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-   -   MP: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=41398)

Lingchih December 1st, 2008 12:46 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I'm not opposed to the single age mod. In fact, I like it. I've played a few games with it, and it's cool.

That said, I am not an actual player in the game, I just offered to sub where needed.

Soyweiser December 1st, 2008 03:01 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I'm kinda a newbie to MP. But I would like to try it. Is it possible for me to join?

And what does quickturn mean? What is the difference between a normal turn and a quickturn?

(And I'm not opposed to Single age mods).

hunt11 December 1st, 2008 03:36 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Welcome to the forum Soyweiser.

Quickturn means that that game will host as soon as all turns are in.

Gandalf Parker December 1st, 2008 03:41 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Most games tend to set two hosting settings. One amounts to the soonest (such as quick turn) and one for the latest which is often something like 24 hours to give everyone anywhere in the world a chance to make a turn.

Baalz December 1st, 2008 10:09 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Well, I don't suppose I can rightly turn down an honored reserved spot. :)

Irenicus23 December 1st, 2008 10:48 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
This is my first post and want to say hi to the community. I have played the demo for a week and just opened my copy of the complete game today from amazon. The special requirement for writing is a neat idea. Can I join this game or should I get more experience first?

Otherling December 2nd, 2008 01:42 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Having considered it, I think using the all-ages mod is probably better for this type of game. The main argument against it, I think, is that nations from some eras are simply stronger than others, and that the middle era is where things are the most balanced. However, in this particular game, I would hope players are mostly choosing their nations based on having a narrative ready for that nation.

I admit also to some selfish reasons for wanting the SA mod, in that my planned storyline for LA Atlantis goes out the window if we're using the middle age. But I think there are others as well whose preferred nation is from EA or LA, and who will have to change things around if forced to settle for a MA nation.

Gandalf Parker December 2nd, 2008 04:11 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Originally Posted by Irenicus23 (Post 656747)
This is my first post and want to say hi to the community. I have played the demo for a week and just opened my copy of the complete game today from amazon. The special requirement for writing is a neat idea. Can I join this game or should I get more experience first?

Just my own opinion but hopefully this game will be less focused on who can beat the game and more focused on making a story of it. So it might be a great game for beginners to get into if you are a writer, poet, bard, or daydreamer type. :)

But if you want to try multiplayer games fast and small then you can always play some of the small games on my server.

Lokean December 2nd, 2008 04:38 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Yay! Baalz noticed my sycophantic homage! You can go and have a look at the signup thread here and pick a MA nation. In general you can ask for a Mod nation, if you prefer, but not if it's made of weirdness and godmodding.

Wrana December 2nd, 2008 07:23 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Main argument against the Single Age mod (at least mine and what I've seen here) is NOT a disbalance between different ages' nations. It's that there is a history of Dominions world which describes how various nations changed with time which mostly forbids their coexistance. Lokean offered that they can be something like "factions" or "sects" of the same nation, but this strongly disagrees with what is known for almost all nations (possible exceptions being MA/LA Marignon and MA/LA Pythium). At the same time, there ARE factions of the same nations in the game already. These are Lanka/Kailasa, Pythium/Ermor, Helheim/Vanaheim, plus to some degree MA Man/Eriu.
The only way I see to reconciling Single Age with existing history of Dominions nations is to use a "space-time warp" kind of backstory, where colonists from different times passing through some extradimensional gate(s), end up in the same continuum (by the way, this calls for some really exotic maps, too...)

Irenicus23 December 2nd, 2008 10:54 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Thank you for the advice Gandalf and the link to your server.

Soyweiser December 3rd, 2008 01:13 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Originally Posted by Irenicus23 (Post 656975)
Thank you for the advice Gandalf and the link to your server.

Hi Irenicus23. Are you already playing on the blitz server? I'm also contemplating playing a blitz game. I made LA ermor pretender on bl_accost on port 8818.

Gandalf Parker December 5th, 2008 01:58 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I just noticed that the initial post on the other Chronicals thread has been updated to game info.

Hmmm I must have missed some discussion, or wasnt watching the counts as well as I should have.

How did we get on PbEM, and CBM mod?
Thats going to take some getting used to. I will need to figure out how to do the PbEm thing with my setup.

