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chrispedersen April 13th, 2010 12:12 AM

Re: Countdown - Get New Map, ***Started***
Right, I goofed on yours, and fixed it.
I'm crossing fingers we got them all right.. a lot of y'all didn't send tell me your nation when you sent me your email address.

All the email addies should be changed to your email address.
If you get a turn that isn't yours ( you know, yomi if you are pangea) don't open it, and let me know. I'll stick around for a bit now in case anyone is up, else I'll check in the morning.

Also, let me know if you didn't get a turn - means I entered your email addy wrong.

Sorry, thanks for you patience, and good luck!

Cammorak April 13th, 2010 12:13 AM

Re: Countdown - 13/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
llamaserver says it's still using crown2 as a map. Not sure if this is a naming issue or not, but there's a crown4 on the llama list.

Peacekeeper April 13th, 2010 12:16 AM

Re: Countdown - 13/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
got my address right. Good luck guys.

chrispedersen April 13th, 2010 12:24 AM

Re: Countdown - 13/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!

Originally Posted by Cammorak (Post 740355)
llamaserver says it's still using crown2 as a map. Not sure if this is a naming issue or not, but there's a crown4 on the llama list.

Hmm.. you might need to refresh your cache. It says its using crown 4 on mine.....

Cammorak April 13th, 2010 12:25 AM

Re: Countdown - 13/13 Pretenders. GET NEW MAP!
Yeah, I just tried that and it worked.

Good luck all!

pyg April 13th, 2010 12:27 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
If it crashes out with a Ngot gick fel! Can't find map image: crown4.tga, you need to rename/link your maps/crown.tga maps/crown4.tga.

Peacekeeper April 13th, 2010 12:29 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by pyg (Post 740364)
If it crashes out with a Ngot gick fel! Can't find map image: crown4.tga, you need to rename/link your maps/crown.tga maps/crown4.tga.

i downloaded the latest map update on the first post and everything worked fine.

chrispedersen April 13th, 2010 12:31 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by pyg (Post 740364)
If it crashes out with a Ngot gick fel! Can't find map image: crown4.tga, you need to rename/link your maps/crown.tga maps/crown4.tga.

Right, renaming will not work pyg. Ya have to download from the first post. Also the link on the llamaserver has been corrected to point to that post as well.

pyg April 13th, 2010 12:39 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Yes, I was mistaken, the .tga is different. I did however complete my first turn fine using the old .tga.

chrispedersen April 13th, 2010 12:48 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Well except for 3 pixels, the two tga's are exactly the same.

Still, can you resubmit using only the right components? I'd hate to have a corrupted move due to changed neighbors, or altered resources for same reason.

Pablomatic April 13th, 2010 02:08 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
FYI I originally loaded riverlands, then crown 1, then crown 2 without deleting crown 1. When I tried to load this Countdown game the game crashed every time I tried to start turn 1.

I then deleted the old crown maps and loaded the latest (crown 4). Game works fine.

I'm on a Mac, but at least on my rig I needed the latest map.

Pablomatic April 13th, 2010 02:12 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I do have an emergency question though. How do I communicate with other players when I run into them? Is each message sent with my turn orders?

Peacekeeper April 13th, 2010 02:31 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by Pablomatic (Post 740377)
I do have an emergency question though. How do I communicate with other players when I run into them? Is each message sent with my turn orders?

that is quite an emergency for a turn 1....

chrispedersen April 13th, 2010 09:10 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
This was not specified as a no diplomacy game.

So you can either send messages here, via pm, or you can use the in game messaging.

chrispedersen April 13th, 2010 04:50 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Arco, and pan... is everything ok?

Verjigorm April 13th, 2010 06:56 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
What do you mean is everything ok? Did I do something incorrectly?

I submitted my .2h file over 8 hours ago to the Noobheim address....

I have now replied to the "turns@llamaserver.net" e-mail with the same turn file, though I doubt that it is possible for an automated process to know which game said turn file would go with........

If there is another less obvious procedure, you must carefully provide instructions for doing it it the OP. You can't just assume everyone has knowledge of arcane processes. ;)

Apparently it does respond to replies...

There are no instructions that I could find either in the emails or on the llamaserver site for doing this, and this, being my first MP game, I wouldn't really know that by default especially since it had been declared that a particular e-mail address was to be used in the OP.

Peacekeeper April 13th, 2010 07:38 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 740490)
I have now replied to the "turns@llamaserver.net" e-mail with the same turn file, though I doubt that it is possible for an automated process to know which game said turn file would go with........

If there is another less obvious procedure, you must carefully provide instructions for doing it it the OP. You can't just assume everyone has knowledge of arcane processes. ;)

it is the @llamaserver email you need to send it to, the 2h file that is.

