![]() |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Ux'xthllphlai contemplated the pool of dark liquid in the bowl before [it], heavier than the surrounding sea water. It swirled erratically. The glowing corals in the room pulsing along with its movements, creating the effect of a strobe light triggered by the movements of a rabbit in a sealed plastic bag. Suddenly the behavior of the liquid changed. It eddied into dimensions other than the physical. The bowl deformed, becoming a klein bottle; similar to the proverbial cat in a box, it both contained and didn't contain the universe. When the universe was in the bottle, it had no volume. There was no in the bottle. Ux'xthllphlai looked out of the bottle at [itself] looking at [itself]. Colors out of space and shapes out of time paraded in the nothingness that may or may not have been contained by the bottle with no volume. An electron traveled forward in time, and when time ended, it became a positron and traveled backward in time. Ux'xthllphlai became the bottle, and suddenly the path became clear.
Hours later, Ux'xthllphlai regained consciousness. The corals glowed but dimly, a low constant light. The bowl was once again a bowl, empty of anything except the usual sea water. Righting itself, Ux'xthllphlai went to find the council. [It] had seen what [it] needed to see, the things with the fish tails would soon understand that the falling of the star was to be their doom. *translators note: [it] denotes a genderless pronoun that nonetheless is distinct from the pronoun used for objects, and specifies a member of the elder peoples who remember the time before the star fell. |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Shinuayama is land of peace and prosperity. Our leaders, from smallest province to our glorious capital city, care for order and harmonious growth. Our hearts are filled with love for all that lives. So when we started to hear scary rumours from refugees, coming into our southern provinces from Ermor, we could not ignore them. Those were tales of extreme cruelty, death, satanistic rituals, practicing forbidden arts on defenseless citizens. Each day there were more and more of those tales, as refugees kept coming, asking for shelter and help for their families. We could not sit and watch someone build empire on pain and cruelty. Shinuyama decided to come and bring aid to enslaved people, living under Ermor oppression!
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Albrecht von Alemanya surveyed the battlefield. Dying and dead men, both Ermorian and Ulmish. Slaughered horses, translucent scantily clad girls with shadowy spears, struck down and maimed by the antimagic theurgy of black halberds. Black knights, armor and horse barding pierced by ermorian javelins. Crushed skeletal horses and horsemen, crossbow bolts sticking up from the field the feet of the two armies had ground to something resembling more mud than hard earth, soggy with blood. The smell of blood was overwhelming.
Yes. It had been a good fight. A hard victory. Though only a handful of forces remained, they had reached the sea, and messages told that reinforcements were on the way. Later that night, at the temple of the false Ermorian god, one attempting to usurp the title of the Lord of Forges. Barrels after barrels of rich mineral oil was called up from the deeps by the remaining master smiths. Bodies of the killed Ermorian Hastati, wrapped in plain cloth, wet from the oil, filled the temple. They had to be burned to ashes with the temple, or the ermorian priests would surely practice their unholy magic upon them, reanimating the poor and misled, though well trained soldiers. Albrecht conjured up a bolt of flame and threw it inside the temple of the false god. |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
BTW, I will be changing hosting to 36h around turn20 [on Friday], as there are some wars starting :)
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Times have been hard in the land of Marignon, war ravages the frontlines, the fires of many battles glow in the distance from the Capital. The people of Marignon look to the future uneasily. These will be no easy times for this nation, the hordes are at the gates. In the nations hour of greatest need, the ruler, Trumanator was incapacitated to add to this nations troubles. The situation is grim ..... a noob, Agent Smith has taken over .......
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Notification to the nations of the land of Utopia! The rightful Lord of the Forges, Hermann von Alemanya has decreed that Dwarven hammers are now available to the other nations, for a price. We accept earth gems or astral pearls (in limited quantities!) as payment. Current pricetag is at 14 gems. PM us if you wish to buy our superior wares, or to negotiate another agreement. Hammers are served on first-come-first-served basis.
Thought of the day: Faith is the sturdiest armour. Hatred the surest weapon. - Ulm, Ministry of Industry. Official pamphlet sent to anyone concerned. |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
wtt fire/air/water gems for earth gems pst
also ... WTB earth boots x1 |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Long did the goblins whisper their sweet promises into the ears of the spiders, seeking to seduce them with offers of vast riches. Silly goblins! We spiders do not seek riches, we are just interested in snacks!
We will taste a small sampling of goblin snacks this month. |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
WTB: skull staff x1, WTB: earth boots x1
paying in gems: fire, air, water, or pearls (looking to acquire earth gems/death) |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
The Nation of Man declares war upon the failed state of Abysia.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Failed? Abysia is anything but failed. Hordes upon hordes of elephants have filed in from the far reaches of Arcosephale, but they have been beaten back. Perhaps the treacherous Man-kin have conspired against Abysia because they have not had the opportunity to assist in ridding the world of lizards? Despite this most recent betrayal, the lava-people will fight on, and beat back this incursion just like the last.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
want to trade FIRE, AIR, WATER gems
for EARTH, DEATH, ASTRAL gems 1:1 small or large quantities please PM me P.S. I still need previous listed items |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
i guess i'm being punished for doing so well :) |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
It seems I just had a stale turn.
