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-   -   MP: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45117)

Gregstrom April 7th, 2010 03:14 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Dammit. I'll see what can be done.

Gregstrom April 7th, 2010 07:33 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Steps have been taken - we'll see what occurs.

Balaskar April 8th, 2010 11:06 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Hey all,

I apologize for staling so much. RL has gotten unexpectedly busy the last week, and does not look like it is going to let up any time soon (my son has been very ill).

I'll post and see if anyone is interested in taking over for me. Sorry for making the game unbalanced.

Burnsaber April 9th, 2010 05:56 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Turn 6 and three stales? Ouch. I'm not sure if anyone is going to pick that one up for subbing.

For the best of the game, I could perhaps take over the nation. Not an ideal solution because I'm a player in the game*, but finding a sub for Sauromatia would probably prove a lot more succesful. People love their power nations. This suggestion is of course made with assumption that no one has show intrested in subbing Vanheim. Ideal solution would of course be finding a sub outside the game.

*the issue would be of course my inside knowledge of the Sauromatia, but I would be playing Vanheim with three stales, so I'm not really sure if it would matter. I'd be dead anyway if we happen to meet each other.

Sensori April 9th, 2010 06:08 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Turn 6 and three stales?

Bah, I took an Ulm with 15 stales under its belt around turn 50ish elsewhere.


Zeldor April 9th, 2010 06:10 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I don't think Van position is salvagable, I know his location.

Sensori April 9th, 2010 06:10 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I don't care, HOOK ME UP! :mad:

Gregstrom April 9th, 2010 03:30 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Okay, I'll hook you up. PM me your email address and it's all yours.

A 24 hour extension is in place for Sensori's sake.

Gregstrom April 9th, 2010 04:15 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Okay, the extension has been retracted as being unnecessary. Please get your turns in as per the normal schedule.

Herr Heimlich April 10th, 2010 09:12 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Anyone mind me asking a few questions?

As far as I remember, we just go by Acclamation victory, do we? I´m just asking, because I wondered why there are Victory Points on the map?

Another thing. The expansion of some players territory according to the score tables is simply awesome and frightening at the same time. Is this normal? Or are some of us (me included) just slow? And this is without speaking of the research according to the score table. I mean, Tien, Arco and Yomi all have research over 150?! At turn 8?! Did I miss something here?!

militarist April 10th, 2010 09:43 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Herr Heimlich,I'll give you a hint. Read Baal'z Hellheim guide. You will know how you can have fast and early research.

Graeme Dice April 10th, 2010 10:57 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Well, for Arcoscephale, the research comes from philosophers. They are research 8 in a sloth 3 dominion, and cost 50 gold each. The expansion rate comes from mercenaries and a dragon.

rdonj April 11th, 2010 12:16 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Anyone who started with an awake research pretender could easily have 150 research by turn 8.

And yeah some of you are going a bit slow. You should really have a minimum of one province a turn expansion by the end of the first year.

Apsophos April 11th, 2010 07:06 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Originally Posted by Herr Heimlich (Post 740044)
And this is without speaking of the research according to the score table. I mean, Tien, Arco and Yomi all have research over 150?! At turn 8?! Did I miss something here?!

Research pretender, yes. I often do that. It's no big deal, the advantage tends to fade out in favor of those players who have more provinces/castles/gold.

As for expansion, it took me quite some games to learn to have the acceptable rate I have here. Did you read the guide about Tir na n'Og and do some quick tests in SP?

Sensori April 11th, 2010 01:25 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
If you're looking at Vanheim's expansion speed, stop looking at it right now. It's in no way comparable to everyone else due to the 3 stales by the original player and the fact that I had to build an expansion army myself from scratch since the other one was wiped out due to an unfortunate accident with freaky indie mobs and lavamen! :p

Herr Heimlich April 11th, 2010 05:23 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Originally Posted by Apsophos (Post 740083)
Did you read the guide about Tir na n'Og and do some quick tests in SP?

I did the latter but could only find a guide about Eriu. So, not much to be found there...

militarist April 11th, 2010 11:16 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
It looks like wars have started. Bloody Lanka is eating demons of Yomi, but who has attacked Arco, with it's awake Dragon and perfect lands?

Zeldor April 11th, 2010 11:18 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I know everything, I can sell info for cheap :)

Apsophos April 12th, 2010 02:48 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Originally Posted by Herr Heimlich (Post 740157)
I did the latter but could only find a guide about Eriu. So, not much to be found there...

