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Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Currently, Shinuyama has a NAP with R'lyeh and you (Abysia), as far as I know. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
by "ooc" i meant "out of character". thanks.
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To make things simply I'll keep a list of any NAP below. Jotun - Bandar Log : NAP 3 |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Yonz: Finders keepers - We don't negotiate about lands possessed independents. Care to trade my N/F/E gems to your Astrals?
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Bandar Log - Abysia - NAP3 |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Also, Vanhiem, you mentioned peace in your remarks about our border, but I'm not sure if you meant an NAP3 or not.
Anyway, such an agreement is on the table if you want to confirm it. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
On the other side, there is not the same pact between Vanheim and Jotunheim. Lord of Jotuns have made a proposal, but it was with an agreement of war against Ulm, which is not my intention. Lord of the Giants may be interested to know that I would agree the same agreement with no war against Ulm involved in... |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To Vanheim:
We agree to Vanheim's proposal, NAP 3, and actually our offer of peace was seperate from the war so no problems there (it was not a condition), we did mention that you may prefer to expand instead. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To the Leader of Pangaea.
I have no intention to send my warriors to war with the people of the woods, but im not very pleased u killed my guards in the desert. I offer a pact of peace with the borderline between the Endless wastes and red coast. Awaiting your answer Ozzy, the raging prince |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
First,We apologized for the accident. And ,Pangaea accpet your opinion about the borderline. After that,we offer you the Great Abysia an NAP-3 treaty. Best wishes! Pangaea mscfish |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To Abysia,
I believe that even if you wish for peace with Pangaea, you can likely wring out a tribute (or reparations if you prefer) from him for a NAP agreement as he is being pressed in from the north by us and would certainly not want you to join in. We would of course welcome your aid in attacking Pangaea, but we understand your intention of peace toward Pangaea. To Pangaeans, We would offer you a last chance for peace in the form of NAP 3, including the return of the province we have just captured from you this turn. Once this month passes and you Pans insist at war, then we shall proceed to exterminate your kind. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Pans! we have an agreement then.
Ozzy Quote:
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Dear Ermor,
The monkey people don't like you anymore, and our offer of peace (not having been confirmed) is now off the table. Dear Machacka, The chittering, poop-slinging and wise monkeys of the Monkey Council have deemed it...well...wise, to attack Ermor. We want their rich farmlands for banana-plantations. Please attack Ermor soon and you will have many monkey friends with whom to trade gems and bananas and such. - Bater, Markata Generalissimo and Prophet of Wu Kong |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To Shinuyama, care of Tomoyuki:
Ooh! Ooh! La! La! The star children clap their mouth tentacles in applause-- those are no small goblins, but lovely ogres! Our formerly sandy opinion of your civilization has been altered to gravelly. To business: We wish the province of Heulas to complete our vaconce area; enjoy the castle and unicorn banquet! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Abysia, care of Ozzy: The Cheerful Krakens tell us they've seen a charming death-flavored male soaring by during one of their "concerts." They liked him, as do we! As such, The Ocean Underneath wishes to invite you to a cordial NAP-3, that we may attend musical events together without risk of spilled beverages. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To Ulm,
The Jarls of Jotunheim scream for your blood with our latest victory, Odin is certainly pleased with the feast of half your total forces for his ravens. It would be easy for the Jotun giants to press forward now, yet I am generous and of a mind to put rein to my Jarls' enthusiasm. Should you wish for peace at this juncture, I would suggest a gift to placate the Jotun Jarls, lest they refuse even my directive after smelling blood. A gift of 15 E gems should suffice to satisfy my unruly subjects. I believe this offer to be quite generous as things stand now, and that you should find it more then reasonable considering your likely losses and possible demise should this war continue. I can arrange a NAP 3 for you should you accept the above, or perhaps even a NAP 5 should you prefer if you gift us a famous forge hammer of Ulm in replacement of 15E, or 15E + 250 gold. Of course, as my Jarls can certainly understand, logic does not always come first and the desire for vengeance may overcome one's sense of self-preservation, I find I should warn you that while the giants can be a fearsome foe, the force you see is but a tip of the iceberg, something worst approaches. -Freyr, God of Jotuns Agreements: Jotun - Bandar Log : NAP3 Jotun - Vanheim : NAP3 |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
I don't see monkeys yet and have no wish for war at this stage. Instead, If Ermor is down for Nap3 we would offer our hand in future endeavors and business.
