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anonymity March 6th, 2010 07:17 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
You on the other hand seem to be missing a fort and also everything else you have.

BigDaddy March 6th, 2010 11:27 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Well, that is true. Of course, while I expected that victory was possible, it always seemed that you were quite large... Of course you were my only expansion direction. But, you attacked first. You are under the impression that Bogarus knights don't suck, but are sadly mistaken... the point here, point there difference between bogarus knights and knights that are adequate in mid-game is quite telling, with you losing several turns productions to someone you could have taken quickly if you had summoned something tought to take along. I won't blame you for losing the whole communion though, that might have happened to anyone.

The reality is, that even though you might well be able to take my lands, you don't really have much military force here, and if someone really wants my capital they could just roll into town and take it from you... or even me.

Anyway, you need to move past Bogarus knights or you'll be utterly defeated. They are poor right now (actually seven turns ago when you took my first province they were poor, now you have only three).

I was playing this same matchup with my brother, but I had a similar size country... we ultimately decided that Bogarus knights, while good enough for expansion, and though their stats look OK, for knights... marginal knights just aren't all that good, and you don't put that many hp in a square... so they die too fast to be a really decent front line for your communion, which creamed them itself... but I supoose many of the were doomed either way, because they are crappy.

Now if the masters of the game would come and fight for my capital, I would much appreciate it.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 12:03 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
I just did the new turn.

Another 100 horses die. Are you trying to get them killed to reduce your upkeep? That certainly makes sense because of how inefficient the archers and knights are.

It's going to be a year if you actually get my territory... but, somehow I think someone else might think they could take and control this area easily and in a more secure fashion. It is a rich area.

So, I think its funny how you attacked me, a small nation, telling me how much I suck and then take losses greater than I could possibly even output of my own stuff, and take months and months to do so. What part of your two initial armies is even left? Some archers? Pft.

Graeme Dice March 7th, 2010 01:10 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)

Originally Posted by BigDaddy (Post 734387)
You are under the impression that Bogarus knights don't suck, but are sadly mistaken... the point here, point there difference between bogarus knights and knights that are adequate in mid-game is quite telling,

Have you checked the stats on Bogarus' cavalry recently? Their heaviest type is nearly identical to tower knights. The only cavalry you'll find with better stats is generally going to be sacred.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 02:31 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)

Originally Posted by Graeme Dice (Post 734399)

Originally Posted by BigDaddy (Post 734387)
You are under the impression that Bogarus knights don't suck, but are sadly mistaken... the point here, point there difference between bogarus knights and knights that are adequate in mid-game is quite telling,

Have you checked the stats on Bogarus' cavalry recently? Their heaviest type is nearly identical to tower knights. The only cavalry you'll find with better stats is generally going to be sacred.

You are correct. Knights in general are just not good massed as I've been seeing them. I've only used centaurs like he's using the knights.

But, you're right, I'd have killed any knight type. He probably should have used a lot more infantry, less and set the knights and infantry forward more... etc (setup commands)... Plus, I confused his archers with some little clumps of 3 slingers at the front of the field :D. He has a lot of archers.

I apologize for mismaligning Bogarus' decent knights, as they seem to have been attacked in other places as well...

anonymity March 7th, 2010 02:34 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Well we're well into the midgame, and my knights have certainly as you've pointed out outlived their usefulness. I'm not exactly trying to get them killed (you've deployed some very specific counters though), but I don't really see losing my expansion parties at this stage as a big loss.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 02:48 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
My poor nation is back in the dark ages...

13lackGu4rd March 7th, 2010 02:52 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)

Originally Posted by BigDaddy (Post 734406)
My poor nation is back in the dark ages...

yeah, poor you and your EA Eagle and Jaguar Warriors :doh:
you don't even need your regular "archaic" troops :D

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 03:17 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)

Originally Posted by 13lackGu4rd (Post 734407)

Originally Posted by BigDaddy (Post 734406)
My poor nation is back in the dark ages...

yeah, poor you and your EA Eagle and Jaguar Warriors :doh:
you don't even need your regular "archaic" troops :D

The first few times I played, I thought they were archaic, but the 4th warrior and the feathered warrior are technically heavy infantry with javelins. And the slingers are first rate slingers. This type of slingers can be used to take many indies as it doesn't have a morale or precision penalty and carries a spear.

But, no, I meant that I'm hemorhaging pretty good and want the game over. Or maybe I'm still evil Geth and want to kill some more mages before they can get to my cap:angel.

ghoul31 March 7th, 2010 03:33 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Hinnom and Fomoria are running away wih this game. So you should end just your war and concentrate on those two. And look at the number of troops ermor has. Fighting each other is the last thing you two need to be doing.

We should all make peace and agree just to fight those three.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 03:38 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Pythium was doing fine until he recently got whooped by Formoria.