That must be the one I used for my TNN game, maybe that's why I did so bad. It covers the use of sidhe lords though.

Zeldor April 15th, 2010 12:31 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Anything interesting happening? IT looks like Pan killed Marv, Lanka killed Yomi. Who is killing TC?

Gregstrom April 15th, 2010 12:55 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Lanka killed Yomi? There must have been some hot demon-on-demon action going on there.

Dimaz April 15th, 2010 01:58 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Not much.

Gregstrom April 15th, 2010 02:39 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Another dream crushed...

Herr Heimlich April 16th, 2010 02:18 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
2 out already? Is this a fast pace? Or is such a thing common?

Zeldor April 16th, 2010 06:31 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Euarchus April 16th, 2010 12:12 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I've been trying to get in contact with Palaskar of Vanheim - can't find his account. Does he have one?

Zeldor April 16th, 2010 12:27 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Vanheim is played by Sensori now. Gregstrom should update first post :)

Euarchus April 16th, 2010 07:09 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Herr Heimlich April 17th, 2010 02:03 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Is it just me or will Pangea and Maeverni get a stale turn this round?

Gregstrom April 17th, 2010 02:09 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
We'll see in 15 minutes' time...

militarist April 17th, 2010 03:53 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Yeah, some moment it had to happen.. Being between Sauro and Lanka is not the best kind of fate. Lanka has declared war to our nation. And though we believe our sauromancers and alive phoenix in defencive war will keep Lanka busy for some turns, some help from other Lanka neighbors would be appreciated.

GameExtremist April 18th, 2010 07:20 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I'm having trouble viewing two of my battles this turn (same thing happened last turn with one, let it slide though)

The error message is - " nagot gick fel!"
"myloadmalloc: can't open./mods/./lunarsea/dmgtga102.tga"

Can somebody help me with this?

Would love to see the battles.

Zeldor April 18th, 2010 07:49 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Check if you have those files where it says, maybe you just downloaded fixed mod with .dm file but without graphics?

GameExtremist April 18th, 2010 09:14 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Problem solved you were right Zeldor : )

Herr Heimlich April 18th, 2010 05:04 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Maeverni and Pangea only ones missing. Another stale coming up for them?

Zeldor April 18th, 2010 05:08 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Marverni is pretty much dead, someone could set them AI.

Gregstrom April 19th, 2010 01:24 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Yeah - 0 provs and 1 fort is basically dead. They should be gone soon though.

Zeldor April 20th, 2010 10:29 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
It looks like Pan wants to own us all. He killed Marv, has best research, income and army size... interesting.

Zeldor April 20th, 2010 10:32 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Abysia will buy water gems. 1:1 for fire. Or we can sell blood slaves at good ratio.

Apsophos April 25th, 2010 02:36 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Damn. Staled again. All these summoners sitting idle instead of going back to research...

Dimaz April 26th, 2010 01:12 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I think Holy3 zero-research Charm for sacreds is a bit too much, probably as an anti-unit spell it's OK, but it really hurts when equipped thugs are converted by 0-res spell. Enslave mind effect seems more appropriate.

Burnsaber April 26th, 2010 03:30 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Originally Posted by Dimaz (Post 742293)
I think Holy3 zero-research Charm for sacreds is a bit too much, probably as an anti-unit spell it's OK, but it really hurts when equipped thugs are converted by 0-res spell. Enslave mind effect seems more appropriate.

Well, you got unlucky with your mr 16 thug. Remember that it is mr-negates easily. A good comparison on rarity is getting a no-penetration "mr-negates" spell affect a mr 20 unit. Holy is also a very difficult path to boost and thus get penetration for. Once you have access to Rune Smashers and Void Eyes, it's just more effective to put them on "real" mages. H3 mage with Smasher and Void Eye is just "charmer" with no boosts. Also, IMHO, you over-equip your rakshasha thugs. There is a point where additional items just make the unit more expensive without adding much of a function. Hence the "hurt" when you lost them.

And if your opponent is spamming (usually very expensive) H3 mages, well.. He is not recruiting mages. And I think we all know what happens when you do that.