(llama faq)

chrispedersen April 14th, 2010 02:21 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
thanks peacekeeper. And no problems ver, I was just asking to make sure you did understand how to submit turns, etc. Seems like all is OK.

Grounds April 14th, 2010 10:35 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Since the game server we are using doesn't seem to need any information in the e-mail in order to parse out which file goes to which game, I assume the relevant information can be found within the 2h file itself.

elmokki April 14th, 2010 03:18 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Oh, you guys fixed Riverlands for this game? I would've probably actually bothered to do it myself if I had known there was this good use for it. Kudos to you, since I wasn't very motivated to do anything for it myself since I absolutely detest the borders around the wrap as they were made by the quickest and fastest ghetto style and look rather ugly in most cases, and fixing phantom provinces is a huge job especially in a huge map like this.

chrispedersen April 14th, 2010 04:08 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by elmokki (Post 740629)
Oh, you guys fixed Riverlands for this game? I would've probably actually bothered to do it myself if I had known there was this good use for it. Kudos to you, since I wasn't very motivated to do anything for it myself since I absolutely detest the borders around the wrap as they were made by the quickest and fastest ghetto style and look rather ugly in most cases, and fixing phantom provinces is a huge job especially in a huge map like this.

You're very welcome elmokki. I was going to wait and see if there were any further reports of problems, fix them, and then append it to your riverlands map thread.

It took me over 15 hours to fix everything.......Nothing compared to creating a map, I know ... I wish I had artistic skills...

Verjigorm April 14th, 2010 08:16 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by elmokki (Post 740629)
...I absolutely detest the borders around the wrap as they were made by the quickest and fastest ghetto style and look rather ugly in most cases,...

lol. That's something only the maker would notice. I certainly didn't notice. It's a very nice map and I think, the way it has been reconfigured, it will make for a very interesting MP map. The interconnected lakes makes for very interesting play by bringing essentially everyone "closer" to the central VP core. I think it's very nice work. Thank you for the map. ^_^

...and of course, thanks to chris for fixing it up.

TwoBits April 16th, 2010 02:08 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Hey, chrispedersen, I tried to send you a PM, but got this message:

"chrispedersen has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."

Oh, and Lanka has staled already. That cant be a good thing...

Verjigorm April 17th, 2010 12:49 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I just noticed that one of the VP provinces (the SW part of the central island) doesn't have a crown on it.

Willburn April 18th, 2010 06:27 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
So strange my profet attack a province alone even tough i order him to attack together with another army. I cant belive i misclicked that. Really strange... :(

elmokki April 18th, 2010 06:58 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 740641)

Originally Posted by elmokki (Post 740629)
Oh, you guys fixed Riverlands for this game? I would've probably actually bothered to do it myself if I had known there was this good use for it. Kudos to you, since I wasn't very motivated to do anything for it myself since I absolutely detest the borders around the wrap as they were made by the quickest and fastest ghetto style and look rather ugly in most cases, and fixing phantom provinces is a huge job especially in a huge map like this.

You're very welcome elmokki. I was going to wait and see if there were any further reports of problems, fix them, and then append it to your riverlands map thread.

It took me over 15 hours to fix everything.......Nothing compared to creating a map, I know ... I wish I had artistic skills...

Huh, 15 hours? I don't think I spent more than 5 making the map, but that definately shows with the phantom provinces and lacking connections etc. Those are the most boring part and I've generally just tried to get them finished as quickly as possible. I've tried to be more careful with them lately, but then again a 200+ province wraparound isn't something I'm planning to do again anytime soon.

And no, it doesn't really require any artistic skill to draw some continents and borders and slap in graphics someone else has drawn.

Peacekeeper April 18th, 2010 10:49 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
hosting get delayed?

chrispedersen April 18th, 2010 07:53 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Yes; I said I was going to do so around tax day as I knew I was going to be out of town.

TwoBits April 18th, 2010 09:14 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Uh oh, that was 4 days ago! I hope the tax man won't come after you for being late ;)

chrispedersen April 20th, 2010 12:11 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Back in town, mailbox cleared out thanks for the patience.

chrispedersen April 20th, 2010 12:14 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
someone plese nudge alpine joe? if he hasn't taken a turn near hosting I am going to delay it.

rmcolosimo April 20th, 2010 12:32 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I can take over Lanka if you need a sub. :)

Peacekeeper April 22nd, 2010 08:38 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Hello everyone. I was wondering what everyones prefered method of contact was. For example, I often check these forums so I'll get a PM in a timely manner or you can contact me by email or gtalk as bishoplittle (__at__) gmail (__dot__) com as i tend to leave it on.

