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ano May 12th, 2009 05:06 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
No problem, of course. I'll try to monitor the state of your turn and, if you don't submit it in time, will add up to 3 days one by one. Is it ok?
Hope everything goes ok with your eyes. I do understand your problems because I share them.

Dragar May 12th, 2009 06:23 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Thanks, that would be perfect. And cheers for the good wishes, it should be fine but of course it's a bit nerve wracking

Tyrant May 17th, 2009 02:30 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Pythium is willing to trade our Air and Water gems for your Death and Nature gems. PM offers.

Jarkko May 20th, 2009 06:24 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I'll be traveling from June 3rd to June 17th. I *should* have access to the internet June 7th to June 12th. Thus I will not be able to send in turns between June 3rd - June 6th and June 13th - June 16th (will be home late on the eveing of 17th).

I would like to ask wether I should try to find a sub for those two periods, or can the game be slowed down during those two periods?



ano May 20th, 2009 06:36 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I think there's no problem in such pause (it will be definitely less than 3 days) at this stage of the game. If anybody thinks otherwise, please reply.

Jarkko May 21st, 2009 12:56 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running

Originally Posted by ano (Post 691935)
I think there's no problem in such pause (it will be definitely less than 3 days) at this stage of the game.

Thanks :) :up:

ano May 22nd, 2009 12:10 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I postponed hosting by 38h as it was requested by Natpy who unexpectedly had to leave for a weekend.

ano May 28th, 2009 04:05 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Guys, I'm a bit busy now and my current turn needs to be thought of well. I hope that nobody will be against a 36h delay (I'm sure I'll make it sooner) so that I could think of everything.
Also, Tyrant still didn't submit his turn and, taking into account his stale, we surely don't want him to do that again. Hope, he is ok.

ano May 29th, 2009 05:56 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Did anybody hear from Tyrant? It will be no good if he stales again.

Tyrant May 29th, 2009 05:58 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
?? I did not stale.

ano May 29th, 2009 06:08 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Oops, I am sorry, I was sure you did. Probably you sent you turn in a last minute:)

Jarkko June 2nd, 2009 02:28 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
We seem to be on a 72 hour schedule now, so me going on the trip to Germany won't hamper my participiation in this game :) I've sent in the next turn for Ermor now (due to be hosted on Friday morning) and I should have a connection to the net before the next one is due. Thus nothing special will be required from me :)

However, if somebody is trying to contact me with diplomacy, notice that I won't be online until Saturday afternoon (llamaserver time) :)

ano June 2nd, 2009 03:17 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
No problem.
Yes, I switched to 72h because summer is starting and probably people (including me) need a bit more free time than usually. Also, it's quite reasonable for this game stage, in my opinion.

ano June 13th, 2009 12:32 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
C'tis is willing to buy nature gems for gems of any other type. PM me if you're interested.

ano June 19th, 2009 11:14 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Postponing by 16h as requested by Natpy who will come back to the city tomorrow evening.

ano June 19th, 2009 03:51 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Ulm will be temporarily controlled by danbo while Ilkazar is on vacation

Jarkko June 24th, 2009 06:39 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Emor has lost so far some 5000+ troops assaulting this Atlantis fort, and Atlantis has lost about 5 of the defenders. I tried to be clever and did summon sharks, but they ate my troll instead of the fishmen...

I really need to figure out (pretty soon too ;) ) how to play with Ashen Empire. Or alternatively I'll keep on sending 1000 undeads every turn (if they can kill off one from Atlantis each turn, then it is not such a bad trade) :P

ano June 26th, 2009 11:08 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Game will be again paused by 24h because of the troubles in the lands of Marignon (or their ruler's).

ano July 4th, 2009 08:08 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Ulm has asked for a delay until Sunday morning and it has been provided

ano July 14th, 2009 05:41 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Hello everyone.
I postponed hosting by 24h because I need to make some corrections in my turn. After I resend my turn I will force hosting because Atlantis is obviously not in the game anymore and staled many times in a row.

