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-   Multiplayer and AARs (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=145)
-   -   Utility: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=41304)

WraithLord May 9th, 2009 11:52 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 689848)
The vacant positions in artifacts are shrinking rapidly. Marignon and Ulm are already taken :)
It seems like the end game is going to be esp. action packed and only two vacant slots remain, the nordic nations of Utgard and Midgard.

PM me if you are interested.

Only mighty Utgard left. Interesting how possibly the strongest nation is the last to remain un-subbed.

Gregstrom May 13th, 2009 05:36 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Unsanity, a mod-heavy game for fun and excitement, is now looking for players.

AreaOfEffect May 13th, 2009 04:40 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
In the middle of a heated conflict, the god of the great frost giants goes numb. Lift the curse of the fallen angles and destroy their meager empire.

Incabulos has disappeared leaving a power vacuum in several games, including MilkShake. I personally don't know his situation, but it has been explained to me that he has been at war with Hinnom. Take control of Niefelheim and win back his honor. Links below.

<<Game Page>> <<Forum Thread>>

TwoBits May 15th, 2009 01:31 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Hello all, um, I've been a quasi-lurker/very occasional contributor here (in Dominions land, that is), and previously I've kept my MP play to my RL friends, but they for the most part seem to have lost their interest in the game (yeah, I don't know what to say about that, don't know what's wrong with them), while the fires of conquest still burn hotly in my breast ;)

So anyhow, I'm finally willing and desirous to dip my toe into the general melee, but don't know how to get started! Basically, how do I join an "at large" game? To get in the swing of things, I'd gladly take over/sub for some other game at first (such as the offer of Niefelheim mentioned above), if someone could baby-step me into it.

After that, I'm sure someone could help me out in how to join a new game and all that. But baby steps might be advisable at first (although I did pretty well in MP against my RL friends, I suspect that experience might not translate well against the "international" Dominions community...).

So anyhow, any help on getting started on my new career as "whipping boy" would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

AreaOfEffect May 15th, 2009 05:10 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Well, in this situation it appears a sub has already been found and I forgot to update the posts. That is my fault.

I personally only enjoy the game when I play it from start to finish. Subbing turns out not to be my deal. Though I've been told by some that it really helps them obtain perspective.

Joining a game is rather easy. New games are started all the time here. Just keep an eye out for new threads in the "Multiplayer and AARs" forums. Also, ready the stickies on the forum as well. A lot of the games, such as the ones I'm playing, are hosted by the llamaserver. Though there are other people who also selfishly devote a server to the cause. The stickies will explain more about how these servers work and how to find them. Though most of the work is handled by the host of the game, so its not really necessary.

What you basically need to know is: find a new game thread, read the conditions of the game, and present your interest in the game via a post on that thread. Most of the time, all you need to do is say you'll play a nation of the appropriate era. If you have questions from there, your host will generally answer them for you once voiced.

Good luck.

chrispedersen May 15th, 2009 09:57 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
has gone missing in the game Solar. (TNN) Please contact me about subbing into this late term game. 5 Players left...

TwoBits May 16th, 2009 12:14 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Says you're looking for a skilled player. Not sure if I'd rate myself as that ;) Guess I'll keep an eye out for a new game.

TwoBits May 19th, 2009 12:03 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Hey, can someone help me out on how to join a LlamaServer game? I was interested in joining the Art_of_War game (seems to be filling up fast though), and was sort of confused by the FAQ. It says I "should post on the thread saying what nation you'll be", but as far as I can tell, LlamaServer is not a forum where you can post your intentions.

What should I be doing? Should I just make a pretender and send it in via these instructions - "E-mail the file to: pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net" and "have the game name in the subject line of your e-mail"? Is that all I need to do, or is there another step I'm missing?

Probably too late for AoW, but maybe I'll be ready for the next game - I really need to get my toes into the pool :)

Thanks in advance for any help!

mighty_scoop May 19th, 2009 12:26 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
You should have posted in the game thread (for Art-of-war it would have been this one : http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43097) ...
but actually you are to late for AoW ... game is already full.

For your next game ... post a msg in the game-thread (in the shrapnel-forum mp section http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=145) with the nation you want to play. After the game is full, you should send your pretender to the adress you have mentioned.

