![]() |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
i think there is no sub, but just Hoplosternum using another email address.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
"Unfortunately I will be away for a week soon so will need a sub for a turn or two."
That's what he wrote me... |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I haven't gone away yet :)
I will be away from next Saturday for a week. So I shall be looking for a sub for that time. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I made peace with Abyssia, I even send him 1200 old. But he betrayed me and still is attacking me. bandar also attacked me, so he must have made a deal with him.
So some good advice is never to make a deal with welltimat in Dominions 3 |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Yes, everyone makes own reputation here. Now with joining Abysia alliance is unstoppable. I beileve they could afford winning war without spoiling their reputation by ignoring NAPs and such kind of backstabbing.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Bandar will become unstoppable soon. So they are just handing the game to him. I don't get it.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
ummm, actually it was a lack of diplomacy that lead me to attack you guys. It was strange of you to think that I wouldn't attack you when we don't have an NAP or any agreements.
militerist, you have been obsessed with this "alliance" that has basically amounted to an NAP, I haven't even communicated with my "allies" in many turns and don't even share a border with Abysia and certainly have no agreements with him. The fact is that you have had a border with me the whole game but haven't tried anything, so if i've grown too powerful for you, then its your own making. But I resent the implication that I have stabbed anyone in the back, no deals have been violated by the scrupulous monkeys to date :) |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Our NAP is now being terminated Mr Log. Your rapacious monkeys cannot be allowed to take over the world without opposition. And your assault on our Stargazing friends is the last straw :)
I usually feel bound by NAPs, but if I become convinced that you do not then I shall not feel bound by ours. I would simply be being taken for a mug if I provide you with the notice you would not provide me or your other opponents. So you are safe from me this turn - but I shall be investigating whether you are an oath breaker or not. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I have honored all of my contracts to date. If militarist (or ashod) says we had an NAP with him then he is mistaken. In fact, until recently we did not even share a border. Perhaps they overlooked the fact that they had a new neighbor.
So I consider all of my current deals valid . Mr Mictlan, I consider you to be the true threat to world piece, having discovered the secrets of ancient artifacts no doubt. So your cancellation of our NAP was expected and is noted. :) @ militarist: You seem to think we had some kind of deal in place, perhaps you are thinking of our discussions to make war on ermor? Nothing ever came of that and there was never any talk of NAP, alliance or in fact any kind of deal. I was just trying to convince you to attack my enemy, and you never did anyways. I know it hurts to lose so many provinces in one turn, but you gotta have some pd man, that's happened to me before too, more than once :( |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
The funniest point in this situation is that Rlyeh himself didn't bother to honor the NAP and trade agreement he had with my nation, Jotunheim. My brave warriors now feast in Valhalla, but I'm glad I managed to take out one hundred of Rlyeh commanders. I think it's nice price for treason:)
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Good work Bandar Log. I made a couple of critical mistakes in a few different battles and in planning my empire that basically doomed me in the end. Once I saw your bless I really should have switched to skellyspam and darkness instead of trying to keep using nether darts. I also should have set up a communion against Machaka much better, since I lost 20 mages in one battle to mistaken scripting, and thus doomed my research.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Please switch Rleh to Graeme Dice. He is already in game and will have a chance to pick up the nation fast . Resend him turn and giv turn extension.
Greeme, if you sent me yuor email I would forward yuo current turn sooner then admiin, probably. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Thanks, and I tip my hat to Ermor as well. That was a very fun war, kept going back and forth....so many of my dear tiger-riders were feeble-minded by those damn darts. It definitely could have gone either way, especially if you also didn't have to fight Machacka at the same time.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Oh yah, had I been able to send that army that kept winning against Machaka against you things probably would have gone very differently. I also found out just how annoying an S9 bless is when combined with second shape sacred units, antimagic, and a reliance on MR negates spells.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Hello! Following a request on the LlamaServer website, I'm resending your turn file. Please find the attached file - R'lyeh turn 54 for the game Greenstone.
