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Juffos February 8th, 2009 12:02 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Alright, Kailasa killed my wyrm with some bless troops, and is blocking my expansion because my amphibian troops will never be able to fight against them. I am stuck in the corner with three deep sea provinces.

I am going to put myself to AI, neither players nor subs deserve a position like this. It would be a really boring game for me.

AreaOfEffect February 8th, 2009 04:10 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
My sympathies Juffos.

hEad February 8th, 2009 06:50 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Originally Posted by Juffos (Post 673117)
Alright, Kailasa killed my wyrm with some bless troops, and is blocking my expansion because my amphibian troops will never be able to fight against them. I am stuck in the corner with three deep sea provinces.

I am going to put myself to AI, neither players nor subs deserve a position like this. It would be a really boring game for me.

Why don't you take over T'ien Ch'i?

Tyrant February 8th, 2009 10:43 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
And if not, let's AI TC ASAP and get rolling.

hEad February 9th, 2009 01:15 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Originally Posted by Tyrant (Post 673263)
And if not, let's AI TC ASAP and get rolling.

+1 ...

K February 9th, 2009 01:36 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I'm AIing TC (...if I can. The admin option doesn't actually exist).

Shame to see you go Jeffos. Better luck next game.

hEad February 9th, 2009 02:50 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
K, check your PM.

Fickle February 9th, 2009 10:18 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Kailasa has signed a NAP3 with Ulm, effective turn 6.

One a side note this is shaping up to be an interesting game. Four turns in and I've already had my capitol seized and killed a pretender.

GrudgeBringer February 9th, 2009 11:45 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
BigandScary (Mictlan) Check your PM's:up:

GrudgeBringer February 10th, 2009 03:21 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Mictlan and Arco have reached an agreement for a NAP3 starting on turn 6. We agree that Turn 1 will be the turn AFTER the Nap is broken.

Peace has broken out on the Western Front!!!:D

rdonj February 10th, 2009 05:01 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Hello darkheavensians. I'm taking over control of Tir na N'og temporarily while licker is away. If you need anything in the meantime feel free to pm me. I generally have a good response time.

GrudgeBringer February 11th, 2009 09:38 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Licker ahhhh, errrr, promised me (yeah thats it) all gems he receives until he returns....really.

Thank you for the quick response time on this sir (Oh Yeah...he said to not say anything about it to him when he returns as it would just bum him out).

rdonj February 11th, 2009 10:55 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Oh he did?! What a terrible oversight not spelling that out to me in his pms about the game. I will correct this matter at once! I'll just have to bring his tartarian back to the captial first, it has most of the gems.

Actually I've been playing pretty slowly for me, I wanted to be very careful with his turns and there was a bit of an unfortunate diplomatic scuffle on the exact turn he left ;)

BigandScary February 13th, 2009 03:14 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I would like to formally announce a NAP3 between Mictlan and Sauromatia.

That is all

GrudgeBringer February 13th, 2009 11:28 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Tir A Nog amd Arco announce a NAP3 on turn 8

GrudgeBringer February 13th, 2009 11:29 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Helheim and Arco announce a NAP3 on turn 9

licker February 14th, 2009 01:56 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Well good to see my 'friends' trying to take advantage of me ;)

Don't worry though, my memory is as long as this game is short :p

rdonj February 15th, 2009 02:37 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Licker is back by the way, and I'm still receiving game email. It looks like I'm going to have to play another turn to make sure he doesn't stale. Can licker please be set as the recipient of emails for this game? :)

K February 15th, 2009 06:11 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

BigDisAwesome February 16th, 2009 01:19 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Mictlan and Ulm now have a 3 turn NAP in effect.

hEad February 17th, 2009 02:30 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Marverni is spent - I bid you farewall. Thanks for the game!

Revolution February 17th, 2009 10:07 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Atlantis and Mictlan have entered into a NAP3

Amonchakad February 17th, 2009 01:55 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Fickle - check your PMs, please :D

Revolution February 17th, 2009 05:18 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Atlantis and Ulm have entered into a NAP3

AreaOfEffect February 17th, 2009 05:33 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Ermor has agreed to a 3 round NAP offered by Kailasa.

Ermor has agreed to a 3 round NAP offered by Niefelheim.

licker February 17th, 2009 07:38 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
If everyone is napping is anyone actually awake?????

AreaOfEffect February 17th, 2009 09:22 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
As in an awake pretender? Yeah, about four of us had an awake pretender. I'm sure more out there now that the first year is up.

GrudgeBringer February 17th, 2009 09:41 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Arco and Sauro agree to a Nap10 on turn 13

K February 18th, 2009 07:42 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Originally Posted by hEad (Post 674875)
Marverni is spent - I bid you farewall. Thanks for the game!

Thanks for playing!

Alpine Joe February 19th, 2009 12:04 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Niefelheim is looking to trade for earthy gems. I will trade water, fire, or death gems or a combination thereof for earth gems at a 1:1 or close ratio.

