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Baalz September 16th, 2009 09:24 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running
No, I don't think even everybody together has a chance, that's my point. If there was another nation about my size we could probably join forces and make a run at it, but to be blunt I really doubt anybody else is going to be much more than a speedbump at this point. R'yleh has a *lot* of castles and a *lot* of income with research and gem income rapidly spooling up and awesomely powerful recruit anywhere mages. It's a pretty tough order to stop 15 starspawn communioned up spamming enslave mind from behind 40 mind blasters and a bunch of chaff - and R'yleh can more or less field an army like that each turn. Not to mention he's got a incredibly intimidating amount of forts down there, it would take an unimaginable amount of time to storm them with whatever troops we could equip with water breathing items, faced with massive mind hunts, vengeance of the dead, etc.

Jarkko September 16th, 2009 10:04 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running
We would thus need about 15 earth attacks targeted at same army, each turn :p I have an itch there may not be 15 E5 mages available, and there might be the slight issue of finding the gems for those 15 earth attacks :p

Raiel September 16th, 2009 10:09 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 710491)
It's obvious to me that there is next to no chance of stopping R'yleh. Unless anybody else thinks they have a snowballs chance in hell I say we call the game for Raiel.

Frankly, I'm really surprised by this... I've only collected about 25% of the gems T'ien Ch'i has earned (plus a few from my random events). I only have a few more forts and provinces than you. My gold income is actually slightly lower than yours. I've seen the indy mages you've collected. And you've done twice as much research as I have...

Now, if I were playing against the AI, I'd feel confident against T'ien Ch'i. Because of that, this is the stage where I lose interest in my SP games. From this point on, the only experience I have to draw on is that which has been shared by others in the forums (which I admit to reading somewhat obsessively). I'm up against Baalz, man... the guy that wrote the guides that have gotten me this far.

From here, I can see that I will likely win my current war with Agartha, and if no one interferes I may even win against T'ien Ch'i. But Jarko is talking about me winning a complete DOGPILE... I can't even see that as a possibility. What am I missing?!?


O.K... just read the response that Baalz posted. Forgot about VoTD and I dismissed Mind Hunt because he's got so many strong Astral mages. His estimation of my net income is generous, but not that far off. You guys have a MUCH better idea of how things are likely to play out from here. Is my lead really that significant?

Raiel September 16th, 2009 10:09 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running

Originally Posted by Jarkko (Post 710501)
We would thus need about 15 earth attacks targeted at same army, each turn :p I have an itch there may not be 15 E5 mages available, and there might be the slight issue of finding the gems for those 15 earth attacks :p

Oh, Oh!!! I think I stole some E4/5 mages from Agartha! :D (edit: E5 with boots, of course)

Baalz September 16th, 2009 11:20 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running
Well, here's the more detailed version of my assessment. R'yleh & TC are probably at more or less a stalemate at the moment with neither being able to make big gains offensively against each other. The problem is TC's power has plateaued, while R'yleh's is growing exponentially. TC has no way to grow while R'yleh can attack everybody else on the map. Out of all those castles you're recruiting extremely powerful combat mages and strong troops equally effective on the land or sea. Out of my castles I'm recruiting good research mages with troops that can't do squat underwater. Counting my cap and indie sites I've got 3 good combat mages coming out per turn and no realistic way to bring any real strength to you underwater - it's almost suicide for any troops that try.

As to the mindhunts, I think you underestimate the difficulties for me there. As you say you haven't really played this stage of the game I'll paint you the picture I assumed this would be:

I expensively outfit a few commanders with sea king's goblets, and a few more mages with rings of water breathing and march under water. I make sure to take two different astral mages in case something happens to one of them. I even take S3 mages, which I only have a 25% chance of getting 1 per turn. You've got 3 castles within 1 moves of where I attacked, so while I'm sieging your castle 10 S3-S4 starspawn (a fraction of what's in there researching) attack scripted to magic duel then retreat. If you're unlucky you lose a couple starspawn, I most certainly lose my astral cover. Now, 10 mind hunts drop, killing my commanders holding sea king goblets, and drowning all my troops without a fight. I also saw you snagging Agartha Oracles so in just a little bit once your research catches up earth attacks will also be regularly squishing whatever astral mages I try to bring underwater. Meanwhile you have the luxury of attacking anywhere along my coast, wherever I don't have critical mass. Each fight leaves you stronger as you enslave mind whatever the toughest things I have there are, while mind blasting everything else. Your research grows exponentially as you leverage all those castles and strong mages, so before very long those communions are dropping will of the fates, army of lead & arcane domination (because, you know I was trying to use mindless magic units).

Anyway, I'll keep playing if others think this isn't a foregone conclusion, that's just my take.

Raiel September 16th, 2009 11:58 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running
O.K... that's a pretty good case, but I would have figured you to counter that by regularly teleporting in S2+StarshineCap mages, along with sneaking in whatever Astral Specter Mages you could get. Granted, as I acquire territory and start site-searching (I've mainly searched sea provinces thus far), the former becomes a proportionally expensive counter.

