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Calahan May 19th, 2009 06:07 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 691836)
Hmm... "funny" starting locations. They were set for every nation or it was random what you get from available starting spots?

I'm hoping it's the latter, as if it's the former, then that means WingedDog doesn't like me very much :(

Zeldor May 19th, 2009 06:17 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
I don't think you can beat what I got :)

Calahan May 19th, 2009 06:26 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 691844)
I don't think you can beat what I got :)

Don't know about that :D Think I'd have a go at raising you five bucks. Reckon I got the poker equivalent of about 9 high.

PsiSoldier May 19th, 2009 06:56 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
Well the last pretender certainly wasnt me because ****ing Wingeddog went and replaced me after I had sent him PM's saying I had school on monday and a test to study for and would not be able to work on my pretender until at least monday night. Now today I go and design my pretender get ready to send it in and see that ?!?WTF?!? the game has already started????

Here's an abrievated clip of my correspondence with him...


Originally Posted by WingedDog

Originally Posted by PsiSoldier
I'll need a few days then.

It's ok, since the game isn't starting till Monday evening for sure.

PsiSoldier May 19th, 2009 06:58 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
I'll note that due to the Secretive nature of the game I was not able to state that I'd be late sending a pretender in since it could have given away my chosen nation if I had done so, so all communication was strictly through Wingeddog who ****ed me.

Zeldor May 19th, 2009 07:01 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
Maybe someone just submitted a pretender? Some noobs do that, that's why games should not be on autostart.

And I have no idea what was the last nation to join. I won't cry if we restart.

Dragar May 19th, 2009 07:05 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
yeah i don't think wingeddog subbed you, we should restart

PsiSoldier May 19th, 2009 07:10 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
He told me he subbed me... When I went to send my pretender in and saw the game had started I Pm'd him asking if I hadnt told him I'd be a bit late sending my pretender in.. He replied that I had not and then I looked back through my old messages and saw that I had indeed told him that, which is what I pasted into the thread here..

PsiSoldier May 19th, 2009 07:15 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
I dont know if my nation was the last one to be subbmitted or not. I dont know when he subbed me or if anyone even paid attention to know what the last nation that was submitted actually was IF my nation was the last one submitted.... if both of those are true then if you were to restart someone may know which nation I am playing defeating any of the secretive part.. Otherwise My pretender is designed and ready to be sent in... But its not my decision...

Shuma May 19th, 2009 09:36 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
I would also like to throw in a vote for a restart. I REALLY screwed up my pretender design (as in, he has no magic paths). I must have selected a different chassis and forgot to redistribute points. I will continue this game if people don't want to restart, but hoo-boy, I'm in a hell of a tough spot now.

WingedDog May 20th, 2009 12:15 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
1 Attachment(s)
Watch your tongue.

Originally Posted by PsiSoldier (Post 691848)
Here's an abrievated clip of my correspondence with him...


Originally Posted by WingedDog

Originally Posted by PsiSoldier
I'll need a few days then.

It's ok, since the game isn't starting till Monday evening for sure.

1) That was very informative, but sorry, my mind-reader is out of battaries. I thought you need a few days to create a pretender, you never mentioned anything about school and time you'll be availible.
2) Yes, I wrote the game wouldn't start till Monday evening. Turn your logic on: this phrase only means the game may start on Monday evening, and you should appear at that time at least to check the news.
3) Check the time and date.
Attachment 8214
Few days mean 2-3, and you were absent for almost 4 without giving me any information and possibility to contact you. If you want to play - show your interest, I'm not a babysitter.

Perhabs CBM was turned off when you were designing your pretender?

Zeldor Calahan
I know what you mean, there were just no way to design starting locations on this map without 3 'lucky ones'.

TheDemon May 20th, 2009 02:05 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
So with the restart, do we have to or do we not have to re-send in pretenders?

WingedDog May 20th, 2009 02:14 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
I have send the PM to everybody, yes you should resend the pretenders. The game has a new name.

PsiSoldier May 20th, 2009 05:10 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders

Originally Posted by WingedDog

Few days mean 2-3, and you were absent for almost 4 without giving me any information and possibility to contact you. If you want to play - show your interest, I'm not a babysitter.

ALMOST 4 would be 3 genius. As in A FEW days...

And possibility to contact me??? Wtf does that mean? was I there stopping you from sending a PM saying you might try to find a sub or some ****?? I dont think so.


You didnt even ****ing ask for input on if you should find a sub or not in the game thread you just went and did it on your own accord.

Agema May 20th, 2009 06:56 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
Cool down please. There's been no ill-will, just communication mistakes.