Dragar July 14th, 2009 06:39 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
should we get him put AI then?

ano July 14th, 2009 06:42 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I think there's no sense in this now. He has one besieged castle with a few mages in it.

Dragar July 14th, 2009 11:32 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
fair enough

ano July 14th, 2009 11:36 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
He should have been switched to AI earlier, most probably. But it wouldn't decide anything for anybody.

Jarkko July 17th, 2009 06:56 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Any chance of delaying the hosting by 9 or 10 hours?

Helluva day today, I'll be home very late today and will have at most about one hour to complete the turn. And doing the Ermor turns takes close to two hours for me, and I'd prefer to actually have a somewhat rested brain before tackling the task....

ano July 17th, 2009 07:17 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
no problem at all. Will delay by 12h

ano July 18th, 2009 08:18 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Jarkko, do you really think that heavy mindhunting during a NAP is a sign of good manner? Believe me, I also have a plenty of nice remote spells to show you but I don't do it. Probably, everyone should be treated in the way he treats others.

Jarkko July 18th, 2009 09:34 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running

Originally Posted by ano (Post 701971)
Jarkko, do you really think that heavy mindhunting during a NAP is a sign of good manner? Believe me, I also have a plenty of nice remote spells to show you but I don't do it. Probably, everyone should be treated in the way he treats others.

Eumph... huh? :confused:

I don't have anybody (except my pretender) able to even in theory cast Mindhunt, and my pretender for sure did something else last turn... I think you are now seriously mistaken.

I am quite willing to let a neutral part to check my turn to confirm this.

ano July 18th, 2009 09:42 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I am sorry then. Perhaps I am mistaken indeed.
Probably it is Utgard. I just wonder why would he need it...

ano July 19th, 2009 06:19 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Kanoza, the lord of Caelum, asked to tell everyone who might want to contact him that he is on vacation and has poor internet connection. If anyone wants to contact him, write him inside the game and he will check the forum then.

ano July 23rd, 2009 07:05 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I need something like 18h pause in order to complete my turn. Hope noone objects because only two turns are in atm.

ano July 27th, 2009 06:36 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I am sorry but I need another 19h delay. Very complicated turn which I nearly finished but I can't send it unchecked.

ano July 28th, 2009 03:46 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
We've got a substitution in our ranks. Pelthin will become a king of Marignon starting from the next turn.

ano July 28th, 2009 04:33 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
15 hours added for Pelthin to get acquainted with his nation and make his turn

Dragar July 29th, 2009 08:37 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
The long long war between Utgard and Ermor is finally over, as the last resistance from Ermor finally crumbles.

Well played AoE, I felt I had a much stronger position at the start and it took a long, long time to slowly win through, with some of the 3rd party mulligans going my way. You kept resistance up to the very end, even after the decisive battle it was painful.

Also, thanks to our neighbours for letting us fight it out all the way 1 on 1, it's rare that happens and it is so enjoyable.

Jarkko July 29th, 2009 03:52 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running

Originally Posted by Dragar (Post 703540)
The long long war between Utgard and Ermor is finally over, as the last resistance from Ermor finally crumbles.

Well played AoE, I felt I had a much stronger position at the start and it took a long, long time to slowly win through, with some of the 3rd party mulligans going my way. You kept resistance up to the very end, even after the decisive battle it was painful.

Also, thanks to our neighbours for letting us fight it out all the way 1 on 1, it's rare that happens and it is so enjoyable.

You are welcome. It has been a very secret war in fact, so secret I as Ermor haven't even noticed it. Then again, Ermor has more than hands full with C'tis and Caelum, so minor conflicts easily slip my notice.

Unless of course "Ermor" was a typo, and you actually meant somebody else? ;)

-Jarkko the Wraith

ano July 29th, 2009 03:57 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I think it was just another game because Dragar is referencing AoE. But it sounds nice:)

Dragar July 29th, 2009 07:05 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Gah!! Me idiot!!! Meant for milkshake. Carry on

ano July 30th, 2009 04:43 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I postponed the game again. I think it will be the last one. I have extremely little time now and so have decided to abandon the other two games I'm in. So I hope it'll be easier for me to play here.