BigDisAwesome February 21st, 2009 02:21 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Ulm has NAP's with the following

3 turn with Sauromatia
5 turn with Fomoria
3 turn with Atlantis

I got real sick through the week and never got around to posting these from the last week of PMs. Also once I get things going I'll open up the forge shop. Stay tuned for more details.

licker February 21st, 2009 05:38 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I am pleased to announce that Tir na n'og has only one Nap and is actually attacking someone else (sorry Ossa, didn't want it to be you like in our last game, but meh, my position is so crapped up I had to do something).

Sheesh, from the looks of things this is some kind of builders game...


AreaOfEffect February 21st, 2009 07:10 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I would say the number of NAPs is standard. Most people average about 5 neighbors. Most people like security and will ask for an average of 3 NAPs. With 14 players in this game that would put us at about 21 NAPs. That doesn't sound like a lot, but it looks like a lot when each one is received one at a time via message board posts.

Ossa February 21st, 2009 07:35 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Let it be known that Tir broke his NAP with Helheim. Once our armies return from TienChi we shall deal with his incursion.

licker February 21st, 2009 11:15 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
There was no NAP between Helheim and Tir as far as I can tell.

The message my sub sent me was...

"He's [Helheim] told me to not treat it as though there's an nap between us, so I'm pretty sure it's out"

I certainly never had any direct discussions with you, and while I did tell rdonj to accept a nap if you offered one, from his message on the subject it appeared to me that there was indeed no nap.

In any case, what's done is done, if I broke a deal then I broke it unknowingly. I should have asked for clarification in all likelyhood, but from my discussions during my absence the plan was to push north all along.

Tyrant February 22nd, 2009 01:48 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Fomoria and Sauromatia have a three turn NAP.

rdonj February 22nd, 2009 01:52 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
For clarification. Later on after the cause had been abandoned I received a message from helheim which implied that he had spoken to licker and that there was an nap. Since this clearly did not happen, there was no nap to be broken as I never implicitly agreed to one.

Ossa February 23rd, 2009 04:36 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I'm sorry, but that is simply not true.

I've lost track of whom I was speaking to in the game, but there was clearly a discussion... ok. Your point.

There was never a verbal acceptance of a NAP from you, though we had 3 pm's about it.

Sorry for shouting before thinking - you're right.

licker February 23rd, 2009 01:51 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
That's ok, ossa, I know there had been some discussion of it, and honestly I wasn't 100% sure, which is why I should have double checked with you once I was back.

I guess my mind was just stuck in how to extract myself from the crappy position I found myself in and I didn't think to do the right thing as ask for clarification. Though I was ultimately 'right' I still feel 'wrong' about my choice, but as I say, I had no 'right' choice in any case.

Revolution February 23rd, 2009 05:36 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Atlantis is looking for astral pearls. I will trade earth gems or water gems for them.

AreaOfEffect February 23rd, 2009 10:05 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
3 round NAP between Ulm and Ermor.

GrudgeBringer February 24th, 2009 12:08 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I am moving on Weds (2/25/09) and my comp will be down for 1 day.

Could I ask for a 24 hour delay afer the next turn...as long as its on quickhost I may be up and running before the delay eeven happens...

K February 24th, 2009 05:10 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I'm currently being double-teamed by Sauromatia and Fomoria directly on the heels of my successful war with Marverni. That means I'll be out soon.

Who wants to take over as admin.?

K February 26th, 2009 06:08 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Ok, Torin is the new admin, and he has the password.

Good luck everyone!

hEad February 26th, 2009 07:27 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)

Originally Posted by K (Post 676507)
I'm currently being double-teamed by Sauromatia and Fomoria directly on the heels of my successful war with Marverni. That means I'll be out soon.

Who wants to take over as admin.?

Thats a damned shame K - should have taken me up on my offer! ;)

Go Sauromatia and Fomoria!

AreaOfEffect March 10th, 2009 05:29 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Ermor is willing to trade away several of their fire gems. PM me for offers.

Revolution March 12th, 2009 04:02 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Atlantis is looking to acquire an eye shield, an amulet of resilience(or boots of the messenger), and a bunch of astral pearls...or any of the above. I have nature, death, water and earth gems to trade for the above as well as any number of items that might suit your fancy.

Revolution March 14th, 2009 03:25 AM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Still looking for the above...I have dwarven hammers, everyone loves dwarven hammers! Water gems aplenty!

AreaOfEffect March 14th, 2009 10:59 AM

Still giving away fire gems for anything else.

GrudgeBringer March 17th, 2009 09:22 PM

Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Is Abysia still a viable player?

I sent him a PM letting him know to check the forums but did not send an e-mail.

He has 6 provinces so I just wondered if he was coming back?

We are waiting on him to get started agian and honestly I am not sure if we have any MIAs or not.

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