Gandalf Parker December 5th, 2008 03:40 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I think that the non creative writing posts to this game should maybe go here leaving the other thread cleaner for AAR

Well Ive installed the latest CBM on my desktop machine. Now I have to check out what that does to my nation. And generate my god over again which really sucks because it took my a long time to get the titles I liked.

Hmm how can nations be decided if era isnt? I need to know that before I can create my god.

Then I have to install some sort of mail program apparently.

Gandalf Parker December 5th, 2008 03:45 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Hmmm we already have more playrs than the map recommends

NKIcan December 5th, 2008 05:08 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Is there still spots available for this? I too am a MP 'newbie' but I think the idea of a narrative and story for the turns is interesting, and I'd like to join if you'd have me.

Tifone December 5th, 2008 05:13 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
You're in the wrong thread ;)

This one is for the actual game: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=41425

Looks like all the spots are taken and the admin only takes eventual subs. Maybe if Lokean decides to go for a larger map there will be more spots opened. As it is, we're already at close quarters :o

Gandalf Parker December 5th, 2008 05:32 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Yeah too tight for me. My role play will be a quick final destruction by the children of Adam

Tifone December 5th, 2008 05:36 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I'll keep that in mind!!! :tough:

(... but who am I trying to fool?... :cry:)

Gandalf Parker December 5th, 2008 06:10 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I hate having to remake my gods. I spent alot of time getting the titles right. Im going to make my god over and over until I get titles that work for an AAR.

Also keep in mind that you can choose one title. When you name your god you have alot of space and you can name it xxxxx, the xxxx xxxxxx. I plan on naming my Lord of the Wild as Primal, the Natural Disaster which would then be followed by all the titles that the game gives me.

The title trick is usually disclaimed as a worthless tactic but its perfect for this game. :)

Baalz December 5th, 2008 09:46 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Good suggestion Gandalf, considering I already proclaimed my title and haven't made my pretender. ;)

Lokean December 6th, 2008 05:45 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Gandalf, sorry to have sprung things on you. I'm sorry to say that the CBM probably has the most profound effect on Pangaea out of all the nations in the game. MA pangaea can build quite a solid strategy out of Carrion Woods, and the CBM makes the spell a level 0 Enchantment, so you can actually throw it up as soon as you have the gems.

I'll admit I'm starting to think the map may well be too small, but the next scale up lacks any good VP maps that I'm aware of. Any suggestions?

Speaking of titles, I reckon you could probably modify a pretender file and then rehash it if you wanted custom titles, but doing so would be a potential exploit, since it would let you remove the broad hints as to a pretender's magic and paths.

The game has gotten to the point now where there's a total of 29-31 interested parties, so, well... I could actually set two simultaneous games going, which might actually be better. It seems like this could actually get off the ground as an institution if it goes well.

Gandalf Parker December 6th, 2008 02:27 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I always thought of CBM as an MP mod. Some of the changes definately affects my feel for the nation. You might want to add a link for CBM to the game description for new players in the game. Also we might want to mention that they should keep an eye on the first post of that other thread since new players might not be aware that it updates important info.

As to map, Id be fine with a randomly generated one. Like one of these.

Are we going to be MA? That other thread still says TBD. I cant get started on a god until I know.

I guess I can work on the email thing today. I do all my email stuff on the linux server where I have more control and less security worries. My Windows desktop machine that I use to play dominions doesnt even have an email program if I remember right. Hopefully I can find something with command-line options so I can just automate turn uploads to single click.

Hmmm but the return turns will still end up coming to the linx. Heck I might just automate an ftp transfer between desktop and server so I can automate both. Its more involved but the whole how-to builds easily in my mind already.

quantum_mechani December 6th, 2008 02:52 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I'd just like to say I think having two games is an excellent idea. Over bloated games are just no good, and it also allows those in the minority about setting choices to get their way.

Incabulos December 6th, 2008 03:02 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I would love to join in this, as a story teller and roleplayer at heart.
I am very rusty on Dominions though. Started reading the manual again as a refresher, although I am not sure how deeply the various mods impact the information in the manual.

Gandalf Parker December 6th, 2008 03:08 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Since the object is role-play and creative writing over pkill I would rather not see even a weak player taken out too quickly (yeah ok, I might have biased reasons for saying that :) ). They might be our best writers. I think that would affect map choice. Im sure the over-bloated upper cap would be raised for this.

