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chrispedersen November 13th, 2008 01:35 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Hosting is delayed 48 hours (or more) while I look for a sub.

I staled, and I know damn well I submitted a turn.

So if anyone knows someone to sub, please advise.


JimMorrison November 13th, 2008 01:57 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Fomoria is crumbling under the weight of Hinnom, T'ien Ch'i, and Lanka.....

I hadn't planned to go AI yet (if ever), but if you don't find a sub quickly, maybe it would be better to have a human at the helm of Niefel, than Fomoria, at this point.

Let me know. I'd prefer to have this turn process with me as Fomoria (trying to pull off something painful), but I could swap next turn.

vfb November 14th, 2008 12:04 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Come on Chris, just keep playing. It's only one stale. From the graphs Nief is just down a single province this month, and like you said, Nief is still #3 or #4 in the game, right?

chrispedersen November 15th, 2008 12:12 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Well, no one else has been interested in picking up the position - not a single bite at all.

Does anyone object to Jim picking it up?

Fakeymcfake November 15th, 2008 12:35 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Fine by me, better than going AI. Oh and are you going to keep on with running the game or are you going to hand it off to someone else?

chrispedersen November 15th, 2008 12:41 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I'll do whatever people prefer. Probably better to have people in the game, monitoring it. Want the job?

lwarmonger November 15th, 2008 03:08 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Personally I think it is much better to give things to a person than switch AI.

JimMorrison November 15th, 2008 03:25 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I have just revised my turn to set Fomoria to AI, Chris.

So if you could manage one last decent turn for Niefelheim (hire a Niefel Jarl at least? ;)), then you can submit, host, and switch email to my address if you please.

Fakeymcfake November 15th, 2008 03:54 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
If no one else minds (or wants the job for themselves) I can handle watching over the game. Just PM me the admin pass.

vfb November 17th, 2008 10:01 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
What's happening with this game?

Has Chris given the admin pass to Fakeymcfake yet?

Executor November 17th, 2008 10:20 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Yes I was also wondering. When are we continuing and who is the new admin?

Fakeymcfake November 17th, 2008 10:56 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I haven't received anything yet, I'll PM Chris and ask him what's up right after I finish typing this.

JimMorrison November 17th, 2008 01:38 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started

Originally Posted by Fakeymcfake (Post 653584)
I haven't received anything yet, I'll PM Chris and ask him what's up right after I finish typing this.

I asked him to submit a quick turn (like just buy some commanders and check the research really fast) and submit, then set me as Niefel. He asked why I couldn't take them now, and I pointed out that I was setting Fomoria to AI this turn..... And he hasn't replied further.

Fakeymcfake November 17th, 2008 06:52 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Okay, so I've taken over as Admin, the next turn should have gone out, and now we should have things rolling again.

Klepto November 19th, 2008 10:51 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Ermor has fallen! With no army and only the city of Ermor itself remaining I've set myself to AI. Thanks for the game all, I can see I have a lot to learn. Well played Agartha, who I found pretty much unstoppable.

Good luck everyone, I'll see you in other games I hope :)

Fakeymcfake November 19th, 2008 12:06 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Later Klepto, sorry about smashing up your last best hope there.

Executor November 25th, 2008 09:54 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
That's one, actually two pretty large summoned armies there Agarta.

Maybe this would be a good time to consider moving to 48 hours hosting interval.

By the way did anyone notice that almost the entire HoF is dead?

Executor November 25th, 2008 10:52 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Sorry I'm actually still good with 24 h/t...

Fakeymcfake November 25th, 2008 03:49 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Alright, if anyone gets to the point where they want to move along to a 48 hour turnover let me know, we'll put it to a vote. However, I'm currently enjoying the fast pace of this game, makes things more exciting but I'll bow to the whims of the mob.

Quitti November 25th, 2008 08:13 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I'm enjoying the fast pace too, though I won't say no if majority wants to move to 48h turns...

Fakeymcfake November 27th, 2008 02:40 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Lanka is in the market for an air boosting item. Offering gold, gems (I've got everything but astral and fire), favours *wink* (no really, you want me to make you something, harass a certain neighbor, cede some land, make an offer and I'll consider it).

PM if you're interested.

Executor November 27th, 2008 08:22 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Whoever forged the Aegis and black book of secrets this turn, DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!

vfb November 27th, 2008 05:51 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Not only that, today is a sad sad day, because R'lyeh called on the Earth Kings and no-one answered.

Juffos November 28th, 2008 09:59 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
If possible, could hosting please be postponed by 24 hours?

I would really appreciate.

