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Jarkko February 12th, 2010 04:58 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
I agree, lets continue without HB. And thanks Pyg for your work :)

Gregstrom February 18th, 2010 01:24 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Nehekharan PD is quite buff at high levels, then. Owie.

Oh well, you die and learn I suppose.

Aethyr February 18th, 2010 10:43 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Is there any other way? :D

Aethyr February 24th, 2010 08:25 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)

May I have a 6 hour extension on the current turn? Thanks

Baalz February 24th, 2010 11:05 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)

Aethyr February 25th, 2010 04:41 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Thanks! Turn's in.

Jarkko February 25th, 2010 08:41 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Eriu has now taken three provinces from Nehekhara, but they still grow and grow. I presume it is obvious now for everybody Nehekhara is about to win this game. If we want this fight to continue, the dead have to be stopped.

Please PM me if you want to join the free peoples. Let's stop Nehekhara now, and continue our petty little disagreements later. We have an elephant in the livingroom, and we can't continue to pretend everything is just going to turn fine in the end.

Gregstrom February 25th, 2010 09:20 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
As a footnote to this: If anyone needs to move through territories that are by rights Themiskran in order to attack Nehekhara, feel free. We'll sort out repatriation later.

Baalz February 25th, 2010 10:28 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Relax Into My Embrace Children. Your Struggles Only Bring Suffering To The Inevitable. Lay Down Your Mortal Burden And Be At Peace.

Gregstrom February 26th, 2010 03:13 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Dammit, nearly got him! Ah well, better luck next time I guess.

Jarkko February 26th, 2010 09:03 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
There will probably be a grand battle between Nehekhara and Eriu in the next turns. In my modesty I believe it will be the final deciding moment in the game, seeing how nobody else seem to be able to stand up to Nehekhara. If Eriu wins, I'll live through to fight another day and will thus remain a thorn in the butt of Nehekhara. If Eriu is beaten in the battle, nothing can stop Nehekhara anymore.

I would also appreciate it if the Ogres stopped pressing their dominion into Eriu lands. Like move away your preachers for example... Nothing is more retarded that to have spend the few resources into attempting to keep my heartlands dominion positive. On the other hand, if the Ogres want to see Nehekhara win even faster, then by all means continue your mole work.

Everybody, please wake up already and smell the coffee. If we don't unite against Nehekhara *now*, then it is too late.

Trumanator February 26th, 2010 07:34 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Another dmg issue, though it probably won't matter. Something in my cap battle with the dwarfs has the Gorger battle summon of the ogre hero. It does not appear to be the O-Toyo as I first thought, so I really have no idea. In any event, it probably won't matter if it isn't an indy recruit, since I'm unlikely to survive much longer with the amount of stuff the dwarfs are throwing at me. Runegards + magma eruption = devastation. Though if Nehekara wins it won't matter anyways.

pyg February 26th, 2010 10:58 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
OK, so I don't really know that much about modding but it looks to me like anytime anyone casts Corpse Candle (which is what Trumanator did) you will get a Gorger. The only thing DMG did is renumber the Gorger unit to 2546. Hopefully Sombre will look at this post and shed some light, although it looks to me like the Ogres mod is changing Corpse Candle for everyone. In fact it looks to me like a number of spells (Faery Trod, Seven Year Fever) are changed, so I might not really be understanding what is going on.

Here is the relevant bit starting around line 27555:

---- 472 = gorger battlefield edges summon + berserk self - for Skrag^M
#copyspell "Corpse Candle"^M
#selectspell 472 -- corpse candle^M
#nreff 5^M
#damage 2546 dmged ^M
#researchlevel -1^M
#nextspell 641^M

rdonj February 26th, 2010 11:18 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
It is in fact the ogre kingdom mod's fault. That's a bug that's been around for a while but I don't think sombre was planning on fixing it.

Jarkko February 27th, 2010 01:57 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
I have news for all the freedom loving peoples: The main army of Eriu is still standing against the evil of Nehekhara!

However, Nehekhara has now decided to rid this marvelous force of freedom from the face of earth. I kid you not, Nehekhara has brought to the Eriu front a *massive* army, backed up by very heavy magic users.

The intelligence we have suggests that Nehekhara is now very weak everywhere else. Apparently the freedom force of Eriu was too much for Nehekhara to stomach, and Nehekhara is throwing everything and their dogs against Eriu now, and to hell with everything else.

It looks like Eriu will not be able to stop this humongous army of evil :(

However, it means this is the moment Nehekhara is at its weakest everywhere else. Hit Nehekhara, hit them with anything you can. If you have hands, throw stones. If you have teeth, gnaw their ankles.

Really, if you can hurt Nehekhara in any way, now is about the best moment you can do that. If you wish there is a tomorrow, you will attack Nehekhara now with all you have.

Forget your petty skirmishes with each other. Hit Nehekhara now. After they are contained, then let us get back to the normal schedule of bickering and skirmishing with each other.

