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Frozen Lama June 26th, 2009 01:46 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 698053)

Originally Posted by Frozen Lama (Post 698043)
Calahan, are you sending viruses to all your neighbors computers or what? ;)
2AI nations next to you, and now Jomon, another neighbor of yours has 4 stales. you really are going to win thanks to all your neighbors quitting :(

Believe me, that is not something I actually feel good about :( Would always prefer to properly earn any progress I make in games, rather than have it served up on a plate due to AI's and stalers.

I've posted a lot recently about how much I hate nations turning AI in games, and while I still didn't like seeing my neighbours of Pythium and Midgard turn AI in this game, both were pretty valid even in my eyes. Pythium was just a straight kill by Ermor after a lucky event gave me an unexpected opportunity to siege and capture their capital, with matters only made worse by Pythium's only real troops being Hydra's. Midgard/Starshine did look for a sub for several turns before turning AI, but unfortunately didn't manage to find one. Which there's not much you can do about unless you know players who owe you tons of favours.

But I think the Jomon situation can be dealt with, and I think the best thing right now would be to put the game on hold for a while until Toni_Bubu's RL time constraints ease up a bit. Or ask him if he doesn't mind a sub doing a few turns for him until he can get back onboard. Regardless of whether or not Jomon would attack Ermor, it is just bad for the game all round to have a nation sitting there constantly staling. Although I do confess I didn't realise Jomon had staled for four turns, as that really is a bit over the top.

But putting the game on hold is not my call, so....

well just to make sure its clear, because i respect you as a player a lot Calahan, I meant that purely as a joke. I figured you'd be ok with it since you're so well known to hate staling.

Calahan June 26th, 2009 03:51 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
No worries Frozen Lama :) Knew there was nothing intended with your post as that's not who you are at all from my experience, and knew it was merely a joke about how Ermor seem to be getting too easy a ride in this game. (which even I have no trouble admitting they are).

Mainly posted to express my concern about the Jomon stales. Still am concerned about them. Five stales in a row is not good on any level, and something really needs to be done about them if this game is to stand any chance of reversing it's increasingly uneven balance.

Hadrian_II June 27th, 2009 09:03 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
player went missing, so we can either hope that he will return, or set jomon to ai

Calahan June 27th, 2009 11:14 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left

Originally Posted by Hadrian_II (Post 692583)
Pace: first 24 turns on 24h quickhost, then 48h quickhost until at least turn 50, after that extension to 72h by majority vote.

Are we switching to 48 hours soon? The above, taken from the game status page, and announced before the game started, suggests this should already have happened by now given that the game is currently on turn 26.

Herding up all these undead every turn is certainly eating up the turn time, so I would appreciate the extra time at this stage (as was announced at the start). Plus it will mean less stales for Jomon (if that is to be their destiny for the forseeable future)

Sil June 27th, 2009 11:28 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
Yeah, it looks like Jomon will stale for the 5-6th time in 2 hours, so it would be nice to set the host at 48 now or after this turn. On the same topic you have to admire the restraint of Jomon's neighbors. Guy hasn't lost a single province since the stales began. :)

Hadrian_II June 27th, 2009 03:05 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
we are on 48h now

Zapmeister June 29th, 2009 04:40 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
Can we get Jomon turned AI, please?

Festin June 29th, 2009 07:14 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
Damn, I'm surrounded by AIs. It is starting to look like single player :(

Zapmeister June 30th, 2009 08:04 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left

Originally Posted by Zapmeister (Post 698505)
Can we get Jomon turned AI, please?

Bump. AIs aren't great, but better than permanent staling.

Calahan July 1st, 2009 03:44 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
I'm happy to help look for a sub for Jomon if there's some direction from the chair to do so.

Hadrian_II July 1st, 2009 01:46 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
if someone has a sub for jomon, please say so and i will set it in.

I also postponed the game for 48 hours to find a sub.

Hadrian_II July 3rd, 2009 09:52 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
it seems that a sub is found, tyrant has offered to take over jomon.

Calahan July 3rd, 2009 10:30 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left

Originally Posted by Hadrian_II (Post 699426)
it seems that a sub is found, tyrant has offered to take over jomon.

Excellent news :)

Welcome to the game Tyrant.

Hadrian_II July 5th, 2009 11:08 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
postponed one more day to give tyrant the chance to send his turn in.

Frozen Lama July 8th, 2009 10:08 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
Sorry to say it, but i will be on vacation from the 16th to the 25th of this month. I will attempt to look for a sub, hopefully one will appear even though subs seem rare lately.

