![]() |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Well, I PMed people, no idea if they had their pretenders submitted, only IH can know :)
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
IS THE GAME GOING TO START WITH THE WRONG VERSION OF THE ENDGAME DIVERSITY MOD??!??!! THE PAGE SAYS 1.04 INSTEAD OF 1.1? 20/24! Still needed! Patala EA Kailasa Sauro MA Jot That's four people who can nag their teammates. Nag! |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
I think someone mentioned in the endgame diversity mod thread that the latest version was using the wrong version label. I haven't checked to verify if that is true or not.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
I did. It does.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
:D To the 21 players who have successfully submitted their pretenders: Bravo!
:mad: To the 3 players still left out: What the hell is taking you so long?? Have you not had at least a full week now to pick out your pretender? How hard is it to just submit? This is extremely disappointing given that EVERY remaining pretender has a teammate who has already submitted. Said teammates - you know who you are - please get on top of your ally and submit! |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
23/24, almost there!
Only EA Kailasa is still missing. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
I've now sent a SECOND round of PM's to the offending team. Let us hope that they are paying attention?
What is the alternative if they arent? Should I expose their forum id's so you all can hassle them? |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Tell his teammate to submit pretender and play first few turns, while he is looking for replacament. And well, you can make a post looking for replacement, so team's identity is not revealed.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
As I mentioned in IRC - I have PM'd this team twice now with no response for two days. I suggest that they be replaced.
As for the actual replacing, thats more than I'm willing to do. Admining this game is hard enough with the number of players and all the secrecy that needs to be maintained. I leave it to you, the players, to find replacements for within your team or for entirely new teams as the case is here. When you make a recruiting post, simply have interested players PM me and I will add them first-come, first-serve. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Is it time for an "I told you so" yet?
Sorry, I'll butt back out. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
I vote to just set the missing team to AI and get started.
Someone gets a my-neighbor-is-an-CPU random event windfall, and we move on with our game. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
This gives the partnerless player the starting area to themselves, rather than making them actually fight against an AI nation for it. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
I have to assume that the partnerless player would immediately quit :), leaving the area occupied by 1 AI instead of 2.
And if it were occupied by 2 AI players, they could be set as allies in the .map file, which none of us have seen anyway. So that's my proposal, anyway. Since only Ironhawk has access to the absent team's identity, and he (understandably!) does not want to recruit a replacement, I see no alternative. Quote:
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
It doesn't matter that only IH has access to players directory, any of us can recruit players (by posting on the forum threads or directly in IRC), we just need to tell them that if they are interested, they need to contact IH who will have them added to the game - he has agreed to do it, he just doesn't want to deal with recruitment/advertisement process. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
I have been contacted by 1 of the 2 derelict players (the one who already submitted). I informed them that they had a couple of hours to motivate their teammate or be replaced. However, given their track record I am just going ahead with the assumption that that will not happen.
Additionally, I dont know if you all advertised or they were reading this thread, BUT I was contacted by two players who want to replace that team. I have responded to them that it would be acceptable and am waiting to hear back. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
it would hurt the anonimity principle, i think thats the main reason they havent try to find a replacement.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
@ Ironhawk - If you've found a new team willing to play then IMO, and if you haven't done so already, give the old team a few hours (few as in 4 at most) to sort themselves out or be given the boot. And I trust your judgement entirely with regards whether any new team is allowed new nation picks, and/or how much time you allow them to upload Pretenders. Plus another thanks for the selfless admin work you are doing for us all. As there's no game without you. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
As you may have noticed we are down to 22/24 pretenders because I booted the pretender from the derelict team. The replacement team has been in touch with me and they will be submitting their pretenders as soon as possible with a max of 24hrs.
To be completely safe, make sure that your pretender is still on the list and did not get mistakenly removed. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
The replacement team has asked to revision one of their nations: Kailasa -> LA CTis. This would make their team total the same, which is fine. But it also means that it could have effected other teams picks during the original selection process so I cannot just allow it on my own.
As such, I have said it would only be acceptable if no other players object. If you object, say so now. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
my partner alpine joe has disappeared , so Ironhawk decided to kick me out of the game instead of finding me another partner.
whatever. I'm done with these team games. They are always a disaster. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Anyway, I have some sympathy, but ghoul31 - if you'd replaced your teammate *yourself*, you'd be fine. I wasn't assigned a teammate, I went and found myself one. And if Calahan had found Jesus or gotten pregnant or become a street-wise trashtalking heroin dealer or whatever it is they do in Great Britain and her overseas dependencies when they self-destruct, I wouldn't have *wanted* to delay the game if there was another team ready to step in and replace me. For that matter, you could've submitted the second pretender, or in some way taken the initiative in making sure you didn't delay the game! Which you didn't, so, not so much sympathy! |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
hmmm... kaliasa joined prep2. I though they were going to replace this nation by LA Ctis.
It looks like it's alpine Joe from ex-team, as he sent today a message in lunar sea. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
That said, let me reiterate, so that there is no possibility for confusion: You are responsible for you and your teammate's slot in this game. We're all adults and I'm not going to coddle you and hold your hand. If either team position should become vacant it is up to you to fill it - this is standard practice for all MP games. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Don't let ghoul annoy you, he has a tendency to be abrasively self centered. Thanks for the work you're putting into admining a game you're not playing and shame, shame, shame on the players who are making it more work than it should be. The rest of us really appreciate the effort you're putting in!