Gregstrom February 27th, 2010 04:05 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
As a footnote: The rest of Nehekhara's ill-gotten gains are littered with the occasional Tomb King, some Anubites and a fair few Bone Scorpions. I'd bring up his Lord of the Gates, but since said Pretender is limping, cursed and repeatedly Horror Marked (the penalty of hiding away out of range of all the other spells I wanted to cast), I doubt you'll see much of it. If that Mother Oak disappears shortly you should thank the Eater of Gods, although I'd advise against doing so personally...

Baalz February 27th, 2010 10:42 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Little Living Souls. Cease This Pointless Struggling For There Are None To Save You. All Who Can Fight The Inevitable Have Already Taken Up Arms Against The Tomb Kings And Now See How Futile It Is. Relax Into My Embrace Children.

Jarkko February 27th, 2010 05:47 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
As was to be expected, the freedom force of Eriu was beaten. While the losses are horrible indeed, the good news is that the magical power of Nehekhara has recieved a noticeable dent, as 9 of their 14 combat mages present in the were killed during the fracass. It was also most pleasing to recieve the intelligence reports of Nehekhara being beaten back on the other fronts! The other free nations have picked up the torch, the world might not be doomed to eternal darkness!

Still, Eriu is now forced to pull back to reorganise, because it is pretty certain the powerhungry and evil Nehekhara will press on now. Eriu is now fighting for its survival, and our only hope is that the other free nations stop Nehekhara from reinforcing their northern front. The freedom loving nations should continue their operations against Nehekhara, because even the mightiest evil abomination will fall if enough fists keep on hammering.

Gregstrom February 27th, 2010 06:21 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
The remaining forces of Themiskyra are doing their part, and we just had the unexpected pleasure of eviscerating a rather unwise Tomb King. The Nehekharans are, we think, beginning to feel the pinch of fighting a war on multiple fronts - why else would they risk an afflicted immortal in hostile dominion, when they could instead have waited for it to heal?

Join the assault now, and you may be the ones to deal them the fatal injury.

Jarkko March 1st, 2010 09:40 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
New Jomon has zero provinces left and stalled previous turn. New Jomon is also the only one not to have sent in the turn yet.

Trumanator, please set your nation to AI if you don't intend to defend your remaining forts. I think it would be quite understandable under the current situation, and at least way better than stale out turns...

Trumanator March 1st, 2010 12:39 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Sorry, I will be able to get in this turn though.

Jarkko March 1st, 2010 03:26 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
The freedom force of Eriu kicks some Nehekaran a**. And when I say kick a**, I mean a major butt whooping which Nehekaran tomb-guards will never ever forget (and we all know just how long they live). That is, if they ever hear of it, because a grand total of *one* single undead soldier escaped the slaughter from the just hands of the freedom force of Eriu. All Nehekaran combat mages, their evil scorpion beasts, hordes of evil legions, everything were grinded to dust.

Yes, that is correct. Nehekara is down. They are in the ditch. They are face down in mud. And in the legendary words of Cohen the Barbarian, there is no better time to attack your enemy than when he is face down in mud!

Don't be foolish though. Even though Nehekara just took the biggest butt-whooping in known history, they are *not* defeated. In fact, they will soon become even *more* dangerous, as they (and we all!) have now witnessed they are not quite as immortal as they have been believing. Hit Nehekara *now*, but don't get yourself killed when doing that! Because Nehekara will surely not attempt as foolish attacks from now on.

All free peoples, behold! Hunting season has begun! Who ever hunts most Nehekerans the next three months will win the honorary title of honorary title of "Hunter" and will recieve as a token one whole air gem! If we do not deliver more serious blows to Nehekara in the three next months, they will be back even stronger.

Gregstrom March 1st, 2010 03:58 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Oh, you hurt them too? I was a little short on infantry, so I ended up letting a dozen Tomb Guards and a commander go free. The rest are now a fine-ground bonemeal fertiliser - my biggest regret is that there weren't any Tomb Kings present.

Jarkko March 1st, 2010 04:18 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Why is it only Themiskyra and Eriu reporting of the great victories? We two are the smallest non-Jomon nations left! I have seen the Ogres take two provinces from Nehekhara, but after that they stopped their freedom operations. Have all the other free nations done the same too? I kid you not (or so I believe), Eriu and Themiskyra alone will not be able to slow down Nehekhara for very long. Others need to join in! Nehekhara has to be contended *now* if we all want to survive!

Friends of freedom, join the hunt now!

Trumanator March 1st, 2010 04:59 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Well congrats to Aethyr and ghoul for managing to absolutely destroy me in something like 5 turns. Aethyr, you'll discover that you're the new owner of a rather valuable piece of real estate soon :D Please own the dwarfs with it! :P

Aethyr March 1st, 2010 11:59 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Thank you Trumanator. I dare say that fearsome wrym of New Jomon gave me some anxious moments. Had it not been for the dwarves strong push I have no doubt that you would still be a force to be reckoned with.


Aethyr March 2nd, 2010 12:01 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)

Originally Posted by Jarkko (Post 733824)
Why is it only Themiskyra and Eriu reporting of the great victories?

