collateral damage to your infrastructure that may result from our actions, since it is all R'lyeh's fault for messing around with the Burden of Time.

-- Mictlan

vfb January 16th, 2009 12:26 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Apologies to Ermor and anyone else concerned, but I did not have enough Pearls to attempt to dispel the Burden of Time this month, so I took a chance and tried to blow it out with my own massive global. The global succeeded, but unfortunately it just replaced Pan's Mother Oak, not the Burden of Time as I had hoped.

Please do not be concerned, your undead will suffer no ill effects from the Purgatory, because my dominion does not extend past my own borders.

-- Mictlan

Janlm January 16th, 2009 02:00 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
now YOU have certainly broken the nap, let the world know how honourless the nation of mictlan truly is!

Omnirizon January 16th, 2009 03:27 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
a crap. sorry guys. i thought i had sent my turn in :(

Hadrian_II January 16th, 2009 03:31 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out

Originally Posted by Janlm (Post 667554)
now YOU have certainly broken the nap, let the world know how honourless the nation of mictlan truly is!

casting BoT is considered an act of war by most players...

@vfb could you please remove purgatory from your lands, the nation of ermor would like to invade you. Now we are having the distinct feeling that we waited to long, and that mictlan will win the game:doh:

vfb January 16th, 2009 06:23 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out

Originally Posted by Hadrian_II (Post 667568)

Originally Posted by Janlm (Post 667554)
now YOU have certainly broken the nap, let the world know how honourless the nation of mictlan truly is!

casting BoT is considered an act of war by most players...

@vfb could you please remove purgatory from your lands, the nation of ermor would like to invade you. Now we are having the distinct feeling that we waited to long, and that mictlan will win the game:doh:

Ermor is exactly correct. And Mictlan even told R'lyeh that we considered the act a gross breach, and that we were taking action immediately. The honor of Mictlan is unimpinged. Crazy Starspawn!

@Ermor: Unfortunately I couldn't dispel the Purgatory even if I wanted to. Unless you'd like to send me some pearls? I'd have to admit that I have other priorities for Dispel at this time though. And are you just expressing general hopes and wishes and desires, or are you providing notification of cancellation of our NAP?

One other piece of news: Sadly, this month the illustrious Oskatu became Lost in Time and Space. We offer our apologies in advance to the nations of Bonsai Kitten, should he happen to drop in on your lands uninvited.

-- Mictlan

Hadrian_II January 17th, 2009 08:52 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 667597)
And are you just expressing general hopes and wishes and desires, or are you providing notification of cancellation of our NAP?

Actually we were just expressing wishes and desires, but we have now decided, that war might be as good as any solution. So this would make battle start on turn 58?

Janlm January 17th, 2009 09:17 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
well the global spell would mean they breached their nap, so i guess you can do exactly as they do and attack right away, according to mictlan's belief's anyway.

Janlm January 17th, 2009 09:19 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
on another note, can i have a half a day's delay for the turn tomorrow?

vfb January 17th, 2009 09:26 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out

Originally Posted by Janlm (Post 667733)
well the global spell would mean they breached their nap, so i guess you can do exactly as they do and attack right away, according to mictlan's belief's anyway.

R'lyeh, you are just going completely insane. Stop playing with that Void Gate, it's bad for your brain!

Purgatory has absolutely no effect outside my dominion, and my dominion does not encroach into Ermor's lands.

It's not at all like Burden of Time, which immediately cripples all my best mages every month, fairly quickly turns all my troops into a bunch of old geezers who won't do anything except sit around talking about their lost youth, damages my gold income by causing unrest, and kills my people including my valuable virgins of which we don't have very many because, when you've only got a couple of months to live, how many virgins do you think are gonna be left!?

This is why I was trying to warn everyone about R'lyeh all this time. Some people don't like to say this, but: I told you so!

-- Mictlan

vfb January 17th, 2009 09:32 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out

Originally Posted by Janlm (Post 667735)
on another note, can i have a half a day's delay for the turn tomorrow?


I'd really like to move to a 3-day turn please (72 hours).

I have to prepare for a war against four nations. Each of Pan and Ermor has absolutely massive armies way bigger than my forces. R'lyeh is a b*tch to attack in the water. Shinuyama still has four forts and 19 provinces, and an army as big as R'lyehs. And it's not like I'm in a corner, I'm spread out all across the map.

So ... pretty please?

vfb January 17th, 2009 09:35 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out

Originally Posted by Hadrian_II (Post 667731)

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 667597)
And are you just expressing general hopes and wishes and desires, or are you providing notification of cancellation of our NAP?

Actually we were just expressing wishes and desires, but we have now decided, that war might be as good as any solution. So this would make battle start on turn 58?

Agreed. So this means when we receive turn 57, you can give orders to invade? Or when we receive turn 58? Unless you change your mind of course. :) You never know, R'lyeh might cast Arcane Nexus next!

-- Mictlan

Hadrian_II January 17th, 2009 10:49 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Orders on turn 57 so that the battles happen on turn 58.

btw. how ugly is the damage of purgatory against undead?

vfb January 17th, 2009 11:11 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Mictlan thanks Ermor for the clarification.

I think Purgatory is quite nasty for chaffish hordes, but mostly ignorable for thugs and SCs. It would have been much smarter to cast it after I had already been invaded, as a surprise. But the whole point wasn't really the Purgatory, it was replacing the Burden of Time, which didn't work in any case.

Hadrian_II January 17th, 2009 02:18 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 667778)
I think Purgatory is quite nasty for chaffish hordes,

quite nasty... my tests have shown, that purgatory kills candles x 10% of the undead troops.:mad:

btw. maybe pan might win, as he is almost immune to bot

cleveland January 18th, 2009 11:19 AM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Oceania is proud to announce that time is no longer a burden.


Janlm January 18th, 2009 12:43 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
I didn't get the delay it seems, and now i staled at a very crucial time... :( i'm almost afraid to check the turn now, oh well..

Omnirizon January 18th, 2009 01:51 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
i'm sorry janlm. i didn't see your post at all. i completely missed it. you should've sent a PM, those are sure to catch my attention :/

vfb January 21st, 2009 07:55 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Upon reviewing communications with Pan, I discovered that Mictlan received their notice of NAP-6 cancellation at the beginning of turn 50. :shock:

So, orders for war begin this month with Pan, one month earlier than war with Ermor. How distressing, I thought I had more time!

-- Mictlan

vfb January 23rd, 2009 10:42 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
The forces of Pan in the north are in disarray as their armies make little headway into the jungles of Mictlan.

And now a new war begins in the south. Our people's belief in the one true god is strong, and their faith will not be shaken by a few flimsy temples of Ermor on our borders!

-- Mictlan

vfb January 28th, 2009 07:02 PM

Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out
Oh, when will these nightmares end? Several turkeys have been discovered in their turkey beds, having died in their sleep. Rumors spread through the jungle that evil dreams spread from the lands of Ermor, and the unfortunate warrior who succumbs to these terrible fantasies will never wake up. No-one is sleeping well in the lands of Mictlan these days.

But on the plus side, we now have a robust economy based entirely on dream-catcher sales and service!

-- Mictlan

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