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Trumanator July 16th, 2009 09:57 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Well, I'm leaving today for vacation. I have submitted my pretender, but you should just send the turns to llamabeast till I get back in a week or so. I am looking forward to having a nice little piece of heaven when I get back! :)

rdonj July 16th, 2009 11:14 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Well, assuming everyone even gets their pretenders in before you get back, I'll be sure to do that....

Alpine Joe July 16th, 2009 11:21 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 701589)
What is it making the oldbloods ridiculous? Looking at them I am almost 100% sure that they are no stronger than they are vanilla. There is no doubt that they are good, but...

1. They are cap only
2. They therefore compete with 4th gen slann
3. In the early game using them means giving up recruitment of a mage that you really, really want.

So it's really hard to use them effectively. I will recruit some, but it won't be for a while. And when I do it will be largely to move armies around. So you really don't have to worry about it. But seriously, they're no stronger here than they normally are, and I would hardly say they're ridiculous. Maybe they are a little on the cheap side for what they offer... but they have nothing on real SCs.

Hmm maybe it is a problem with compatibility with CBM then. THe ones I saw had at least 7-8 magic paths, including blood, for 80 gold. I will check my mods when I get home from work.

rdonj July 16th, 2009 11:31 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
They should most definitely NOT have those magic paths. When you're using the tourmaline mod, you can't have any other mods enabled. At all, including CBM (I included it in the tourmaline.dm). Or you will have serious bugs because of the wide range of unit ids that are used. I'm not sure what would be giving the oldbloods quite that much magic but I can assure you they will not be so obscene in our game.

Lavaere July 17th, 2009 09:03 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
yay, I'm so happy this didn't start why I had lost internet. though I'm kinda curious as to when it will start

rdonj July 17th, 2009 09:42 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
You lost your internet? :( That's not cool. Well, it's been a bit tough contacting viccio about getting his pretender submitted for tharoon. I was able to get in touch with him today, but the game didn't accept his pretender. I offered some advice about how to get around that but I haven't heard back from him yet. My hope is that his pretender will be submitted sometime tomorrow. If it doesn't get sent in soon, I don't know, I may have to just start the game without him to make sure it gets going.

llamabeast July 18th, 2009 05:57 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Sorry about the game disappearing. Ironically it was a twist on the previous problem - this time the issue was that the .map file had spaces in its name! Anyway, fixed, and you don't need to rename any files or anything. I will do some maintenance on the LlamaServer soon to prevent such issues coming up again. It is in need of some TLC at the moment.

The game has just started now, so you should all be receiving your first turn files any second. Have fun!

rdonj July 18th, 2009 06:36 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Oh... the .map, not the image. Heh, I wasn't aware of that, sorry. The original had spaces in the name so I didn't figure it would be a problem. Well, now I know better....

Lavaere July 18th, 2009 07:29 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Wow, first turn and it says Arga Dis cheated

Alpine Joe July 18th, 2009 07:58 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Hmm yes I don't really know how I cheated, but it says I did somehow. Perhaps we should restart the game with me sending in a revised pretender? If you guys are okay with continuing, so am I.

rdonj July 18th, 2009 08:20 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Well, it's possible that happened if you got a luck event or something. Did the game say that your pretender was reduced in power? If it did we may have to restart it.

Alpine Joe July 18th, 2009 08:33 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
It did say it had been reduced in power, and it is dormant, so I can't tell what happened right now. It may be best just to do a restart, with me resubmitting my pretender, just to be safe. I hope you all don't mind.

rdonj July 18th, 2009 08:34 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Yeah, sounds like it. Well, I would restart the game, but my admin password doesn't work. I will have to figure out the new one from llamabeast.

Lavaere July 18th, 2009 09:05 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
I don't mind, just first time I've seen a cheat message before

the Vanishag July 18th, 2009 10:22 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Maybe another CBM + Tourmaline error? Joe, did you have CBM enabled when you created your pretender?

Alpine Joe July 18th, 2009 10:34 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)

Originally Posted by the Vanishag (Post 702093)
Maybe another CBM + Tourmaline error? Joe, did you have CBM enabled when you created your pretender?