Dimaz April 26th, 2010 03:58 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Well, it's true that I talk from the events in this game, but IMHO currently the spell is not balanced in general. Of course when you reach charm and all boosters you will probably have better success using real mages. But in my tests 1 H3 + skellyspam for example was guaranteed to convert 1 MR18 commander within 50 turn limit, so it's not that rare (of course, in the particular situation in current game it's completely my fault as I knew test results before losing my thugs and still lost them). Also, as noted by Kuritza in private communication, with H3 0-res the AI really don't have much choice of what to cast, so it just keeps spamming this until MR fails.

Burnsaber April 26th, 2010 04:56 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Originally Posted by Dimaz (Post 742313)
Well, it's true that I talk from the events in this game, but IMHO currently the spell is not balanced in general. Of course when you reach charm and all boosters you will probably have better success using real mages. But in my tests 1 H3 + skellyspam for example was guaranteed to convert 1 MR18 commander within 50 turn limit, so it's not that rare

"+ skellyspam" -> entails how many D mages? 4? 6? 8? You really need a lot of them to keep a thug busy for 50 turns. So if a horde of mages can kill a thug, I don't see balance issue. It's just how dom3 works. Mages kill thugs. I'd also think that the specific situation of having a squad of D mages and H3 facing off against a thug is not "common". I also think that having a good counter for thugs in a mod that encourages people to take blesses is a good countermeasure. But I admit that the spell might be a bit too much as a 0-research spell. I'll probably make it researchable and move/create some another spell to take its place. I need to tweak with the spells anyway to reduce spell slot use.

Dimaz April 26th, 2010 05:13 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
It depends on constr level but actually 4 should be enough early on. My tests were with H4 prophet, H3 LK and 4 D3-D4 mages and the usual scenario was paralyzing and then charming 2 thugs. I can suggest changing zero-research effect to enslave mind (and probably upping to H4) and creating another spell around level 6 with current effect, that will more or less balance it as an interesting anti-sacred-SC tactic.

militarist April 26th, 2010 06:39 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Ok, my opinion, is that if it's OP, it is not much OP in the context it can be used in reality.
H3 is not a kind of a path that many races have access to. Usually those nations which have H3 are not bless-rush nations. So early in a game it's just helps them resist thug - spamming nations. And ability of the nation to spam thugs in early game makes it much more imbalanced.

But I don't see a crime in increasing value of H path. It's done exactly because H3 costs a lot, but has very strong limitation in usage during each game stage. And if it helps human-sized nation to resist early rush of giants or demons (and, I agree with Burnsaber, shield + band would be already quite enough, just make more thugs).

And who complains? Classy case with Lanka, with S9 bless against which Ctis just can't have ANY chance in early game. Bad bless units, tramplers just don't work against S9. How Ctis could fight against these thugs at all? So in this situation this , quite unreliable in most of situations, spell just made death of Ctis slower.

How the nation with no thugs can fight early game with thugs at all? It can't counter attack effectively PD defended provinces, it can't send thug against thug, mages have no access to real spells yet. I think it's just a ballanicing answer.

And moving the spell higher in research will not help a lot. When you use such unit for expansion, it's not an effective investment. And you justdon't meet equipped thugs. And you rarely will choose hiring H3 priest instead of mage, unless you have Ermor or Lanka neigbour. Or, with this spell, maybe also giant nations. And how can you use these hired H3s other then fighting 1 nation? No flexebility at all in comparison to mages - no sitesearching, no research, no summoning.

So this spell defenitely doesn't make H3 human-sized nation an overkill. The nation which is not humansised and has H3 will always have a better choice what to hire (it will just hiring thugs or mages to research alteration/cons and do forging/sitesearching).

P.S. Just an idea came to mind...How would this spell work in communion, if cast by master? Will it be several charms for one turn, with increased penetration because of communion's level? If it will, than it can be a danger. But when you have a communion army, you usually have quite nice research anyway.

Zeldor April 26th, 2010 06:50 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Yeah, C'tis H3 guys are so overpriced even in CBM. And just smite for that price never justified the price. Even with Chastisse they are not something you'd pick over a mage that can research and cast spells.

GameExtremist April 27th, 2010 06:59 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Well that was annoying being told of losing an important battle yet watching the replay and winning decisively on the actual replay...gotta take the good with the bad I guess.

Zeldor April 27th, 2010 07:09 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Maybe you have wrong mod or smth.

Zeldor April 29th, 2010 09:17 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I will need extension for next turn [after this one hosts]. I am getting out for weekend and I will be back on Tuesday. Whole Finland will be drunk too, so no way to get a temp sub :)

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