Sil July 9th, 2009 10:16 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
Did Ermor stall last turn or am I imagining it? If yes it seems like Calahan is about to stall again.

Calahan July 9th, 2009 10:31 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
Pretty sure I didn't stale :) but you can always check under "Admin options" "Show staling date" on the games status page on the llamaserver.

It will probably be a bit of mad blast turn from Ermor coming up I feel though, since time will be tight between getting home from work and the turn hosting. Should have about 30 minutes I reckon to get a turn done (which is a rush job for LA Ermor!)

Sil July 9th, 2009 12:08 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
Nevermind it just seems like it because you always cut it so close. My turns still take something like an hour even though I don't have a quarter of your micro to deal with.

LDiCesare July 19th, 2009 12:38 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
I'm subbing for Frozen Lama but haven't received any turn.
Was the email address changed?

Hadrian_II July 19th, 2009 01:27 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
ok, you are set as sub for atlantis.

Zapmeister July 24th, 2009 02:07 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
Henceforth, Gath wiill be played by DryaUnda.
I have forwarded his email to the administrator.

Frozen Lama July 26th, 2009 04:17 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
I am back from vacation. I can now reassume control of Utgard. Of course, when i was looking for subs, i said that if any of the subs got really attatched to the nations, they could keep it, so if LDiCesare wants to keep it, speak up. otherwise, switch me back please

Calahan July 26th, 2009 07:54 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left

Originally Posted by Frozen Lama (Post 703091)
I am back from vacation. I can now reassume control of Utgard. Of course, when i was looking for subs, i said that if any of the subs got really attatched to the nations, they could keep it, so if LDiCesare wants to keep it, speak up. otherwise, switch me back please

Welcome back Frozen Lama :)

And I think you've done an awesome job with Atlantis so far, so slightly confused that you want to jump ship to Utgard :p Unless it's all part of some great Anti-Ermor plan :(

Hadrian_II July 26th, 2009 08:50 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
i need your email to be able to switch you back

Frozen Lama July 26th, 2009 12:23 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left
Right...... That would be Atlantis... i'm waiting to hear back from LDiCesare, then i will PM you hadrian

LDiCesare July 26th, 2009 01:31 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
Yes, take back Atlantis. I think I didn't waste it.

Calahan July 27th, 2009 08:56 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
Please can I request a 24 hour delay. Already know I won't have enough time to get a turn done between now and the hosting deadline.

Hadrian_II July 27th, 2009 02:08 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
Is this for this turn or for the next? if it was for the last, i am very sorry.

Calahan July 27th, 2009 02:14 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
For the current turn please Hadrian_II. Sent you a PM about it as well.


Hadrian_II July 27th, 2009 06:15 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left

chrispedersen July 27th, 2009 06:50 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 696636)

Originally Posted by Festin (Post 696632)
Ermor looks scary.

I would normally agree, but LA Ermor's graphs are probably no different to normal looking LA Ermor graphs, and they always look a bit nuts :) Although that's not to say Ermor isn't full of scary undead stuff :D

My current "hats off" goes to Frozen Lama without any doubt. LA Atlantis are a pretty unloved nation, and have been tagged as weak by a lot of players. But that's an outstanding job of getting them blasting out of the blocks I must say Frozen Lama. Good effort all round to you there :up:

Frozen Atlantis is a solid, solid nation which I would rate 3rd in power in LA, however that is somewhat dependent on map.

Their underwater leaders with astral/earth do not sleep, making them immune to dreams of R. They have heightened MR for use against Mind hund. And they have astral/earth on the forgiving fathers which allows crystal coins / shields.

Which they desperately need for battlefield spells. But once you pop on a few slave matrixes, lead a communion with a merciful mother - casting banish... yummi!

Frozen Lama July 27th, 2009 06:54 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
thank you chris, although i think 3rd is thinking a little big for atlantis.

in other news, Atlantis is selling nature gems for water, earth, or death gems. pm with offers.

Calahan July 31st, 2009 06:39 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
Sorry everyone, but I'm going to have to kindly ask for another 24 hour delay for this turn.

The micro with Ermor has now got to the stage where if I want to do a decent turn, I need to spend about four hours shuffling my 5-6k of chaff around. Which with a 48 hour schedule basically means having to spend roughly two hours on this game every evening. And finding that sort of free time each day isn't always possible :( Fighting in 4-5 wars also adds to the required thinking time :)

I won't ask to increase the schedule yet, but I would humbly ask for forgiveness in advance if I need to ask for delays more often than not.