Wasn't the timing being slowed starting friday? |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Around friday. Sorry, I tried to postpone, but I was 1-2 minutes too late and it did not process.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Yes. We, Zuleyka, were required to squash the vine invasion. The potential for that disease to spread is great and must not be allowed. Sadly, a few Agarthan troops happened to also die to collateral damage.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Oh yes - I forgot to mention the invasion of rabid monkeys.
It would appear that their method of sieging is to fling poo at a fort's walls until there's enough piled up to make a ramp. This probably explains their love of elephants, come to think of it... |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
That poo is freeze dried and hard as bricks. Very much like sling stones! Especially when thrown by big gorillas. Some of it is tiger poop which is sacred and can be blessed.
The white poop is especially effective as it carries rabies. All have been trained to through it at the eyes of one eyed mutants. |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
But now the poop is in the other sock, hmm?
You shouldn't have moved those elephants out... now Pythium gets a chance at my cap. |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Yes, poop alone is clearly not sufficient. Congratulations. Fine fight there.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
A rogue faction of Spider Warriors has stolen Machaka's treasured Sceptre of Fire! They were last seen sneaking out of the South Castle. We will chase these traitors to the end of the earth, to recover our relic. Let none stand in our way. Our Hunters ride south!
-- Machaka |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
The Master Smiths of Ulm assume you mean a 'Sceptre of Authority' which is more commonly known as a sceptre of fire. We can offer you one for a small price of 4 fire or earth gems! Get yours while they last! Offer also available to others!
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Have these:
fire, air, water gems, and construction to forge things pythium is likely to forge Want these: earth, pearl, nature, death gems let's make a deal! please pm me |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
I can consider selling some D for A, 1:2.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
WantToBuy: skull of fire, robe of magi
willing to discuss them in terms of sometime in the future... also is anyone selling blood yet? also what do we think blood will be worth in these odd settings? |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Have: 2 provinces
WTB: lots of dead monkeys. Any offers? |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
I want to buy earth gems. I can pay in nature gems on a 1 to 1 basis.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
I don't think any one besides me will sell dead monkeys. I could sell them for E gems.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Shinuyama is doing year-end sale. Currently our special offer includes:
- frost brands - fire brands - rune smashers - thistle maces - hero's blades - skull staves - golden shields - charcoal shields - robes of the sea Payment preferred in E/S/D/N/A gems. Prices and availability depends on type of gems. |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
uh...i can sell half of those items as well as another list of awesome items not previously listed!
god damnit someone ****ing buy some boosters or gear from me! |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
trading fire or water gems at 15:10 ratio for ESDN gems
also interested in virtually all my previous suggested trades! (don't need earth boots or skull staff anymore) |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Hail Lords of Utopia!
The Noble T'ien Ch'i are beset by implacable foes. Both the Vanheim and the Shinuyama under the flag of an war alliance. Both reach beyond their means and have become over powered, both assault the sovereignty of T'ien Ch'i and both commit significant resources in their campaigns. Surely there are those amongst the lands of Utopia that seek, like the T'ien Ch'i, to preserve its namesake, to maintain a balance of powers. If those among you are prepared, put an end to their ambitious imperialism and claim their over-extended empire's for your own. You can of course expect the T'ien Ch'i to offer its cooperation and our nation is not without its share of friends already. http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/2579/graphsx.th.png Address all commitments, comments and concerns to your local T'ien Ch'i embassy or trade minister. Via PM of course. Good Fortune, The Empress - T'ien Chi |
in case its not clear i have const6 and i'd like to sell things like RoS, RoW, winged helm...etc... please pm
also still looking to trade away fire or water gems at bargin rates!!! fire or water at 1.5:1 for earth, astral, nature or death |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
That was great battle, I was lucky to win it. But still, most of your mages survived and are going to haunt me... |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
My mages v. Vanheim were not so lucky. Their horde on my opposite flank is an entirely different beast than yours but near as deadly. Back to the drawing board! |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Shinuyama has surely better offerings on all cool gear, even items Pythium cannot forge [and we offer better customer service and clear conscience - you won't be supporting the most powerful nation].
Weekly special - Skull of Fire. Check also great prices on other wonderful items, including moonvine bracelets, robes of the sea, flame helmets, skullfaces. Apply for Frequent Buyer program and start collecting programs and win prizes! |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Want to sell: Lots of dead monkeys.