Hmm I don't think so. Since I made that specific mistake when looking at the various nations, I made sure to disable it prior to pretender creation. There is a small chance I simply uploaded the wrong Arga Dis pretender (I tested several), but I don't believe any of them were created under CBM.

Sorry about this inconvenience people, I know how annoying it is to have a game stall this early. If everyone is okay with continuing, we can, and I will just play with whatever pops out at the end of year one.

rdonj July 18th, 2009 11:30 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Well. I would be willing to keep playing if you are. There's still the minor manner of hearing back from llama about whether he still wants to sub for trumanator or not. By the time we hear back from him I think it would be fairly easy to unstart the game, get your pretender back in, and get going. Just as long as you're on the ball about it alpine joe. Only three people have submitted turns so far anyway. They would have to resubmit their turns I'm pretty sure... I don't think that's going to be a huge problem.

I just want to try and keep this from getting out of hand. All kinds of crazy errors could pop up if someone has the wrong mod or something, and that could kill the game just as dead as a slow start. So I am inclined personally to get this issue ironed out.

Alpine Joe July 19th, 2009 09:25 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Yeah I'll be on the ball for when the game pops up again waiting for pretenders. Will this mean everyone has to resubmit, or just me?

rdonj July 19th, 2009 09:45 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Well, I just got my new password. Woohoo. I'll unstart the game straight away and figure that out.

Edit: Okay, it looks like we just need your pretender alpine joe. So whenever you're ready, the game will start.

Alpine Joe July 19th, 2009 10:58 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Alright its in we should be good to go. Sorry about the holdup people, hopefully we can still have a good game.

rdonj July 19th, 2009 11:07 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Heh, the game disappeared again. I should have expected that. Time to send out the llama signal.

rdonj July 19th, 2009 12:00 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Alright everyone. The game is started again. There are no cheating messages. Everything should be good to go. Let's get this thing started and see how many turns we can get done before trumanator gets back.

llamabeast July 19th, 2009 12:28 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Lots! I want to get some action with my pet Tomb Kings before I have to hand them over!

rdonj July 19th, 2009 12:42 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)

Also, I must say I'm very pleased with my start location. Imo it's one of the best 2 or 3 on the map.

rdonj July 21st, 2009 12:52 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Good job guys, let's keep these turns rolling.

Ferrosol July 22nd, 2009 03:41 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Damn I miss my indy scouts

rdonj July 22nd, 2009 01:18 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
Eh, you probably wouldn't have any yet anyway :P

statttis July 22nd, 2009 03:36 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)
I'm going to miss the indy mages. Ogres are the worst researchers of any nation ever.

rdonj July 22nd, 2009 04:33 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Now that one I can believe.

Ferrosol July 22nd, 2009 06:30 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Uploading Pretenders)

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 702590)
Eh, you probably wouldn't have any yet anyway :P

I normally start recruiting scouts the moment I take a province with them in. I am an information junkie:)

rdonj July 22nd, 2009 06:52 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well, what I meant is, so few turns into the game it's a bit unlikely you'd have scout provinces anyway.

Lavaere July 22nd, 2009 08:48 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Wow this is really bad, thought I'd try a new experimental pretender. And now I'm dead last and have afflictions.
Well atleast its going to be fun to see how the other nations work out.

rdonj July 22nd, 2009 09:50 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
:( I was hoping the rat things would do a bit better. Well, hopefully you'll be able to put up a good fight for someone before you go down.

In other news, perhaps I should not have been so quick to express my happiness with my start location. It seems that heavy cavalry and elephants have been placed strategically to deter me from a brisk expansion. I can kill most of them, but there's the occasional group of heavy cavalry that's just too big and hurts one of my expansion parties too much to continue :(

Meanwhile, ferrosol, you seem to be doing rather well for yourself.

Ferrosol July 23rd, 2009 04:37 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 702677)
Meanwhile, ferrosol, you seem to be doing rather well for yourself.