If you don't want to wait just open your own game.


TwoBits May 19th, 2009 12:50 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Thanks mighty_scoop. So if I understand correctly, all LlamaServer games also get posted here in this forum?

I guess that's what I couldn't figure out. How accurate/up-to-date is the LlamaServer information? Right now, it's showing that Art_of_War is still open (14 out of 16 nations)? Is that accurate ("Last updated at 16:45 GMT on Tuesday May 19th")? Where should I be looking for the most current information?

And if I see a game I'm interested in, what's the first thing I should do to reserve a slot? Sorry if these questions seem super-noob, but I've never played MP outside of my small circle of friends (but I'd like to expand on that), and I don't know what to do.

Thanks for any more help!

Illuminated One May 19th, 2009 01:06 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Llamaserver updates every 5 minutes.
Open spot means that pretenders can be sent in, but usually the game is organized and those spots reserved before it's opened on llamaserver (can take a while for everyone to send in their pretenders, though, different time zones etc).

Just look for a thread here that's new or says looking for players to reserve a spot.

mighty_scoop May 19th, 2009 01:37 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!

Originally Posted by TwoBits (Post 691791)
Thanks mighty_scoop. So if I understand correctly, all LlamaServer games also get posted here in this forum? [...]

The other way around ... first step to open a game is to make a thread here in this forum ...
after the game is full the game admin (mostly the one who started the thread) creates the game on llamaserver ... after that the player who posted in the thread that they want to play send in their pretenders.
To summarize ... on the forum you start and find games. On the llamaserver you play games and get infos about running games.


Originally Posted by TwoBits (Post 691791)
I guess that's what I couldn't figure out. How accurate/up-to-date is the LlamaServer information? Right now, it's showing that Art_of_War is still open (14 out of 16 nations)? Is that accurate ("Last updated at 16:45 GMT on Tuesday May 19th")? Where should I be looking for the most current information?[...]

Still open in this case means, that 2 of the 16 participants didn't yet send their pretenders ... not that they are still searching for players (that's as mentioned above part of the forum).


Originally Posted by TwoBits (Post 691791)
And if I see a game I'm interested in, what's the first thing I should do to reserve a slot? Sorry if these questions seem super-noob, but I've never played MP outside of my small circle of friends (but I'd like to expand on that), and I don't know what to do.

Thanks for any more help!

If you want to play in a game, don't look at the llamaserver ... search this forum for games still searching for players (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=41304 this thread is helpful) ... or ... perhaps the best way ... just start one by yourself ( take a look at this thread http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39877)


TwoBits May 19th, 2009 02:10 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Ah, I get it now, I hope. Thanks you guys! So if I understand you both correctly, any game that is on LlamaServer will be posted here for potential membership first (so post your intention to join here).

I only need to go to LlamaServer after I've found and announced my intention to join a game here (and have created a pretender), unless I want to start a new game of my own, that is?

AreaOfEffect May 19th, 2009 03:53 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
That sounds correct. The forums are used to collect players and organize the games. The servers are then used to execute the games that have been organized. Each stands apart but are used in concert with each other to make gaming with strangers possible.

Art_of_War may appear open on the server, but those open positions have been reserved by players here at the forum. If you blankly submitted a pretender to that game you would be edging out a player who was promised a spot in that game. It would then only be a matter of time before the player spoke up and had you kicked from the game.

Bananadine May 24th, 2009 05:35 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
A substitute is needed for the game Mistletoe: LA Pangaea, decent position, long-ish turns.

The nation is neither winning nor losing. It possesses Ermor's capital, and has never lost significant territory. It is presently fighting nobody as far as I can tell. The position would be permanent.

chrispedersen May 29th, 2009 01:30 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
A new game is forming: Bid

Thread: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43218.

As there is significant setup work, I will be setting up the game, but not playing in it.

Have you ever wished to play a game where you've always wanted to get a triple 9 blessing in - but didn't quite have the points?

Have you ever wanted to start with more than one territory?

Have you ever wanted to play a race - but someone always beats you to it? If so, *Bid* is for you. Because every single starting position, every EA race, is up for bid!

So, come on by the thread, and take a look at the game.

See ya there!