Tifone December 6th, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Lol, Lokean has probably made one of the most overpartecipated games of the last years :D I take the little freedom to kindly suggest him again to rethink the map choice...

quantum_mechani December 6th, 2008 07:45 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Since there does seem to be such a huge well of players, my humble suggestion is suggestion is to peel off 12-15 players interested in a closer packed game and play Desert Eye (or Dawn of Dominions if people would not mind taking EA). Then the remaining players could then comfortably fit in Orania.

Zeldor December 6th, 2008 08:08 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Huh, what? I am pretty sure we have already agreed that we are playing it on llamaserver. Age is set too and same thing about provinces per player for choosing map, so why all that mess, Gandalf?

Gandalf Parker December 6th, 2008 08:58 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I saw the Llamaserver thing. Thats why I said I would need to install a mail program.

As far as age, the thread still says its TBD

Hasnt the provinces per player blown off all of the premade maps that have been suggested?

Lokean December 7th, 2008 06:17 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

I edited the first post of the other thread to reflect decisions and it seems to have simply failed to stick. Yes, Gandalf, it was going to be MA.

However, I'm going to piss everybody off at this point and start trying to reorganise things a little. The interested parties and the signed up players sort of ran away with the idea, meaning I failed to keep on top of organising it.

There are enough interested parties to split the game off into two running in parallel, which will be an Early Age and Middle Age game, both on Orania with identical settings.

So, now, I'm going to go back to the list of preferences and split the current set of players up into MA and EA groups (based on preferred nations). Gandalf, you're a mod, I believe, so could you please lock the other thread for the moment while I go and sort everything out?

calmon December 7th, 2008 07:49 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Hmm, why do you split? It seems we are not enough to fill this game.

And as the host at the end you decide what we play. Don't make it too complicate by listening each single voice. Otherwise we end in a neverending story starting with splitting, followed with first drops because it takes too long to start the game, etc.

Hadrian_II December 7th, 2008 08:33 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I would not split, just start the MA game with everyone who has signed on.

Lokean December 7th, 2008 10:33 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Calmon, what could you possibly be seeing that suggests there's not enough people to fill the game? There are around thirty people that have expressed an interest.

If people would drop out because it takes too long to set up I strongly doubt they'd be happy playing this game, since it will likely take upwards of eight months to get even close to a conclusion and they would have contributed over twenty tales by that point.

Ylvali December 7th, 2008 02:49 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I think you are right about splitting it Lokean. First: It would be overwhelming to read all the texts with too many players. Second: these games will be slow by nature, having too many player would slow them down even more to a degree where it would create frustration. Around 12-15 players per game would be alright IMO, and that seems to be where it´ll land with the current interest.

I wouldn´t worry about a little extra setup time. Joining a roleplaying game such as this requires a lot of dedication anyhow, so if you can´t wait a week or two (or three) for it than maybe it´s not your kind of game.

Gandalf Parker December 7th, 2008 03:23 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
If Orania is going to be the map then yes, please split it.
When you start a game with the Orania map it says right there "suitable for 14-17 players" and "279 provinces. By Dom3 standards that amounts to a medium sized map with that many players. To play with twice that many would be less than even a small-map game (if its even possible with how many starting positions the map has)

Tifone December 7th, 2008 03:33 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I'm gonna read all the flavoured texts anyway. *Frak* the exam!! :D

Ruminant December 7th, 2008 04:36 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Indubitably, I totally support ya choosing to run two seperate games. It's a massive help for those who have invested creepy amounts of thought in individual nations (*prays he is le person to take EA Agartha*). Plus it could be kinda interesting to look at two roleplaying games at once and see how they turn out.

Lokean December 8th, 2008 02:47 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Originally Posted by Ruminant (Post 658069)
(*prays he is le person to take EA Agartha*)

He is...

