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Finalgenesis June 29th, 2010 03:41 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Thank you.

Kadelake June 29th, 2010 04:45 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
The problem with my turn file is solved! :)
It worked fine when llamabeast sent me the file manually.

Numahr June 30th, 2010 09:30 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I had a little computer problem. So:
- Can anyone share with me the 1.04 version of end of game diversity ? The public version is now 1.1 and I need to reinstall it to play.
- Can a delay be planned in case finding it takes more time than planned?

EDIT: Issue solved

Finalgenesis July 1st, 2010 09:04 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Hmmmm just something that's bothering me:

I think it would enhance the game experience for us to keep in mind that we are playing it as a game and have fun, which I'm sure most of us are.

Taking it personal and attacking another person with real life allegations and insults should be a no no, and will just drag the game down for everyone else.

RP, deal and wheel, whatever, but don't take it to the personal level. Just sayin'.

Verjigorm July 2nd, 2010 06:17 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I find that attempting to interfere or control people's personal conduct in a forum or multi-player attempt is generally futile and pointless. ;)

You worry about you.

Finalgenesis July 2nd, 2010 10:56 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
A post may not change another person's conduct I suppose.

I'd worry about me only if it didn't actually happened, and well, if it happened to cut down on these things, I might not have wasted my time! (A long shot I'll admit)

Numahr July 3rd, 2010 01:54 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
By the way, I wanted to share some sad news with you. The death of Shinnumaya's false God ;)

It was a really sad scene to see this proud and reckless Wyrm become prisoner of gladiators' nets and get stabbed to death by anonymous young soldiers, while Pythium's populace were rejoicing from the city walls like if watching a good gladiator's show...


Verjigorm July 3rd, 2010 03:27 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Is it a pathless Wyrm?

Pathless Wyrms are designed to be revived using Call God and used repeatedly. They frequently take Awe.

If this was the case, you'll probably see him again.

Kadelake July 3rd, 2010 04:01 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Did you run in to each other by accident? Or is there a Pythium-Shinuyama war raging already?

Finalgenesis July 3rd, 2010 05:09 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
looking at the score chart, looks like they went at it early

Kadelake July 3rd, 2010 06:05 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Yes, really early. I just noticed it myself.
It's been very quiet though. Does anyone have any interesting news from the war?

don_Pablo July 4th, 2010 02:11 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I was attacked by Pythium on turn 4.
That was very sad news because since then a lot of resourses are spent on this ill-timed war.

Numahr July 4th, 2010 03:25 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Don Pablo, please check your PMs...

Verjigorm July 4th, 2010 10:39 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I don't generally go for the "Early Rush" because it has a tendency to gimp your early research and expansion. The "path of least resistance" is generally the best way to go when you're looking to maximize outcomes, and is also the natural tendency of human civilization. People will generally take open land before they take occupied land because it costs less to do so. In fact, they will only take occupied land (as a function of natural population growth) when they need it to sustain/grow their society.

In Dominions, however, there are strategies that utilize early war as a basic strategy--generally these are bless nations. MA Pythium is not a Bless nation. In fact, they don't have any good sacreds until late game which makes a bless strategy a poor choice. A wyrm pretender attack on any nation seems a bit reckless considering the extreme loss of hps in enemy territory--SC pretenders generally take a defensive posture wrt other nations and are not carelessly thrown into enemy territory where they usually die (which is what happened here). A pathless wyrm can be used in this way, but even though such a beast can be recalled easily by a nation with good priests such as Pythium, there is an inherent cost in Castle-Turns for the necessary priest production and takes priest-mages off of research and puts them on Call duty which costs research turns.

In general, early wars result in degradation of the defensive capabilities of both nations. The defending nation usually gets an advantage as long as the playing field is level (i.e. no bless troops) because the path of attack is known and intelligence in enemy territory is generally limited early on, so unless a nation is built from the start to use a rush strategy, it usually doesn't pan out for the attacker in the long game. Rushes are powerful in 1v1's but in MP, you watch the non-aggressive nations grow strong as they are not using up resources on early wars. Then when your war is finally over, you find that your growth acceleration is off (because it's much harder to capture and keep enemy territory than it is to capture indie territory, and you will probably need to deploy or utilize mages in tasks other than research) and there is little hope of catching up.

Of course, to each his own. Loss of an SC pretender in the first year is crippling to expansion though especially considering how much they cost. The next question is... With Pythium weakened, who will be the nation who possesses their gem-encrusted capitol? With an alliance arrayed against them... it is doubtful they will survive even a 2 on 1 without their pretender.

Finalgenesis July 4th, 2010 10:56 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Well it is likely they have signed a NAP at this point. For it not to stop here would likely mean a personal vendentta, e.g. too much blood have been spilled. Seems from Numahr's post they have some sort of ceasefire lined up though.

don_Pablo July 6th, 2010 08:45 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I have a trouble.
I can't reach my home computer till tomorrow.
I have another Dom3 but there's no EDM1_04 and I can't find where to d/l it. (only v1.1 available)

please postpone hosting for 24h or stick here the version of EDM we use.

Kadelake July 6th, 2010 09:33 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I'll do both :D
I've added the mods as attachments to the first post so that they'll be easy too find if someone needs them.

Verjigorm July 8th, 2010 06:58 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Extension Request

That extension I requested earlier and canceled is needed now. The camping trip was postponed due to flooding, but this weekend it's all good, so I will be Internet free from Friday afternoon, July 9th through Sunday afternoon, July 11th.

Finalgenesis July 9th, 2010 04:11 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Just double checking, once a nation has 6 VP they will have won? I better keep a close eye on that score table...