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
I consider your offer wise and forseeing and in synch with my intentions, so I - in the name of the abysians - accept it. Ozzy, the lord of past memories and the Smouldercone |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Dear Pans!
As my memory is not subject to fading since my brains rotted away, I'm quite sure we agreed on our borders to be between th endless wastes and the red coast. However i cant fail to notice that some of your chicks couldnt resist the call of the beach and set camp on red coast. I wonder if this breach of agreement is intentional or the result of miscommunication in your armies and you call them back immediately. The prince of death Quote:
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
We accept Machaka's wise proposal.
Funnily enough we have somehow missed a peace proposal from the monkey filth. An unintended mistake, milking money and drinking it off makes our Thaumaturgs rather sloppy, such things are easy to overlook. But do not worry, we shall have your troops on skewers in a minute. To lords of Vanheim: We offer NAP 3, no need to rush anything, right? |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
As you know,we are not good at english,and we misunderstood your word "borders to be between the endless wastes and the red coast" to that the endless wastes and the red coast(which was an indy province) are belong to us as the borders. We will go back to our woods from the redcoast this turn. Best wishes! Pangaea mscfish |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To Yonz
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
The Forrest spirits applaud your choice, the sand there is just golden! We only wish you'd have left us some path to the rest of Mans provinces, how could we ever add them to our empire like that? Shall we trot the sea, instead of the land? Sad kitty :( |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
There is also some oddness: Man has perhaps one province left quite far away from you; you are unfortunately somewhat late in that regard. 'Tis the reason you faced so little opposition, we *ate* the northern (rather warlike) unicorns. *cuteface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Machaka, care of Mulungu: The ocean mists have reported a pleasant interaction with spider pheromones near your newly western border! In the spirit of continued spider reproduction, we offer you a preemptive NAP-3. However... *watery glisten* We are aware that you do not like to negotiate for independent provinces. Yet. The coastline and sea in the above area is ours, and a condition of our NAP--take it, and waves will engulf you. Unpleasantly. And instantly. Some mindslaves believe such an ultimatum is harsh and unnecessary, after all, we do have very delicious tea. But we must be certain-- the ports are for the land dwelling, but the beaches... those beaches... are ours. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To Vanhiem,
Regarding the Ermorian "empire," It would probably be best for you to simply take by force those provinces that you want since I currently have his capital besieged and I'm sure most of his forces are/will be occupied trying to deal with that situation. This is especially true if you already have NAPs with all of your other neighbors since you may want a good, convenient direction to expand in. @ Machacka By the time you "see" monkeys, the war will be over :) - Bater, Markata Activist, Prophet of Wu Kong |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
On NAPs:
It occurs to us that we should likely emphasize our above condition more stringently, lest there be misunderstanding-- Taking a claimed province (unless disputed, and negotiated upon, at time of claiming) shall be considered an act of war. Not simply a cancellation of peace. As in world diplomacy, silence responding to a statement is acceptance. Currently, The Cold Waves do not wish for much; a stretch of beach, the western waters. But taking them will result in a directed expanse of pain and tears. Perhaps whispers. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Dear women-herders of the woods!