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
OK, I'll butt out again. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Guess I'd better start taking this game serious now then if that is the case, since I'm guessing I won't want to learn the consequences of what happens if I put in a bad performance. So I'll send Jesus out to score my deals from now on, meaning I can sit at home with my baby-bump growing while getting some quality Dominions time in. Let us all Hail the Lord, and seek his forgiveness :bow: I was trying to guess who the missing team were. And it came down to a choice between a team with players I didn't really know (limited choice), or someone being a complete arse (one choice). For the latter, I then had to think "who's well known for being a complete and utter arse?". Praise Jesus, for it was ghoul being the arse yet again. @ Trumanator - Our challenge is still on you know, as you have yet to provide any negative examples of non-twattyness from ghoul. While yet another positive example of it can be seen here. I have no doubt the scales will soon be breaking. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
I was just waiting waiting on on Alpine Joe to send his pretender in, then the next thing I know I was kicked out of the game. But if you are all just going to call me me names, you can all kiss my ***. I'm done with this thread.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
again, it was Alpine Joe who didn't send in his pretender, and yet I wind up the bad guy. Ironhawk didn't even tell me I had to replace Alpine Joe because he was taking too long. He simply said, " Alpine Joe is taking to long, so I'm kicking you out of the game too." |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Really, you don't see that your teammate cannot submit pretender for over a week? It looks like you did not even tell Ironhawk you have a problem with contacting him. It looks like you made no effort to get a chance to look for another teammate. Ironhawk is game admin, he is responsible for smooth running of the game. He is not responsible for looking subs, contactinc your teammate instead of you. Game got postponed a lot already, so we are all happy that he is doing everything to start it ASAP. Somehow there was enough time for PMs from Ironhawk about missing pretenders, posts here nagging people, my post about needed replacement for one player or whole team and 2 people forming new team and volunteering to play it.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
You mean he didn't? Ok I get out :p |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
That said, none of us should be resorting to name-calling, either. So lets keep things civil if we can from here on. In other news, I have been in contact with the replacement team - they have one of their pretenders uploaded and assure me that the next one will be uploaded very soon. So hopefully we will get rolling today. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Ghoul...,Joining a game where 23 other people +admin are going to take part is a kind of responsibility. There are different ways to manage this responsibility, to minimize effect from your negative (or lack of positive) behavior on others. As for Alpine Joe - partially it's your bad luck,that you took him as a partner, but it's a team game and a team responsibility. If you felt some moment that you can't be responsible for your partner as he behaves in some crazy way, you should kick him off from the team (with blessing from game admin) and find another partner. Yourself. You say here that "everything was right until IH threw you out unexpectedly "...Do you read game threads at all? DO you visit IRC channel at least sometimes? I would definitely call what IH did as an action, which was highly expected by 22 players. Nothing personal, but you really should manage responsibility you took joining the game. Just next time be more careful about others then about yourself. You will earn some good karma this way and maybe it will give you a better teammate next time.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
About the false start -
Sorry bout that guys. I got everything started fine, but then realized I forgot to switch out Kailasa's start for LA CTis. LA CTis actually ended up with no provs or capital of any kind - weird!! Anyway, I unstarted the game and am now waiting to hear back from llama if everything is ok to restart (there is a bug with restarting multi-era games). So we should hear back from him soon. Regardless, we are one huge step closer to starting the game :) |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Apparently another false turn was generated by my un-start.
The game has not started yet - we must have llama manually unstart the game. This must be the bug he was referring to. I have 2 emails in to him already... |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Llama did respond and restarted the game - however it appears that the map I sent him was overridden or ignored somehow. So, we are waiting for him again.
Sorry bout the delay, guys. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Oops, and sorry for yet another false start just now. The game is now set back to "Waiting for pretenders", so Ironhawk can change the map manually via the web interface. Generally that seems to be more reliable than me doing things by hand. Can't understand what could have gone wrong with me trying to use the new map yesterday though, that was quite straightforward.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Gremlins. It has to be Gremlins inside the Llamaserver.
Oh, sorry, I'll butt out again. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
So the turn that I got in the wee hours of the morn' has I-assume-erroneous cheat-detection warnings going off? This is presumably not cool :(.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Or someone did not use CBM to create their pretender. But it'd be 4 people, huh...
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
But they used CBM the previous three times the game started :)?
I don't think that's it - something else must be wrong. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
This is weird indeed and spooky.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
And I have more bad news. I will probably need a 48 hour delay of the first turn as I usually go away for Christmas :D
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
I'd like to point out we have Christmas in December this year.
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
The cheating messages are a little bit disturbing in that they claim the pretenders have been reduced in power. Uh, preserving anonymity can anybody confirm that the 4 pretenders are still correct? It also makes me nervous something else is wrong...
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
I agree. If these four nations were fine on the previous several false-starts, it is very unlikely that they now have old mods. Something may not right with the game.
Can anybody confirme that on all previous false-starts there were no "cheating/wrong mods" messages? I've only checked the last email I got out for three. Also something else is wrong - one the list of pretenders (inside the game 0"Pretenders of the world" option) I can only see 21 names, out of 24. The remaining 3 pretenders are listed but with no name. Wierd. |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
OK - The turn you just recieved is the first turn to officially have ALL CAPITALS in place.
As you have seen above there are some cheating messages - we do not know the source of this, however I am hoping it is just a missing mod at creation (and thus not a major problem). Treat the current turn as the first legit turn of the game. Players of the following nations: EA Ctis EA Agartha LA Ulm LA Bogarus Please report to me via IRC or PM and tell me if everything is ok with your turns... |
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
If their powers have been reduced by the cheat-detection, this may not be obvious until their pretenders wake up...
Re: Preponderance 2 [epic team game returns!]
One of possible solutions (not ideal though, but the fastest) is just to restart the game with cheat detection switched off.
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