I've still got a few people to hear back from, and I might stick it back up as looking for players, since the odds are usually good that if somebody doesn't get back to you they've forgotten or changed their mind, but this is the breakdown so far:

HTML Code:

EA: 11 players       

Arco                quantum_mechani
Mictlan                Qio
Abysia                tifone
Caelum                solmyr
C'tis                NKIan
Pangaea                GP
Agartha                Ruminant
Fomoria                Calmon
Hinnom                zeldor
R'lyeh                Incabulos
Lanka                Wrana

MA: 12 players

Arco                irenicus23
Ulm                Baalz
Marignon        vanslime
T'ien Ch'i        KO
Machaka                otherling
Caelum                Sansanjuan
Vanaheim        evilhomer
Atlantis        hunt11
R'lyeh                DonCorazon       
Skaven                Hadrian
Hoburg alliance        Ylavli
Tomb Kings        Executor

There's a few I've not heard back from, plus me, so we should be looking at a minimum of 14 players an era, hopefully.

solmyr December 8th, 2008 03:33 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Originally Posted by Lokean (Post 658174)

Originally Posted by Ruminant (Post 658069)
(*prays he is le person to take EA Agartha*)

He is...

I've still got a few people to hear back from, and I might stick it back up as looking for players, since the odds are usually good that if somebody doesn't get back to you they've forgotten or changed their mind, but this is the breakdown so far:

HTML Code:

EA: 11 players       

Arco                quantum_mechani
Mictlan                Qio
Abysia                tifone
Caelum                solmyr
C'tis                NKIan
Pangaea                GP
Agartha                Ruminant
Fomoria                Calmon
Hinnom                zeldor
R'lyeh                Incabulos
Lanka                Wrana

MA: 12 players

Arco                irenicus23
Ulm                Baalz
Marignon        vanslime
T'ien Ch'i        KO
Machaka                otherling
Caelum                Sansanjuan
Vanaheim        evilhomer
Atlantis        hunt11
R'lyeh                DonCorazon       
Skaven                Hadrian
Hoburg alliance        Ylavli
Tomb Kings        Executor

There's a few I've not heard back from, plus me, so we should be looking at a minimum of 14 players an era, hopefully.

Well, as I've already prepared my story for MA jotun (see the prologue in another post). I may not wish to participate the EA game anymore.

Lokean December 8th, 2008 03:36 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Oh, I thought that was your preference. No problem, I'll switch you over.

calmon December 8th, 2008 05:08 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Hi Lokean,

please move me to MA ermor like in the Chronicles MP Thread.


Tifone December 8th, 2008 05:40 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Aaaah! Aaah! Wait! Didn't you see the other thread?? :D I've already written a one-page-long introduction to MA Abysia :cry:

Wrana December 8th, 2008 07:59 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
And I have already posted as MA Shinuyama... Or may I participate in both? ;)

Lokean December 8th, 2008 08:12 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I've moved the people that asked to be moved. Wrana, if you think you can commit to both games then I'm fine with you playing in both, if you think you can commit...

QM may be dropping out, which would drop the EA down to 8. There's appropriate maps out there for that sort of number, and it will be interesting to see which scale seems to work better, so failing any last minute changes I'm going to set the MA game in motion.

Soyweiser December 8th, 2008 09:57 AM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
I thought that the game was already started as a ME game, as it was already rather full. So I wasn't really following this thread any more. So if there is an opening in the EA game, I would like to join. I'm still a total newbie at dominion MP games. But this sounds very interesting.

I don't know if tifone still wants to play EA Abysia. But if he doesn't want to play EA Abysia I would like to have a got at it. Or else I would like to try EA Ermor.

Tifone December 8th, 2008 01:49 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
No mr Soy, I'd like to be MA Abysia, having already posted a long first chapter of the MA game story. :)

If Lokean needs some players to the EA I can apply to that too but not with Abysia, too much fire burns :mean:

Gandalf Parker December 8th, 2008 03:51 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Bahhh! Everyone would just rather play with KO than against QM :smirk:

Soyweiser December 8th, 2008 04:18 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 658258)
No mr Soy, I'd like to be MA Abysia, having already posted a long first chapter of the MA game story. :)

If Lokean needs some players to the EA I can apply to that too but not with Abysia, too much fire burns :mean:

I meant that I would like to play abysia in EA. I didn't want to take your place in the MA game. I based my information on the list of nations and ages on the previous page.

Tifone December 8th, 2008 06:44 PM

Re: Chronicles - Inspired by Baalz, engineered by Lokean - Pre-game discussion
Yay, I got it! ;) That's why I said EA Abysia is free, I didn't apply to that

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