Thanks for the insights!

Aethyr September 17th, 2009 01:41 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running
Well...at this point I'm just "honoring the pledge". :)

I have no problem conceeding to R'lyeh.

Baalz September 17th, 2009 09:51 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running
Ok, so last call, does anyone not want to declare R'yleh/Raiel the winner?

statttis September 17th, 2009 11:52 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running
I was about to launch my underwater invasion a few turns ago but then Pangaea attacked. Now I'm stuck in an ugly war and it doesn't look like I'll be able to help TC with R'lyeh. If Jarkko will agree to a truce I can send my stuff and see what happens. Maybe it will be enough, maybe not.

If not, R'lyeh is the winner.

chrispedersen September 17th, 2009 11:31 PM

Re: Aardwark - Running
Sea of Ice?

Astral Corruption?

Starshine_Monarch September 19th, 2009 02:50 PM

Re: Aardwark - Running
I haven't even met R'leyh yet, but just going on what people have been saying here, it does seem that even whatever I might be able to do to him at this point would be pretty futile. I want to honor the pledge as well, but I admit it, at this point I'm kind of losing interest. If everyone else does, I will gladly concede to Rlyeh.

ghoul31 September 19th, 2009 05:37 PM

Re: Aardwark - Running
I have one province and no cities. I'm going to lay low for a bit before I make my great comeback.

Baalz September 20th, 2009 10:20 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running
Alright, so it looks like R'yleh's won. Well played
Raiel! I'll wait until after the next host to bring the game down in case anybody wants to object to this call.

Jarkko September 20th, 2009 11:36 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 711241)
Alright, so it looks like R'yleh's won. Well played Raiel!

Grats Raiel!

Also, I'd like to gratulate stattis for making a great come-back after I thought I had the lizards on their knees. Some nice battlemagic you had there when the going got tough :)

ghoul31 September 20th, 2009 12:02 PM

Re: Aardwark - Running

Originally Posted by Jarkko (Post 711251)

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 711241)
Alright, so it looks like R'yleh's won. Well played Raiel!

Grats Raiel!

Also, I'd like to gratulate stattis for making a great come-back after I thought I had the lizards on their knees. Some nice battlemagic you had there when the going got tough :)

Why were you fighting him, while R'yleh and Tien Chi were taking over the world?

Raiel September 20th, 2009 12:48 PM

Re: Aardwark - Running

Originally Posted by ghoul31 (Post 711255)

Originally Posted by Jarkko (Post 711251)

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 711241)
Alright, so it looks like R'yleh's won. Well played Raiel!

Grats Raiel!

Also, I'd like to gratulate stattis for making a great come-back after I thought I had the lizards on their knees. Some nice battlemagic you had there when the going got tough :)

Why were you fighting him, while R'yleh and Tien Chi were taking over the world?

As Baalz put it earlier, he really had no access to the rest of the world by that point unless he went through me... that was NOT my original plan, BTW. I hadn't planned on taking any of your lands until/unless it became clear that T'ien Ch'i had crippled you. I had intended to go after Shin, C'tis and finally Van if all went well. But I tend to react in a rather instinctive way when someone invades lands I've claimed for my own. :)

Raiel September 20th, 2009 02:04 PM

Re: Aardwark - Running
Oops... misread ghoul31's "you" to refer to Baalz... that's what I get for posting before my coffee fix. Sorry.

statttis September 20th, 2009 03:20 PM

Re: Aardwark - Running

Originally Posted by Jarkko (Post 711251)
Also, I'd like to gratulate stattis for making a great come-back after I thought I had the lizards on their knees. Some nice battlemagic you had there when the going got tough :)

It helps when the first arrow hit on your trampling pretender cripples him :D

Anyway, I'm not quite ready to concede the game. I say we give it a few more turns, I have a few tricks warming up.

Jarkko September 21st, 2009 03:36 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running

Originally Posted by ghoul31 (Post 711255)
Why were you fighting him, while R'yleh and Tien Chi were taking over the world?

One reason might be that I did not have a border with either at the time... The other is the oh so burning rage at somebody who intentionally crippled your capital :)

Fantomen September 22nd, 2009 09:08 PM

Re: Aardwark - Running
Since this was the first MP game I organised, I´d like to chip in just to celebrate it´s completion.

Congratulations Raiel to the fast victory.:first:

Thanks everyone else for playing.:ghug:

Welcome in future games, next one up will be a small CBM EA game with similar rules to this one.

Jarkko September 23rd, 2009 04:51 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running
Thanks to Fantomen for organising the game and to Baalz for administring :)

Aethyr September 23rd, 2009 05:06 AM

Re: Aardwark - Running
Congratulations Raiel on a well played game.

Raiel September 26th, 2009 10:32 AM

Re: Aardwark - Finished, Raiel wins!
I appreciate the encouraging words, guys and gals. It was a pleasure to play with all of you.

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