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Mardagg February 2nd, 2010 10:24 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
I swear to god that this was a movement mistake.
I wanted him to move to scytha from Amiridon,and i really dont know why the hell he moved to Hynaphe.Must be mistakenly happended when i tried to move a scout from there who still stayed there.

As you can see,if i wanted to breach the NAP,i would have done it full scale and not this unimportant province.
And he isnt even equipped for attacking.

ulm will give you 300 Gold,for your income and pd loss.
We wont touch the taxes as well.
In exchange we would like to get free retreat for him to amridon.

Sorry for this.

Quitti February 2nd, 2010 02:56 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

Originally Posted by Mardagg (Post 729396)
As you can see,if i wanted to breach the NAP,i would have done it full scale and not this unimportant province.

No problem. Accidents happen. Though I'd like to point you to the first post regarding:


Diplomacy is considered binding.
So breaching a NAP is not an option in this game, as it was specifically stated in the game making that diplomacy is considerede binding considered binding.

You have one turn to move him back to Amiridon or any your or Pythiums or Patalas province of choice that can be reached :)

Happy hunting.

Kietsensei February 2nd, 2010 07:36 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
The Serpent priests are more than worried with the constant preaching of a false religion in the empire.

This is why the men and Lamias of the glorious empire of Pythium announce that the pact signed with Midgard will be cancelled in three months. All the diplomats have been called back to their homeland.

Mardagg February 9th, 2010 02:50 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Guys,i will be away from Friday to Monday.
I will definately need 96 hours hosting for the weekend therefore.
Since it always takes 1 more turn before it can be switched back to 72 hours hosting i would like to postpone already this turn by 24 hours.
This makes sense imo,since this turn might be pretty complicated for some of us.

What do you think?

Kietsensei February 9th, 2010 04:51 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Ok for me. I was going to request a 24h delay anyway.

Mardagg February 9th, 2010 07:33 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
ok,we are on 96h hosting until after the weekend.

Quitti February 10th, 2010 01:43 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
No problem with the delays, I've got loads of stuff to do and the turn requires some fine detail :)

Mardagg February 11th, 2010 08:10 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Ulm hereby announces:

It has begun.
The horde has been moved to war,it was inevitable.


Kietsensei February 12th, 2010 05:00 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
I am eagerly waiting for the second round of this conflict:
The empire strikes back :)

Mardagg February 14th, 2010 06:40 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Sorry guys,looks like i wont make it back home before Tuesday.
Ive postponed the turn by 24 hours therefore.
I just discovered that this can be done without changing the regular hosting schedule.So, its a 1 time thing and we are not on 120 hours hosting after that.

Quitti February 15th, 2010 04:32 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
No problem. I've been absolutely swamped in university work and will be so tomorrow too - I'll most probably have time to do the turn though at some point.

Maerlande February 15th, 2010 04:40 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
But but but....! My turn is done :) Naw, it's cool. Everyone needs delays at this stage.

Quitti March 7th, 2010 05:11 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Could I have a 6h extension to the turn? I'll be spending my day tomorrow on the uni and I still need time to do the turn.

Mardagg March 7th, 2010 05:25 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
ive delayed the turn by 12 hours.

Mardagg March 14th, 2010 10:45 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)

(As you all probably know by now,patching to 3.24 is necessary to run and play the turn)


Kietsensei March 24th, 2010 03:20 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Hello, I would like to announce that I will be away for vacations from the 29th of March to the 21st of April (3 weeks).
Since we are only 3 nations left, I don't want to look for a sub. Would you agree for a break during this period? I will be able to submit my turn on Saturday but afer that quickhost should be removed until I am back.
If 3 weeks is too long, then I will understand and I will just stall for 6 turns.

Mardagg March 24th, 2010 05:48 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Personally, i agree to a break.

3 weeks are for sure a bit problematic,especally considering i will be away for 9 days right at the start of May,too,but we have all invested so much time already in this game that it would be a shame,imo,to force the number 1 nation in provinces to stall for 6 turns or more.

Also,since we are right before the final conflicts,a sub isnt a solution here, this would greatly influence the outcome and since the turns are quite complicated by now it would probably be quite overwhelming for the sub.

So,since we are still 4 players left, what are Patala and Midgard thinking about this?

Maerlande March 24th, 2010 11:27 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
NO WAY!!!! You guys have to stale for 10 turns so I can catch up.

