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Baalz February 20th, 2010 10:40 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
No worries yer Pantokness, we just be makin friends in a rough and tumble way. I be sure the goblin king won't need ta be taught that hiding behind yer skirts aint gonna help none, this here be what I like ta call a self correcting behavior. We have sent many barges laden with gifts for a big party in honor of our our new friendly relations, so he can learn what a good friend the Pirate Queen can be to those who treat her so generously. We just be waiting for the goblin king to start the music.

Meglobob February 20th, 2010 01:22 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Oh great Pantokrater who art up above, do we get to know the results of the recent ordeal or is that information for the Pantokrater's all seeing eyes only?

With Utmost Respect,

MA T'ien C'hi.

Burnsaber February 21st, 2010 03:18 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 732619)
Oh great Pantokrater who art up above, do we get to know the results of the recent ordeal or is that information for the Pantokrater's all seeing eyes only?

With Utmost Respect,

MA T'ien C'hi.

Here you go.


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

I especially pleased by the gold sacrifice from the giants of Hinnom and the magnificient hoard of death gems from Lanka. They will gain more worth in my eyes.

But, I was utterly insulted by the insignificant bits of gold by EA T'ien C'hi and Ulm's meagre "sacrifice" of nature gems. They will be worth less in my eyes.

No magical items were sent as a sacrifice and Atlantis failed to send me anything. They will be worth less in my eyes.

Lingchih February 21st, 2010 03:50 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
And, you see, the Pirate Queen had nothing to fear. Shung holds true to his word. Do others do the same? We shall see.

Baalz February 21st, 2010 11:27 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Oh no yer Pantokness, we done sent a barge loaded with all kinds of loot! Gold, gems and two different magic items of great value. We sent it...oh. On a boat captained by that scoundrel Jack. If I be ye I'd be lookin fer yer sacrifice in some non-Extradition nation like Shinuyama, fer it's surely yers.

GameExtremist February 22nd, 2010 05:44 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
To the demonic interlopers of our forests,

Why do we see the banners of the nation Lanka cutting, burning and slaughtering our free spirited maenads, satyrs and other fair and noble creatures within our fair and peaceful realm?
The Pans of Pangaea only wish to revel and have great festivals in honour of a great pantokrator, remove your armies from our former lands immediately or face your doom.

The bear shall awaken from its slumber very soon.

You have been warned.

The regency moot council of Pans of Pangaea.

Burnsaber February 22nd, 2010 11:32 AM

Re: Ordeal for turns 11-15
Ordeal for turns 11-15


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

Although I greatly enjoy the fights my eyes are spying as we speak, I want to see something way more intresting. To make this be, I have begun the preparations to once more start the Arena Games.

Prepare your champion and be sure to send a combanant to the following match, I do not admire the qualities of a coward!

On this turn (11), Pantokrator will wish for the Arena Deathmatch to take place. You will be able to send combanants on turn 12 and the fight itself will take place on turn 13. All nations who do not send a combanant will lose one boon from their total. The winner of the Arena will get one boon to their total.

Isokron February 22nd, 2010 02:48 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
The demons of Lanka must protest against these baseless accusations, although some of our more backward half-ape cousins might cook their meat a real demon eat it raw and definitely not burned. In fact we will probably banish this fire stuff altogether when we ascend to pantokratorhood.

This bear thingy sounds interesting though, we might even save some choice parts as a gift for the pantokrators own table.

Lingchih February 22nd, 2010 08:42 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Shung of Shinuyama looks forward to drowning the Pirate Queen in the icy blood of her pathetic minions. Her cowardly attacks on the isle of Shinuyma have already cost her one army, and nearly her prophet.

Lingchih February 22nd, 2010 10:45 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
When can we ask for a boon again, Burn?

Burnsaber February 23rd, 2010 03:22 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 732987)
When can we ask for a boon again, Burn?

You can ask for one boon per "event cycle". So if you have gotten no boon for turns 11-15, you can ask for one. After that, the next time you can ask is 16-20 and after that on turns 21-25 and so forth.