Ever secret are the ways of the Bakemono. Not even the shadows mark their passing. :)

Gregstrom March 2nd, 2010 01:53 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Baa'Lah, the Eternally Dying, has been killed in another of his incarnations. This time as a Tomb King with very lucky randoms and a bunch of good kit.

Nehekhara, I will accept your surrender at this point.

Baalz March 2nd, 2010 03:03 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Sure, we'll be right into your cap to sign the appropriate papers.

Gregstrom March 4th, 2010 06:13 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Looks like you'll have to hurry - the Ogres seem awfully eager to surrender to me in your place...

How many Tomb Kings are you willing to have killed in an attempt to defeat my last rag-tag band of adventurers, anyway? You got my prophet that time, but I'd hardly call it a fair exchange.

Gregstrom March 5th, 2010 10:50 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
40 lizards? Now I know you aren't even trying. :( On the plus side, I guess I might last long enough to get my prophet back at this rate.

Baalz March 5th, 2010 11:06 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Try fighting on 5 fronts. Sorry, I'd love to put you out of your misery but you're kinda at the bottom of my priority list..

Gregstrom March 5th, 2010 11:11 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Ooh, does that make me a fifth column? Kewl.

Gregstrom March 7th, 2010 05:26 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Aargh - you got me! I think the other 200 troops you're moving up must have been intended for someone else, though.

Best of luck, everybody!

I think Themiskyra was over-nerfed in this game, although given my only war was against a monstrously bloated Nehekhara it's hard to be sure.

Jarkko March 8th, 2010 05:34 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
It's all over for Eriu now. All hail our Nehekaran overlords!

Gregstrom March 8th, 2010 09:06 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
I saw the graphs dip. Looks like a nasty fight happened. Nothing's happened about all those globals, though.

And, somehow, Themiskyra still survives! Hipp's name shall be praised by a tiny, ruthlessly hunted resistance movement for generations to come.

Baalz March 11th, 2010 01:35 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
I'm gonna be out of town for the weekend, and given the nature of this position I didn't really feel comfortable having somebody sub. If we get a turn early enough today I'll try to take it, but I'm going to delay hosting after that until I get back Monday.

Aethyr March 21st, 2010 07:28 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
The might of Nehekhara is just...crushing. :hurt:

Jarkko March 22nd, 2010 04:08 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)

Originally Posted by Aethyr (Post 736574)
The might of Nehekhara is just...crushing. :hurt:

I hate buttholes who say "What did I say", but anyway: What did I say?

The time to act was a long time ago. The game is now over, Nehekhara has won.

Gregstrom March 22nd, 2010 07:58 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
TBH, I think they'd pretty much won by the time I'd attacked them.

ghoul31 March 22nd, 2010 08:12 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
Don't worry, I'll save you guys

Baalz March 22nd, 2010 09:12 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
I'll keep playing as long as there's anybody who thinks they have a chance, but my opinion is there is no chance at all to stop me so don't feel like you need to keep putting up the good fight for my sake. If its unanimous concession lets call the game.

Gregstrom March 22nd, 2010 09:26 AM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
I'd be interested in an AAR, by the way.

Jarkko March 22nd, 2010 06:17 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)

Originally Posted by ghoul31 (Post 736639)
Don't worry, I'll save you guys

I seriously doubt that. You have about the same chance as a snowball has in a cooking pot, with boiling water, in the hottest pit of hell.

rdonj March 22nd, 2010 07:07 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
So slightly better than average, then? I mean, for snowballs in hell anyway.

Aethyr March 22nd, 2010 10:23 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)

Originally Posted by Jarkko (Post 736624)

Originally Posted by Aethyr (Post 736574)
The might of Nehekhara is just...crushing. :hurt:

I hate buttholes who say "What did I say", but anyway: What did I say?

The time to act was a long time ago. The game is now over, Nehekhara has won.

That may very well be, but the time to act does not create the capacity to act. Sometimes, it just is what it is.

@ Baalz, I do not disagree with you, but let's play a couple more turns and see where we are.

Baalz March 22nd, 2010 10:44 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
I'm not in a rush, just didn't want you guys to play past the point you're having fun out of a sense of obligation.

Aethyr March 22nd, 2010 11:02 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
No worries..its all about the journey, although it would be nice to see it end in victory a little more often. :)

The battle at 55 will most likely be the climax for me.

Baalz March 29th, 2010 04:59 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
So, we didn't specify victory conditions, but I'm in control of well over half the provinces - probably close to 75% of the unfortressed provinces. Pretty much everybody is just hiding in their castles waiting for me to storm them...sallying forth to slow me a bit but nothing resembling a credible offensive force anywhere. I don't really feel like meticulously storming every single castle left...does anybody have any plans of doing anything other than trying to slow how fast they're dying?

Jarkko March 29th, 2010 05:28 PM

Re: Blood Red FIGHT ON!)
If the game goes on for a while still, I'll attack because of boredom :p

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