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JimMorrison December 3rd, 2008 01:55 AM

Re: Beware of Ashdod

Originally Posted by MaxWilson (Post 656922)
If everyone here aware that the difference between "Cast Spells" and "Stay Behind Troops" is that "Stay Behind Troops" will advance behind troops in lieu of casting spells that take him over 100 fatigue? Could also be useful in this situation, instead of [attack, attack, cast].


I have had VERY mixed results with that tactic, often resulting in a caster with >50 fatigue casting no spells, just milling around like an idiot. Otherwise it would be superb if your opponent lacked missiles, and you expected your line to hold... they might even just do a bunch of buffs at first.

SlipperyJim December 3rd, 2008 09:36 AM

Re: Beware of Ashdod

Originally Posted by MaxWilson
Rather than forcing a strategy shift, I think you've merely proven that "archer decoys" are good policy against mages too. I.e. if you plan to lurk at the back of the battlefield you need some decoys to prevent mages from closing during the first couple of turns and/or soak up AoE fire.

Yes, this tactic can be helpful. For example, Lanka can often benefit from putting a bunch of "free" longdead (reanimate them with your priests) in the front lines as banish decoys. Meanwhile, all of your sacred demons hang back to be blessed before they charge into melee combat....

MaxWilson December 13th, 2008 05:16 PM

Re: Beware of Ashdod

Originally Posted by MaxWilson (Post 656227)

Originally Posted by cleveland (Post 656117)
I don't want to tip my hand per my upcoming MP game, but you want to know how to kill Ashdod? Send an equivalent $$$ worth of Spider Riders at them. In fact, send $.

Have you tested this? In my quick test game, E10N6 Ahimans (which Ashdod can get and still have positive scales) demolished spider knights.

Cleveland PM'ed me explaining his tactic in more detail. I agree now that spider riders are very cool.


Trumanator December 14th, 2008 03:29 AM

Re: Beware of Ashdod
So now you can taunt us with the fact that you know how and we don't. :)

MaxWilson December 14th, 2008 04:21 AM

Re: Beware of Ashdod
Oh, well, it's temporary. I won't know more than you for long. ;) In fact, you'll have to let me know how well it works in practice.


chrispedersen April 17th, 2009 08:46 PM

Re: Beware of Ashdod
Ghost Grip.

Irishmafia2020 April 23rd, 2009 12:38 PM

Re: Beware of Ashdod
I love to play Ashdod in my epic single player games, because of their obvious advantages. I usually play with the "all-nations-mod" so I face the tougher EA/LA opponents as well. The primary drawback to Ashdod is that their units require immense resources to produce. They are similar to Ulm in the sense that they can produce powerful military units, but they require provinces that have a lot of resources to produce a major army. Therefore, if you want to hinder them in MP I would propose that you put the resource multiplier at 50% or 75%. They will be unable to produce many giants, and those that are produced will be part of thug teams rather than an overwhelming force of regular infantry. The resources needed to produce mages are much lower, however, so the obvious workaround would be to turn SC death and fire mages every turn (which Ashdod can do). Keep in mind, even their scouts can be thugged-up with the right equipment (there giants after all), so Ashdod is plenty dangerous even with fewer resources. The Ashdod player just has to make mountainous provinces a priority so that they can produce as many non-capital giants as possible with those resources.

Endoperez April 23rd, 2009 02:35 PM

Re: Beware of Ashdod

Originally Posted by Irishmafia2020 (Post 687513)
Therefore, if you want to hinder them in MP I would propose that you put the resource multiplier at 50% or 75%. They will be unable to produce many giants, and those that are produced will be part of thug teams rather than an overwhelming force of regular infantry.

That still leaves the problem of Ashdod having overwhelming magical force. :p

MaxWilson April 23rd, 2009 02:50 PM

Re: Beware of Ashdod

Originally Posted by Irishmafia2020 (Post 687513)
I love to play Ashdod in my epic single player games, because of their obvious advantages. I usually play with the "all-nations-mod" so I face the tougher EA/LA opponents as well. The primary drawback to Ashdod is that their units require immense resources to produce.

I love to play Ashdod in SP too, except that it's too easy. :( Ashdod can actually do just fine even with limited resources and supply. You just switch from consuming resources (Ahimans) to consuming gold (Zamzummites) or gems (thugged-out Zamzummites or Adonim). I'd actually say that Ashdod's biggest weakness is that their mages are gold-hungry. Unlike, say, LA C'tis, it seems as if Ashdod can easily spend even a large 4000 gp/turn budget just buying new Zamzummites for research, plus a few sacreds at the capital. It's not a large weakness though because those Zamzummite researchers are also incredible battlemages. A human might know how to rain terror right back down on you (e.g. a vampire swarm in his dominion) but the computer won't.


Mightypeon July 2nd, 2011 11:08 PM

Re: Beware of Ashdod

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 656863)
The range of Steller Cascades is 30. Those extra 5 squares are quite helpful. You can't use the attack-attack-cast tactic while the Nahualli are in turkey form, as they will fly right up to a big scary giant. For everyone else it shoudl be fine if you keep them well guarded.

MaxWilson, Gifts From Heaven is another great spell. It's real problem isn't in it's effectiveness. It's problem is in it's accessibility. Earth and Astral is a lot harder to find then just astral. In the middle age you would have to avoid playing 16 of the 23 nations. Out of the 7 remaining nations, one is Ashdod. Further more, only 3 of the 6 other nations can cast the spell using non-capitol only mages. Lastly, only the Starspawns of Ry'leh and the Warlocks of Abysia even have a chance of actually having E3S1, though those chances are slim to say the least. Meaning that everyone else has to either boost with earthpower, start a communion, or wear earth boosters.

Yet, if we are going to bring the spell up, then yes it is quite effective against giants, or anything for that matter. Another spell to keep in mind is Bane Fire, 53+ AP damage.

MA Ulm actually has some chances of getting it too (as Earth Boots are dirt cheap for them), but it relies on luck to get sufficient S1 Master smiths.

PriestyMan July 3rd, 2011 01:07 AM

Re: Beware of Ashdod
thread necro just for kicks?

Mightypeon July 3rd, 2011 06:20 AM

Re: Beware of Ashdod
Sorry for that, assesed the threat from the guide masterlist and didnt check the last posting time.
On the other hand, would opening another "How to counter Ashdod" threat be better than some necromancy?

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