Septimius Severus May 29th, 2009 03:34 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
This is it. The final game in the wildly popular Noobs vs. Vets series is now recruiting players. Don't miss out on what promises to be the biggest event of the summer. Come experience the magic, the mystery, the sheer ecstasy of a Noobs vs. Vets game.

Link: Noobs vs. Vets III

Come join the revolution!

Zeldor May 29th, 2009 06:41 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Preponderance 2 is still looking for few more people. It's a team game with no diplomacy and randomly assigned teams. You can either join alone and find a teammate in the thread, or join with a friend as a team.

rdonj June 7th, 2009 07:19 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Perhaps it is time to unsticky this thread and create a new one. It seems to have been quite a while since the first post was updated and I'm not certain the thread is serving its purpose at the moment.

Starshine_Monarch June 14th, 2009 12:21 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Sub wanted for LA Midgard in Ruby. It's still early in the game at turn 16, so you'll have plenty of time to make your mark on the world! Please PM me or Hadrian_II if you'd like to have a go.

WraithLord June 15th, 2009 08:09 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Artifacts, a LA, VP victory condition game, requires a sub since Utgard player has gone MIA.

It is apocalypse time as the game has passed turn 100. Fierce wars ravage the earth and what's already bad is about to get even worse. That said, Utgard is currently at peace (after some long hard wars). It has an awesome bless and the forge up. At this point it can either stay at peace (boring IMHO) or jump right into the fray.

Please PM me with your email address if you are interested.

Black Sun Empire June 30th, 2009 12:47 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
My copy of the game is being sent in the mail and it should arrive in the next couple of days. If someone has a newbie game starting up in the next week or two, could you please send me a PM.

When I say newbie, I'm talking about someone that has played for only 4 days so far. Maybe a total of 6 hours of game play currently, so looking to learn quickly.



WraithLord July 1st, 2009 11:47 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Four last spots available for YARG hurry to sign-up or risk missing this hassle free, no diplo fun game :)

RAND is about survival of the fittest. Diplomacy will not save the weak :D

ano July 1st, 2009 03:29 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
3 more players are needed for Nox game. It will be a MA+LA game with closed graphs

Anthropos July 9th, 2009 09:40 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
We are happy to announce "Summer Madness", a game of strategic exploration.

Please reply to this thread if interested.


Server: Llamaserver ................................. Era: Early Age ............................... Mods: CBM 1.5
Magic Research: Easy ............................ Special Site Frequency: 40 ............ Indie Strength: 4
Score Graphs: On ................................... HOF: 15 ................................... Random Event Frequency: Common
Money, Resource, Supply Multiple: 100...Starting Provinces: 1........................Renaming: On

Game Administrator: Anthropos

Hosting Interval: We would like to set aside a 2 hour chunk and have everyone do the first 5 or 6 turns within that time period. We then switch to 24 hours for 10 turns, after that by consensus.

Victory Conditions: Last man standing, or mutually agreed upon capitulation.

Delays: Liberal.

Qualifications: Players should understand the goal of the game is "Strategic Exploration".
Exploitation of known winning strats is discouraged. Deviating into new territory, experimenting with weird pretenders/domains is encouraged. New to MP? Check out the Llamaserver FAQ

SciencePro: Hinnom
Anthropos: R'lyeh
Procrastilogger: tbd

Black Sun Empire July 22nd, 2009 10:06 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Really looking for a newbie MP game, so if someone is willing to start one up, that would be great.

I would prefer a RAND styled newbie game, just to learn the basic attacking concepts. Then moving onto a newbie MP game with diplomacy later.

If someone is up to the task, then that would be great.

vladikus July 22nd, 2009 11:52 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Looking for 2 more players to ally with me against the AI in Age of Adventurers game. This is a chaos game, so be prepared for surprises. Era is EA.

Fate July 24th, 2009 06:27 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
2 subs needed (permanent or temporary) while I go on a trip. Here is a thread with more information.

chrispedersen July 24th, 2009 10:31 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
I subbed into a position in Faerun 3 or so turns ago. I was unprepared for the scope of the game.

The game really deserves good substitues for this game. You are #3 in research - and have a lot of artifacts to play with.

contact me, Baalz, or Calahan.

hoo July 30th, 2009 03:37 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
1 week sub needed for Marverni, August 8-15h. see here: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43693

shard August 4th, 2009 09:04 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!