The next 2h file is due in by 22:35 GMT on Tuesday May 25th. ------------------------------------- Problems or questions? E-mail llamabeast@llamaserver.net. Got this email. Probably me email in game is not replased by Graemy's.Someone needs to fix it. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I really hope you stay in the game militarist, you're still in a great position, most of the provinces I just took you can immediately take back without much trouble (probably:)) and you're still the third most powerful nation on the charts. I'm surprised you aren't eager to team up with Mictlan and "try" to teach me a lesson. :)
But seriously, if you really can't play it any more that's your call and I understand. All I'm saying is that you might regret it if you quite just because of one turn's frustration. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
ok, graeme dice should be in control of r'lyeh
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
ahh, so, Mr. Dice...the duel continues! :)
I assume the ermor is going AI then? |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Yep should be going AI.
A word of warning Graeme, if you are the player who will be submitting a turn for R'lyeh this turn, and you are also the player setting Ermor AI, then there is a good chance one of the turns, or indeed both turns, will be ignored by the game if you are using the same registration key. (handled by the game as both nations getting stales IIRC)
If the above scenario is the case, then the best solution is to get someone else to set Ermor AI instead of yourself. Shouldn't be too hard to find a volunteer for that on IRC. Or PM me (or the admin can PM me) if you nobody there offers to help (they are often a cruel mean spirited lot). If you've already set Ermor AI, then still get someone to do it as their turn file will overwrite the one you sent (and so should avoid the same registration key clash) |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I wasn't aware that that could happen. I'll see about getting somebody to do that.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Hi everyone
I've been asked by Graeme and Hadrian to turn Ermor AI, but on receiving the turn file I find that Ermor isn't quite dead yet, and certainly not worthy of handing over to the AI. Especially as the AI would just give away the Oak of Ages site to the first person who came knocking. So if nobody objects, I'm happy to play the game out for Ermor in order to give them a proper last stand. I'll contact Graeme to get the diplomatic situation from him, but for now I'll assume Ermor is at least at war with Bandar Log. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
2. Despite that, i decided to make a peace with you. 3. I wrote you a PM as soon as i saw the turn outcome explaining that was just a technical mistake with taking a file from a wrong directory. I don't want to go in details here. I am not sure if you can read, but you can try to do this from your PM. 4. Congratulations, you are an idiot. Both for your childish behavior and shouting about peace loud on forums. STFU. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
So you screwed up and sent in the wrong turn file. Now you get on here and call me a bunch of names, even though the whole thing was your fault. Good job. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
It looks like things went wrong because of emotions and bad communications. It's a good moment to understand it and fix it unless it's too late for everyone. Don't spoil the game.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I am off on holiday for a week - Fakeymcfake has kingly agreed to sub for me while I am away.
I have sent in turn 56. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I will be away from home on a cruise from Sunday morning (about 0600 Llama-server time on 6th of June) until Wednesday evening (about 1900 Llama-server time). I would kindly ask the turn hosting to be postponed for turns which would be hosted during that time and which I have not been able to upload a turn for (I think I won't take my laptop along, it would be quite iffy to get an internet connection on sea).
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
yarrgh! Such a painful stale, but that's what I get for sending in my turn 5 minutes under the gun.
Anyway, I'm going to be a bit busy today and tomorrow with work so I'm requesting a 24hour delay in order to properly sort this mess out. thanks |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
turn is delayed by 24h for bandar log. btw. i think we are now in a region of the game where 72h turn time might be justified.
@Jarkko i try to remember to look if you have sent your turn and postpone accordingly |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
hosting postponed by 24h for machaka
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Came home, and did my turn a moment ago :)
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Going to 72 hrs gets my vote
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Although my Ermor turns don't take long, I'd never vote against anyone wanting a longer hosting interval in which to do their turns.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
ok, i set the game to 72h hosting
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Sorry about the stale guys. Purely a 'being mega busy + slip of the mind' combo job. Didn't make too much difference though, as not much I would have done during the stale turn anyway (but it did spoil Ermor's perfect record :().
