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Gregstrom October 14th, 2008 06:30 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Ah, but those swamps are a miracle of biodiversity and home to some rare and highly endangered species of newts. Some of them even build cities... oh.

Crust October 14th, 2008 06:35 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha

Originally Posted by Mithras (Post 645661)
Well thats massively unfair, all we do is rot slowly! Now lizards on the other hand, your not doing much for ecological variability! Swamp swamp and more swamp yay!

Hey now, there's no end to the variety. Bog, fen, marsh, marshland, mire, morass, quagmire, slough, swampland and wetland, they all have their own beautiful gaseous emission. Your former worshipers may be inhaling this pungent mixture before too long.

Bwaha October 15th, 2008 12:49 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Its the run off I'm concerned about. Atlantis you must feel the same way I do. These surface dwellers mean to defile our streams, lakes, and oceans. The least we can do is share intel on these inferior races. Maybe we can come to some sorta deal...

Vg1 has reported home due to amount of loot found and is operational at this point. Also we are proud to announce our recruiting on other planes a glorious success. They want to come here and play with others. Its rather boring out there. And now they want uniforms... :D

Gregstrom October 15th, 2008 02:25 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
They want uniforms? Now that's a truly hideous thought. And where do you put the epaulettes?

Bwaha October 15th, 2008 06:28 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Ya got me, they're "Things from the Void". And are cute little tentacled guys, Also they are quite good with card tricks. :D

Gregstrom October 16th, 2008 02:42 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
If you pin medals on a Vastness, does it burst?

Tifone October 16th, 2008 03:16 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
No, its Blood Vengeance happens and you find them pinned on your face

Gregstrom October 16th, 2008 03:55 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Transcript of conversation overheard between High Voice Thunbu and Mjibu, commander of the Northern Expeditionary Force.

Thunbu: I gather that before going up against a tribe of Amazons, warrior women known both for their high standard of martial training and for their habit of cutting off various sensitive parts of any male prisoners, you requested emergency supplies of... apples. I would love to hear your explanation.

Mjibu: Well, High Voice, it was as a result of scouting data I received.

T: Your scouts were hungry, perhaps?

M: They provided me with intelligence leading me to believe that the apples could be a useful part of our battle plan.

T: This must be some new meaning for the word 'intelligence', then. Possibly one involving the phrase 'UTTER STUPIDITY'! You had better explain this very carefully.

M (looking nervous): Well... yes, Lord. Upon reporting to me, the scouts mentioned that the Amazon cavalry's horses were looking pretty grim - all skin and bone, in fact. It occurred to me that they must be pretty hungry, and that any charge by them might be diverted if we could arrange for sufficient... distraction. It's well known that horses love apples, and I thought it was worth a try. My plan was to throw apples at the feet of the horses in mid-charge, in the hope of throwing their formation into disorder.

T: It sounds to me rather as if they skipped Amazons in the Warleader training school. I hope for the sake of your troops you arranged a test of your theory.

M: Err, yes Lord. Poor Shuhema... he snuck over to the animal enclosure in the night to carry out a test. He lost a hand, and I had to retire him from active duty.

T: So as ideas go, it was a terrible failure then.

M: Not entirely, Lord. While the apples were useless, I felt sure the basics of the plan were still worthwhile. When it came to the battle, we used raw steak instead.

T: (laughs) Good thinking, Mjibu. I trust you saw to Shuhema's future, though? He taught you a valuable lesson, and that should be rewarded.

M: Well, Lord, as he's still a young man I thought I'd set up something for his future. I gave him some land and arranged for him to assist in the administration of the province for a few years, to give him some sort of a living.

T: And after that?

M: I also took the liberty of leaving him some surplus supplies. After he leaves his work for the governor, he should have grown a mature orchard - and I imagine mountain-grown apples should sell for enough to give him a good living.


Transcript ends.

Tifone October 16th, 2008 04:53 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
YOU talk about the idiocy of your mages, Gregstorm?? Let me report what can happen leading a bunch of utter pompous Abysian mages.

"Ahahah! We are made by the strongest of elements! FIRE! Every single centimeter of our body and armours is totally immune to it! Look at my power, I will now concentrate and EXTEND MY NATURAL HEAT TO THE LIMITS!!! Behold!"

"Ehm, prophet, do you really believe it is a good ide..."

*the lab burns to the ground.*
500 gold literally in damn smoke.

If that doesn't s*ck, really, only Monica Lewinski does.

Bwaha October 17th, 2008 10:35 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Hey, thanks guys, you helped me figure out the uniform problem. Since you seem to be concerned about Vastnesses, We have ditched the concept of cloth and now are using paint. Much cheaper also. Couple of shots and off you go. The color scheme is to mimic the vastness. Yep Polka dots.... Garish colors as well.:D

Ossa October 17th, 2008 11:20 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Tifone - you're my joker of the day;)

Tifone October 17th, 2008 03:17 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha

We've finally ambushed and killed one of our most infamous enemies!!


Prevent THIS, furry!

Starshine_Monarch October 17th, 2008 10:30 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
I'd put him out, but he seems a bit too dead for that to matter much...