Cammorak April 22nd, 2010 02:22 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Why? Why must the turn file always appear during my commute!? Oh what cruel fate, taunted by it, always glaring, whispering in my ears. "Don't work. Plan. Strategize. You must. Work later. Leave early. Leeeaaaave..."

Just kidding. It doesn't actually whisper. Except on Wednesdays. ;)

chrispedersen April 22nd, 2010 02:23 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Lanka player has been replaced. Please get your turns in on time. Understand that if he needs extra time it will be delayed.

Alpine Joe April 22nd, 2010 03:35 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I apologize profusely for my Stales this game. If it is any excuse, I have been extremely ill for the past week, and while a friend agreed to cover a couple of my games while I was in hospital, I felt it was too much to ask him to cover them all with no Stales, and this game he must have felt was less important.

I will slowly be resuming my normal schedule for the next few days, but I understand the reasons for my being replaced, and I wish the sub best of luck with the position.

Good luck to all of you in this game, once again, I apologize.

chrispedersen April 22nd, 2010 07:30 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Hey Alpine

I'm sorry to hear that .. I wondered what happened as you were very good in Balance.

I hope you get better and wish you good fortune.

Grounds April 22nd, 2010 10:10 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Apparently I had private messaging turned off. People can now contact me via this means of communication. This way I'll have a reference as to why I'll be invaded from multiple sides in the future.

Hoplosternum April 24th, 2010 04:48 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Logolasjrt (Pan) also has private messages turned off. Makes diplomacy more difficult :p

legolasjrt April 24th, 2010 07:46 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
i can resiving mp.

legolasjrt April 24th, 2010 07:48 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
legolasjrta(arroba)gmail.com send me message here

Hoplosternum April 24th, 2010 02:30 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Hi Legolas

I have sent you an email.

On this forum you have private messages turned off. I do most of my diplomacy via this message board's private messages and I think a lot of other people do as well. But it is up to you :)

Peacekeeper April 24th, 2010 05:14 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Anyone being attacked by Hinnom, please PM me.

pyg April 24th, 2010 08:04 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 742089)
Anyone being attacked by Hinnom, please PM me.

That crazy dude playing Hinnom has attacked at least three different nations so far. I'm getting the sense that he doesn't plan on being in the game long.

Peacekeeper April 24th, 2010 08:19 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by pyg (Post 742102)

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 742089)
Anyone being attacked by Hinnom, please PM me.

That crazy dude playing Hinnom has attacked at least three different nations so far. I'm getting the sense that he doesn't plan on being in the game long.

ya, im guessing those nations are ermor and pangaea but im not sure about the second one.

chrispedersen April 24th, 2010 09:46 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***

Originally Posted by pyg (Post 742102)

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 742089)
Anyone being attacked by Hinnom, please PM me.

That crazy dude playing Hinnom has attacked at least three different nations so far. I'm getting the sense that he doesn't plan on being in the game long.

LOL.. I noticed one of them *wasn't* mictlan = )

Pablomatic April 29th, 2010 11:15 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
I want to thank everyone involved in this game for allowing me to play. I am finding MP to be vastly more interesting than SP (no surprise there), and doubt I'll ever be interested in SP (except to experiment) again.

Everyone has been appropriately welcoming to me.

I have tried some other strategy games online, and sometimes other players cheat, make alliances with their buddies before the game starts, and otherwise ruin the experience for everyone. The joy of strategy games is to participate in a struggle, followed by victory or defeat, not to cheat so you can be a "winner."

Anyway, I haven't seen any of that bad behavior here, and I thank all of you for that.

rmcolosimo April 29th, 2010 11:21 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Heya Pablomatic.. You gots the mail. :)

Cammorak April 29th, 2010 03:04 PM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Looking upon Lord Galderan with dismay, Magnus said, "Sir, perhaps you should reconsider. This new heraldry of yours is hopelessly suggestive."

"Nonsense! These concentric rings represent our spheres of power. The white and red color is the blood of our enemies on our snowy fortress walls!"

"What's the dot in the center, sir?"

"That's me, of course! The ruler of mighty Niefelheim."

"That's what I was afraid of."

-Council minutes of Galderan, Oblivious Master, The Hopelessly Screwed, Lord of Not Much

chrispedersen May 2nd, 2010 11:58 AM

Re: Countdown - ***Started***
Hmmm.. You can put lipstick on a pig - that doesn't make it a date.

Or a socially acceptable date, anyway.

The giants are coming.. the giants are coming. No actually, they are already here. And no attempts to paint them as innocuous will actually render them so.

I've got 24 popsicles camped in my lands. I seem to have killed the shapeshifters.

So, the demons of yomi are looking to buy or trade for earth gems.

And we'd like the location of niefles capitol, please

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