Fakeymcfake November 28th, 2008 11:45 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Sure, hosting will be postponed until 21:45 GMT on Sunday November 30th.

lwarmonger November 30th, 2008 08:09 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Abysia would like to announce that both Niefelheim and Lanka are fully occupied in an unprovoked assault upon us, and we call upon other nations for aid in attacking their undefended frontiers!

Fakeymcfake November 30th, 2008 09:39 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Heh, "undefended" he says.

lwarmonger November 30th, 2008 10:20 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Indeed I do! Abysia can still be triumphant, it merely needs a distraction by some other power!

JimMorrison November 30th, 2008 11:33 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
A big distraction. With shiny spinning things, and blinking lights! :happy:

lwarmonger November 30th, 2008 11:49 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
And massive, massive tracts of... land!

Fakeymcfake December 2nd, 2008 04:37 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Executor hasn't sent in his turn yet so I'm going to delay hosting 10 hours, hopefully he'll get it in before then.

vfb December 3rd, 2008 02:36 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Can we please move to a 48-hour host now? The turns are getting longer.

Fakeymcfake December 3rd, 2008 02:44 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Ok, time to vote.
Everyone has until the next hosting to vote and to make sure everyone knows I'll send out a message via llamaserver.

Post your preference and that's what we'll be.

Quitti December 3rd, 2008 04:29 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I don't mind moving to 48h

hunt11 December 3rd, 2008 04:36 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I think we should move it to 48 hour hosting now.

Executor December 3rd, 2008 04:55 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
48 hours is good.

Executor December 3rd, 2008 04:57 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I think TC just declared war on everybody.

vfb December 3rd, 2008 11:24 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
R'lyeh has decided that is an excellent analysis of the situation. The surprise casting of Arcane Nexus has rendered all our diplomatic agreements with Tien Chi null and void. We immediately slurp the brains of the TC ambassador in our capitol.

:brain: SLURP! :puke:

Fakeymcfake December 3rd, 2008 06:22 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Well, as it appears that at least half of the people want 48 hour hosting we'll switch to that after this next hosting interval.

On a completely unrelated note, TC just became the proverbial 500 lbs gorilla of our game. And unfortunately, this world only has room for one nation of apes, proverbial or otherwise.

hunt11 December 3rd, 2008 06:44 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Hinnom must be one very lucky nation :). A couple turns into my war with TC and thanks to arcane nexus, the whole world is very interested in my nations war with TC.

Quitti December 4th, 2008 03:23 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Yes, please do keep the pearls running in, thank you, thank you.

On a complitely unrelated note, R'lyeh attacked disregarding their nap3 with us. I knew it was coming but still I'd like to inform others who do business with R'lyeh.

We're living in interesting times :)

vfb December 4th, 2008 03:57 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
R'lyeh is pleased Tien Chi got the subtle hint about eating their ambassador's brains and spitting them out, and voiding all our agreements with them.

We would like all nations to know that if you cast any of the following global enchantments without prior consultation we consider it an immediate declaration of war on us.

There's the usual suspects:

Arcane Nexus
Astral Corruption
Burden of Time
(We've got our poor slaves to think of, you know.)
Forge of the Ancients

Plus since we like it all nice and lonely under the waves:

Thetis' Blessing

But not too lonely:

Sea of Ice

So long as other nations refrain from casting these globals without some sort of discussion first (wherein we reserve the right to optionally waive the immediate state of war which would normally result), then they will find us eminently trustworthy.

-- R'lyeh

P.S. Tien Chi brains are not very tasty. Needs extra ganglion sauce.

Fakeymcfake December 4th, 2008 06:53 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I feel I must congratulate Iwarmonger on being the most irritating person I've ever had the misfortune to take over, ever.

Christ, I feel as though I'm trying to take Stalingrad or something.

Executor December 4th, 2008 08:53 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Hmm how did that one end?

Fakeymcfake December 4th, 2008 11:13 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Well enough, though Iwarmonger is quite a tenacious defender. I won't say too much since it is still going on though.

lwarmonger December 6th, 2008 03:21 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Well, you are still having your stalingrad... my main fortress awaits! I've got defense down pretty good, it's my offense that needs work.

Fakeymcfake December 7th, 2008 08:31 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
No kidding. I think my Stalingrad reference was more apt than I ever thought it would be. At least it wasn't a total loss though.

lwarmonger December 7th, 2008 08:53 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
True, you significantly damaged my mage base, and those are losses that can't be replaced at this point. However my pretender is a tough nut to crack.

Executor December 8th, 2008 09:54 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Sauromatia protests that these contests, clearly held for our entertainment, need to be delayed until our scouts are in proper position!

Fakeymcfake December 8th, 2008 02:08 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Then, the humble people of Lanka would kindly suggest that you go around our territory as going through has seemed to not work well for you thus far.

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