And I told Bogarus it wasn't a good idea to fight me... I guess I just looked easy to take.

I'm pretty weak though, so maybe Formoria or Hinnon would like to send a small detachment to come visit my capital.

Meglobob March 7th, 2010 06:13 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
I see MA Pythium has gone AI.

Disappointing to see a nation put up no resistance whatsoever to being attacked.

13lackGu4rd March 7th, 2010 08:06 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
yeah, Zeldor(Pythium) told me that he lost interest with this game, so when Baalz(Fomoria) air dropped him he just didn't want to bother to fight back(he could if he wanted to, still has a lot of stuff...) so he set himself to AI. he was also looking for a sub this past few days but nobody stood up to take it.

not that I agree with his decision or anything, quite the contrary, and it does suck for the rest of us, but that's the whole(or at least most) of the story behind Pythium going AI...

yeah, now Baalz will basically have free access to all that Pythium territory, so he finally broke out of his shell... but still, the rest of us are by no means powerless, we just need to play it smart...

Meglobob March 7th, 2010 10:13 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
So much for Baalz's good player pledge!

Basically if a player wants to give up he will, pledge or not and thus create a massive game inbalance.

Surprised at Zeldor since he is such a experienced player, megagame winner no less.

Baalz March 7th, 2010 10:31 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)

Originally Posted by ghoul31 (Post 734413)
Hinnom and Fomoria are running away wih this game. So you should end just your war and concentrate on those two. And look at the number of troops ermor has. Fighting each other is the last thing you two need to be doing.

We should all make peace and agree just to fight those three.

Really? Are you looking at the same game as me? In what sense is Fomoria running away with the game? Zeldor's dick move notwithstanding I'm middle of the pack in income, gem income & research...a dogpile is more than a little uncalled for...though there are two very clear leaders.

Zeldor March 7th, 2010 10:38 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Oh, well. Maybe not super gentle move, but surely fitting other players' attitude here :)

I was able to easily [well, ok, easily is overstatement] repel Fomorian forces, but why should I bother, when most of players are not much interested in this game? I had extreme bad luck [18 indie attacks within 27 turns + pretended routed to nowhere]. I was doing lots of diplo, at least I tried. But there was either total ignorance of diplomacy [Hinnom running away situation, Arco's approach too] or well... people doing weird stuff.

I could stay here and try to help someone win [as fighting Fomoria would eliminate both me and him from race for victory], but there was no one really trying to win here [except Hinnom and well, Fomoria]. Just messing around, playing semi-duels etc. With Pythium AI, maybe things will change a bit and revive the game, so balance is changed. Maybe someone will be forced to stop Fomoria. Or maybe someone will grab some of my lands and get stronger and think about playing for real? :) Maybe majority of players that play without any apparent goal will open their eyes and learn something? Treat it as my way of supporting the pledge and trying to make the game continue, not die.

If someone is against this approach - you can roll back and put a sub for Pyth. I tried to get someone interested for over 5 turns, no luck.

Baalz is right - Hinnom and Arco are clear leaders.

And it's also partly thanks to you - instead of paying attention to people running away, you decide to attack someone that was willing to fight one of them. Looks more like your support for Hinnom, so maybe people are right to be pointing you as a target for dogpiling? :)

Baalz March 7th, 2010 11:24 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Sadly this isn't the first time that I've been in a game that Zeldor decided to torpedo because other players were not playing in a manner that he deemed suitable. On top of directly kicking the game in the nuts he adds the insult to the injury by going on about how terribly all the other players are. I don't think I'll be joining another game he's in. Class act Zeldor, real class act.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 11:37 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
So, you guys talk a little on IRC or something and then make assumptions about the players not on IRC? That's what I assume is happening. Not that I could have done much... I might have been able to do more but some genius thought the best thing to do was to attack handful of provinces protected by a lich, rather than going for the fleshy fat neighbors. Whatever, though, I thought, I will still help determine the end of this game. I cannot think of a single way in which I could win, unless I could take uncontested much of someone elses territory.

I really still don't care, I'll keep playing anyway.

It's funny because even if Hinnon gave up, I couldn't quickly take his provinces anyway, and I still wouldn't win!

Zeldor March 7th, 2010 11:43 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
You are right about one game where I overreacted about one people just going AI [not that your words here are really better versed].

And now you are reading what you want to read. You created the pledge, but you are the one joining games and not really following it. The goal for everyone should be to do everything possible to win the game, how is your invasion helping with that? :) You say that I'm kicking the game - you are doing the same by supporting the strongest nation. Isn't kingmaking against the pledge? Sure, you can say that you can attack him later, but that wouldn't happen if I stayed and fought the war, maybe till the end of game.