So basically, one boon request per Ordeal.

pyg February 23rd, 2010 03:36 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Ed is really drunk again. Our ugly cousins from the south are giving us a hard time and the world has turned its back on our feud. We are however pleased to announce that we are sending a mighty champion of Hinnom to kick butt in the arena... I mean to honor and win the favor of the Pantokrator. Ed wanted to go but he is way too drunk. Hopefully our sissy cousins will send something tastier than an Edomite.

militarist February 23rd, 2010 05:07 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Ed, I сan imagine your Melqart with arena prize amulet...wow :) We hope to be сompetitive now, but what to do you with your melqart equipped with the prize from first arena :) ? I wish you good luсk and fair fight!

Gregstrom February 24th, 2010 09:20 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
The happy squid-folk of R'lyeh would like to thank Lanka for the light snack - while cooling off between rounds, our champion mentioned that Bandarajas are really rather tasty. Unfortunately the Bandarajas seem to be pastured in a bad location, as shortly afterwards Glaah came down with a fatal case of Wyrms.

kianduatha February 24th, 2010 10:32 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
HAHAHAHAHA! Is that all you have? Sending patsies to face ME?

Ahem. The most civilized nation of Jomon extends its condolences to the others, who apparently have such feeble Pretenders that they dare not show their faces in the arena--unless, that is, they are so lazy they have not yet even woken up.

Baalz February 24th, 2010 10:45 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Har! And thus end the chest thumping of Shung methinks. He be cursed, diseased, limping and sporting a wound that looks like it won't heal...which might actually mean something if he weren't more than a little decapitated. All praise to the Pantokrator, whose wolven winter contributed in no small part to the humiliatingly one sided crushing of the goblin's main host. Now, onto the capital and the last handful of holdouts what need to be taught manners. Let it be known that the Pirate Queen extends her sovereignty to all provinces flying the goblin flag and anybody foolish enough to try and snatch them will have committed an act of war against Atlantis. We be by shortly ta change the flags.

Ladies, ye'll have ta look pretty closely as it's shriveled even smaller than what it started, but the little worm hanging from me yardarm be the fulfulment o' the promise that be made three short months ago.

Burnsaber February 24th, 2010 12:05 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

Yes! This slaughter pleased me greatly. All hail the champion Nobunaga, who appeared himself to fight and risk his life just to entertain me, his courage pleases me and he is worthy in my eyes! Although, I wonder what kind of opponents will the courageous pretender face in the next deathmatch?

Yes, that is right. There will be more arena matches. All of you can now request me to organize the deathmatch if you feel that you have the greatest champion!

My divine eyes spy many wars and soon the first nations will fall and tartarus will open up its hungry endless maw to enfulg the first contestants. Only the best shall remain, fight to the bitter end for death is the only other option!

I also announce that I have no further need for my province in Monherboa(56). Contenstants are free to conquer to it, if they feel like they can defeat my champion who I set to guard the province.

Jomon's Pretender won the Arena. Since the unit has no magic picks, Jomon now has 2 conquest points (I'll eventually add a CQ point tally up in the first post). Probably should have added a clause that disabled pretenders from contesting, but I'm not going to change the rules mid-game (besides, I'm pretty confident that the Wyrm will eventually go down). All in all, clever build kianduatha, congratulations.

Players can now request for the arena match to take place, updated the rules of the first post;


There are five (now six) types of boons (more will be introduced with ordeals, thought):
1. Items
2. Gems
3. Gold
4. Information
5. Casting of a Ritual Spell
6. Starting Arena Deathmatch (enabled since turn 13), this costs two boon and can only be used once per event cycle.
-> Baalz;
Yeah, that wish for a Wolven Winter was a very good choice (and exactly the reason why I made "specific" boons cost more).

Also, a note for everyone; I now have modded spies (with extremely ridicilious stealth) in every province of the map. It's pretty fun to watch the battles and if your personal boon involves certain terms to be achieved within a battle, you don't necessarily need to send me a .trn file (note thought that I can't see assasinations and other special battles).