Hadrian_II July 31st, 2009 11:07 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left

but if you will need lots of delays, i would think increasing the hosting tim to 72h would be the better solution

AlgaeNymph July 31st, 2009 12:42 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 13/16 Pretenders Left

Originally Posted by Zapmeister (Post 702858)
Henceforth, Gath will be played by DryaUnda.

Henceforth, Gath's player will be known as AlgaeNymph. This will only affect forum correspondence.

Frozen Lama July 31st, 2009 03:52 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
so is it the same player with a different forum name?

AlgaeNymph August 1st, 2009 12:39 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
Yep. :) Annette can vouch for me.

Calahan August 4th, 2009 04:35 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
Are there any strong objections to the game moving to a 72 hour schedule? I'm going to need another 24 hour delay for this turn (a change to 72 hours would automatically add an extra 24 hours), and also probably for the next as well due to being out most of Saturday.

I know it's not ideal to switch to a long hosting at such an early stage, but my only other alternative is to start doing half completed turns, which would start draining my enthusiasm very quickly. Or of course to keep asking for delays (but Hadrian_II has already said in that case it's better to switch to 72 hours).

Hadrian_II August 5th, 2009 12:52 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
set the hosting to 72h.

also as i am out of the game, i would be happy to give the game admin duties to a volunteer still in the game :)

Calahan August 5th, 2009 01:14 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
I can take over the admin duties if you like Hadrian_II. (unless there are any other volunteers)

And thank you for switching the hosting to 72 hours. My thanks for that both as the Ermor player in MM hell, and as possibly the new admin. Since as the latter, that's one possibly controversial decision I won't have to make a (potentially biased) call on.

Calahan August 7th, 2009 05:16 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
@ All

Hadrian_II has sent me the password for admin duties, so please PM me directly for any future delay requests (or just post in the thread, since I will normally pick those up as well).

Frozen Lama August 10th, 2009 06:19 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
To the players of Ruby (except Calahan):

I hate to admit it, but i feel that this game is over. Ermor has reached the point where the whole world cannot defeat them. I think we may as well end this game. I personally don't really want to put in the hours and hours of time for a game that i know is over. Of course, if the other players don't agree with me, i will for sure fight on, as hard as ever, but truthfully, its over. I thank all the players who tried to stop ermor, and to the ones who didn't, and especially to those who allied with them (pangea!) you are fools!

obviously, i'd like people to speak up on the matter.

AlgaeNymph August 10th, 2009 08:17 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
I'm still willing to fight Ermor. :)

Calahan August 15th, 2009 12:18 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
@ All - I'm going to need an extra 12 hours for my turn. Had very little free time the past few days, but hope to find the time to get my turn done tomorrow at some point.

Apologies to everyone for the slight delay.

Frozen Lama August 16th, 2009 01:56 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
i know its been delayed already sorry but i will need 12 more hours probably. too tired tonight.

Calahan August 16th, 2009 03:28 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
No problem Frozen Lama. I've extended the hosting 14 hours for you. I added on an extra 2 hours to your request so that the deadline hits while I'm awake. As that way I can spot any last minute delay requests that might come in.

Frozen Lama August 17th, 2009 12:55 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
Aha! i killed 500 undead and i see a little dip in ermor's army graph!

btw, Calahan, is it just me or was the fatiuge damage from rigor mortis setting off the shark attack?

Calahan August 18th, 2009 08:18 AM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
That was probably my first bad turn of the game. Besides the ~500 I lost to Atlantis, Man killed about ~500 undead as well, which accounts for my army dip (produce about 700 chaff per turn). Seems like the casting AI didn't want to follow my script in the Man fight.

@ Frozen Lama -
Note to self: "Work out what the bloody hell happened with shark attack in that fight with Atlantis." The sharks totally ignored you and just made a beeline for my guys. Not sure if that was the rigor mortis, sharks natural loving of undead (because there's lot of meat on them isn't there :re:), or sharks loving of Atlantians. Maybe LA Atlantis troops have built in shark repelent or something?

Calahan August 19th, 2009 04:37 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
@ All

I've been asked by Frozen Lama to keep an eye on the deadline for him since he is currently away for a few days, and was a bit unsure as to when he was returning. So I am adding 12 hours to the deadline in order to make sure Atlantis/Frozen Lama doesn't stale.

I may be extending the hosting again tomorrow if the deadline starts getting near without Frozen Lama having submitted his turn.

So apologies for the slight delay everyone, but Atlantis really don't want a stale at this stage in proceedings :)

Frozen Lama August 20th, 2009 01:37 PM

Re: Ruby LA CBM Game Running 10/16 Pretenders Left
Time for a comback comrades!

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