Is it bad that the only thing I can find funny about Atlantis right now would be it's place on the scoreboard? Normally I'm nowhere near this competent... Of course, it is still early in the game. I'm bound to screw up something eventually. Then all will be right with the universe.

Gregstrom October 18th, 2008 07:13 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Heh. I've suffered badly from one of the game's secret units - the Bear Tribe Sniper. It doesn't seem to matter how far away from my other units I place my commanders - in the first couple of enemy arrow volleys one single shot separates from the rest and miraculously hits a commander in the face. If only they'd do that when I hired them...

Starshine_Monarch October 18th, 2008 04:10 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Two words: Enchanted Shield. Better yet, three words: Shield of Valor.

Gregstrom October 18th, 2008 04:24 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
It's turn 10, and I'm not an Air or Astral nation. Black Steel Kite would have been a good idea though.

Bwaha October 19th, 2008 02:11 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
We are pleased to announce the arrival of everyones favorite critter, Mr Vastness. He really wants to play, so I'm just gonna send him out. He's in charge of lighting for our little skit. :D

We regret to inform you that our camoflurs can't paint the poor guy, due to problems applying the paint. He's in towering rage about it too. So rather than leaving him in the lab, (He's giving the Star Children nightmares) out he goes...:D

Tifone October 20th, 2008 05:02 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
I know I'm a n00b. I know I suck and I'm behind you all in everything, and you can crush me whenever you want... but...

...But sometimes, the sweetest victories are the smallest ones ;D

The great BurnMyStick wins the Arena!!!

(Also, I'd like to point out that while I don't know if you edited your fighter's name Tuumhaa for some reason, Bwaha, it sounded hilarious in italian, specifically the funny tuscan dialect, which is mine. Translated, would be something like Yoooouuurrrmooootheeerrr...!! :D )

Bwaha October 20th, 2008 06:30 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha

Drats, tin foiled again, Tifone I swear I'll get you next time. Cowardly priest, he was but one step to victory.:D

Now you got me doing it, Thanks.:D


We come for you, Lord of the Hot Heads. :D Just kidding.

Tifone October 20th, 2008 06:34 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Would you come later, please? We are everything but ready for a Vastness in this moment :D

Bwaha October 20th, 2008 06:59 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Sure, I'll wait, Where's your capitol? I wouldn't like to send uninvited guests after all. We have a merry bunch of fools to liberate the dull masses from their dreary lives.:D

Gregstrom October 21st, 2008 10:35 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Thunbu's Commandments for dealing with His Extreme Dodginess Tamakeri, v.1.1:

1: When you are asked to supply stilettoes, you are not being asked for daggers.

2: If you are whipped or beaten, it actually means that Tamakeri is pleased with you. This has caused confusion in the past.

3: The Lord Tamakeri may offer to shower you with gold. If this occurs you should refuse politely, or at the very least be sure to wear waterproof clothing.

4: The same advice applies to any offers of jewelry.

5: Don't mention any personal liking for improvised jazz singing - this is for your own good.

Bwaha October 21st, 2008 11:26 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
We are pleased to open a new agency...http://imgboot.com/images/Leo/funnyc...rtmentsign.jpg

Who's first? Bwaha ha ha ha he he, oops...:D

I've been playing LA Rylah too much...:crazy:

Bwaha October 21st, 2008 12:06 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
This organization was formed because of this letter from a new province: It was disgusting, these young lads were urinating in my fish pond,and kicking over my gnomes. I have never seen anything like it, I have lived here for 28 years, and my gnomes have never been attacked like this before.

I assure you that we love the little people, we think they are funny...:D

Mithras October 21st, 2008 03:45 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
We are proud to announce a new franchise, McFlavius's.
Opening now in a ermerion province near you
"We have VESTAL VIRGIN burgers!"
disclaimer, any teeth, eyelashes or other inedible body parts are in fact part of the package, meat may be slightly rotten.
This is what some famous people have said about our famous vestal burgers...
Tentacles of Atlantis
"Mr. Tentacles likes virgin burgers"

Come spend money in ermor now.
If you want to be part of our franchise send 500 gold to Ermor with directions to your nation. Then wait for the shambling undead horde to arrive :D

Gregstrom October 21st, 2008 03:50 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Burgers are no good to spiders. The thing about your average corpse is that after you've squirted in enzymes to dissolve the meat, the skin works nicely as a sort of bag to stop it all dripping onto the floor and being wasted. Soulless on the other hand are great - the meat comes pre-dissolved and they walk right up to you... it's like a self-delivering takeaway.

Mithras October 21st, 2008 03:56 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Based on new marketing infomation...
McFlavius's is now selling soulless, 100 gold for a crate of 10 souless, or go jumbo sized and have 30 soulless for 250 gold.
Let it never be said that we don't react to market demand.

Gregstrom October 21st, 2008 04:02 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
The spiders of Machaka are in awe at the responsiveness of such a large corporation to the potential of profit - err, to customer requests. We'd like to give our thanks to Mavis McFlavius personally, if possible.