Originally Posted by hoo (Post 703747)
1 week sub needed for Marverni, August 8-15h. see here: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43693

In the same game a sub is still needed for Niefelheim, August 8-23. Please contact Firewalker.

Jerry_D August 8th, 2009 06:52 PM

New Game on llama - MilkCarton
Looking for a few more to start a game on llamaserver. Here is the game info, let me know if intersted:


Planning game: MilkCarton

Pretenders so far: 4
Max pretenders: 8

Map: Northwest Middle Earth
Mods: Conceptual Balance Complete 1.41
Middle Age
Independent strength 9
Score graphs on
Magic site frequency 50
Renaming on
Starting provinces 5
Master password not set
All other settings on default

Agarthan Raider August 16th, 2009 06:51 PM

New Large Noob MP game in the works
Most Importantly:

I'm looking for players who won't quit playing, even if they are reduced to one province or have been ousted from their home province. There is no shame in getting wiped off the map by a force of 100 Jotuns with an Astral-9, Nature-9 bless. At least that's what I tell myself in my morning affirmations. Every player who joins must take a blood oath to play everything out, no excuses. (Nose Bleeds do count, i guess, although mindless nubile virgins will do). Also, any diplomacy, non-aggression pacts, etc. are completely used-car salesman style, nothing binding. Lying, cheating, stealing, and tricking your opponents while you reign victorious is completely acceptable, and, in fact, encouraged. But winning isn't the only objective here, watching lots of epic bloody battles is. Let's make this fun.

If you are interested in playing, sign up in the Orphic Thrench thread in this MP section.

planning to host on www.llamaserver.net.

Game Name: Orphic Thrench

__________Game Info________________
Starting Nations: 19, all human
Era: Middle
Map: Alexander_No_Sites
Mods: CBM 1.5
Starting Provinces: 1
Strength of Independents: 9
Special Sites: 50
Random events: rare
Score Graphs: disabled
Hall of Fame: 15
Renaming: allowed

Victory Condition: cumulative VPs.

8 provinces worth 1 VP, 1 province worth 2 VP. (10 VP awarded per year). Map has 290 provinces total (243 land, 47 sea).

20 VP required for victory. (VPs awarded/counted once/year, i think.)

Dominions uses a multiple of 5 for some odd reason when tallying VP, so keep that in mind when viewing totals in game.

_________Nation List________________
Tien Ch'i: Agarthan Raider (me)

thejeff September 8th, 2009 08:47 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Looking for a sub for Arcosephale in Mists of Time.
The player, punkzip, is away until Sunday night. We're on 48hr host, so you'll only need to play a couple of turns.

TheCarrier September 11th, 2009 11:03 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Edit: Wrong thread (late at night)

Septimius Severus September 13th, 2009 11:39 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
A unique opportunity is available to all those interested in participating in Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. Several things set this game apart from what is currently available:

1. This is a team game: You'll have a chance to enjoy a cooperative experience as well as to learn from more experienced players on your own team.

2. This game incorporates an AI element: For those players who enjoy a good Comp Stomp (to use an RTS term) every now and then or wish to improve their skills vs. the AI, the introduction of a competent AI team adds an interesting if not challenging twist to the game.

3. Alternate/standby players: You may join as a non-starter in an alternate slot and have a chance to possibly play more than one nation in a supporting, temporary, or relief capacity.

You can find the game here:


Come and join us while the opportunity is available!

Anthropos September 19th, 2009 07:02 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
I am looking for a sub for EA Tien Chi on the Crusaders game.
Turn 50, in a solid position.
Top/near top of the charts in most aspects.

AlgaeNymph September 20th, 2009 05:53 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Noobs & Vets still needs a vet for my team, The Blessed Ones. Baalz would be preferred, but any vet will do.

Immaculate September 22nd, 2009 09:58 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!

I am new to these forums and have only been playing Dominions for a few weeks (only as single-player and only for about 40 turns or so) but i want to play a multiplayer game. I can't commit too much time (maybe 1 turn every 2 or 3 days) but i would like to play. Is this possible? is there a game that would suit me?


Burnsaber September 22nd, 2009 10:33 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!