Isokron February 24th, 2010 01:53 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
What kind of trickery is this, that was a carrion dragon and not a bear. We demons have quite a refined taste and wont eat rotten meat like that.

Lingchih February 24th, 2010 07:12 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Yeap, it do be true. The big guy is deader than a doornail. Seen it with me own eyes. Ran right up to the frontlines, and I be thinkin' he cast stoneskin on himself while the cold balls were rainin down on em. Kind of stupid if you ask me, but who be I to say.

Anyways, I guess I be the one in charge now, and I don't see no point in surrendering to the pirates, cause they'd just kill us anwyays. Anyone wanting our other provs is welcome to em. There ain't anbody in em to defend em anyways.

Gimpy the Goblin Chief

Burnsaber February 26th, 2010 04:57 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Work. Hectic. Overtime. Tired. Next shift... 10 hours.

Sleeeepy... Put up extension.

Lingchih February 28th, 2010 10:05 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Wasn't there going to be further elaboration on the new ordeal here, Burn?

Lingchih February 28th, 2010 11:54 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Gimpy here agains,

I had a dream, in which Shung the very large but dead pretender, asked me to call out to you all for voting for him. Heck, can't hurt eh, pantokrater knows he needs the help.

So vote for Shung, and set him free.

Gimpy the Goblin Chief

Burnsaber March 1st, 2010 02:04 AM

Ordeal for turn 16-21: Silver Tongue
Ordeal for turn 16-21


Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 733758)
Wasn't there going to be further elaboration on the new ordeal here, Burn?

Yeah, but if the turn is going to host around 2-3 am in the morning, I'm not going stay awake until that moment just to post something in the interwebs. These things come with certain delays.

On another note, I added Conquest Point tally up in the first post.


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

It has come the time test your skills of intrique and politics for the future pantokrator does not only need strenght but also a silver tongue. Because if your court consists of Sepraphs, Chayots and Asmegs, one has to be completely in control or face their wrath.

Before turn 20, each one of you must vote for an another nation. You are free to vote whoever you want and whatever criteria you want to use (a'k'a you can sell your vote for the highest bitter, buy them, strongarm other players for them "Vote me or else!", etc...). Following rules and prices apply for the voting:

Any player who still is in the game can vote, but a player who is not in control of his capital is not eligble for a win.
Players can also "court" me to boost their vote count, but this counts as a request for a boon. (a'k'a you can trade your boon request for this ordeal for a single vote for you) -> NOTE that doing this does NOT count as your vote, you still need to vote for an another player.
If a player does not cast a vote by turn 20, he will be penalized by two boons from his boon count.

The prices for the Ordeal are as follows (ties are broken by the boon count of the nations in question):

1st place: Mantle of the Divine Servant (very powerful magical item, gold, gems and the ability to see the boon count of each nation upon request)
2nd place: Treasure of the Lord of the Rings (magical items, gold)
3rd place: Legacy of the Hoburg Hero (magical items)

Lingchih March 1st, 2010 02:13 AM

Re: Ordeal for turn 16-21: Silver Tongue

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 733763)
Ordeal for turn 16-21

Any player who still is in the game can vote, but a player who is not in control of his capital is not eligble for a win.

That's Bullsh

Burnsaber March 1st, 2010 06:41 AM

Re: Ordeal for turn 16-21: Silver Tongue

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 733764)

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 733763)
Ordeal for turn 16-21

Any player who still is in the game can vote, but a player who is not in control of his capital is not eligble for a win.

That's Bullsh

Likely a misunderstanding, let me clarify. When I say "capital" I mean the fortress in your capital province. If your capital is under siege, you are still in control of your capital and can still get the rewards for this ordeal.

This rule was implemented to prevent no-brainer "vote dumping" to the nation that is likely to be gone by turn 25. I mean, you need to have access to a laboratory in order to get the items and to get use out of the gems that are rewarded. If the top prize would just almost automatically go to the guy with one province left, it would render the whole voting process and all of the politicing involved pretty meaningless.