One admin request though. Any chance the hosting reminder can be increased to say 12 hours or so? Since my end, the last turn hosted in the early hours of the morning, and I received the 6 hour reminder email in the middle of the night. Which, given that it's not attached to an alarm clock to wake me, kind of made it completely useless in its function as a reminder :) Given my incredibly minor role in the game though, my vote counts almost zero compared to what email reminder setting the other players want. Although if it was attached to an alarm clock, it would soon be a destroyed alarm clock if it woke me from my drunken haze just to play a computer game :D |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
remainder is set on 12h
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I think we should declare Bandar Log the winner in this game
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
He's beating you. That doesn't mean that he's beating everyone else, especially those of us who can match him in astral power. His pretender just died for example.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
As long as Ashdod keeps feeding me delicious fully-kitted out Adons I should have no problems. :)
@Dice you killed my pretender because I was incredibly stupid and didn't script more buffs. It would have been easy for me to cast MoD and Fog Warriors not to mention a few others, I'm still kicking myself over that one. But frankly, be more afraid of Mictlan, you all look at provinces and income, but he's been sitting on power comparable to mine and has fought only like one war the whole game. Take a look at his forts: hundreds of sacreds just sitting there, it will take a long time for this game to finish I believe. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Machaka and Vanheim seemd to have stopped playing, Abyssia is fighting ctis for some reason. But if think you can win, I'll keep playing. |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I haven't stopped playing, just that after loosing badly to Ctis I dont have many things to do except trying to defend what is left. I will keep playing until a winner is decided.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
But I can't make any progress against you and you have been way ahead in gems and especially income for many many turns. Income may not seem that important at this stage but I am sure with 8-10,000 a turn you must easily be able to recruit a mage in each of your 30 forts every turn if needed?. I doubt anyone can come close to that. In fact the rest of us would probably struggle to build 30 mages a turn between us after upkeep now. And while my army is still larger than yours it's mostly free chaff where as yours is not. I am happy to concede at this point. The turns are taking a long long time now and I think if we continue as we are we will all slowly be killed off by Bandar. Why put him or ourselves through that? I had my chances in this game and did not take them. But I think Bandar has played very well. He built his alliance, took his chances and (with help) took out the early game leader. Then nobbled his closest rival R'lyeh in a single turn. He seems to have held off and even made gains against three of his closest rivals while massively building his gem and gold income up. However with a bit of cooperation, and if Abysia and Helheim were to attack him as well, this game is certainly not over. I think Bandar might struggle to fight us all at once, but it would be close - he's a long way ahead now and especially deadly on the defensive where his massive communions/astral power is a killer when he gets the first shot in. So I don't want to call for the end the game if others really want to continue. I am happy to carry on if others want to. So what do others want to do? Call it a day and crown Bandar? Or carry on fighting? |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Well, if everybody else really, absolutely feels like they can't possibly defeat Bandar Log, then we can call the game. I'm not so sure that they'd win in the long run though if everybody turned on them.
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Not sure how fair an everyone vs Bandar fight is though. It would be interesting but would it be satisfying? :p |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I'm game to play as long as everyone else wants to continue, but would be happy to accept victory if that's what people want too.
My thoughts: Actually I'm already at war with every neighbor I have except for Machacka and a thin sliver of border with Ctis, so it kinda IS everyone-vs-Bandar. Now if you guys start pooling your gems, declare full peace and everything then you could give me a hell of a fight; I could very well lose after a number of turns. However, after coordinating such a massive alliance, at some point its just going to switch over to the same discussion about Mictlan, then on the the next major power or back to me and so on. So whatever works for everyone. However, I do want to say that everyone I have fought so far has played very well and its been a very fun game, in fact, for most of the game there were almost no stales! |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Just a quick post to say I have no say in whether Bandar are crowned champions or not. As my job as Ermor is purely to make sure nobody gets the Oak of Ages for free.
And maybe also to take the odd pot-shot at anyone who strays nearby :) |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
i will go to holyday, and as was not able to find a sub (forget to look for one on time) and that C'tis is beaten anyway, i set C'tis to AI.
have fun with the game P.S. i sent the gamepassword to Grijalva |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
Grijalva/Bandar staled again. That's two on the bounce now. I'd hate to see all his hard work ruined by a few stales.
Not sure what to do about it though :confused: |
Re: MA CBM Game Greenstone Running
I know such a feeling. When you are on the top and then you feel that you start sliding down. Sometimes it really kills the will to continue the game. Should either grasp yourself or find a replacement sub.
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