Originally Posted by Immaculate (Post 711561)

I am new to these forums and have only been playing Dominions for a few weeks (only as single-player and only for about 40 turns or so) but i want to play a multiplayer game. I can't commit too much time (maybe 1 turn every 2 or 3 days) but i would like to play. Is this possible? is there a game that would suit me?


There have been numereous slow hosting games. I don't think that one is supposed to pop up in the near future. Perhaps you should start one yourself? Llamaserver has made starting games really easy.

Immaculate September 22nd, 2009 10:48 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
I definitely don't feel ready to host a game yet.

Gregstrom September 25th, 2009 10:47 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Crusaders, an EA game using several mods, needs a sub for Lanka. The nation is doing well currently, so pm me if you're interested.

AlgaeNymph September 27th, 2009 03:35 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Noobs & Vets just needs someone above intermediate experience who can captain for my team, The Blessed Ones. Reply soon, the admin's giving us all dirty looks!

Septimius Severus September 29th, 2009 12:41 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
The game Noobs & Vets has additional alternate slots available for interested players.

Being an alternate is really a goodness and a blessing. Why you ask?
  • Doesn't require as large a time commitment as being in the starting lineup.
  • You are potentially able to play up to 4 nations, instead of being limited to just one.
  • You have access to the team forum and are privy to all team discussions.
  • A guaranteed position in the starting lineup of the next game in the series with first or second choice nation privileges and/or other bonuses.
When it comes right down to it, being an alternate is a great thing. I wish more game creators incorporated the idea and took the time to think ahead. So don't miss out, be an alternate today!

iainuki October 1st, 2009 09:44 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Two permanent subs needed, for Marverni in Aquamarine and EA Atlantis in SummerMadness. See http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44054 ; details available in private communication.

thejeff October 1st, 2009 01:50 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Mists of Time is looking for a permanent sub for Hinnom.
It's turn 50. Hinnom's at war with Vanheim and has staled a few times, but it's still in decent shape. And it's still Hinnom.

More details available in the game thread and from the current player Amonchakad.

Squirrelloid October 1st, 2009 03:39 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
Partner needed for A Simple Team Game. Start at the beginning, do your own pretender design, choose your own nation! - game hasn't started yet but would like to start soon.

see http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44052 for more details, and PM me if interested.

shard October 2nd, 2009 10:17 AM

Going on vacation, need subs!
I'll be going on vacation next week until mid October and I'm looking to get some cover for my positions in the meantime;

1) Mists of Time, EA TC, turn 50. Strong position though its graphs off - so who knows? Turns will take a fair amount of time though, as you'll land right in the middle of a war with bloodhappy Lanka

2) Acronymless, nation X, turn 39 middle era, RAND 'ish'. Fast game as diplomacy is only allowed through in-game messages. Unfortunately our admin for this one seems to have disappeared.

3) Vicious Circle 3, Sauromatia, turn 30+. Decent, still relatively early in the game and no ongoing wars so quick turns.

4) The Early Days, Mictlan, turn 20+. Very tough, though its your chance to pit your wits against Baalz's Hinnom. Survive and be a hero!

SciencePro October 11th, 2009 03:55 PM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
New MA game recruiting on Llamaserver for seven players:


Elegy October 14th, 2009 06:20 AM

Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
SummerMadness is looking for a permanent sub for Fomoria.

It's turn 55. Fomoria has staled 3 out of the 4 past turns, and it just got invaded by Yomi (1 turn in), but it's mostly intact. The nation spent most of the game amassing troops, teching up, and fighting EA R'lyeh to a stalemate. The nation has good tech, poor gem income (or presumably is clamming or something), and had a rather defensible position.

This will definitely be a challenging scenario given that Arcoscephale leads in overall charts, Pangaea employs a crushing dompush supported by Carrion Woods, Yomi dominates with magic research and decked out Dai Oni SCs, and Atlantis is entrenched in water with strong magic income and plenty of provinces. I *think* Fomoria has good relations with his few other neighbors though (Arcoscephale, Atlantis) so something might work out alright. But winning is going to be really difficult.

Fortunately the aim of the game is strategic exploration, so people have some pretty quirky combos set up, and I'd imagine it would be interesting to play in a world with some alternative strategies employed.

PM Elegy (current admin) to get more info.

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