Of course, as per rules stand, you can dumb your vote to a nation that's obviously a goner, but if that nation is not eligble for the win on turn 21 when the votes are counted, the win might go to the nation that you *really* don't want to win.

Baalz March 1st, 2010 10:30 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
The boys'll be happy to toss their vote to the highest bidder.

Isokron March 1st, 2010 03:33 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Are the votes cast publicly or how can someone buyi^w ehrm campaigning for votes see that he succeeded ?

If they are public we would like to offer 5 nature or death gems per vote, limited to 4 votes per gemtype so vote fast.

Also as a one off offer we offer a vote for a vote.

militarist March 1st, 2010 03:39 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
If publicity or deal control will be possible somehow, ASHDOD offers 10 GEMS for vote, or vote for vote exchange.
The type of gems will be determined by us, or during negotiations.

Burnsaber March 1st, 2010 03:47 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Isokron (Post 733814)
Are the votes cast publicly or how can someone buyi^w ehrm campaigning for votes see that he succeeded ?


Teaches me to write an Ordeal post from school (and away from my notes).

Votes will be made public on turn 21.

(don't worry, the next couple ordeals will be quite simpler)

Gregstrom March 1st, 2010 04:06 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
R'lyeh are willing to offer a vote exchange and/or buy votes with gems. For that matter, if you don't want a land-based neighbour to get a big chunk of treasure then cast a vote our way.

In addition, we freely promise that any nation voting for us won't be first in line for sudden and seemingly random outbreaks of insanity and extremely unpleasant nightmares among the populace.

Trumanator March 3rd, 2010 03:41 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
You know, there's something incredibly amusing about being sandwiched between EA and MA TC. :p

Meglobob March 3rd, 2010 04:06 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Trumanator (Post 733967)
You know, there's something incredibly amusing about being sandwiched between EA and MA TC. :p

Just plain bad luck! Cousins just could not fight each another.

GameExtremist March 3rd, 2010 06:18 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Alas the Age of Revelry is over (it had barely just started) with our short lived Carrion Dragon and dreams of hordes of Maenads and Carrion creatures lost forever amidst great banquets of Lanka Palankashas eating everything.

Well done Lanka we were ill-prepared for your early onslaught you will be a force to be reckoned with.

Twas fun!

Burnsaber March 3rd, 2010 06:44 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by GameExtremist (Post 733977)
Alas the Age of Revelry is over (it had barely just started) with our short lived Carrion Dragon and dreams of hordes of Maenads and Carrion creatures lost forever amidst great banquets of Lanka Palankashas eating everything.

Well done Lanka we were ill-prepared for your early onslaught you will be a force to be reckoned with.

Twas fun!


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The first pretender has been devoured by the demonic beasts of Lanka and sent to the depths of Tartarus, never to return again! The Age of Revelry showed promise, but *promise* alone is not enough in this grand contest.

Goodbye, Decay, the God of Panganea. May your suffering be less soul-shattering than those of the lesser gods of that realm. So wishes the Pantokrator and so it shall be!

Yeah, I watched most of your combats with Lanka. You really gave him all that you got. It was also suprising to see that the spell songs were *almost* useful, I have always placed them in the "absolutely useless" category.

If you want to, you can send me your e-mail address, if you want to see the material I have for this game (detailing what boons have I given and how do they work and what ordeals will come up and so forth + my turn files).

pyg March 3rd, 2010 01:12 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Well, Ed is on a secret mission and left all ofhis boooz e here. YEAH! Unfortunately the Qedesim he left in charge of capital defense has performed rather poorly. On the other hand, he was last seen in the clutches of a grinning Anakite. We think everyone should vote for Hinnom just because we have to be nice to our ugly cousins.

slMagnvox March 5th, 2010 08:28 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
The God Queen Red Sonja is at war with the Jomon. We implore the allies and friends of Enigma of Steel Ulm to ride to our aid and share in the conquest of the Jomon!