PsiSoldier May 20th, 2009 03:31 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
Well, regardless of the game restarting or not it looks like its screwed for me anyways. The bottom line is it looks like Wingeddog simply forgot that I had told him I wouldnt have a chance to work on my pretender until Monday night at the earliest and then instead of simply saying, "Oh shoot, sorry man I completely forgot that you had told me that, I just went ahead and found a sub so we could get the game moving. I appologize" he starts lying to try and cover his tracks. I already knew when I pm'd him asking if I hadnt told him that I had a bunch of stuff to do for school and I wasnt familiar with the nation he assigned me so I'd need a few days before I could look it over and design my pretender, that I had indeed told him that. I just wanted to see if he had forgotten and it jogged his memory. Instead I get "Oh no you didnt say anything about that" at which point I dig up one of his replies to my message. If he had just told the truth from the begining It would have all been cool but he didnt (Or he has a REALLY bad memory) Wingeddog is doing something cool to help out Executor and that is really admirable and regretful that this whole thing happened, not just because it wasted my time but because Wingeddog didnt deserve it himself, accidents happen and its understandable. It was just how he handled the situation afterwords that I did not agree with at all.

On a side note with all this in hindsight I would suggest if anyone needs a delay or anything of that nature and cannot post in the game thread without giving away specifics of your nation I would forward a copy of any correspondence to wingeddog to someone else who is not in the game so you have an additional witness, or have someone else post in the game thread in your place (or simply create a new forum account with a random name). That way it cuts this crap out altogether.

Agema May 21st, 2009 05:17 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
Incidentally, I'm away between about Friday 20.00GMT up to Sunday 20.00GMT with likely no computer access. It would be really handy for me and I suspect minimally disruptive if the time limit for the first turn was set 00.00GMT Monday. If you're really keen to get going, I'll find a sub for the turn or so I couldn't get in.

Dragar May 22nd, 2009 01:34 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
aren't graphs meant to be on this game?

WingedDog May 22nd, 2009 03:33 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
Graphs never appear on turn 1. What did you want to see? :) Afraid you're too low on reserch or provinces comparing to others? :)

WingedDog May 22nd, 2009 03:44 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders
to all
Please in the future send delay request in PM, so the ather players couldn't figure your nation out as the last one 'waiting for 2h file'. Agema's reqest will be satisfied. More likely with a sub. You'll be informed.

PsiSoldier May 23rd, 2009 12:31 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Send Pretenders

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 692251)
to all
Please in the future send delay request in PM, so the ather players couldn't figure your nation out as the last one 'waiting for 2h file'. Agema's reqest will be satisfied. More likely with a sub. You'll be informed.

Better yet, create a new forum account with a new name and do it in the thread + PM so you cover your bases.

WingedDog May 26th, 2009 01:31 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
I'll be away for the period of time: evening May 29 - morning June 1, GMT +4. If you have any requests please tell me before I leave.

WingedDog May 28th, 2009 01:47 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
I know Ermor had staled twice and Machaka once. I had PMed to both players and had placed a sub announcement for Ermor. I'll keep you informed if I get any results or news from players.

Trumanator May 29th, 2009 12:12 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
I'm really sorry for staling the last couple turns. My internet cut out somehow and I just got it fixed. Do you want me to continue or stick with whoever you got as a sub, I'm fine either way.

WingedDog May 29th, 2009 02:57 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!

In case of breaking communication, and violating the no diplomacy rule, you will be either turned AI or there will be found a permanent sub. There will be no excuses.
You may not reveal your identity or "your Empires affair" at any time. Once you are eliminated you may post which nation you played if you want, but not who killed you.
And what choice do I have now? You'll be subed.

2 all
No news from Machaka player so far. I haven't found a sub for Ermor yet, but if nobody answers my call I think I'd ask my friend to sub it, at least temporary to bring Ermor into to a good shape and them trade it to someone.

P.S. I'm getting an impression lately there's a sticky on this board:

Rules for joining the game:
1) Read carefully the inhouse rules and then just ignore them.
2) If you have 10 games running feel free to join the another one, you surely have enough time for all of them, nothing's gonna happen in your life.
3) Never think your start game strategy through - becouse if you have a bad start, or just not in the right mood to play you can simply stale until you're expelled from the game, it would bring great balance and would make other 15 people happier.
4) If you decide to abandon the game - never set yourself to AI, what good are administrators for anyway? Never take away the joy of looking for a third party to put you AI.

WingedDog May 29th, 2009 04:09 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Don't worry for Machaka, the player said it was an accident. Still looking for sub for Ermor.

WingedDog May 29th, 2009 08:32 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
A friend of mine has agreed to run Ermor, at least temporary. The best I could do so far.

Baalz May 29th, 2009 10:28 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Yeah, seems like there have been a terrible rash of people staling lately. In my legends game I begged, pleaded, threatened with just one request - at the very least set yourself AI. Explained signing up was making a commitment to all the other players investing their time. I think 5 players have just walked away....:(

Zeldor May 29th, 2009 10:30 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Some games just tend to go that way. In HumanWar at some point 75% of the map was controlled by AIs. As it became rather boring we ended the game with a draw.

Sambo May 29th, 2009 01:49 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Too bad people are dropping out, but I'm still having a blast in my first multiplayer game. A couple of quick questions:

1) How many games is reasonable to play at the same time? This one is early yet, but so far it's taken only a few minutes once per day. I'm in "Mists of Time" which is starting soon, and am thinking of joining another...