Kadelake July 9th, 2010 05:38 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Turn extended. Have a nice trip :)

Yes, the game will end as soon as someone has 6VP

13lackGu4rd July 12th, 2010 05:25 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
going out of town tomorrow, until the weekend than again next week. since I'm pretty much dead I've just set myself to AI and let R'lyeh and Jotunheim finish me off completely, you guys already got my cap and most provinces anyway...

would have fought until the very end, but there's no point for you guys to delay the game for me, especially in a very much dead position. not much point getting a sub at this point either, so I just put it as AI.

have fun with this game y'all, and may the winner take all the spoils :D

Nauquan July 13th, 2010 01:13 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Who is "Greyjoy's friend"? I feel the need for some diplomacy.:)

Dectilon July 13th, 2010 05:38 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Pish-tosh! Kraky is the friend of all, it's just more or less obvious. If people would just talk to him they'd realize how cuddly he actually is :(

Finalgenesis July 13th, 2010 06:08 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I do so love octopus myself, they make wonderful sashimi and complements the table top so very well.

Perhaps you can have him drop by for a quick "talk"? I would love to get to know Kraky very, very well.

Nauquan July 13th, 2010 09:28 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
There is something very wrong about a game where one observes a giant squid riding a magic carpet.

Dectilon July 14th, 2010 09:59 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I think you mean something right. Have you ever seen something as majestic in your life? I think not!

Nauquan July 14th, 2010 10:28 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I can imagine that it would have been a short, but glorious sight before I died. I imagine it would be something like the alien war machines in the Tom Cruise version of War of the Worlds.

Dectilon July 15th, 2010 06:32 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
The difference there is that Kraky has an amulet that protects him from the harmful atmosphere! If only the aliens had had such foresight.

Finalgenesis July 18th, 2010 01:53 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Offering 15 gems in any combination of earth and nature for a hammer.

Kadelake July 18th, 2010 06:14 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I should be able to help you :)

Finalgenesis July 19th, 2010 12:33 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Trading astral or nature gem for earth gems! I need up to 20.

Kadelake July 20th, 2010 09:25 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Greyjoy staled last turn and still haven't sent in this turn :(
It looks like we might have to extend the turn while we look for a sub.

Kadelake July 20th, 2010 11:19 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
On second though the chance of finding a sub might not be very high. What do the rest of you think about setting tien chi to AI if greyjoy doesn't show up?

Finalgenesis July 20th, 2010 11:27 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
If he stales this turn again, I say post for a sub and if none shows up near turn end, switch him to AI.

Greyjoy July 20th, 2010 04:23 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I had a tricky couple of days there. My apologies.

Kadelake July 21st, 2010 03:33 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Welcome back!

Numahr July 21st, 2010 06:44 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Dear admin and all,

I submitted turn 28 but I may have delays for the next one (or not, depending on the internet connection where I am going). So please, if you don't see my turn uploaded, extend the time for submission of turn 29 until sunday 25/8 evening by GMT+1 time.

Thanks in advance for your understanding


don_Pablo July 22nd, 2010 11:16 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I enjoyed a lot with my desperate but interesting war with TC.
But it's too much being attacked again by Pythium.
I feel our peace and deal went down the drain.
Good luck to all the rest!
Shinuyama is switched to AI...

Amadamus July 22nd, 2010 11:28 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Yes, Pythium are expanding rather quickly. They are well placed to attack in any direction.

Kadelake July 22nd, 2010 12:38 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Really sorry so see you go AI don Pablo. I'm impressed with how you managed to beat back Tien Chi. I'd love to hear how you managed to do it. :)

Is there any chance that you'd reconsider and try to stay in the game?

Kadelake July 22nd, 2010 01:25 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Hosting set to 96h until next week by the way.

Kadelake July 25th, 2010 04:52 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
It seems like everyone have sent in their turns except Tien Chi and Abyssia. Since it looks like both nations are pretty close to being defeated I'll set them to AI unless the players turn up before tomorrow.

Verjigorm July 25th, 2010 05:07 PM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]

Originally Posted by Kadelake (Post 752886)
It seems like everyone have sent in their turns except Tien Chi and Abyssia. Since it looks like both nations are pretty close to being defeated I'll set them to AI unless the players turn up before tomorrow.

I missed a turn? The last one I see in my e-mail was 29, and I was sure I submitted it... Maybe I forgot to upload it.. Yep... According to my sent items, I never sent the response turn. PLEASE do not set me on AI.

Kadelake July 26th, 2010 05:16 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Good to see that you're still in the game :)

Tien Chi staled last turn (actually they staled three out of the last four turns) and he's still not sent in this turn. So I'm setting him AI.

Kadelake July 26th, 2010 09:32 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Actually, it turns out I can't set Tien Chi to AI since Greyjoy has password protected his pretender.

Numahr July 28th, 2010 07:17 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Sorry it is only 2 hours left before hosting, but I have to ask for an extansion. I was cut off from the internet until now and there is no way I can do my turn as I am at work now.

24 hours would be perfect, although I think I can do it in less.

An era of intensive travels is over and i should not have constraints from now on until September at least.

Kadelake July 28th, 2010 07:37 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
I noticed it just in time :)
Extended 24h

Numahr July 30th, 2010 08:29 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Game status says:
Next turn due: 00:00 GMT on Thursday January 1st

I hope every thing is OK

Kadelake July 30th, 2010 09:58 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
It seems like the llamaserver is feeling ill. It hasn't updated any game since 04:15.

Amadamus August 1st, 2010 02:26 AM

Re: Apotheosis [Running]
Any chance of a 24hr extension please? Bit pressed for time today! Thanks.

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