I do appreciate your cooperation and your quick answer. wishing u luck and turmoil, the prince Quote:
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
- Mulungu |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
This was the condition, and if it is acceptable, we have an agreement. *swish* *slosh* *swish* |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To Vanheim:
That is out of the question since most of the land there is already under our control. You can take a detour all the way until 146, but if you decide to heed the advice of the monkeys, you might run into a nasty surprise. To Machaka: 153 is free to take. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Dear muse,
I understand the whole waiting-until-the-last-minute thing, I do it myself when the game gets complex and it is surely your right. However, this is still pretty early in the game...so when you're the last to send in your turn, can you please wait like five minutes and play the next turn as well? It shouldn't take very long and I think we'll see a quick turnaround...I'll do my best to follow this advice as well. :) thanks, Grijalva |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
As example, for me, part of this turn will be dependent on Lihaässä's answer: Do I gear up for spider slaying? Do I forge pitchers for rooibos tea on the beaches? Completing my turn before finding that out would be problematic. I check the game status often and plan my schedule accordingly (trying not to delay long if everyone has a quick clip); as it stands now, doing my turn immediately would only cut approximately two hours off the turnover. That said! I will attempt to complete my turn a few hours earlier, if not immediately. Hopefully this is acceptable. *huggles Grijalva* |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Fair enough, I hadn't considered that you may have been waiting on diplo, certainly enough reason to wait. :) |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
No Arnob |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
I'm also willing to change some E/F/N gems to astral ones, if you're into that? Otherwise I see no reason not to NAP with folks under the sea. - Mulungu To Yonz, Thanks - I'll take that province soon. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Dear Num,
we still haven't heard from you. Do you accept our NAP 3? Also, to neighbours of Bandar Log: In case you have ulterior motives and have missed the obvious (most stick-wielding monkeys are currently scouring our plantations for sweet, sweet bananas) - now is a good chance to snatch some of those tasty-looking provinces. Cheers! |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
As for trade... that is an interesting proposition, and one we like! Usually people wish to purchase our tea, or nori, rarely these pearls. Mayhaps earth gems for our bonsai pots, at a reasonable ratio of 1.5:1 Astral-to-Earth? (Completely negotiable.) Think on it, it may be a turn or two before The Humming Fog shall commit to a trade. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
I assume when you say 1.5:1 astral to earth, you meant it the other around? Or are you actually offering 1.5 astral gems per earth gems?
On the other hand, the jotuns declare it's intention to trade our N/D for Earth gems at 1:1, or our S for Earth gems at 3:4. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
However! With your help has come a stinging backhand it seems-- undercutting us on Astral prices?! *stifled chortle* Your 1.333 carries with it the hidden fee of your trading partner's blood. Beware the Giants' need of Earth gems! *mumbles something about 'firebrands everywhere'* |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
A great tragedy has taken place this past month!
Whilst waiting for the enemy's great army to attack Far Amar (88), the mighty monkey armies and our human allies (including some barbarian "advisers") decided to pillage this once-rich province of 21,000+ farmers. The large monkey-armies soon lost control, went bananas in fact, and slaughtered 11,000+ people while managing to collect some 500+ gold. 500 gold? That's the real tragedy, hardly makes the great "Massacre of Far Amar worth while. I'm never ordering my armies to pillage again. :) The battle, at least, went very well. :) Bater, Markata-Tom-Hanks, Prophet of Wu Kong |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
We had managed to secure this year's produce, believing it would be for the best, but, alas, failed to consider the option of food-deprived monkeys going berserk. Such a horrendous tragedy.
Oh well, with all the food we have at least we can feast for months to come. Oh joy! |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Is llamaserver down or smth? It says it's already processed and dispatched turn no. 18, but I didn't get it even after two resend requests. Should I just keep trying?
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
first stale! man! I thought I had sent that turn in :(
Whats strange is that I didn't receive the new turn either....oh well, resend it is. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
EDIT - I asked for resend and got the turn right away. NO need for delay on my behalf
I didn't get turn 18 to my mail-box. I cannot play my turn now obviously, and the next time I can play the turn is tomorrow afternoon. For these reasons I ask for a delay on hosting until tomorrow 16.00 GMT or until the problem with Llamaserver is fixed and the turn 18 resent. |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
i didnt receive turn 18 either. is there anyone who did?
i postponed by 24 hrs to have more time to solve this. any ideas? |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
http://www.llamaserver.net/doAdminAc...&action=resend Arnob |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
The same for me. But it works when I asked for the server to resend the new turn.
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
i tried to resend and it worked.
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