By the way, are the corpses gluten- and lactose-free? Some of our spiders have sensitive tummies.

Tifone October 21st, 2008 04:03 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
We hope you offer something GRILLED and TOASTY too

Gregstrom October 21st, 2008 04:10 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Do these restaurants work anything like Friedey's?

Mithras October 21st, 2008 04:11 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Glutton? Lactose?
How should we know? It just gets dumped in...
Everything deep friend on request! Including packaging.

McFlavius and co are not responsable for any harm caused by any goods sold by McFlavius. This product is not suitable for anyone with any type of allergy whatsoever. Warning may contain nuts, the recipe does not contain nuts but the factory may have contained nuts at one point in time (who's bright idea was it to outsource the production to Ry'leh?)

Crust October 22nd, 2008 05:24 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Could we please move to 48h quickhost or turn off quickhosting, I keep getting stales due to schedule conflicts.

Gregstrom October 22nd, 2008 07:04 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
No objection to 48h here.

Bwaha October 22nd, 2008 11:28 AM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Back in the elder times I was the Pancreator's Jester, well lets just say he didn't like a joke I made. I thought it was the finest practical joke ever devised. He stripped me of my position and made me clean that factory. My job was to remove all dark matter from the factory. During the course of time, I absorbed a large amount of dark matter causing me to absorb heat. This is why I'm now allergic to fires, anyway they bound me in a ornate freezer and threw it into a dark and quiet lake. I was so bored for so long till I found Vault 77. Well after that there was no turning back, I helped the Puppet Man because it amused me so much. No longer bored I gained strength and freed myself. Then I opened the Void Gate and peered within, giggle, and found a civilization of Illitheds. More on this later... :D

Turns are now 48 hour QH.

We are pleased to announce a new gate in Melbourne Australia. Its located in the basement of Xavier College. For more info go here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7681876.stm

The Head Chef is graduate of our fine schools. :D

Starshine_Monarch October 23rd, 2008 06:07 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha

I just kind of felt we needed this for this game...

Bwaha October 29th, 2008 12:00 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Warning, using the Void Gate can be hazardous. Three maji in three turns. Ouch.

I've delayed hosting till Llama gets back.:(

Tifone October 29th, 2008 12:03 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
What's happening, why the delay.

EDIT: Oh ok, I see the problem too.

Gregstrom October 29th, 2008 04:16 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Although, rather oddly, the game has hosted. Presumbly Llamaserver still works, just not all the time.

Bwaha October 29th, 2008 05:16 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
I think Llama server got too close to the Void Gate. Atlantis, Please post your clever rant. It was excellent, and you should share it with others. Slapstick, HA Ha ha.:lol

Starshine_Monarch October 30th, 2008 05:22 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Sorry, you're gonna have to do it. I don't have the message anymore. I really ought to consider backing up my turns.

Bwaha October 31st, 2008 01:22 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
http://mdw.li/lhc/lhc-webcams.html .:D

Bwaha October 31st, 2008 10:24 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
That was my halloween video. Scary, for something thats funny, try this: http://video.aol.com/video/jokers-favor/1727983. Takes about 45 min. but worth it. Bwahahaha. Have a happy and safe Halloween.:D

Starshine_Monarch November 3rd, 2008 10:12 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Ermor has just informed me of a new recycling program they've been using with Death Magic. Apparently common refuse can now be used as armor for longdeads.


Mithras November 4th, 2008 12:58 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Of course we'll need lots of gems to put this plan into action. Send us gems so that we can clean the world up :D
We assure you its all completely sustainable.
Glabal warming is a myth.
(above advertisement paid for by Abysia)

Tifone November 4th, 2008 05:06 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Exactly. Like Evolution btw

(hope the img shows)

Mithras November 4th, 2008 05:35 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Who took those photos? It shall be made clear that:
Ermor did not build a time machine
We did not send any secret agents back in time
We have no plans to obliterate the dinosoars and destroy all fossil records
No such fossil record existed in the first place
The holy George created the world and all life

It can be proven that that picture is a hoax, the government of Ermor asks C'tis to identify their people who masquarade as dinosoars in the above picture and send them over to us. So they can be detained idefinately without trial.

p.s. psst C'tis, just send us some chumps to protect the good old credibilaty. In return we will open a branch of MacFlavius's in each and everyone of your provinces.

Bwaha November 5th, 2008 12:40 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Atlantis, I wish to begin our slapstick routine at once. I wave any further delay. Do you want to get started now? Please respond before Llama Server is repaired. :bored:

Starshine_Monarch November 5th, 2008 01:00 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
I still have one thing to prepare for the first skit, so I would appreciate it if you would wait one more month.

Bwaha November 5th, 2008 01:06 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Okay, after next turn the pie will fly.:D

Starshine_Monarch November 6th, 2008 06:46 PM

Re: Joker: new game, new theme, HA Ha ha
Speaking of Llamaserver, has C'tis sent in his turn at all? It says the next turn was due three days ago, so I was wondering if it would automatically host when Llama comes back, whether C'tis was ready or not?

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