Any offers will be put to good use :D NB: This is a high risk investment. |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
i am requesting a 12h delay on turn 26.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Rlyeh realizes its a star-crossed nation, but we will inflict upon Oceania such pain for the indignities we have suffered. 300 dead Ichthycentaurs and Myrmidons will not assuage our thirst for blood. We will make the black sea a pool of blood and ichor, and cause them to regret ever having come against us.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Goatblower, deity of the Agarthans, surveyed his people. They huddled in one corner of the Great Square, made nervous by the capital's terrible emptiness. They were all dressed like princes now, even the humans. Their finery had been earned the hard way, and many of them still had the wounds to show it. He addressed his people.
"Agarthans. The ape-lords of Bandar Log will remember this day forever in their nightmares. Their archers, their tigers - even their elephants could not break our lines. Those few who passed through our gates fell before they had the time to see more than the blades that ended their lives. They may break our walls, but our will is unbroken. Agertha stands!" The crowd's answering roar of "AGARTHA STANDS!" was loud, but it was quickly lost in the cavernous darkness of the empty capital. The grinding as the statues lining the square raised their swords in salute echoed back as little more than a faint, rattling exhalation. |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
For sale: animal hide rugs, umbrella stands. Large amounts of greyish leather, newly tanned. White fur suitable for lining robes etc. Near unlimited supplies of all the above can be made available. Any reasonable offers accepted.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
new improved prices!!!
fire to nature/death 1.8:1 water to nature/death 1.8:1 air to nature/death 1.3:1 fire or water to astral 1.5:1 air to astral 1:1 fire or water to earth 1.5:1 selling const2,5,6 items... please pm me to negotiate i really need to unload my fire water air gems!!! also i'm having an airport layover tryign to do my turn here.. heh also interesting in paying FAW type gems for dhammers also looking to buy boosters that i can make myself at good prices in faw or boosters i can't make myself at less reasonable prices also interesting in considering paying gold for gems if anyone has any offers of that sort... |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Machaka grows jealous of the obvious richness flaunted by the Pythian legions, as all we can find in these so-called "rich mountains" of our are rocks and dirt. We hereby cancel our NAP-3 with the nation of Pythium! Better lock up your jewels. We've laid our spider eggs in your cupboards, under your rugs, and in your toilets. In three months they hatch!
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
12h added on Vanheim's request. I may switch to 48h soon if few peopel request it.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Rocks and Dirt?!?! Jotuns have Rocks and Dirt! We wish to trade our Rocks and Dirt for Legendary Pytium Gems at 1.5 to 1! Our Hirdmen will each be carrying a dozen sacks each to deposit them inside Pytium Vaults. We hereby cancel our NAP-3 with Pythium. Our Rocks and Dirt should arrive in 3 month's time.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
We, Zuleyka of Bandar Log, hereby cancel our NAP with Arcosephale. We may or may not attack on turn 30 as we reserve the right to be fickle. We are monkeys of course, and planning is not our nature.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
Deep inside Chaos Mountain, Utoombo Moosman, supreme commander of the Machakan forces, sits in his comfy chair and dictates to his owl quill.
"Dear Friend, I wish to approach you with a request that would be of immense benefit to both of us. I am approaching you in the strictest confidentiality, cross my heart, hope to die. I am a son of the late MR SMITH of Marignon and I to make some fortune out of a situation that I am obviously left with no other better option. My father was brutally eaten by spiders in the Machakan wars..." Soldiers burst through the study door, spear tips glinting in the dimly lit room. They are led by Captain Muddok, but that's hard to tell, since he's just another naked guy with a spear. "Gah!" Utoombo says. "Fools! Here I am at work, trying to improve the finances of our impoverished nation, and you disturb me? Do you want to get paid this month, or not?" The soldiers snicker, and Captain Muddok says, "Well, see, Pythium heard of our war plans, and in a stroke of diplomatic genius, has paid us off! We don't work for you any more, we've been bribed, he's greased our palms, paid us out, the old pot-de-vin." Utoombo fades three shades. "The spiders! Without a war to pursue, they will grow hungry and eat us all. You idiots!" Captain Muddok says, "Oh, there's no need to worry about that. We've set 'em loose on the goblins. Say, that's a nice chair!" More colour drains from Utoombo's face, and he leaps for the door. He's got no chance of escape, though, and his screams are shrill in the small room as Muddok and his soldiers enforce a quick change in leadership. Deep inside Chaos Mountain, Muddok Wildermoos, supreme commander of the Machakan forces, sits in his new comfy chair and continues the dictation. "... but before he died, Collosal Moose be praised, he named me his sole heir and beneficiary. But according to the law my father's fortune of ONE MILLION FIRE GEMS must remain in the country unless there is a foreign relative of MR SMITH who also can claim ..." |
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
My, my, the wartime confrontations are really heating up. I doubt I can get enough Bards out to keep track of it all.
Re: Utopia - new MA rich game! (game on!)
ooc clarification:
Okay, turns out some people have no idea at all what's going on in Chaos Mountain. This may be some sort of generational thing. :P All the spam now is just selling viagra or something. Does this help? For example? http://potifos.com/fraud/2004-01-31.html |
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