You prefer to use vulgar words, where I put simple explanation. I could say that you are trying to take revenge for example for me not liking your guides or fighting in another game. But that would be probably a lie. You have the right to attack anyone you want, be it game leader or mid-pack member. And I have the right to go AI, when I see that it can make the game more balanced and wake some people up. And I have the right to comment on people not trying good enough to win - I am not telling they are terrbile, simply suggesting more mature to MP approach. And you should know really well that it's true - you are one of the best players around after all and you know diplomacy quite well.

Torin March 7th, 2010 11:50 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Well, I postpone hosting till we decide what to do.

Baalz March 7th, 2010 11:58 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Zeldor, your arrogance is almost beyond belief. I am, as always, playing for a win and there is a lot of stuff going on which you are obviously unaware. There's also almost certainly plenty of stuff that I'm unaware of but from what I've pieced together this looks a whole lot like you couldn't get everyone to join the dogpile that you wanted so you're taking your ball and going home. That's exactly what happened in Art of War. "Newbs don't know how to play" is apparently Zeldor-speak for "I couldn't convince half a dozen people to all stop what they're doing and attack the guy I decided needs to go down". It'd be one thing if you only mouthed off like a jackass, but you then combine it with actions that materially derail the game. It boggles my mind that you can in any way believe that you're on the moral high ground and doing this "for our own good".

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 12:04 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
If playing kingmaker is against the pledge then the pledge is designed as junk, there many circumstances in which the liklihood of victory is extremely small.

If I ever played a two player and lost 3 early expansion armies, as I did, in this game, I would yield to my opponent. I lost with them. In MP, I might have just a slightly better chance of victory, but to assert that victory is 'possible' is pretty ridiculous... Unless you jsut give me Pythium, then I might be able to win!

Meglobob March 7th, 2010 12:15 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
I have to say that, 'so you're taking your ball and going home' is exactly how I would describe Zeldors attitude and actions. His I am just spicing the game up is a load of rubbish, more like I can't win now and I don't fancy turns and turns of fighting Baalz so I will take the easy way out and go AI.

Also, I am playing to win, Baalz is, I am sure Hinnom, Arco, Lanka and Ermor are too. Well everyone else is fighting on and quite rightly too. We all join to fight other people cause its more fun, not the AI which we can do anytime. Very, very disappointing Zeldor, you would be annoyed if you felt you had a potientially winning position and then someone just bailed and handed there empire over without a fight, completely swinging the balance of power.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 12:17 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Zeldor should have said:

Formoria, your foolish move will cost you dearly. You have attacked the sole possible ally in the struggle against Hinnon. I will destroy you. As for the rest of these pitiful pretenders, they can feast upon our corpse when you find your destruction.

That is actually the angle I would take in defending myself too.

Meglobob March 7th, 2010 12:25 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
I suppose we only have 2 options now:-

1) Continue with MA Pythium AI.

2) Try to find a sub for MA Pythium who is willing to put up a fight and rollback the turn. I believe only the new MA Pythium player would need to redo there turn.

What does everyone think and does anyone know a player who wants some battle practice?

anonymity March 7th, 2010 04:48 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
I don't see what's wrong with what happened.

a) Fomoria believes he can improve his position so that it's more likely to win. He invades Pythium
b) Pythium believes that neither he nor Fomoria can win. He sets himself AI

I don't really understand what's wrong with what's happened here. You pick on the weak and the busy, and quietly build up advantages in research and gem income. If diplo and war doesn't go someone's way, they are well within their rights to set themselves AI. Nothing wrong with either action. Let's keep playing.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 05:06 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)

Originally Posted by anonymity (Post 734487)
I don't see what's wrong with what happened.

a) Fomoria believes he can improve his position so that it's more likely to win. He invades Pythium
b) Pythium believes that neither he nor Fomoria can win. He sets himself AI

I don't really understand what's wrong with what's happened here. You pick on the weak and the busy, and quietly build up advantages in research and gem income. If diplo and war doesn't go someone's way, they are well within their rights to set themselves AI. Nothing wrong with either action. Let's keep playing.

(you lose the value of role playing... the disconnection with actual losing and the greater importance of having fun, and thus, we are lead to believe, once again, that only crappy players lose... for instance, with his good player pledge, I can't tell if Baalz/Zeldor (which is which again?) are actually that conceited... RAWR!!!)

Even now the other nations of the world salivate over our smouldering ashes!


militarist March 7th, 2010 05:37 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Putting game on hold and rollback would be good. It's a good idea to do it now.

Finding sub would be good, I'll ask Wrana. If he will reject, it is not bad idea to set game for hold till found.

Torin March 7th, 2010 06:20 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
I would declare militarist the winner myself.

Many were... uncomitted to fight him. And he is leading by a good margin.

Meglobob March 7th, 2010 07:43 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Yea, I'd go with declaring militarist the winner too, Zeldor's going AI spoilt the game, so lets call it.