Well I tend to do best in the early expansion phase providing I dont run into any unexpected barb uprisings or large amounts of heavy cav. Mostly where I screw up is in the mid game so many options tend to have me going around in circles rather than focusing on one tactic :)

Sombre July 24th, 2009 04:20 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Man Skaven never seem to do well :[

the Vanishag July 24th, 2009 09:33 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
That's weird. Looking at them before the game, I would have guessed they'd do well. They didn't strike me as having the most raw power, but as having an attractive balance of power and subtlety. But I'm still a Dom n00b, so I may have missed a fatal flaw.:dk:

Sombre July 24th, 2009 12:04 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
It's probably just bad luck, though I think they are also tricky to play and have a suspect early game.

rdonj July 24th, 2009 01:20 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yeah, I think probably their biggest problem for multiplayer is they don't have any particularly brilliant opening. No recruitable SCs, no powerful sacred, and even their elite units have pretty bad morale and a fairly average sat line. They're not completely helpless, but I can see them being a bit of a slow start.

Lavaere July 24th, 2009 06:24 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well with skaven I tried a pretender I've never used before. Which really collapsed when he got affliction on the first turn. And that now I reallised. I did stupid thing by forgeting there are no Indies to recruit.

rdonj July 24th, 2009 08:19 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Grr, wind mages :( I hate running into those guys. Luckily the battle went much better than I'm used to.

statttis July 24th, 2009 08:37 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Over half of the territories I've seen so far are heavy cav, including all but 1 of my capital borders. I would be ruined if I was using a nation with weak troops.

rdonj July 24th, 2009 08:43 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yeah, I'm in the same situation. Heavy cavalry, wind masters, elephants, and this turn? I found some druids and dark vines. Sigh. I really shouldn't have let myself be cowed in the beginning by a HC province I shied away from, I have this feeling I'm really going to regret it in a few turns. Unless maybe one of my neighbors happens to be playing skavens or tharoon... but I am betting it will be alugra or something :P

Trumanator July 26th, 2009 01:28 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well when I was playing around with the skaven preparatory to this I actually found that the plague censor sacreds were quite good at expansion with something like an S9D?N4 bless. Just 5 with a shaman/priest/whatever could comfortably clear a few provinces, and you can churn that out in a single turn.

rdonj July 26th, 2009 01:44 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Interesting. I would never have tried to expand using censor bearers. How do they fare against cavalry/elephants? This is where I'd really expect them not to work out so well, at least not without some kind of screen.

Also, are you back? Do you need nehekhara transferred over to your control now or has llama already done that?

Lavaere July 26th, 2009 03:29 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Censor Bearers do make good expanders, with a screen of there green friends. Though against large enemies and missile heavy armies they can die quickly.
I've come to realise if you want to play Skaven then take a F9 or D9 bless. To make your sacred have magical weapons.

Trumanator July 26th, 2009 12:58 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yes I am back. I don't know if llama has transferred me, but I haven't gotten a turn file yet.

Back to skaven, I found that they are actually surprisingly good against cavs, but I didn't quite have the courage to send one of those expansion parties against eles. The best part about that bless is that you can get it quite cheaply, and you also get to use a thematic pretender (gray seer).

rdonj July 26th, 2009 03:35 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yeah, we just got a new turn this morning. You will want to send me your email address and I'll set you back up with your nation.

Next time I'm playing skavens I'll have to try that....

Sombre July 26th, 2009 06:32 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I would expect censers to do great against elephants, since they hit so hard. Mixed in with other pestilens they get cav def down enough to hit them and again their damage output is very high (since they have a huge two handed weapon).

Ferrosol July 27th, 2009 05:42 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
For the skaven I find that a W9N4 bless works quite well and that using Censer bearers mixed with plague monks makes a good expansion army. You can get this using a Frost Father plus decent scales and a further level 4 bless of your choice. I prefer A4 for the increased protection from arrows and the extra magic diversity but really anything works.

Trumanator July 27th, 2009 09:54 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
That works too, but the advantage of the S9 is that it gives you a kickass pretender for the late game.

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