Also, vote for Ulm!

kianduatha March 5th, 2010 10:21 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Begging for help already? Unfortunately, there are a few inaccuracies in some of your statements. You imply that you have allies and that you're winning. I would posit otherwise.

Burnsaber March 7th, 2010 06:46 AM

Ordeal for turn 21: Jack the Scroundel


Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 732726)
Oh no yer Pantokness, we done sent a barge loaded with all kinds of loot! Gold, gems and two different magic items of great value. We sent it...oh. On a boat captained by that scoundrel Jack. If I be ye I'd be lookin fer yer sacrifice in some non-Extradition nation like Shinuyama, fer it's surely yers.


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

A crime most fould has been inflicted upon my realm! This scroundel, 'Jack' Togrim, who took the sacrifices of the Pirate Queen stole my spheres of great power that fueled my divine sight. I was quick to find and smite that fool, but so great was his greed and utterly vile his spirit that he just rose again to attain greater riches by pillaging the coasts of this realm.

Of course, I could just will hid annoying existance void, but it pleases me more to see you do it. If you want to be gods, handling one pirate should be an easy task, right? Jack still carries my spheres of divine sight and the one who defeats him will gain a sight of a true god.

If no one of you so called 'pretenders' manage to defeat and catch Jack Togrim within the span of one year, all of you will be only worthy of my scorn!

I have dispelled the "Eyes of the Pantokrator" global enchantment. Because I now have spies in every province, I don't need it anymore. Also, from this point onward Pantokrator always will use only one global slot (so if Pantokrator has one up, he won't cast a new one until the old one is dispelled).

The one who defeats Togrim will gain access to one .trn file of mine from the turn the Admiral was defeated. He will also get one boon to their total. If admiral is not caught within a year (by turn 33), all players lose 1 boon from their total.

I will post the results of the Ordeal of the Silver Tongue tonight, once I get home and get access to my notes. Although I can say that Ashdod won by a landslide.

Burn, baby, Burn! Is now a divine servant of Pantokrator, and will receive the trappings worthy of such a task:


(No, I did not suddenly invent item modding, it is just a renamed "Robe of the Sorceress")

Isokron March 7th, 2010 10:44 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
So the pantakrator was who had stolen Satinas robe, she seemed mightily upset to have to go to battle without it. She was so ashamed that she run away before I had a chance to kill her though, so i guess it doesnt matter.

Burnsaber March 7th, 2010 02:21 PM

Results for the Ordeal of the Silver Tongue

Originally Posted by Isokron (Post 734440)
So the pantakrator was who had stolen Satinas robe, she seemed mightily upset to have to go to battle without it. She was so ashamed that she run away before I had a chance to kill her though, so i guess it doesnt matter.

The Pantokrator steals whatever item of clothing that happens to please him!

On the same vein, if you happen to meet Solaris, he's a bit of a pushover now.


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

I have counted the votes and the results are as follows:

Ashdod: Voted by Atlantis, MA T'ien C'hi, EA Lanka, LA Jomon, EA T'ien C'hi

R'lyeh: Voted by Shinuyama, Hinnom

Hinnom: Voted by LA C'tis, Voted by R'lyeh

MA T'ien C'hi: Voted by Ashdod

Ashdod has earned the right to be my Divine Servant and riches belonging of that position will be made to be his!

R'lyeh will receive the treasure of the Lord of the Rings, one glorious ring for each tentacle.

Hinnom will be granted the Legacy of the Burgmeister hero, so that they can remember that even the small ones can achieve big deeds.


I also Have updated the boon tables with following changes:

Items: Con6 items can now be awarded.

Gems: One additional die will be rolled to determinate the amount of gems

Gold: 10 additional dices will be rolled to determinate the amount

Information: Once Admiral is defeated, players can request to see my turn files from previous turns.

Ritual castings: Two rituals can be casted. The list of allowed rituals has been expanded.

Burnsaber March 9th, 2010 09:21 AM

Legacy of the Kami

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

Nobunaga the great Wyrm has lead the people of Jomon into glory! They have proven to honor their ancestry and now wield the collective will of the millenia long history of their clan. Nobunaga has thus completed the divine ordeal presented before him and proven his worth before my eyes.