Baalz March 7th, 2010 07:56 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Fine by me, but I claim credit for making Zeldor run away crying.

13lackGu4rd March 7th, 2010 08:05 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
well, if due to the current situation ya'll wish to surrender to Hinnom than the Demonic forces of Lanka won't stand in your way. however the Demonic forces of Lanka will call these pathetic beings who call themselves "nations" are mere spineless cowards. nonetheless, Lanka does not volunteer to be the world's hero in banishing the Hinnom menace, or any other menace for that matter, so if everyboy else lost their wills to fight under the current circumstances than so be it, but for the record this is not the Lankan way.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 08:53 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Anyone can claim they won, but the truth will always be known that Mictlan was the most noble (and evil) victor.

Although, I had a special plan for Fomoria planned in just a few turns... I can tell he's already lost his composure to my superior diplomatic tactis.

ghoul31 March 7th, 2010 08:54 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Pythium would have been wiped out in a few turns anyway. So I don't see how him going AI changes things that much.

Lets keep playing.

13lackGu4rd March 7th, 2010 09:13 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)

Originally Posted by ghoul31 (Post 734525)
Pythium would have been wiped out in a few turns anyway. So I don't see how him going AI changes things that much.

Lets keep playing.

and what exactly are you basing this statement on...? Pythium was NOT weak, it could have dealt with Fomoria's air drops and your pathetic blue giants. heck, the only reason I let you live was because Pythium said he'd take care of you, so I focused my attention elsewhere... I can still wipe you out easily if I concentrate all my forces back near our border, which would be foolish for me to do as you're clearly no serious threat to me, and that pathetic excuse of a blue giant rush of yours just melt inside my hot domain...

but don't worry ghoul, if we do continue playing than I won't let you enjoy the spoils that Pythium left us, you'll still be stuck between Marverni and I, powerless to seriously harm either of us.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 09:28 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
If we continue, then it is true, the Zeldor will have put the world aflame.

militarist March 7th, 2010 09:38 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Do not demonize Hinnom :) We even don't eat animals.

ghoul31 March 7th, 2010 09:43 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
You certainly love to talk trash blackguard. Are you like 10 years old or something?

You were attacking me 2 on one the whole game and couldn't kill me. So everything you are saying is total nonsense.

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 09:53 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Aw, we could half cede to Hinnom and then play king of the hill the rest of the game.

anonymity March 7th, 2010 10:06 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Well whatever. This game doesn't feel anywhere close to finished, but if half the players want to call it quits I guess they know something I don't... honestly it's a little sad really. If all you play for is to win then you might as well end every game at turn 30.

cleveland March 7th, 2010 11:27 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Ugh, this is ugly.

Roll back, I'll take over Pythium. Can start tomorrow night. dom3cleveland [at] gmail [dot] com

BigDaddy March 7th, 2010 11:36 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Well, you have chosen Kyaxares, heretic! Yet another nation too frightened to declare war one the mighty Mictlan!

But, seriously, thanks for offering to take over. How's a guy to get squashed properly if everyone quits before the first person is even eliminated?

Meglobob March 8th, 2010 04:53 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Thanks Cleveland, MA Pythium is still powerful so you should be able to have some fun with the nation.

Can we do a rollback Torin and get the Ma Pythiums trn file to Cleveland?

Torin March 8th, 2010 08:40 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Rolled Back. Pythium controlled by cleveland.
Llamaserver said a new version has been released.
Backup the entire dominions folder before patching (as said by llamabeast)

Torin March 8th, 2010 11:18 AM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)

I claim credit for making Zeldor run away crying.
I wonder if Baalz read my welcome message at page #1


if you are playing for fun (and to win the game) you are welcome

13lackGu4rd March 8th, 2010 12:41 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)

Originally Posted by Torin (Post 734575)
Rolled Back. Pythium controlled by cleveland.
Llamaserver said a new version has been released.
Backup the entire dominions folder before patching (as said by llamabeast)

but only Cleveland needs to resubmit the turn right? the rest of us still have their turns stored on llamaserver.

Torin March 8th, 2010 01:03 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Everyone has to redo. But im not sure if its in 3.23b or 3.24
Better backup the dominons folder before pathcing.

Zeldor March 8th, 2010 03:15 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Old files are kept if you roll back. It shows as not received to see who submitted.

Krec March 8th, 2010 11:06 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
i am completely lost , someone quit and the turn is rolled back or something ?, fill me in . heck , i lost a turn a while back but just played on , wish i could roll that one back. so help me out whats going on? . i am not real big on redos. i can almost guarantee nobody does the same thing again.

Festin March 9th, 2010 01:06 PM

Re: Multiera Mithril Might (Started)
Just in case - I'll be offline until Thursday evening. I hope the next turn won't be needed until I'm back.

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