![]() |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
I'm casting Mother Oak now. :D
(I suppose that makes me the next target once Tien Chi is gone. Oh well. First, or tied first, to a global enchantment!) |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Apparently the RNG decided to punish me and sent Bogus the Troll Raider and a gang of other heroes to take one of my provinces in retribution, even though I took a luck scale. :(
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
New Lesson Learned (for a newb);
I spent two turns with all my mages Calling Back my killed Pretender. I knew he would return weakened, but it was painful. He lost one level in all the magic paths he had, and since he was a (mini) rainbow Pretender it cost five levels in total, and he lost access to 3 paths. Sigh....:hurt: Now we have to start the "Call Competitor" spell and revive Kupiko. Jorus |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
13lackGu4rd appears to have failed to sub in for Kupiko since TC has missed the last two turns for a total of 7 stale turns so far. Should I set Tien Chi to AI so that we don't have to keep waiting 24h for turns and stuff?
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
well, I guess "failed to sub" is the right definition... if only I'd have received some turns I would have played, but I didn't even receive an email from llamaserver saying that I've been added to the game, so there wasn't much I could do about it... when you seek a sub you usually need to halt the game until the sub gets into the game, than give him some time to catch up on the situation and let him start playing. for this to happen the game admin needs to change the email address of the dropping player into the sub's address, so the sub can start to receive the turns. this step never happened in this situation so it was really out of my control...
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Well, thanks for telling us something of what was going on. I had no idea what you and Kupiko might be discussing - I got no requests to delay the game or change email address, so I'm guessing you sent that to Maerlande, who appears to have been banned. Do you want me to try to fix some of it?
Sheesh, confusion and lack of information. |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
actually I didn't do anything, Kupiko wanted a sub, I accepted, it was up to him to change the email addresses so he can be relieved from the game... he said he asked Maerlande to change the addresses but ever since than I heard nothing and received no emails...
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Too bad about the miscommunications/assumptions. We're all newbies here, so we learned something new about playing Dom3 MP.
13lackguard, what do you want to do? Kupiko's position has suffered badly over the last 4 turns. He has 5 provinces now, I believe, down from 19. If you want to play, then we can pause for a day, or whatever. Otherwise we should put TC under AI command immediately. Jorus |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
do you guys communicate well with Maerlande since his ban from these boards? if you guys think those 5 provinces still have enough troops and mages to put up a decent fight than I can sub in, if not than just set it to AI, been waiting for them emails, thought you guys paused the game or something, but it seems that you continued. so really, up to you guys...
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
I personally would welcome a sub, but don't think that it is a viable option anymore. That ship has left port.
Let's put Kupiko on AI. Jorus |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Hmm. Setting to AI can't be done from the control page, it needs player action. New plan: Blackguard, PM me your email and I'll set Tien Chi over to you, at which point you can play if you want, or if you don't, use the "Options" -> "Become computer controlled" order and just send that turn in.
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
It looks like 13lackguard has taken over, or has the AI attacked me??
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
The "Pretenders of the World" screen says AI, and the llamaserver page says it's only waiting for turns from three people.
*sends in turn, starts crossing fingers as common war with TC winds down and game shows signs of becoming good old-fashioned FFA, and forges a Clam of Pearl with water gems from Tien Chi sites* |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
*ponders how that declaration sounds suspiciously like some famous last words...* |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
I've taken over, trained some things and put all those mages to research instead of patrol, no idea what was up with that. than I set it to AI as the situation is indeed pretty hopeless... so I guess the AI attacked you :o
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Helheim: Sorry about that commander who walked into your siege by himself, he was apparently selected instead of a scout since I have a scout sitting around who failed to move. All these human units look the same to my lizards. ;)
(Ctis has no native scouts. This is a bit annoying.) |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
...apparently I really wasn't paying enough attention to what that guy was doing. :doh:
(Also: Neener neener I got ahead of you in research at last. :p) |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Is it war?
Caelum's peaceful local reserve units have successfully repelled a totally unprovoked sneak attack by the slimy lizards of Ctis in Validun. :shock: There have been reports of massive troop build-ups across the border, has another Ctis commander jumped the gun because of nerves? The people of of Caelum call upon all peace-loving peoples of the world ((This means you, Helheim!;)) to unite against these aggressive inhuman monsters from the slimepits of Ctis. :mad: Unles Ctis repents, of course. :D Jorus/Caelum PS I will not be able to make further moves until 2200 EST Sunday. Please put on hold if necessary, Ctis. Uh-oh....:o |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Hey! I've made Corporal!!! How did I do that? Is it the amount of blood that I have spilled (mostly my own)??
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
A commander wandered across the border, said "boo", and walked back upon seeing that the province was in fact inhabited. (He was at the back of the battlefield and scripted Retreat to check if you had bothered putting PD, since I didn't see any units present.) "Repelled", my fragrant french butt. If that's a glorious victory you should be a walkover. :p Quote:
3rd Serpent Dancers 10th, 15th and 32nd Elite Warriors 31st Longdead Horsemen 44th Lamia Irregulars (Numbers made up based mostly on how new they are.) Quote:
However, we warn any and all would-be invaders that our mages are ready to cast Foul Vapors on enemy armies at a moment's notice, and can get there at the same notice thanks to Obscuro forging Winged Shoes for quite a lot of them. :D Quote:
And I think the Corporal title is based on you reaching 50 posts. |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
It's WAR!!!