I have showered him gifts and riches to make it be as it should be! Long will live the ancients of Jomon, for so states Pantokrator and so it shall be!


Jomon has completed his personal ordeal.

(note that ordeals between nations are not on the same difficulty curve, but that the rewards are set based on the difficulty. Some are easier with smaller rewards some are harder with better rewards)

On other news, I'd like to restate that Monherboa (56) can be attacked, but it is guarded by a champion of Pantokrator called "Thunderer". The province has also been fully searched for magic sites. (although I just got a pd event there, so beware!)

Isokron March 13th, 2010 07:36 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Jack Togrim will plague this world no more after he unwisely decided to pick a fight with our mighty markatta warriors, with a little help they easily defeated his pirates. He died a death fitting for a traitor when one of his mage underlings phoenix pyre went of beside him.

Meglobob March 13th, 2010 10:24 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Isokron (Post 735413)
Jack Togrim will plague this world no more after he unwisely decided to pick a fight with our mighty markatta warriors, with a little help they easily defeated his pirates. He died a death fitting for a traitor when one of his mage underlings phoenix pyre went of beside him.


Why didn't that mage kill Jack the last 2 months when he invaded the lands of MA T'ien Ch'i?

Loads of lucky free stuff from the pantrokrator involving no skill at all and blind luck sounds really good.;)

Burnsaber March 14th, 2010 03:45 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Isokron (Post 735413)
Jack Togrim will plague this world no more after he unwisely decided to pick a fight with our mighty markatta warriors, with a little help they easily defeated his pirates. He died a death fitting for a traitor when one of his mage underlings phoenix pyre went of beside him.


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

Good Riddance! You will be rewarded with a glimpse of what it is to be like god and have proven your worth before my eyes!


Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 735418)

Loads of lucky free stuff from the pantrokrator involving no skill at all and blind luck sounds really good.;)

I take it that this wasn't your favourite Ordeal?

Well, in Isokron's defense, he really put up some coastal defences up to protect his porvinces and maxime his chances of capturing him, so he definately earned that price, although it's not that special.

Burnsaber March 16th, 2010 08:03 AM

Re: Ordeal for turn 26: Elder Sign


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

A misfortune of great prportions has befallen upon this realm. The constellation of the Slumbering Elders has now appeared on the sky! Planetary misfortune will fall upon us all and fill the hearts of men with madness, raising them against you, ushering heresies with every breath they take!

We must endure for 5 months before the sign will disappear behind Jupiter. The cause of this phanomenom escapes even me, for my sight cannot pierce the edge of reality to the horrific Void.

Each capitol has been struck by a "Baleful Star" event. For turns 26-31, a random province on the map will be hit by "Imprint Souls" (however, the same nation will not get struck consecutively twice, I will reroll if so happens. Also, capitols will not get struck). Provinces captured by these casting CAN be attacked and it is also advisable, since if the heretics are left alone for 4 or more turns, they will start getting reinforcements.

Defeating the heretics will earn the player information about the future and some minor magic items.

Meglobob March 16th, 2010 01:21 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Wondered why everyones income took a nosedive, well at least my lab didn't burn down for third time...:doh:

Also is it just me or do we all reckon astral corruption will appear at some point in the future?

militarist March 17th, 2010 03:39 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Need any items with siege bonus,my friends.

Meglobob March 17th, 2010 04:34 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
I staled even through I sent my 2h file in, notice 2 others staled as well, some sort of problem?

Burnsaber March 17th, 2010 08:03 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 735883)
I staled even through I sent my 2h file in, notice 2 others staled as well, some sort of problem?

Hopefully not. However, I've extended the scheducle as per OP states.

If anyone has any furhter troubles with the game, contact me immediately.

Lingchih March 17th, 2010 06:46 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Gimpy, formerly captain of Shin here. Well, I guess that's it. I'm looking for a nice cave in the mountains to live out my days.

Nice job Baalz.

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