Just kidding. It's fine by me. I'll miss the game a lot but I can live with that. I would hate to see a sub join now. The game is too complex. I'll just spend the 3-4 weeks hatching devious plots to "TAKE OVER THE WORLD"

Or maybe I'll use it to build test games: Patala vs. Pythium, Patala vs. Ulm.

Quitti March 24th, 2010 01:33 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
I don't mind the break - though I'll probably go AI in that case - there's not much keeping me around, been cursorily just hitting stuff with remotes and checked that my mages are scripted for the big battles.

Kietsensei March 24th, 2010 01:58 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Cool, thanks for agreeing with the break :)

Kietsensei March 27th, 2010 07:08 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Unfortunately, I won't have time to do my next turn before my departure. So let's start the break and see you in 3 weeks!

Quitti March 27th, 2010 07:40 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Have a fun trip, or whatever you're doing for 3 weeks :)

I have now gone AI, there isn't much to mop up - I think my global caster also got inferno'd this turn anyway or something. At least I got to cast one shimmering fields before I ran out of... fields?

Good luck with the rest, I didn't stand a chance against all three of you. And perhaps you learned to mind hunt protect your tarts and whatever better from now on, who knows ;)

Mardagg March 28th, 2010 09:33 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
hosting delayed to 22nd of April.

@ Quitti

Dom push strat really plays like LA Ermor once a certain number of temples is reached.
Pretty tough to avoid being ganged upon.
Hope to see you around in a different game!

Quitti March 29th, 2010 06:50 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Indeed, it was a fun lesson in dom spread probably for everyone, me included. I was surprised to get marignon down without too much effort, as he has h3 inquisitors. Either way, enjoy the game, I'll come back to check who won later on :)

Kietsensei April 18th, 2010 10:35 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Unfortunately I won't be able to be back on wednesday as scheduled. All flights towards europe have been cancelled because of the volcanic ashes. I have no idea how long it will take, but everyone hope it shouldn't last more than one week.
I hope to be back as soon as possible.

Mardagg April 19th, 2010 06:02 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
I thought so.
I will postpone hosting.
Lets hope that we will get in at least 1 or 2 turns before i am away from 3rd May to 10th(unless flights are cancelled then too).

Maerlande April 19th, 2010 09:59 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
I'm here whenever. Breaks are fine.

Kietsensei April 25th, 2010 11:41 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
I am back finally :) I will be able to post my turn until monday

Mardagg April 26th, 2010 09:59 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
great,we are back:)

The new deadline for this turn is Tuesday evening.
As I am leaving on Sunday this fits very well since we get exactly 1 more turn before the next break.
I will be back on the 11th of May then,so the break wont be that long this time.

Maerlande April 28th, 2010 11:18 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
One more turn? Cool.

Mardagg May 2nd, 2010 03:32 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
ok,time for the next break.
I will be back on 10th of May.I should be able to submit my turn until 12th May then.

Mardagg May 12th, 2010 12:41 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
ok guys,i am back.
Since no one has send their turns in so far,i have postponed hosting by 24 hours,just to make sure.

@ pythium

I have PMed you the email adress of Patala,because it appears that Maerlande cant post on this forum anymore.

Mardagg June 7th, 2010 02:05 PM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
Ulm is hereby cancelling the NAP with Pythium.
On turn 89 the first attacks might happen(meaning on turn 88 the attacks can be ordered).

@ Pythium

since you did stall for some turns now and didnt answer to my PM`s i will give you one more turn to react.
If you dont reappear by then,we will declare the game finished as a 2 way tie between me and Patala.
I think i gave you enough time by now,i ve waited like 3 weeks or more for you to do something.

Ulm and Patala are allied for quite a long time already and to be honest,i dont think you would have a chance there anyways considering the Nexus and the general strategic position+ sheer army size.

Mardagg June 14th, 2010 10:36 AM

Re: LA: Noobs and Strangeness (Running)
1 Attachment(s)
The game is finished!
Patala and Ulm are declared winners,an allied victory.
Even though the game didnt deserve such a disappointing ending due to the disappearance of Pythium, I think it was a great game with lots of interesting wars/stories.
I will post my turn file for anyone curious to see it and might do a summarize of the history of Ulm within the next days.

(kietsensei,if you are reading this: at least i hope that nothing really bad happened to you and you should know that i wont blame you from getting bored of 6+hour turns and a huuge upcoming war , probably meaning 12 hours or more per turn, being caught between 2 allied major powers for a basically hopeless position).

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