Jarkko July 31st, 2009 05:14 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running

Originally Posted by ano (Post 703751)
I have extremely little time now and so have decided to abandon the other two games I'm in. So I hope it'll be easier for me to play here.

Oh *bleep*. I think you should *not* abandon any game and just do half assed turns in all your games. Would be *much* better for us all, and especially Ermor in this game ;):p

ano August 10th, 2009 03:10 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I think I will postpone hosting by 48h now because Tyrant mysteriously disappeared and at this stage it is very painful to stale twice in a row for anyone.
I hope he returns soon and once he submits his turn quickhost will trigger.

Opinions are welcome.

ano August 12th, 2009 04:43 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I'm adding 24h to the current turn because of my own time restrictions. Am not sure I will need it but it seems so.

ano August 14th, 2009 08:09 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Time added again because Pythium's turn still isn't in. From now on I will add some time each time I see that someone is going to stale

ano August 18th, 2009 01:22 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Next turn will be postponed by 24h by requests of both karnoza(Caelum) and Ilkazar(Ulm)

Jarkko August 23rd, 2009 03:34 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
This turn is the last I will take, I'll go AI after that. My capital will fall this turn, and I have absolutely zero chances vs the Tartarian legions and elemental royalty C'tis is fielding... It looks to me certain C'tis will win this game.

Kudos to Caelum too. I'm pretty sure we would have had interesting fights if we'd been fighting one on one, I for sure felt like I was doing a suicide when I attacked you :D Then of course C'tis joined the fray, and I was doomed for sure :p

It has been an interesting experience playing LA Ermor. Quite comparable to when my blind gut got infected (my life would be different without that experience, as I learned the true meaning of pain, learned a lot of being a patient in a hospital for extended periods, plus I have some nice scars on my stomach to show to my kids), ie something I do not wish to have ever again :D

Thanks for Ano for the excellent GMing!

ano August 23rd, 2009 03:52 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Yes, probably, there's no sense for you in continuing just because everything is decided.
Ermor is always considered a super-threat and it is really so. That's why mutual defense agreements have been signed long, long ago. But, frankly speaking, I didn't want this war and definitely didn't expect you fall so fast. You didn't even try an expected undead mastery or bone grinding on my chariots:).

Thanks for your good words. It is always very pleasant when people notice your efforts. I rarely organize games but when I do, I'll definitely send you an invitation:).

Jarkko August 24th, 2009 12:22 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running

Originally Posted by ano (Post 706811)
You didn't even try an expected undead mastery or bone grinding on my chariots:).

I have had Bone Grinding scripted for my pretender in every fight. He's chosen not to cast it though. I attempted to assault with mages scripted with BoneGrindx4 on three occasions, each time they were killed by some Earth Elementals appearing from the sky ;) Undead Mastery I sadly do not have researched, didn't feel like Thaumaturgy was a priority until it was way too late...

ano August 25th, 2009 09:48 AM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Guys, I've got unexpected news that there will be no electricity at my home till tomorrow so I have to postpone hosting by 24h. Sorry for that unexpected thing.

ano August 26th, 2009 06:18 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
I think everybody received a stale turn...
This is a first time I run into such a situation. Anybody experienced this before? I think that rolling back and redoing turns will be ok. By "redoing" I mean opening last turn .2h and changing at least something slightly. AFAIK, this should help.
Other opinions? I am, of course, ok with everybody just having a stale but that will mean that about 4h I spent on my turn were wasted and, frankly speaking, I don't like that.

Jarkko August 26th, 2009 11:46 PM

Re: Heracles - LA game, Running
Yeah, my devious plan of going AI failed...

I don't mind a roll-back, I'm ready to change something in the orders.

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