2) If I find magic sites and someone takes over the province, do they get the sites or have to search for them all over again?

Anyway, back to slaughtering enemy 2D sprites. Mwa hahaha!

Zeldor May 29th, 2009 01:51 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!

I'd say 3. Maybe 4 if you can get only 1-2 in late game and others in early. In late game it is not hard to spend 10h on one turn.

2) They get them. What is found is found.

Baalz May 29th, 2009 03:48 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
I'm what I'd consider a pretty heavy dominions player, and I aim to have about 5 games going at once, but that's because I stagger them to never have more than 2 in the mid-late game. I figure 3 early games I'll be eliminated in one before late game...:)

Sambo May 29th, 2009 04:19 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Thanks for the advice... Based on what you're both saying I'll probably add a third game. :D

Executor May 29th, 2009 09:43 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Depends on the hosting interval, and the map, I'm in six games but they have long hosting intervals, well the ones worth playing and not ganged upon.
However this one largest game I'm in takes time as all the other five games to do!!! I sworn never to join another big game, and than Baalz created Fearun, damn you Baalz!

TheDemon May 29th, 2009 10:20 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
It really depends on the game. Some games have really quick turns and when you don't have to do diplomacy that really helps speed things along. And team games with two teams are the same way as well, with a little more attention involved, as are games in their beginning phases. But a game like Prepo that just ended, where I subbed into managing two nations fighting a losing war I didn't start and had hour-long discussions with at least one (often several) other players every turn, plus micromanaging a map-wide scout network and juggling two full labs of items between two nations every turn, well suffice to say that was too much, even if it had been the only game I was playing, which it wasn't.

I've also had a few really fun late-games where even though turns took an hour plus an hour of discussions with allies, it was worth it in the end. Usually I'll do up to two early games, one late game, and one easy game (duel or rand or whatever) at once.

PsiSoldier May 30th, 2009 03:46 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 693494)
In late game it is not hard to spend 10h on one turn.

10 Hours on one turn?? Good lord I cant imagine spending more than 2 even in a very large game. I mean hell I can take over as sub for a nation with 70 provinces in late game that was played by a noob and figure out where everything is at, fix all or most of the easier to find noob mistakes and do the actual turn in less than 2 hours. Now, counting sending PM's and such associated with the game I suppose it might crank up the time spent on the turn considerably.

Zeldor May 30th, 2009 01:26 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Ha, game is getting into interesting stage now, with less and less indies left. That constant thinking "Will he attack me?"... I guess some nations have it easier and are less likely to get attacked, it is more boring in water and no one wants to fight in Miasma or be eaten by Machakan spiders.

Sambo May 31st, 2009 08:55 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Based on the tips, I'll keep the games at two. Diplomacy is an extra wrinkle I don't know much about.

Things are definitely getting interesting... We'll probably have some all-out wars soon. Fun!

Baalz May 31st, 2009 10:00 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!

Originally Posted by Sambo (Post 693836)
Based on the tips, I'll keep the games at two. Diplomacy is an extra wrinkle I don't know much about.

Things are definitely getting interesting... We'll probably have some all-out wars soon. Fun!

That's it, I'm attacking you. Consider this a formal declaration of war.

WingedDog June 1st, 2009 04:04 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
I'm back to my duties. Sorry for unattended requests.
I can see Ermor is staling again, I'll find out what's happened.

WingedDog June 1st, 2009 03:10 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Ermor player was fishing this weekend, now he's back, and promises there would be no stailing in near future.

Calahan June 1st, 2009 03:57 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
The admin lets slip that the Ermor player likes fishing and is a 'he'. Hhhmmm interesting. Watson, what can we conclude from that?

Sambo June 1st, 2009 07:16 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 693842)

Originally Posted by Sambo (Post 693836)
Based on the tips, I'll keep the games at two. Diplomacy is an extra wrinkle I don't know much about.

Things are definitely getting interesting... We'll probably have some all-out wars soon. Fun!

That's it, I'm attacking you. Consider this a formal declaration of war.

A foolhardy, if predictable, challenge. If it's war you want, it's war you've got. I suggest everyone else stay out of the way; it's going to get nasty.

To arms!

Agema June 2nd, 2009 08:36 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
We, (censored) announce to everyone that we have decided to not publicly or privately state any state of war or peace exists between us and the nation of (censored), if indeed we even know where they actually are. BE WARNED!

shard June 2nd, 2009 09:59 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
This is fun, we need more games like this!

Executor June 2nd, 2009 10:17 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Yes we do! Seeing those armies standing on your border and wondering will they turn around or not.

Executor June 5th, 2009 10:27 AM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Something very very strange happened to me this turn, am I the only one?

Baalz June 5th, 2009 12:41 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Nothing weird happen to me.

Dragar June 5th, 2009 01:24 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
nor me. perhaps message winged dog to investigate?

Zeldor June 5th, 2009 01:31 PM

Re: New game - The Art of War, Fight!
Yeah, do it. My turn is fine. At least when it comes to abnormal behaviour.

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