Validun has been overrun by hundreds of lizards. It is an infestation! Ctis lies - "The people of Ctis are peace-loving as evidenced by the fact that they have only cast profitable, defensive spells". What about invasions??? This is the second Day of Infamy caused by Ctis' unprovoked incursions into Caelum soil. The first invasion ended with Ctis's unqualified defeat. It is amazing how history repeats itself. Jorus/Caelum PS As I mentioned, I may not have time to make my next move until tomorrow evening, if I can do it earlier, I will. |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
1 Attachment(s)
Postponement set with a bit of margin because I repeatedly miscalculated where EST was.
(Also stop complaining about the attacks, I asked if you wanted to extend our NAP and you said no. :p) For lurkers, I'm attaching a rough map of the game state that doesn't give away too much information. ;) Lake C'tis is so dubbed because I have an underwater fort there. |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
A few data points; 1. I am not complaining, just announcing. 2. I made a counterproposal concerning the NAP, to which you never responded. Strictly (contractually) speaking we still have a NAP. 3. an attack made without a Declaration of War is a SNEAK attack 4. and finally, even if a NAP expires it doesn't mean you HAVE to immediately attack each other (which I believe I mentioned in my proposal). Anyhow, no problems here :D, but the press will publish unfettered by the dictates of tyrants! |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
If you want to start with the "strictly speaking", I am going to respond that it constitutes aggression when you say you plan to team up with Helheim against me. ;)
I'd prefer GMT since that what the game administration page uses. |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
"The army consists of mainly Temple Guards and Eagle Kings."
Aren't Eagle Kings a commander? (That's a rhetorical question.) Time for some awesome battling, I guess. |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
All Quiet on the Western Front, as Ctis contemplates his future or lack of one.:(
FYI, it was not me who launched the hurricane, but thanks anyhow for the locusts. They're tasty. I lost 200 gold, but had lucky random events that gave me 350 gold. :) However, you can blame me for the Fires from Afar, how are they working out? :rolleyes: jorus/caelum |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Dunno whether to count that as a loss or a win. I lost a couple of commanders (mostly Shamans) and about 60 generic units against taking out 8 Eagle Kings, several of whom were well equipped.
Also, my Shadow Blast guys apparently can't aim for crap, since they fired a few times in the opening round and ended up with at least one AOE-10 spell that hit nothing. |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Noob Lesson #213:
After a raid, move your unit to a FRIENDLY province, otherwise it is 50/50 that the raidee's rescue team will get to you first! Arghh... |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
(As an alternative, I was pondering 2x Seeking Arrow, but that's only 8 average damage and Eagle Kings have 19 hp.) What annoys me is that your Eagle King raider fled, so I didn't get to loot his items. Noob Lesson #214: Undead ignore Awe. If your enemy is raiding with Awe units, leave a death mage with summoning orders in every province where you can spare one. Slightly annoyed that someone else got to all the cool artifact books first. Anyone want to own up to that? |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
We sorta dropped the ball on suddenly ignoring Tien Chi. They've attacked one of my fortresses now.
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: Huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6871/tempcw.png Uploaded with ImageShack.us Yeah, those are anti-seeking-arrow amulets and robes, and that's three provinces nabbed in one turn, all while repelling an eagle king assault in my homelands. :D |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
1 Attachment(s)
Nice victories, over 3 undefended provinces! Awesome!!
Let's look at the stats (attached), one could ask - what took you so long? I did try to Wind Ride my EK out of trouble, and it was successfully cast - but he didn't show up. Another Dom3 mystery. Anyhow, the moves are a lot easier now.... |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
I will not be able to play for one week. Tomorrow, Saturday the 30th until Saturday the 5th. I have posted for a sub, but gotten no response. Unless otherwise directed, I'll have to turn Helheim to AI and let you two fight it out. |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Well, this is an unwelcome surprise. I don't see any sense in continuing unless there is an active Helheim, who is suposed to be my ally.
So, either we wait a week or stop the game. What do you say Ctis? (victory is within your grasp!). Jorus/Caelum |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Erik/C'tis Edit: PS: If you get a sub, make sure they send me their email address so they can get their turn. |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
OK, let's wait for Helheim to return to the helm. Have a good week off!
PS Please make sure that game does not restart until Pablomatic confirms that he is back. |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Bump - thought it might be nice to remind people that it's reached Saturday and by default the game will be hosting in about 30 hours. Consider this a 6 hour warning + a 24 hour "going off hiatus" notice. I've sent in my turn now.
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Thanks, but as I've said before, I see no sense in continuing without Helheim.
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Ack. Still no sign of him? Fine, I've rolled back this turn. Note rollback information from admin page:
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Well, I haven't heard from Helheim, and i tend to agree with you (after meeting Orsilochus) that it is just a matter of time. I am disappointed with the ending, as I am sure you are - not being able to demonstrate the scale of your new powers.
So, unless we hear from Helheim, I concede and beg for forgiveness and mercy! Congratulations to Ctis! |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
1 Attachment(s)
Helheim sent in a turn with what was apparently a last-ditch effort, since he's set to AI now.
Picture of Orsi attached. He's scripted Earthpower (reinvigoration), Invulnerability (protection in case anything gets through). |
Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Well, if the picture was for me - it's not necessary, I've seen it, and him in action already. Once was enough! Well done.
You can declare victory, Congrats. Jorus |
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